yarn global add @verida/cli-tools
Create a new account on the Verida Network.
You will need to specify a Polygon POS private key that has sufficient tokens to pay for the on-chain transaction to register the identity on the network.
yarn verida-cli CreateAccount --help
Get the DID, private key and public key for a known Verida Account. Accepts a private key or seed phrase.
yarn verida-cli GetAccountInfo -help
Get the DID Document for a Verida DID.
yarn verida-cli GetDIDDocument --help
Get the public profile of a Verida Account (if set).
yarn verida-cli GetProfile --help
Set the public profile data of a Verida Account.
yarn verida-cli SetProfile --help
Send a test inbox message to a DID.
yarn verida-cli SendInboxMessage --help