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435 lines (305 loc) · 15.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.


[0.18.0] - 2023-01-11


  • gimme scan and gimme maelstrom now accept a random seed for (most) operations
    • for (optimal) deterministic behaviour, delete the cache and then run the command with a seed
  • Scanner now accepts a np.random.RandomState and progress on init.
    • progress=None (the default) should print progress bars to the command line only, not to file.
  • Scanner.set_genome now accepts the optional argument genomes_dir
  • gimmemotifs.maelstrom.Moap.create now accepts a np.random.RandomState.
  • gimmemotifs.maelstrom.run_maelstrom now accepts a np.random.RandomState.


  • gimme diff (diff_plot() to be exact) will now print to stdout, like all other functions
  • now using the logger instead of print/sys.stderr.write in many more places
  • string formatting now (mostly) done with f-strings
  • refactored Fasta class
  • split into 3 submodules:
    • scanner/ with the exported functions
    • scanner/ with the Scanner class
    • scanner/ with the rest
  • gimmemotifs/ renamed to gimmemotifs/maelstrom/
    • and are now submodules of maelstrom.


  • gimme maelstrom works with or without xgboost (but will give a warning without xgboost)
  • fixed warning "in validate_matrix(): Row sums in df are not close to 1. Reormalizing rows..."
  • fixed multiprocess.Pool Warnings
  • fixed a pandas copywarning (in gc_bin_bedfile() to be exact)
  • fixed warnings when leaving files open
  • fixed deprecation warning in maelstrom (and in tests)
  • fixed futurewarning in
  • silence warnings from external tools in motif prediction (pp_predict_motifs() to be exact)
  • updated last references from Motif.pwm_scan and Motif.pwm_scan_all to Motif.scan and Motif.scan_all respectively
  • typo in gimme motifs output ("%matches background" to "% matches background")
  • Scanner now uses a cheaper method to determine a genome's identity
    • (filesize + name instead of the md5sum of the whole genome's contents)
  • gimme motifs gives an informative error when fraction is not within 0-1.
  • gimme threshold works again


  • removed old python2 code (scanning with MOODS & import shenanigans)

[0.17.2] - 2022-10-12


  • made xgboost an optional dependency (to save space on bioconda)
  • an existing config will now update available tools when accessed (e4b3275)
  • applied the bioconda patch to (11b0c2c)
  • coverage_table and combine_peaks have their positional arguments under positional arguments (20819ee)
  • coverage_table should be slightly faster now (20819ee)


  • biofluff dependency back in requirements
  • pinned conda and mamba versions in .travis.yaml
    • temp fix until conda>=4.12 can install mamba properly
  • documentation is working again!
  • gimmemotifs now supports pandas >=1.30


  • pyarrow dependency

[0.17.1] - 2022-06-02


  • requirements.yaml contains all conda dependencies.
    • packages available from one channel have been pinned (for solving speed)
    • packages have minimum versions where known (for solving speed)


  • alphabetized tools everywhere (how could you live like that!?)
  • updated
  • updated installation instructions


  • Yamda is now recognized in the config
  • most tools work with the editable installation again
  • all tests work for unix
    • there were still some flakey values, where randomness is involved.
  • updated to work with the specified minimum genomepy version
  • all sphinx-build docs build warnings
  • motifs require to have unique ids when clustering, thanks @akmorrow13!
  • motif2factors removes apostrophes so it wont crash :)
  • removed a print


  • a bunch of redundant requirement files.
  • OSX tests. Possibly temporary.
    • The tests haven't working for ages, so I have no idea where to begin.
    • and Travis asks 5x credits for OSX machines...

[0.17.0] - 2021-12-22


  • Added --genomes_dir argument to gimme motif2factors.
  • Added --version flag.
  • Function sample() for fast sequence sampling from a Motif() instance.
  • Added JASPAR 2022 motif databases.
  • Updated Homer motif database.
  • Operators:
    • + - take the combination of two motifs (average), based on pfm, which means that motifs with higher counts will be weighed more heavily.
    • & - take the combination of two motifs (average), based on the ppm, which means that both motifs will be weighed equally.
    • << - "shift" motif left (adding a non-informative position to the right side)
    • >> - "shift" motif right (adding a non-informative position to the left side)
    • ~ - reverse complement
    • * - multiply the pfm by a value
  • Progress bar for scanning.
  • list_installed_libraries() to list available motif libraries.


  • Motif() class completely restructured:
    • Split into multiple files with coherent function.
    • Uses numpy.array internally.
    • All functions that mention pwm renamed to ppm (position-probability matrix), as the definition of a PWM is usually a log-odds matrix, not a probability matrix.
      • to_pwm() is deprecated, use to_ppm() instead.
    • Changed functions pwm_min_score() and pwm_max_score() to properties max_score and min_score.
    • All internal data is correctly updated when Motif() is changed, for instance by trimming (#218).


