diff --git a/platformio.ini b/platformio.ini index 34cb506..2464ead 100644 --- a/platformio.ini +++ b/platformio.ini @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ -; PlatformIO Project Configuration File -; -; Build options: build flags, source filter -; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags -; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages -; Advanced options: extra scripting -; -; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples -; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html +; PlatformIO Project Configuration File +; +; Build options: build flags, source filter +; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags +; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages +; Advanced options: extra scripting +; +; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples +; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [env:pico32] platform = espressif32 board = pico32 framework = arduino upload_speed = 1500000 +lib_deps = M5StickC@0.0.5