diff --git a/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.cql b/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.cql
index 6a1a7413b..6bb97a5b9 100644
--- a/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.cql
+++ b/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.cql
@@ -81,27 +81,6 @@ define function MatchedReponsesByQuestionnaire(responses List<FHIR.Questionnaire
     sort by authored desc 
- * retrieve list of Tuples containing question and its corresponding answer for a matched questionnaire
- * @param currentQuestionnaire, of type FHIR.Questionnaire
- * @param responses, of type FHIR.QuestionnaireResponse.Item
- * @param ScoringQuestionId, question link id for question containing score 
- * @return {System.List<Tuple>}
- */
-define function getResponsesByQuestionnaire(currentQuestionnaire FHIR.Questionnaire, responses List<FHIR.QuestionnaireResponse.Item>, scoringQuestionId String):
-  (currentQuestionnaire.item o 
-    where o.linkId.value != 'introduction' and 
-    (PositionOf(o.linkId.value, scoringQuestionId) = -1 or PositionOf(scoringQuestionId, o.linkId.value) = -1)
-  ) I 
-  let
-   answer: First(GetResponseAnswerByLinkId(I.linkId.value, responses))
-  return {
-      linkId: I.linkId.value,
-      question: I.text.value,
-      answer: answer,
-      answerText: if I.answerOption[ToInteger(answer)].value.display is not null then I.answerOption[ToInteger(answer)].value.display.value else null
-    }
  * retrieve concept code of a selected answer option from a Questionnaire
  * @param currentQuestionnaire, of type FHIR.Questionnaire
@@ -225,8 +204,10 @@ define function FormattedQuestionnaireResponses(responseItems List<FHIR.Question
       linkId: if I.linkId.value is not null then I.linkId.value else 'n/a',
       answer: case
         //answer in FHIR coding format 
-        when I.answer[0].value.display is not null then I.answer[0].value.display.value
-        else I.answer[0].value.value
+        when I.answer[0].value.display is not null and I.answer[0].value.display.value is not null then 
+          I.answer[0].value.display.value
+        else
+          I.answer[0].value.value
       question: I.text.value
diff --git a/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.json b/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.json
index 31a7f1dc9..895fe667f 100644
--- a/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.json
+++ b/src/cql/r4/survey_resources/Common_LogicLibrary.json
@@ -646,432 +646,6 @@
                   "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
             } ]
-         }, {
-            "name" : "GetResponseAnswerByLinkId",
-            "context" : "Unfiltered",
-            "accessLevel" : "Public",
-            "type" : "FunctionDef",
-            "expression" : {
-               "type" : "Query",
-               "source" : [ {
-                  "alias" : "I",
-                  "expression" : {
-                     "type" : "Query",
-                     "source" : [ {
-                        "alias" : "r",
-                        "expression" : {
-                           "name" : "responses",
-                           "type" : "OperandRef"
-                        }
-                     } ],
-                     "relationship" : [ ],
-                     "where" : {
-                        "type" : "Or",
-                        "operand" : [ {
-                           "type" : "Not",
-                           "operand" : {
-                              "type" : "Equal",
-                              "operand" : [ {
-                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
-                                 "pattern" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "path" : "linkId",
-                                       "scope" : "r",
-                                       "type" : "Property"
-                                    }
-                                 },
-                                 "string" : {
-                                    "name" : "linkId",
-                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
-                                 }
-                              }, {
-                                 "type" : "Negate",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                    "value" : "1",
-                                    "type" : "Literal"
-                                 }
-                              } ]
-                           }
-                        }, {
-                           "type" : "Not",
-                           "operand" : {
-                              "type" : "Equal",
-                              "operand" : [ {
-                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
-                                 "pattern" : {
-                                    "name" : "linkId",
-                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
-                                 },
-                                 "string" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "path" : "linkId",
-                                       "scope" : "r",
-                                       "type" : "Property"
-                                    }
-                                 }
-                              }, {
-                                 "type" : "Negate",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                    "value" : "1",
-                                    "type" : "Literal"
-                                 }
-                              } ]
-                           }
-                        } ]
-                     }
-                  }
-               } ],
-               "relationship" : [ ],
-               "return" : {
-                  "expression" : {
-                     "type" : "Case",
-                     "caseItem" : [ {
-                        "when" : {
-                           "type" : "Not",
-                           "operand" : {
-                              "type" : "IsNull",
-                              "operand" : {
-                                 "path" : "display",
-                                 "type" : "Property",
-                                 "source" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "type" : "Indexer",
-                                       "operand" : [ {
-                                          "path" : "answer",
-                                          "scope" : "I",
-                                          "type" : "Property"
-                                       }, {
-                                          "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                          "value" : "0",
-                                          "type" : "Literal"
-                                       } ]
-                                    }
-                                 }
-                              }
-                           }
-                        },
-                        "then" : {
-                           "path" : "value",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "path" : "display",
-                              "type" : "Property",
-                              "source" : {
-                                 "path" : "value",
-                                 "type" : "Property",
-                                 "source" : {
-                                    "type" : "Indexer",
-                                    "operand" : [ {
-                                       "path" : "answer",
-                                       "scope" : "I",
-                                       "type" : "Property"
-                                    }, {
-                                       "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                       "value" : "0",
-                                       "type" : "Literal"
-                                    } ]
-                                 }
-                              }
-                           }
-                        }
-                     } ],
-                     "else" : {
-                        "asType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
