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201 lines (174 loc) · 5.63 KB
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C# cheatsheet contains useful code syntax with examples which is handy while coding.


Sample Program

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
	public class Program
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
  • Using Keyword : using keyword is used to include namespaces in the program.
  • Namespace declaration : Namespace is a container for classes and other namespaces. The HelloWorld namespace contains the class Program.
  • Public Class : class is a container for data and methods, you are declaring Program as a class with public visibility.
  • Main : Beginning of your program
  • Console.WriteLine : Console is a class of the System namespace and WriteLine() is a method in it which is used to print text to the console.
  • C# statements end with a semicolon ;
  • C# is Case-sensitive
  • // : Single line Comment
  • /* */ : Multi Line Comments

Data types

Data type Description Range Memory Size
byte used to store unsigned integer 0 to 255 1 byte
sbyte used to store signed integer -128 to 127 1 byte
short used to store signed integers -32,768 to 32,767 2 bytes
int used to store signed integers -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 4 bytes
long used to store signed integers -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 8 bytes
float used to store fractional numbers 6 to 7 decimal digits 4 bytes
double used to store fractional numbers 15 decimal digits 8 bytes
char used to store a single character enclosed in single quote one character 2 bytes
bool Boolean data type Stores either true or false 1 bit
String Stores a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes Sequence of Characters 2 bytes per character


datatype variableName = value;
int x = 10; // declaring int variable and assigning value 10 to it
char grade = 'A'; // declaring char variable and assigning value A to it


const datatype variable-name = value;

String functions

Function name Description
str.Length to return the length of string str
+ to concatenate two strings
string.Concat(str1,str2) to concatenate two strings str1 and str2
Copy(str1, str2) To copy string str2 into string str1.
Compare(str1, str2) returns 0 if str1 and str2 are the same and less than 0 if str1 < str2 and a positive number if str1 > str2
Join(str, String[]) concatenate all the elements of the given string array with the specified separator between each element.
Split(Char[]) splits a string into substrings based on the characters in an array
str.ToUpper() converts the string to upper case
str.ToLower() converts the string to lower case
ToString() to return instance of a string
Trim() removes all leading and trailing whitespaces from a given string
Clone() returns a reference to this instance of String

Conditional Statements

1. If


2. If-else

} else {

3. If-else-if ladder

} else if(conditional-expression-2) {
} else if(conditional-expression-3) {
else {

4. Switch

case value1:    
 break;  //optional  
case value2:    
 break;  //optional  
 //code to be executed when all the above cases are not matched;    


1. For

for(Initialization; Condition; Increment/decrement){  

2. While


3. Do-While

} while(condition); 


data-type[] array-name; //declaration
array-name = new data-type[size]{ array-elements }; //initialization


data-type[] array-name =  new data-type[size]{ array-elements }; //declaration and initialization


data-type[] array-name =  { array-elements }; //short syntax of array declaration and initialization


int[] num = {1,2,3,4,5};


<AccessSpecifier> <return-type> FunctionName(<parameters>)  // functin definition
function_name (parameters); // calling a function


struct structure_name {

   member definition;
   member definition;
   member definition;

structure_name variable name; //declaring structure variables


enum name{constant1, constant2, constant3, ....... } ;