diff --git a/Stochastic/Tests/statstest.cpp b/Stochastic/Tests/statstest.cpp
index 94de1ccc..73c40ab2 100644
--- a/Stochastic/Tests/statstest.cpp
+++ b/Stochastic/Tests/statstest.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
+#include "VCELL/SimulationMessaging.h"
 const char* input_file_contents = R"INPUT_FILE(
@@ -98,70 +100,68 @@ const std::map<int, double> expected_S0 = {
 TEST(statstest,test1) {
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 0" << std::endl;
-    char *temp_input_file_name = new char[1000] {0};
-    char *temp_output_file_name = new char[1000] {0};
-    std::string in_prefix = testing::TempDir() + "input_XXXXXX";
-    std::string out_prefix = testing::TempDir() + "output_XXXXXX";
-    strncpy(temp_input_file_name, in_prefix.c_str(), in_prefix.length());
-    strncpy(temp_output_file_name, out_prefix.c_str(), out_prefix.length());
+	//std::string inputFileName = std::tmpnam(nullptr);
+	std::string inputFileName {R"(C:\CustomTemp\testme_vcell.txt)"};
+	std::string outputFileName = std::tmpnam(nullptr);
+	std::map<int,double> results;
+	std::fstream inputFileStream{inputFileName};
+	ASSERT_TRUE(inputFileStream.fail());
+	std::cout << std::system_category().message(::GetLastError()) << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "Supposed file: " << inputFileName << std::endl;
+	return;
+	std::fstream outputFileStream{outputFileName};
+	ASSERT_FALSE(outputFileStream.fail());
+	// Setup the Gibson Solver input file
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 1" << std::endl;
-    assert(mkstemp(temp_input_file_name) != -1);
-    assert(mkstemp(temp_output_file_name) != -1);
-    std::ofstream input_file (temp_input_file_name);
-    bool bWroteFile = false;
-    if (input_file.is_open()){
-        input_file << input_file_contents;
-        input_file.close();
-        bWroteFile = true;
-    }
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bWroteFile);
+	std::cout << " >> " << "Input: <" << inputFileName << ">;"<< std::endl;
+	std::cout << " >> " << "Output: <" << outputFileName << ">;"<< std::endl;
+	if (outputFileStream.is_open()) outputFileStream.close();
+	inputFileStream << input_file_contents;
+	inputFileStream.close();
+	return;
+	// Create the Gibson Solver
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 2" << std::endl;
-    Gibson *gb= new Gibson(temp_input_file_name, temp_output_file_name);
+    auto *gb = new Gibson(inputFileName.c_str(), outputFileName.c_str());
+	// Launch the test
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 3" << std::endl;
+	// Verify file contents
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 4" << std::endl;
-    // verify file contents
-    std::ifstream outfile(temp_output_file_name);
-    string line;
-    getline(outfile, line); // remove header line
-//    std::cout << line << std::endl;
-//    std::cout.flush();
+    outputFileStream.open(outputFileName);
+    std::string line;
+    std::getline(outputFileStream, line); // remove header line
+	for (int i = 0; !outputFileStream.eof(); i++) {
+		std::getline(outputFileStream, line);
+		// if index found in expected_S0 map, store in results map
+		if (expected_S0.find(i) != expected_S0.end()){
+			float t, s0, s1, s2;
+			// extract space separated values for t, s0, s1 and s2 from line
+			std::stringstream line_stream(line);
+			line_stream >> t >> s0 >> s1 >> s2;
+			results[i] = s0;
+		}
+	}
+	outputFileStream.close();
+	// compare the expected and actual values
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 5" << std::endl;
-    std::map<int,double> results;
-    int i = 0;
-    while (getline(outfile, line)){
-        // if index found in expected_S0 map, store in results map
-        if (expected_S0.find(i) != expected_S0.end()){
-            float t, s0, s1, s2;
-            // extract space separated values for t, s0, s1 and s2 from line
-            std::stringstream line_stream(line);
-            line_stream >> t >> s0 >> s1 >> s2;
-            results[i] = s0;
-//            std::cout << line << std::endl;
-//            std::cout.flush();
-        }
-        i++;
-    }
-	std::cout << "Checkpoint 6" << std::endl;
-    // compare the expected and actual values
-    double accum_error = 0.0;
-    double max_error = 0.0;
+    double accumulatedError = 0.0, maxIndividualError = 0.0;
     for (auto const& expected : expected_S0){
-        double s0_given = expected.second;
-        double s0_computed = results[expected.first];
-        double abserr = std::abs(s0_given - s0_computed);
-//        std::cout << "t=" << expected.first << " expected=" << s0_given << " computed=" << s0_computed << " abserr=" << abserr << std::endl;
-        accum_error += abserr;
-        max_error = std::max(max_error, abserr);
+        double absoluteError = std::abs(expected.second - results[expected.first]);
+        // std::cout << "t=" << expected.first << " expected=" << expected.second << " computed=" << results[expected.first] << " abserr=" << abserr << std::endl;
+        accumulatedError += absoluteError;
+        maxIndividualError = std::max(maxIndividualError, absoluteError);
-    assert(accum_error < 0.015);
-    assert(max_error < 0.005);
+    assert(accumulatedError < 0.015);
+    assert(maxIndividualError < 0.005);
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 7" << std::endl;
     delete gb;
-    delete[] temp_input_file_name;
-    delete[] temp_output_file_name;
+    if (inputFileStream.is_open()) inputFileStream.close();
+	if (outputFileStream.is_open()) outputFileStream.close();
 	std::cout << "Checkpoint 8" << std::endl;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Stochastic/VCellStoch/src/Gibson.cpp b/Stochastic/VCellStoch/src/Gibson.cpp
index 9f50aa25..4a677209 100644
--- a/Stochastic/VCellStoch/src/Gibson.cpp
+++ b/Stochastic/VCellStoch/src/Gibson.cpp
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <vector>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
 #include <random>
 using namespace std;
-#include <time.h>
+#include <ctime>
 #include "../include/IndexedTree.h"
@@ -26,14 +26,12 @@ using namespace std;
 const double double_infinity = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
 const double EPSILON = 1E-12;
 const string Gibson::MY_T_STR = "t";
  *Empty constructor of Gibson. It will use the defalt settings in StochModel.
