DeText uses TFRecords format for training data. In general, the input data should have:
- One field for "query" with name
- One field for "wide features" with name
- Multiple fields for "document fields" with name
doc_<field name>
- One field for "labels" with name
- [optional] Mutiple fields for "user fields" with name
usr_<field name>
- [optional] One field for "sparse wide features indices" with name
and one field for "sparse wide features values" with namewide_ftrs_sp_val
We show an example of the prepared training data and explain the data format and shapes.
(string list containing only 1 string)- For each training sample, there should be 1 query field.
- eg. ["how do you del ##ete messages"]
(float list)- There could be multiple dense wide features for each document. Therefore the dense wide features are a 2-D array
with shape [#documents, #dense wide features per document]. Since TFRecords support 1-D FloatList, we flatten the
dense wide features in the preparation and transform to grouped features in
by reshaping. Therefore the float list of wide_ftrs in the training data has#documents * #dense wide features per document = 4 * 3 = 12
entries. The dense wide features belong to each document sequentially. I.e., the first 3 wide features belong to the first document, the second 3 wide features belong to the second document, etc.. - [0.305 0.264 0.180 0.192 0.136 0.027 0.273 0.273 0.377 0.233 0.264 0.227]
- There could be multiple dense wide features for each document. Therefore the dense wide features are a 2-D array
with shape [#documents, #dense wide features per document]. Since TFRecords support 1-D FloatList, we flatten the
dense wide features in the preparation and transform to grouped features in
(int list)- There could be multiple sparse wide features for each document. Therefore the sparse wide features indices are a
2-D array with shape [#documents, #max num of sparse wide features among documents]. Since TFRecords support 1-D
IntList, we flatten the sparse wide features indices in the preparation and transform to grouped features in
by reshaping. Therefore the int list of wide_ftrs_sp_idx in the training data has#sum_i(num documents in list i * #max sparse wide features in list i)
entries. Within the same list, if the number of sparse feature of document m is smaller than max number of sparse wide features in the list, the sparse feature indices must be padded with 0. An example below shows the wide_ftrs_sp_idx for a list where the maximum number of sparse wide features is 2 and the list has 4 documents. The sparse wide features belong to each document sequentially. I.e., the first 2 wide features belong to the first document, the second 2 wide features belong to the second document, etc.. Note that 0 should NEVER be used for wide_ftrs_sp_idx except for padding. - [3 2 5000 20 1 0 8 0]
- There could be multiple sparse wide features for each document. Therefore the sparse wide features indices are a
2-D array with shape [#documents, #max num of sparse wide features among documents]. Since TFRecords support 1-D
IntList, we flatten the sparse wide features indices in the preparation and transform to grouped features in
(float list)- Sparse wide feature values are in the same shape and must be correspondent to as sparse wide feature indices. I.e., if the sparse feature indices of list i is [1, 5, 2], then the sparse feature values [-5.0, 12.0, 11.0] means that the sparse wide features for this list is [-5.0, 11.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12.0]. If this field is missing, values corresponding to sparse wide feature indices will be set to 1 by default. Values corresponding to padding values of sparse wide feature indices must be set to 0.
- [3 2 5000 20 1 0 8 0]
(float list)- The labels corresponding to each document. In our example, 0 for documents without any click and 1 for documents with clicks.
- [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
(string list)- Document text fields. The shape should be the same as label. There could be multiple doc_fields in the data. For example, we could also include a doc_description as a feature. If multiple doc_fields are present, the interaction features will be computed for each query-doc pair.
- ["creating a linked ##in group", "edit your profile"...]
The following example (from shows how you could train a DeText CNN model for a search ranking task.
The train/dev/test datasets are prepared in the format mentioned in the previous section. More specifically, the following fields are used:
The DeText model will extract deep features using the CNN module from both query
and doc_titles
. After the text representation, cosine similarity interaction feature between the two fields is computed. The interaction score is then concatenated with the wide_ftrs
. A dense hidden layer is added before computing the final LTR score.