-                        "type" : "As",
-                        "operand" : {
-                           "path" : "value",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "path" : "value",
-                              "type" : "Property",
-                              "source" : {
-                                 "type" : "Indexer",
-                                 "operand" : [ {
-                                    "path" : "answer",
-                                    "scope" : "I",
-                                    "type" : "Property"
-                                 }, {
-                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                    "value" : "0",
-                                    "type" : "Literal"
-                                 } ]
-                              }
-                           }
-                        }
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-            },
-            "operand" : [ {
-               "name" : "linkId",
-               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
-                  "name" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
-                  "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
-               }
-            }, {
-               "name" : "responses",
-               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
-                  "type" : "ListTypeSpecifier",
-                  "elementType" : {
-                     "name" : "{http://hl7.org/fhir}QuestionnaireResponse.Item",
-                     "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
-                  }
-               }
-            } ]
-         }, {
-            "name" : "getResponsesByQuestionnaire",
-            "context" : "Patient",
-            "accessLevel" : "Public",
-            "type" : "FunctionDef",
-            "expression" : {
-               "type" : "Query",
-               "source" : [ {
-                  "alias" : "I",
-                  "expression" : {
-                     "type" : "Query",
-                     "source" : [ {
-                        "alias" : "o",
-                        "expression" : {
-                           "path" : "item",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "name" : "currentQuestionnaire",
-                              "type" : "OperandRef"
-                           }
-                        }
-                     } ],
-                     "relationship" : [ ],
-                     "where" : {
-                        "type" : "And",
-                        "operand" : [ {
-                           "type" : "Not",
-                           "operand" : {
-                              "type" : "Equal",
-                              "operand" : [ {
-                                 "path" : "value",
-                                 "type" : "Property",
-                                 "source" : {
-                                    "path" : "linkId",
-                                    "scope" : "o",
-                                    "type" : "Property"
-                                 }
-                              }, {
-                                 "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
-                                 "value" : "introduction",
-                                 "type" : "Literal"
-                              } ]
-                           }
-                        }, {
-                           "type" : "Or",
-                           "operand" : [ {
-                              "type" : "Equal",
-                              "operand" : [ {
-                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
-                                 "pattern" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "path" : "linkId",
-                                       "scope" : "o",
-                                       "type" : "Property"
-                                    }
-                                 },
-                                 "string" : {
-                                    "name" : "scoringQuestionId",
-                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
-                                 }
-                              }, {
-                                 "type" : "Negate",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                    "value" : "1",
-                                    "type" : "Literal"
-                                 }
-                              } ]
-                           }, {
-                              "type" : "Equal",
-                              "operand" : [ {
-                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
-                                 "pattern" : {
-                                    "name" : "scoringQuestionId",
-                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
-                                 },
-                                 "string" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "path" : "linkId",
-                                       "scope" : "o",
-                                       "type" : "Property"
-                                    }
-                                 }
-                              }, {
-                                 "type" : "Negate",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                    "value" : "1",
-                                    "type" : "Literal"
-                                 }
-                              } ]
-                           } ]
-                        } ]
-                     }
-                  }
-               } ],
-               "let" : [ {
-                  "identifier" : "answer",
-                  "expression" : {
-                     "type" : "First",
-                     "source" : {
-                        "name" : "GetResponseAnswerByLinkId",
-                        "type" : "FunctionRef",
-                        "operand" : [ {
-                           "path" : "value",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "path" : "linkId",
-                              "scope" : "I",
-                              "type" : "Property"
-                           }
-                        }, {
-                           "name" : "responses",
-                           "type" : "OperandRef"
-                        } ]
-                     }
-                  }
-               } ],
-               "relationship" : [ ],
-               "return" : {
-                  "expression" : {
-                     "type" : "Tuple",
-                     "element" : [ {
-                        "name" : "linkId",
-                        "value" : {
-                           "path" : "value",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "path" : "linkId",
-                              "scope" : "I",
-                              "type" : "Property"
-                           }
-                        }
-                     }, {
-                        "name" : "question",
-                        "value" : {
-                           "path" : "value",
-                           "type" : "Property",
-                           "source" : {
-                              "path" : "text",
-                              "scope" : "I",
-                              "type" : "Property"
-                           }
-                        }
-                     }, {
-                        "name" : "answer",
-                        "value" : {
-                           "name" : "answer",
-                           "type" : "QueryLetRef"
-                        }
-                     }, {
-                        "name" : "answerText",
-                        "value" : {
-                           "type" : "If",
-                           "condition" : {
-                              "type" : "Not",
-                              "operand" : {
-                                 "type" : "IsNull",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "path" : "display",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "path" : "value",
-                                       "type" : "Property",
-                                       "source" : {
