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File metadata and controls

59 lines (47 loc) · 1.52 KB


##Modified Symfony3 CRUD generator

Many thanks to Jordi Llonch for his CrudGeneratorBundle ( that I've could modify. This bundle has a nice backend view for your entities. You can filtering, paginating, ordering, soft-deleting your data.

###how to install:

via composer:

$ composer install "vaszev/crud-bundle":"~2.0"

in your AppKernel.php:

new Lexik\Bundle\FormFilterBundle\LexikFormFilterBundle(),
new Vaszev\CrudBundle\VaszevCrudBundle(),

###soft-delete Implementing the soft-delete interface, you have to extend your entity. The Base superclass will add the following fields to your entity: id, deleted, created, edited.

class Document extends Base {}

Now, you have to enable the filter in your config.yml file:

      class:   Vaszev\CrudBundle\Filter\NotDeletedFilter
      enabled: true

###backend header-footer Let's create the following files:

app\Resources\views\vaszevCrudMenu.html.twig (contains your custom styles and the backend menu too)

{% block stylesheets_sub %}{% endblock %}
{% block menu %}{% endblock %}

app\Resources\views\vaszevCrudFooter.html.twig (your personal/company informations goes here)


###final steps Don't forget to update your schema.

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

You're ready to go

$ php app/console vaszev:generate:crud