diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 461b708..52a7a18 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public class TaxiApplication {
1. [Worker ID](#worker-id)
1. [Workflow modules](#workflow-modules)
+2. [Logging](#logging)
1. [Spring boot profiles](#spring-boot-profiles)
1. [Migrating from one BPM system to another](#migrating-from-one-bpm-system-to-another)
1. [Noteworthy & Contributors](#noteworthy--contributors)
@@ -129,6 +130,28 @@ Therefore, on migrating workflows from one engine to another, the BPMN files hav
according to new engine used. Having this in mind one should also define a resources location specific to the current engine used,
even if there are no plans to migrate to any other engine yet (see sample above).
+## Logging
+All VanillaBP adapter implementations use `Slf4J` as a logging-framework wrapper. According to the current
+action (running a method annotated by `@WorkflowTask` or a method of `ProcessService` called) MDCs are setting
+using the keys defined in class `io.vanillabp.springboot.adapter.LoggingContext`:
+* The current workflow module's ID.
+* The current VanillaBP adapter's ID.
+* The current aggregate's ID - may be null if not yet filled by the database for auto-increments.
+* The current workflow's BPMN process ID ("id" attribute of BPMN "process" tag)
+ regardless whether the current action belongs to a call-activity's BPMN task. Secondary BPMN process IDs
+ are not available for logging (see [Call-activities](https://github.com/vanillabp/spi-for-java#call-activities)).
+* The current workflow's ID, specific to underlying BPM system (aka process instance ID) - if already known by the adapter.
+* The current workflow task's ID.
+* The current workflow task's BPMN node ("id" attribute of the BPMN XML tag in combination with the BPMN process ID the task belongs to - e.g. "MyProcess#MyTask").
+* The current workflow task's BPMN node ID (aka flow node instance ID).
+However, if those values
+are needed without using `Slf4J` then you can use the `LoggingContext`'s static class methods to retrieve them.
+*Hint:* Adapters may add additional logging context. Checkout their README.md for details.
## Spring boot profiles
Typically, profiles are used to set environment specific properties (e.g. stages):
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/vanillabp/springboot/adapter/LoggingContext.java b/src/main/java/io/vanillabp/springboot/adapter/LoggingContext.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cac4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/vanillabp/springboot/adapter/LoggingContext.java
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package io.vanillabp.springboot.adapter;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+public abstract class LoggingContext {
+ /**
+ * The current workflow module's ID.
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_MODULE_ID = "workflowModuleId";
+ /**
+ * The current VanillaBP adapter's ID.
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_ADAPTER_ID = "workflowAdapterId";
+ /**
+ * The current aggregate's ID - may be null if not yet filled by the database for auto-increments.
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_AGGREGATE_ID = "workflowAggregateId";
+ /**
+ * The current workflow's BPMN process ID ("id" attribute of BPMN "process" tag)
+ * regardless whether the current action belongs to a call-activity's BPMN task. Secondary BPMN process IDs
+ * are not available for logging.
+ *
+ * #see Call-activities
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_BPMN_ID = "workflowBpmnId";
+ /**
+ * The current workflow's ID, specific to underlying BPM system (aka process instance ID)
+ * - if already known by the adapter.
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_BPM_ID = "workflowBpmId";
+ /**
+ * The current workflow task's ID.
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_TASK_ID = "workflowTaskId";
+ /**
+ * The current workflow task's BPMN node ("id" attribute of the BPMN XML tag in combination with
+ * the BPMN process ID the task belongs to - e.g. "MyProcess#MyTask").
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_TASK_NODE = "workflowTaskNode";
+ /**
+ * The current workflow task's BPMN node ID (aka flow node instance ID).
+ */
+ public static final String WORKFLOW_TASK_NODE_ID = "workflowTaskNodeId";
+ private static ThreadLocal