-                                          "type" : "Indexer",
-                                          "operand" : [ {
-                                             "path" : "answerOption",
-                                             "scope" : "I",
-                                             "type" : "Property"
-                                          }, {
-                                             "type" : "ToInteger",
-                                             "operand" : {
-                                                "name" : "answer",
-                                                "type" : "QueryLetRef"
-                                             }
-                                          } ]
-                                       }
-                                    }
-                                 }
-                              }
-                           },
-                           "then" : {
-                              "path" : "value",
-                              "type" : "Property",
-                              "source" : {
-                                 "path" : "display",
-                                 "type" : "Property",
-                                 "source" : {
-                                    "path" : "value",
-                                    "type" : "Property",
-                                    "source" : {
-                                       "type" : "Indexer",
-                                       "operand" : [ {
-                                          "path" : "answerOption",
-                                          "scope" : "I",
-                                          "type" : "Property"
-                                       }, {
-                                          "type" : "ToInteger",
-                                          "operand" : {
-                                             "name" : "answer",
-                                             "type" : "QueryLetRef"
-                                          }
-                                       } ]
-                                    }
-                                 }
-                              }
-                           },
-                           "else" : {
-                              "asType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
-                              "type" : "As",
-                              "operand" : {
-                                 "type" : "Null"
-                              }
-                           }
-                        }
-                     } ]
-                  }
-               }
-            },
-            "operand" : [ {
-               "name" : "currentQuestionnaire",
-               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
-                  "name" : "{http://hl7.org/fhir}Questionnaire",
-                  "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
-               }
-            }, {
-               "name" : "responses",
-               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
-                  "type" : "ListTypeSpecifier",
-                  "elementType" : {
-                     "name" : "{http://hl7.org/fhir}QuestionnaireResponse.Item",
-                     "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
-                  }
-               }
-            }, {
-               "name" : "scoringQuestionId",
-               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
-                  "name" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
-                  "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
-               }
-            } ]
          }, {
             "name" : "getAnswerOptionCodeValue",
             "context" : "Patient",
@@ -1325,6 +899,186 @@
                   "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
             } ]
+         }, {
+            "name" : "GetResponseAnswerByLinkId",
+            "context" : "Patient",
+            "accessLevel" : "Public",
+            "type" : "FunctionDef",
+            "expression" : {
+               "type" : "Query",
+               "source" : [ {
+                  "alias" : "I",
+                  "expression" : {
+                     "type" : "Query",
+                     "source" : [ {
+                        "alias" : "r",
+                        "expression" : {
+                           "name" : "responses",
+                           "type" : "OperandRef"
+                        }
+                     } ],
+                     "relationship" : [ ],
+                     "where" : {
+                        "type" : "Or",
+                        "operand" : [ {
+                           "type" : "Not",
+                           "operand" : {
+                              "type" : "Equal",
+                              "operand" : [ {
+                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
+                                 "pattern" : {
+                                    "path" : "value",
+                                    "type" : "Property",
+                                    "source" : {
+                                       "path" : "linkId",
+                                       "scope" : "r",
+                                       "type" : "Property"
+                                    }
+                                 },
+                                 "string" : {
+                                    "name" : "linkId",
+                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
+                                 }
+                              }, {
+                                 "type" : "Negate",
+                                 "operand" : {
+                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                    "value" : "1",
+                                    "type" : "Literal"
+                                 }
+                              } ]
+                           }
+                        }, {
+                           "type" : "Not",
+                           "operand" : {
+                              "type" : "Equal",
+                              "operand" : [ {
+                                 "type" : "PositionOf",
+                                 "pattern" : {
+                                    "name" : "linkId",
+                                    "type" : "OperandRef"
+                                 },
+                                 "string" : {
+                                    "path" : "value",
+                                    "type" : "Property",
+                                    "source" : {
+                                       "path" : "linkId",
+                                       "scope" : "r",
+                                       "type" : "Property"
+                                    }
+                                 }
+                              }, {
+                                 "type" : "Negate",
+                                 "operand" : {
+                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                    "value" : "1",
+                                    "type" : "Literal"
+                                 }
+                              } ]
+                           }
+                        } ]
+                     }
+                  }
+               } ],
+               "relationship" : [ ],
+               "return" : {
+                  "expression" : {
+                     "type" : "Case",
+                     "caseItem" : [ {
+                        "when" : {
+                           "type" : "Not",
+                           "operand" : {
+                              "type" : "IsNull",
+                              "operand" : {
+                                 "path" : "display",
+                                 "type" : "Property",
+                                 "source" : {
+                                    "path" : "value",
+                                    "type" : "Property",
+                                    "source" : {
+                                       "type" : "Indexer",
