Releases: virtualcell/vcell
Releases · virtualcell/vcell
Generalized Stochastic
nonspatial stochastic simulation (Gillespie/Gibson solver) now supports general kinetic laws.
- As before, reaction kinetics recognized as Mass Action are simulated using elementary forward and reverse stochastic processes.
- Now, non-mass action kinetics (e.g. enzyme kinetics) can be simulated stochastically where the propensity is derived from the effective net reaction rate.
- Each reaction is still decomposed into forward and reverse stochastic processes,
- but the forward rate propensity is driven by the net reaction rate (when its sign is positive),
- and the reverse rate propensity is driven by the net reaction rate (when its sign is negative)
- this approach results in reasonable mean trajectories, but may not capture rare events accurately and the noise characteristics of the underlying elementary processes (normally described by mass action kinetics) are not well represented.
Improve N5 Experience
Allow users to export post-processing variables in the N5 file format if that is the only type of variable available, and include dimensional size metadata when exporting N5 files.
Test If --containall Fixes Execution Problems
For some reason certain solvers are failing to execute and this flag may help.
fixed deprecated github actions
Merge pull request #1351 from virtualcell/fix-depricated-github-actions Fix depricated GitHub actions
CLI Container for VCell 7.6 (Pre-release 3) Merge branch 'master' into UdatingCICDForCLI
CLI Container for VCell 7.6 (Pre-release 2)
Fixes bugs with 7.6 containers
Simulation Control Tests Implemented Explicit Description of Simulation Dispatcher Tests
CLI Container for VCell 7.6 (Pre-Release)
This will test the current state of VCell on BioSimulators microservice.
add publication deletion to web app and improve usability formatting and error feedback for adding BioModels to publications
smaller vcell-solvers base image to fix build problem use smaller solver base image vcell-solvers:v0.8.1.3