Vexcess Academy cannot run on Windows and I don't know if it runs on Mac. It must be run on Linux. I run it on Ubuntu, however it probably works on any Debian fork and will run on most other Linux distros with minimal modification.
VExcess Academy requires Node JS v15.8.0 or higher to run. We can't just do
sudo apt-get install nodejs
because this will install Node JS v12 which is too outdated. Therefore, we must install Node Version Manager to install it for us. Run one of the following commands to install NVM
curl -o- | bash
# or
wget -qO- | bash
After that you must restart your terminal. Then run
nvm install --lts
to install the latest long term support version of Node.
First ensure your package repository is up to date by running
sudo apt update
You can then install either Oracle JDK or OpenJDK, but because I'm a open source enjoyer run the following
sudo apt-get install openjdk-21-jdk
Head over to and download the current master version of Zig for your system. Create a .zig
folder in your home directory and then extract the compressed archive you downloaded into the .zig
folder. Next you must add the binary to your path so open your bashrc file using
vim ~/.bashrc
If you don't have vim installed then you can install it using sudo apt install vim
or just use a different editor. Press i
on your keyboard to go into "insert" mode and add
export PATH="/home/$USER/.zig/pathToZigBinary:$PATH"
somewhere in the file. Press the Esc
key to go back into normal mode and then type :wq
and press the Enter
key to write the file and quit vim. Restart your terminal again. And now Zig is installed.
Go to and follow the installation instructions for your particular Linux distro. Since I'm using Ubuntu I am following the "Install on Ubuntu" instructions. If you don't want to have to manually start mongodb whenever you restart your computer then run
sudo systemctl enable mongod
to make your system automatically start MongoDB on startup. Otherwise run
sudo systemctl start mongod
to manually start mongodb. And run
sudo systemctl status mongod
to check if mongodb is running.
Although not strictly necessary it makes your life easier to have a GUI instead of doing everything from the command line interface. Just go to and download the version for your system. Again I'm using the Ubuntu version. For me it downloaded a .deb package and I can just double click it to install it.
Next create a database called vxsacademy
and create 4 collections in that database named programs
, salts
, discussions
, and users
. This is very easy from the MongoDB Compass app. If you happen to have data for each collection you can then click the "Import Data" button to easily import the data into the basebase from a JSON file.
If you are not running the database behind a firewall make sure to enable authentication. To do this first connect to the database using mongosh
mongosh mongodb://<host>:<port>
use admin
next create an admin account
user: "adminuser",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
disconnect from the database and then add the following to your /etc/mongod.conf
authorization: "enabled"
next restart the database using
sudo service mongod restart
finally create a user specific for vxsacademy
user: "vxsacademyuser",
roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "vxsacademy"}]
To install Git run
sudo apt install git-all
To clone the repo run the following:
git clone
To install all Node dependencies navigate into the project directory and run
npm install
To start all servers and dependency processes run
npm start
Install certbot and run
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d ",*"
Move privkey.pem
to server.key
and fullchain.pem
to server.cert