The following script is used for running the DeText training.
python \
--ftr_ext=cnn \ # deep module is CNN
--feature_names=query,label,wide_ftrs,doc_title \ # list all the feature names in the data
--learning_rate=0.001 \
--ltr=softmax \ # type of ltr loss
--max_len=32 \ # sentence max length
--min_len=3 \ # sentence min length
--num_fields=1 \ # the number of document fields (starting with 'doc_') used
--filter_window_sizes=2,3 \ # CNN filter sizes. Could be a list of different sizes.
--num_filters=50 \ # number of filters in CNN
--num_hidden=100 \ # size of hidden layer after the interaction layer
--num_train_steps=10 \
--num_units=32 \ # word embedding size
--num_wide=10 \ # number of wide features per document
--optimizer=bert_adam \
--pmetric=ndcg@10 \ primary metric. This is used for evaluation during training. Best models are kept according to this metric.
--random_seed=11 \
--steps_per_stats=1 \
--steps_per_eval=2 \
--test_batch_size=2 \
--train_batch_size=2 \
--use_wide=True \ # whether to use wide_ftrs
--use_deep=True \ # whether to use the text features
--dev_file=hc_examples.tfrecord \
--test_file=hc_examples.tfrecord \
--train_file=hc_examples.tfrecord \
--vocab_file=vocab.txt \
--out_dir=detext-output/hc_cnn_f50_u32_h100 \
The primary parameters are included with comments. Please also find the complete list of training parameters in the next section.
A complete list of training parameters that DeText provides is given below. Users can refer to this table for full customization when designing DeText models.
Parameter Name | Type | Choices | Default | Help | |
Network | ftr_ext | str | cnn, bert, lstm, lstm_lm | NLP feature extraction module. | |
num_units | int | 128 | word embedding size. | ||
num_units_for_id_ftr | int | 128 | id feature embedding size. | ||
num_hidden | str | 0 | hidden size. This could be a number or a list of comma separated numbers for multiple hidden layers. | ||
num_wide | int | 0 | number of wide features per doc. | ||
ltr_loss_fn | str | pairwise | learning-to-rank method. | ||
use_deep | str2bool | TRUE | Whether to use deep features. | ||
elem_rescale | str2bool | TRUE | Whether to perform elementwise rescaling. | ||
emb_sim_func | str | inner | The approach to compute query/doc similarity scores: inner/hadamard/concat or any combination of them separater by comma. | ||
num_classes | int | 1 | Number of classes for multi-class classification tasks. This should be set to the number of classes in the multiclass classification task. | ||
Sparse feature related | num_wide_sp | int | None | maximum number of sparse wide features | |
sp_emb_size | int | 1 | embedding size of sparse wide features | ||
CNN related | filter_window_sizes | str | "1,2,3" | CNN filter window sizes. | |
num_filters | int | 100 | number of CNN filters. | ||
explicit_empty | str2bool | FALSE | Explicitly modeling empty string in cnn | ||
BERT related | lr_bert | float | None | Learning rate factor for bert components | |
bert_config_file | str | None | bert config. | ||
bert_checkpoint | str | None | pretrained bert model checkpoint. | ||
LSTM related | unit_type | str | lstm | lstm | RNN cell unit type. Currently only supports lstm |
num_layers | int | 1 | RNN layers | ||
num_residual_layers | int | 0 | Number of residual layers from top to bottom. For example, if num_layers=4 and num_residual_layers=2 , the last 2 RNN cells in the returned list will be wrapped with ResidualWrapper . |
forget_bias | float | 1 | Forget bias of RNN cell | ||
rnn_dropout | float | 0 | Dropout of RNN cell | ||
bidirectional | str2bool | FALSE | Whether to use bidirectional RNN | ||
normalized_lm | str2bool | FALSE | Whether to use normalized lm. This option only works for lstm_lm | ||