+                                       "operand" : [ {
+                                          "path" : "answer",
+                                          "scope" : "I",
+                                          "type" : "Property"
+                                       }, {
+                                          "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                          "value" : "0",
+                                          "type" : "Literal"
+                                       } ]
+                                    }
+                                 }
+                              }
+                           }
+                        },
+                        "then" : {
+                           "path" : "value",
+                           "type" : "Property",
+                           "source" : {
+                              "path" : "display",
+                              "type" : "Property",
+                              "source" : {
+                                 "path" : "value",
+                                 "type" : "Property",
+                                 "source" : {
+                                    "type" : "Indexer",
+                                    "operand" : [ {
+                                       "path" : "answer",
+                                       "scope" : "I",
+                                       "type" : "Property"
+                                    }, {
+                                       "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                       "value" : "0",
+                                       "type" : "Literal"
+                                    } ]
+                                 }
+                              }
+                           }
+                        }
+                     } ],
+                     "else" : {
+                        "asType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
+                        "type" : "As",
+                        "operand" : {
+                           "path" : "value",
+                           "type" : "Property",
+                           "source" : {
+                              "path" : "value",
+                              "type" : "Property",
+                              "source" : {
+                                 "type" : "Indexer",
+                                 "operand" : [ {
+                                    "path" : "answer",
+                                    "scope" : "I",
+                                    "type" : "Property"
+                                 }, {
+                                    "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                    "value" : "0",
+                                    "type" : "Literal"
+                                 } ]
+                              }
+                           }
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+            },
+            "operand" : [ {
+               "name" : "linkId",
+               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
+                  "name" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}String",
+                  "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
+               }
+            }, {
+               "name" : "responses",
+               "operandTypeSpecifier" : {
+                  "type" : "ListTypeSpecifier",
+                  "elementType" : {
+                     "name" : "{http://hl7.org/fhir}QuestionnaireResponse.Item",
+                     "type" : "NamedTypeSpecifier"
+                  }
+               }
+            } ]
          }, {
             "name" : "GetArrayAnswerByLinkId",
             "context" : "Patient",
@@ -2502,30 +2256,62 @@
                            "type" : "Case",
                            "caseItem" : [ {
                               "when" : {
-                                 "type" : "Not",
-                                 "operand" : {
-                                    "type" : "IsNull",
+                                 "type" : "And",
+                                 "operand" : [ {
+                                    "type" : "Not",
                                     "operand" : {
-                                       "path" : "display",
-                                       "type" : "Property",
-                                       "source" : {
+                                       "type" : "IsNull",
+                                       "operand" : {
+                                          "path" : "display",
+                                          "type" : "Property",
+                                          "source" : {
+                                             "path" : "value",
+                                             "type" : "Property",
+                                             "source" : {
+                                                "type" : "Indexer",
+                                                "operand" : [ {
+                                                   "path" : "answer",
+                                                   "scope" : "I",
+                                                   "type" : "Property"
+                                                }, {
+                                                   "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                                   "value" : "0",
+                                                   "type" : "Literal"
+                                                } ]
+                                             }
+                                          }
+                                       }
+                                    }
+                                 }, {
+                                    "type" : "Not",
+                                    "operand" : {
+                                       "type" : "IsNull",
+                                       "operand" : {
                                           "path" : "value",
                                           "type" : "Property",
                                           "source" : {
-                                             "type" : "Indexer",
-                                             "operand" : [ {
-                                                "path" : "answer",
-                                                "scope" : "I",
-                                                "type" : "Property"
-                                             }, {
-                                                "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
-                                                "value" : "0",
-                                                "type" : "Literal"
-                                             } ]
+                                             "path" : "display",
+                                             "type" : "Property",
+                                             "source" : {
+                                                "path" : "value",
+                                                "type" : "Property",
+                                                "source" : {
+                                                   "type" : "Indexer",
+                                                   "operand" : [ {
+                                                      "path" : "answer",
+                                                      "scope" : "I",
+                                                      "type" : "Property"
+                                                   }, {
+                                                      "valueType" : "{urn:hl7-org:elm-types:r1}Integer",
+                                                      "value" : "0",
+                                                      "type" : "Literal"
+                                                   } ]
+                                                }
+                                             }
-                                 }
+                                 } ]
                               "then" : {
                                  "path" : "value",