Releases: virtualcell/vcell
Releases · virtualcell/vcell
New Features, improvements and bug fixes
- Database tree improvements, properties panel improvements
- BioModel Info Panel looks and feels consistent with the Database Info Panel, redesigned both
- Refactoring catalyst behaviour and automatic drawing
- Added qualifiers support for annotations, annotations sorted, properties bugs fixing (hasPart)
- New default behaviour of reaction (RX connection) tool for multiple compartments
Bug fixes
- UI improvements: more helpful hints, warnings and error messages (in object properties and annotations panels)
- General bug fixing - null pointer exceptions, eliminated obsolete features (BIOPAX obj for annotations).
- Redocking the reaction diagram to last known window manager.
- Exporting events fixes (missing attributes), event panel UI
- Focus management fixes (lost focus), Assignment Rule fixes (duplicates)
- SBML fixes for older model (numeric meta ID), units support (kind) and Copasi compatibility
- SED-ML maintenance (Kisao terms added, solver description initialized properly at import)
Detection and warning when a brick has more than one version. Each brick must have exactly one version.
pre-beta release following initial math testing framework run
pre-release (to beta site) of vcell. Following a complete pass at math testing framework. corrected expression binding for fast systems.