track emptiest cell
always install newer bleak. if need to pair, install old bleak
Batmon show pw in logs
batmon set soc
Impedance computation
Calibrated SoC
Pin bleak version
Pin bluez version
Try latest bleak version with victron smart shunt (on HA OS and macOS)
Current calibration factor
For large publish periods, publish mean values
MicroPython port ** https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/reference/packages.html
smooth current (10s)
only mqqt publish differences
SoC Energy compute?
parallel fetch
MQTT discovery cleanup (use new names)
dashboard integration preset? https://community.home-assistant.io/t/esphome-daly-bms-using-uart-guide/394429
add ant bms: https://diysolarforum.com/threads/for-those-of-you-looking-to-monitor-your-ant-bms-with-pi3-via-bluetooth.6726/
Victron Readouts fl4p#63
Merge Batteries together
- BMSSample POD class
- Rename MQTT messages
- cell voltages
- battery current, voltage, soc, capacity, charge
- bms mosfet state
- don't send discovery for nan-only data