Repository files consists of different ConvolutionalNeuralNets models used to train the system for recognizing expressions on the face dynamically.
DataSet is taken from Kaggle Challenges:
Its a new CNN model was created for training the system.The layers used are:
INPUT- >[CONV64+RELU]- >MAX-POOL- >[CONV128+RELU]- >MAX-POOL- >FC1+RELU- >FC2+RELU- >Softmax Regression- >classification
This file consists of CNN Layers API's from tensorflow library.Appropriate layers with required hyperparameters and parameters were defined. uses layers from this file.
Residual Blocks are used as basic building blocks for creating the CNN model.
Tflearn API's are used for building the layers and residual blocks.Appropriate hyperparameters and parameters were used.
We freeze the graph model we created so that it can be deployed in android in production.
Graph ,nodes and parameters(Weights and biases) are freezed and stored in a .pb file extenstion ( Protocol Buffer)