Optimizer | optimizer | str | sgd, adam, bert_adam, bert_lamb | sgd | sgd, adam, adam with weight decay (similar to bert's optimizer implementation), lamb with weight decay (see paper Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes). |
max_gradient_norm | float | 5 | Clip gradients to this norm. | ||
learning_rate | float | 1 | Learning rate. Adam: 0.001 | ||
num_train_steps | int | 1 | Num steps to train. | ||
num_warmup_steps | int | 0 | Num steps for warmup. | ||
train_batch_size | int | 32 | Training data batch size. | ||
test_batch_size | int | 32 | Test data batch size. | ||
Data | train_file | str | None | Train file. | |
dev_file | str | stNone | Dev file. | ||
test_file | str | None | Test file. | ||
out_dir | str | None | Store log/model files. | ||
std_file | str | None | feature standardization file | ||
Vocab related | vocab_file | str | None | Vocab file | |
we_file | str | None | Pretrained word embedding file | ||
we_trainable | str2bool | TRUE | Whether to train word embedding | ||
PAD | str | [PAD] | Token for padding | ||
SEP | str | [SEP] | Token for sentence separation | ||
CLS | str | [CLS] | Token for start of sentence | ||
UNK | str | [UNK] | Token for unknown word | ||
MASK | str | [MASK] | Token for masked word | ||
vocab_file_for_id_ftr | str | None | Vocab file for id features | ||
we_file_for_id_ftr | str | None | Pretrained word embedding file for id features | ||
we_trainable_for_id_ftr | str2bool | TRUE | Whether to train word embedding for id features | ||
PAD_FOR_ID_FTR | str | [PAD] | Padding token for id features | ||
UNK_FOR_ID_FTR | str | [UNK] | Unknown word token for id features | ||
MISC | random_seed | int | 1234 | Random seed (>0, set a specific seed). | |
steps_per_stats | int | 100 | training steps to print statistics. | ||
steps_per_eval | int | 1000 | training steps to evaluate datasets. | ||
keep_checkpoint_max | int | >= 0 | 5 | The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to keep. If 0, all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 | |
max_len | int | 32 | max sent length. | ||
min_len | int | 3 | min sent length. | ||
feature_names | str | None | the feature names. | ||
lambda_metric | str | None | only support ndcg. | ||
init_weight | float | 0.1 | weight initialization value. | ||
pmetric | str | None | Primary metric. | ||
all_metrics | str | precision@1,ndcg@10 | All metrics. | ||
score_rescale | str | None | The mean and std of previous model. | ||
save_model_scoring_modes | str | mode_all_online_scoring | The decoding modes to generate savedmodel. Default is 'mode_all_online_scoring'. Supported modes are: 'mode_all_online_scoring', 'mode_query_embedding', 'mode_doc_embedding', 'mode_sim_wide_scoring'. | ||
tokenization | str | None | The tokenzation performed for data preprocessing. Currently support: punct/plain(no split). Note that this should be set correctly to ensure consistency for savedmodel. | ||
resume_training | str2bool | TRUE | Whether to resume training from checkpoint in out_dir. | ||
metadata_path | str | None | The metadata_path for converted avro2tf avro data. | ||
TFR related | tfr_metrics | str | None | tf-ranking metrics. | |
use_tfr_loss | str2bool | FALSE | whether to use tf-ranking loss. | ||
tfr_loss_fn | tfr.losses.RankingLossKey. SOFTMAX_LOSS, tfr.losses.RankingLossKey. PAIRWISE_LOGISTIC_LOSS |
tfr.losses.RankingLossKey. SOFTMAX_LOSS |
softmax_loss | ||
tfr_lambda_weights | str | None | tfr_lambda_weights parameter for tfr loss function. | ||
use_horovod | str2bool | FALSE | whether to use horovod for sync distributed training | ||
Multitask related | task_ids | str | None | All types of task IDs used for multitask training. E.g. 1,2,3 | |
task_weights | str | None | Weights for each task specified in task_ids. E.g. 0.5,0.3,0.2 |