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File metadata and controls

159 lines (145 loc) · 9.43 KB


#Remote Login (client-server) Client-Side
-----cbit.vcell.server.VCellConnection (Connection to outside for all of VCell)
------org.vcell.api.messaging.LocalVCellConnectionMessaging (Presents restful VCellApiClient services)
-------org.vcell.api.messaging.RemoteProxyVCellConnectionFactory.RemoteProxyRpcSender (manages VCellApiClient)
--------org.vcell.api.client.VCellApiClient (.authenticate(...), and all VCell client calls (with AccessTokenRepresentation) leave host from here)
Server-side vcell-api container (entrypoint, Starts http restlet server) (Registers handlers with the restlet server) (login authentication, return AccessTokenRepresentation)

#Populate Client Database metadata Client-Side
-----org.vcell.api.client.VCellApiClient.sendRpcMessage(...) (blocking call, waits for http response) Server-Side
vcell-api container (blocking call) (sends request to AMQint) (blocking call, waits for message response on temporary queue)
activemqint container
-------recieves rpc request 'dbReq' queue
-------notifies vcell-db container that a rpc request is ready (traditional point to point message queue rather than publish/subscribe)
vcell-db container
----------cbit.vcell.modeldb.DatabaseServerImpl.getVCInfoContainer() (sends data response to AMQint on temp queue)
activemqint container
-----------receives rpcresponse
-----------notifies vcell-api (point to point queue)
vcell-api container
-----org.vcell.api.client.VCellApiClient.sendRpcMessage(...) (return from blicking call started above)

#Server solver send status to Server database SOLVER executables, c++ code
each solver calls vcell-solver/VCellMessaging/src/SimulationMessaging.cpp.start(...) once at startup (sets AMQ host and port)
all solvers call vcell-solver/VCellMessaging/src/SimulationMessaging.cpp.setWorkerEvent(...) to put messages in queue
-SimulationMessaging.sendStatus(...) (polling thread to get status from queue, sends http POST using curl to AMQsim)
activemqsim container (runs ActiveMQ)
-recieves sim status messages on 'workerEvent queue'
--notifies sched container that a workerEvent is ready (traditional point to point message queue rather than publish/subscribe)
sched container (AMQsim java, contains entire database driver code, does not use vcell-db container)
-----AdminDBToplevel.updateSimulationJobStatus(...) (updates Oracle real database host, NOT vcell-db container)
----StatusMessage.sendToClient(...) (sends to AMQint container clientStatus topic)
activemqint container
-recieves sim status message on the 'clientStatus' topic
--notifies all vcell-api container subscribers
VCell-Api container
-RestEventService.newEventMessage(...) (add to local cache called 'events' simulationJobStatus,ExportEvent,DataJobEvent)

#Client asks for server side events includes (Solver status,Export, DataJob) Client-side
-AsynchMessageManager.poll() (feeds a single AnychMessageManager, client code add listeners to get events)
----org.vcell.api.messaging.RemoteProxyVCellConnectionFactory.RemoteProxyRpcSender (manages VCellApiClient)
-----org.vcell.api.client.VCellApiClient.getEvents() (uses https://host:port/events?beginTimestamp=xxx)
vcell-api container -EventsRestlet.handle(...) (handles any uri of type '/events', defined in VCellApiApplication)
--RestEventService.query(userid,lastTimestamp) (return json encoded events/timestamp since last timestamp)

#Client to Server starting a simulation Client-side
-Green button -> SimulationListPanel.runSimulations(...)
vcell-api container (blocking call) (sends request to AMQint) (blocking call, waits for message response on temporary queue)
activemqint container
-------recieves rpc request 'simReq' queue
-------notifies vcell-sched container that a rpc request is ready (traditional point to point message queue rather than publish/subscribe)
vcell-sched container
-------------SimulationDatabseDirect.insertSimulationJobStatus(...) (save SimJobStatus to DB with status 'waiting'
-------------StatusMessage.sendToClient(...) (send message to AMQint topic:clientStatus, then returns to client)
=====Now Sim request waits to be processed in different separate thread according to scheduler=====
vcell-sched container (run continuously, polls db)
--BatchScheduler.schedule(...) (return list of jobs that should be done after deciding)
--SimulationDispatcherEngine.onDispatch(...) {done for each job to be run, get simulation from db)
---SimulationStateMachine.onDispatch(...) (create simulation task)
----SimulationDatabseDirect.updateSimulationJobStatus(...) (SimJobStatus to DB with status 'dispatched')
----SimulationTaskMessage.sendSimulationTask(...) (send message to AMQint queue 'simJob')
----StatusMessage.sendToClient(...) (send message AMQint topic:clientStatus, return from processing)
=====Now scheduled sim task is waiting in queue to be read by vcell-submit
vcell-submit container/service
-HtcSimulationWorker.initQueueConsumer().QueueListener.onQueueMessage(...) (receives sim task message)
--HtcSimulationWorker.submit2PBS(...) (writes simtask.xml to the user directory)
---SlurmProxy.submitJb(...) (generates .slurm.sub script, writes to htclogs dir (/htclogs inside container) (/share/apps/vcell/htclogs outside container))
----SlurmProxy.submitJobFile(...) (ssh vcell-service (because this is a slurm submit node), executes sbatch xxx.slurm.sub, parses stdout from sbatch to get slurm jobid)
-----WorkerEventMessage.sendAccepted(...) (sends message to AMQsim queue 'workerEvent' type jobAccepted)
=====Now submitted sim task waits to be processed by SLURM
-SLURM read xxx.slurm.sub, parses #SBATCH directives, chooses a hpc node and executes bash script xxx.slurm.sub

-Solvers running on hpc hosts inside singularity images named as
-solvers write data to /share/apps/vcell3/users mapped to /simdata
-Uses "Server solver send status to Server database" as described above

#Client get simulation Data Client-side
-----VCellApiClient.sendRpcMessage(...) (blocking call, waits for http response)
vcell-api container (blocking call) (sends request to AMQint) (blocking call, waits for message response on temporary queue)
activemqint container
-------recieves rpc request 'dataReq' queue
-------notifies vcell-data container that a rpc request is ready (traditional point to point message queue rather than publish/subscribe)
vcell-data container
---------cbit.vcell.message.VCRpcRequest.rpc(...) (sends data response to AMQint on temp queue)
activemqint container
-----------receives rpcresponse
-----------notifies vcell-api (point to point queue)
vcell-api container
-----org.vcell.api.client.VCellApiClient.sendRpcMessage(...) (return from blocking call started above)

#Client get Bio/Math Model client-side