-	:StochModel(),
-	savedSampleCount(1),
-	lastTime (std::numeric_limits<long>::min( ))
+	: savedSampleCount(1), lastTime (std::numeric_limits<long>::min()) {
     generator = new std::mt19937_64();
@@ -47,16 +45,13 @@ Gibson::Gibson()
  *            string, the output file(name), where the results are saved.
 Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
-	:StochModel(),
-	savedSampleCount(1),
-	lastTime (std::numeric_limits<long>::min( ))
-	Tree=NULL;
-	currvals=NULL;
-    generator = new std::mt19937_64();
-    distribution = new std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(0.0,1.0);
-	outfilename=arg_outfilename;
+	: savedSampleCount(1), lastTime (std::numeric_limits<long>::min( )) {
+	// TODO: Call basic constructor rather than duplicate lines
+	this->Tree = NULL;
+	this->currvals = NULL;
+    this->generator = new std::mt19937_64();
+    this->distribution = new std::uniform_real_distribution<>(0.0,1.0);
+	this->outfilename = arg_outfilename;
 	ifstream infile;
 	string instring;
@@ -69,56 +64,33 @@ Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
 	while(infile >> instring)
 		//load control info.
-		if (instring == "STARTING_TIME")
-		{
+		if (instring == "STARTING_TIME"){
 			infile >> STARTING_TIME;
-		}
-        else if (instring == "BMULTIBUTNOTHISTO")
-        {
+		} else if (instring == "BMULTIBUTNOTHISTO"){
             infile >> bMultiButNotHisto;
-        }
-		else if (instring == "ENDING_TIME")
-		{
+        } else if (instring == "ENDING_TIME"){
 			infile >> ENDING_TIME;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "SAVE_PERIOD")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "SAVE_PERIOD"){
 			infile >> SAVE_PERIOD;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "MAX_ITERATION")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "MAX_ITERATION"){
 			infile >> MAX_ITERATION;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "TOLERANCE")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "TOLERANCE"){
 			infile >> TOLERANCE;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "SAMPLE_INTERVAL")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "SAMPLE_INTERVAL"){
 			infile >> SAMPLE_INTERVAL;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "MAX_SAVE_POINTS")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "MAX_SAVE_POINTS"){
 			infile >> MAX_SAVE_POINTS;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "NUM_TRIAL")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "NUM_TRIAL"){
 			infile >> NUM_TRIAL;
-		}
-		else if (instring == "SEED")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "SEED"){
 			infile >> SEED;
-		}
-		//load listofvars
-		else if (instring == "TotalVars")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "TotalVars"){ //load listofvars
 			int varCount;
 			infile >> varCount;
 			string name;
 			double amount;
-			for(int i=0;i<varCount;i++)
-			{
+			for(int i=0;i<varCount;i++){
 				infile >> name;
 				infile >> amount;
@@ -126,10 +98,7 @@ Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
 				StochVar *var=new StochVar((uint64_t)amount);
-		}
-		//load listOfProcesses
-		else if (instring == "TotalProcesses")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "TotalProcesses"){ //load listOfProcesses
 			int pCount;
 			infile >> pCount;
 			string name;
@@ -140,15 +109,11 @@ Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
 				Jump *jp=new Jump();
-		}
-		//load process description to set up processes
-		else if (instring == "TotalDescriptions")
-		{
+		} else if (instring == "TotalDescriptions") { //load process description to set up processes
 			int dCount,idx;
 			infile >> dCount;
 			string name,str;
-			for(int i=0;i<dCount;i++)//loop through each process description
-			{
+			for(int i=0;i<dCount;i++){ //loop through each process description
 				infile >> name >> name;// "process name"
 				//find the process in listOfProcesses using it's name
@@ -201,10 +166,9 @@ Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
     //setup IndexedTree
-	Tree=new IndexedTree();
-	for(int i=0;i<listOfProcesses.size();i++)
-	{
-		Tree->addProcess(listOfProcesses[i]);
+	Tree = new IndexedTree();
+	for(auto & listOfProcesse : listOfProcesses){
+		Tree->addProcess(listOfProcesse);
@@ -214,7 +178,6 @@ Gibson::Gibson(const char* arg_infilename, const char* arg_outfilename)
 		VCELL_EXCEPTION(invalid_argument,"Stochastic initialization: Server save points " << MAX_SAVE_POINTS << " exceeds limit of " << MAX_ALLOWED_POINTS);
 	if(NUM_TRIAL > 1 && !bMultiButNotHisto){
 		//this must be a gibson 'histogram' sim,
 		//java gui not allow setting of MAX_SAVE_POINTS and default is too low
@@ -270,12 +233,12 @@ Gibson::~Gibson()
 	//delete indexedTree
 	delete Tree;
 	//delete variables
-	for(int i=0;i<listOfVars.size();i++)
-		delete listOfVars[i];
+	for(auto & listOfVar : listOfVars)
+		delete listOfVar;
 	//delete proccesses
-	for(int i=0;i<listOfProcesses.size();i++)
-		delete listOfProcesses[i];
+	for(auto & listOfProcesse : listOfProcesses)
+		delete listOfProcesse;
 	//delete vectors