  • gimme motif2factors can now unzip genome fastas.
  • gimme motif2factors will sanitize genome names.
  • Fixed bugs related to partial rerun of gimme motif2factors.
  • Fixed unhandled OSError during installation on Mac.
  • Fixed bug related to RFE() (#226).
  • Positional probability matrix now sum to 1 over all positions (#209).
  • Fixed issue with pandas >= 1.3.
  • Fixed issue with non_reducing_slice import from pandas.
  • Fix threshold calculation if more than 20,000 sequences are supplied.
  • Fix issue with config file getting corrupted.
  • Fix FPR threshold calculation.


[0.16.1] - 2021-06-28

Bugfix release.


  • Added warning when the number of sequences used for de novo motif prediction is low.


  • Fixed bug with gimme motif2factors.
  • Fixed "Motif does not occur in motif database when running maelstrom" (#192).
  • Fixed bugs related to runs where no (significant) motifs is found.

[0.16.0] - 2021-05-28

Many bugfixes, thanks to @kirbyziegler, @irzhegalova, @wangmhan, @ClarissaFeuersteinAkgoz and @fgualdr for reporting and proposing solutions! Thanks to @Maarten-vd-Sande for the speed improvements.


  • gimme motif2factors command to annotate a motif database with TFs from different species based on orthogroups.
  • Informative error message with link to fix when cache is corrupted (running on a cluster).
  • Print an informative error message if the input file is not in the correct format.


  • Speed improvements to motif scanning, which is now up to 2X faster!
  • Size of input regions is now automatically adjusted (#123, #128, #129)
  • Quantile normalization in coverage_table now uses multiple CPUs.


  • Fixes issue where % of motif occurence would be incorrectly reported in gimme maelstrom output (#162).
  • Fix issues with running Trawler (#181)
  • Fix issues with running YAMDA (#180)
  • Fix issues with parsing XXmotif output (#178)
  • Fix issue where command line argument (such as single strand) are ignored (#177)
  • Fix pyarrow dependency (#176)
  • The correct % of regions with motif is now reported (#162)
  • Fix issue with running gimme motifs with the HOMER database (#135)
  • Fix issue with the --size parameter in gimme motifs, which now works as expected (#128)

[0.15.3] - 2021-02-01


  • _non_reducing_slice vs non_reducing_slice for pandas>=1.2 (#168)
  • When using original region size, skip regions smaller than 10bp and warn if no regions are left.
  • Fixed creating statistics report crashed with KeyError: 'Factor' (#170)
  • Fixed bug with creating GC bins for a genome with unusual GC% (like Plasmodium).
  • Fixed bug that occurs when upgrading pyarrow with an existing GimmeMotifs cache.

[0.15.2] - 2020-11-26


  • Refactoring to make coverage_table and combine_peaks available via API.


  • Fix issue with -s parameter of gimme motifs (#146)
  • Fix issues (hopefully) with scanning large input files.

[0.15.1] - 2020-10-07


  • Motif.plot_logo() accepts an ax argument.


  • Support for pandas>=1.1
  • coverage_table doesn't add a newline at the end of the file.

[0.15.0] - 2020-09-29


  • Added additional columns to gimme maelstrom output for better intepretation (correlation of motif to signal and % of regions with motif).
  • Added support for multi-species input in genome@chrom:start-end format.
  • gimme maelstrom warns if data is not row-centered and will center by default.
  • gimme maelstrom selects a set of non-redundant (or less redundant) motifs by default.
  • Added SVR regressor for gimme maelstrom.
  • Added quantile normalization to coverage_table.


  • Removed the lightning classifiers and regressors as the package is no longer actively maintained.


  • Visually improved HTML output.
  • Score of maelstrom is now an aggregate z-score based on combining z-scores from individual methods using Stouffer's method. The z-scores of individual methods are generated using the inverse normal transform.
  • Reorganized some classes and functions.


  • Fixed minor issues with sorting columns in HTML output.
  • gimme motifs doesn't crash when no motifs are found.
  • Fixed error with Ensembl chromosome names in combine_peaks.

[0.14.4] - 2020-04-02


  • Fixed "TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)" when creating GC index.
  • Fixed combine_peaks with Ensembl chromosome names (thanks @JGAsmits).
  • Fixed bug with pandas>=1.0.

[0.14.3] - 2020-02-19


  • Fixed 'AttributeError: can't delete attribute' in gimme maelstrom and gimme motifs (#108, #109).

[0.14.2] - 2020-01-31

Bugfix release


  • The combine_peaks script now supports .narrowPeak files.


  • Removed seqlogo dependency.
  • Removed obsolete code.


  • Refactored the tools section.


  • Configuration issue with size instead of width (#103).
  • Updated tqdm requirement (#98).

[0.14.1] - 2019-12-19

Bugfix release


  • Fix function for locating a pwm/pfm motif database.
  • Added configparser dependency

[0.14.0] - 2019-12-05


  • The gimme motifs command supports new de novo motif prediction tools: DREME, ProSampler, YAMDA, DiNAMO and RPMCMC.
  • A set of non-redundant motifs is selected using recursive feature elimination for gimme motifs.
  • Motif scan results for non-redundant motifs are now included in the output.
  • Plot motif logos using different styles of visualization (information content, frequency, energy or Ensembl).
  • New scoring scheme that uses a z-score based on genomic sequences with a similar GC%.
  • CIS-BP motif database version 2.0 (Lambert et al. 2019).
  • JASPAR 2020 motif database.


  • Only three motif prediction tools are selected by default for gimme motifs: BioProspector, Homer and MEME.
  • The xl motif setting (motif width 6-20) is selected by default for gimme motifs.
  • Output names for files and reports of gimme motifs are now more consistent.
  • Command line tools gimme roc has been removed. This functionality has now been merged with gimme motifs. The gimme motifs command now scans for both known and de novo motifs.
  • Replaced weblogo/seqlogo with logomaker.
  • GC% background now uses a genomic index of GC% frequencies.
  • GC% z-score is now the default score for all gimme tools.


  • FASTA files with > symbols in the header are now correctly parsed.
  • Fixed GC% background. The GC% background is now correct for all input formats.
  • factorial import for scipy >= 1.3.0.
  • All output columns in HTML reports can now be sorted correctly.


  • Deprecated modules and scripts.

[0.13.1] - 2018-12-04


  • Improved docstrings of several modules.
  • Added new API examples.


  • The MEME motif tools should now be recognized after install.
  • Output of MEME 5.0.2 is now parsed correctly.
  • If the inputfile of gimme motifs is not recognized, a clear error message is printed.
  • Duplicate factors are removed from the motif factors list.


  • MEME is no longer included with GimmeMotifs. When installing via conda meme will be included. If GimmeMotifs is installed via pip, then MEME needs to be installed separately.
  • Changed "user" background to "custom" background.
  • Updated Posmo to run with a wider variety of settings.

[0.13.0] - 2018-11-19


  • Multiple other motif databases (JASPAR, HOMER, HOCOMOCO, CIS-BP, ENCODE, Factorbook, SwissRegulon, IMAGE).
  • Helper script to combine peaks (summit files from MACS2)
  • Helper script to create coverage table (similar to bedtools multicov)
  • Option to report z-score normalized motif scores.
  • Added precision-recall AUC to stats and gimme roc.
  • gimme motifs now supports narrowPeak input.
  • Updated documentation with an explanation of the score that gimme maelstrom reports.


  • The maelstrom tools now use z-score normalized motif scores.
  • Improved efficiency of motif scanning (>10X speed improvement).
  • Removed dependency on R for rank aggregation.
  • Dropped support for Python 2.
  • Use versioneer for versioning.
  • Removed the default genome in config file.
  • Config file is now independent from GimmeMotifs version and will be created by default on first use.
  • Simplified script.
  • Updated parameters for ChIPMunk motif finder.


  • Fixed the seqcor similarity metric to use a non-random sequence and to also take the reverse complement of motif 2 into account.
  • Improved the speed of gimme roc.
  • Fixed memory leak of gimme roc.
  • Fixed scale for newer pandas/sklearn combo
  • FIxed bug related to backgroundgradient with new pandas

[0.12.0] - 2018-07-10

Please note: the way GimmeMotifs uses genome FASTA files has changed in a major way. It is no longer necessary to index genomes. GimmeMotifs now uses the faidx index. You can use genomepy to manage your genomes.


  • Release checklist (for developer use).
  • Helpful message when the genome cannot be found.
  • Added a -N/--nthreads option to command-line tools to specify the number of threads independent from the config file.
  • Added a npcus argument to many functions.
  • Support for the feather data format as input for gimme maelstrom.
  • Progress bar and resume option for maelstrom.
  • Motif database is copied to maelstrom output directory.
  • Added MaelstromResult class to work with maelstrom output.


  • Moved rank aggregation to separate function.
  • Parallel implementation of rank aggregation.
  • Updated documentation on how to add genomes in the new version.
  • Switched to using faidx for FASTA indexing and genomepy for genome management.


  • The gimme index script (replaced by genomepy).


  • Upload with correct description to PyPi.
  • Fixed warning of ks_pvalue when p == 0.
  • Fixed issue with nested multiprocessing pools.
  • Fix numpy version because of DeprecationWarning in sklearn.
  • Updated xgboost dependency, where the API had changed.