From ab6e081faa0a8454e576706c7f2fdab8abf663c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MCredbear <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:51:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] pkill: implement (#290)

* pkill: init source

* pkill: implement

* pkill: implement `-e`

* pkill: change `&mut self` to `&self` for `status`, `stat`, `start_time`'s args

* pkill: implement `-H`

* pkill: format code

* pkill: remove .idea dir

* pkill: beautify code

* pkill: beautify code

* pkill: fix Cargo.toml

* pkill: remove duplicated

* pkill: add unit tests

* pkill: beautify code

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for MacOS

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows

* pkill: fix CI failures for windows


Co-authored-by: Krysztal Huang <>
Co-authored-by: Sylvestre Ledru <>
 Cargo.lock                  |  13 ++
 Cargo.toml                  |   2 +
 src/uu/pkill/Cargo.toml     |  29 +++
 src/uu/pkill/       |   7 +
 src/uu/pkill/src/    |   1 +
 src/uu/pkill/src/   | 398 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/by-util/ |  51 +++++
 tests/              |   4 +
 8 files changed, 505 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/uu/pkill/Cargo.toml
 create mode 100644 src/uu/pkill/
 create mode 100644 src/uu/pkill/src/
 create mode 100644 src/uu/pkill/src/
 create mode 100644 tests/by-util/

diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 9f96aaa3..e03ba19f 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -615,6 +615,7 @@ dependencies = [
+ "uu_pkill",
@@ -1056,6 +1057,18 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "uu_pkill"
+version = "0.0.1"
+dependencies = [
+ "clap",
+ "nix",
+ "regex",
+ "uu_pgrep",
+ "uucore",
+ "walkdir",
 name = "uu_pmap"
 version = "0.0.1"
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index b8c91318..e4d9217d 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ feat_common_core = [
+    "pkill",
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ ps = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_ps", path = "src/uu/ps"
 pwdx = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_pwdx", path = "src/uu/pwdx" }
 slabtop = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_slabtop", path = "src/uu/slabtop" }
 snice = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_snice", path = "src/uu/snice" }
+pkill = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_pkill", path = "src/uu/pkill" }
 top = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_top", path = "src/uu/top" }
 w = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_w", path = "src/uu/w" }
 watch = { optional = true, version = "0.0.1", package = "uu_watch", path = "src/uu/watch" }
diff --git a/src/uu/pkill/Cargo.toml b/src/uu/pkill/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7c042cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uu/pkill/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name = "uu_pkill"
+version = "0.0.1"
+edition = "2021"
+authors = ["uutils developers"]
+license = "MIT"
+description = "pgrep ~ (uutils) Kills processes based on name and other attributes."
+homepage = ""
+repository = ""
+keywords = ["acl", "uutils", "cross-platform", "cli", "utility"]
+categories = ["command-line-utilities"]
+uucore = { workspace = true }
+clap = { workspace = true }
+walkdir = { workspace = true }
+regex = { workspace = true }
+nix = { workspace = true, features = ["signal"] }
+uu_pgrep = { path = "../pgrep" }
+path = "src/"
+name = "pkill"
+path = "src/"
diff --git a/src/uu/pkill/ b/src/uu/pkill/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8353288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uu/pkill/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# pgrep
+pkill [options] <pattern>
+Kills processes based on name and other attributes.
diff --git a/src/uu/pkill/src/ b/src/uu/pkill/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bba1735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uu/pkill/src/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/uu/pkill/src/ b/src/uu/pkill/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d3fb782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uu/pkill/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+// This file is part of the uutils procps package.
+// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+// file that was distributed with this source code.
+// Pid utils
+use clap::{arg, crate_version, Arg, ArgAction, ArgGroup, ArgMatches, Command};
+use nix::{
+    sys::signal::{self, Signal},
+    unistd::Pid,
+use regex::Regex;
+use std::io::Error;
+use std::{collections::HashSet, sync::OnceLock};
+use uu_pgrep::process::{walk_process, ProcessInformation, Teletype};
+use uucore::{
+    display::Quotable,
+    error::FromIo,
+    show,
+    signals::{signal_by_name_or_value, signal_name_by_value},
+use uucore::{
+    error::{UResult, USimpleError},
+    format_usage, help_about, help_usage,
+const ABOUT: &str = help_about!("");
+const USAGE: &str = help_usage!("");
+static REGEX: OnceLock<Regex> = OnceLock::new();
+struct Settings {
+    exact: bool,
+    full: bool,
+    ignore_case: bool,
+    newest: bool,
+    oldest: bool,
+    older: Option<u64>,
+    parent: Option<Vec<u64>>,
+    runstates: Option<String>,
+    terminal: Option<HashSet<Teletype>>,
+pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> {
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let mut args = args.collect_ignore();
+    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+    let args = args.collect_ignore();
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let obs_signal = handle_obsolete(&mut args);
+    let matches = uu_app().try_get_matches_from(&args)?;
+    let pattern = try_get_pattern_from(&matches)?;
+    REGEX
+        .set(Regex::new(&pattern).map_err(|e| USimpleError::new(2, e.to_string()))?)
+        .unwrap();
+    let settings = Settings {
+        exact: matches.get_flag("exact"),
+        full: matches.get_flag("full"),
+        ignore_case: matches.get_flag("ignore-case"),
+        newest: matches.get_flag("newest"),
+        oldest: matches.get_flag("oldest"),
+        parent: matches
+            .get_many::<u64>("parent")
+            .map(|parents| parents.copied().collect()),
+        runstates: matches.get_one::<String>("runstates").cloned(),
+        older: matches.get_one::<u64>("older").copied(),
+        terminal: matches.get_many::<String>("terminal").map(|ttys| {
+            ttys.cloned()
+                .flat_map(Teletype::try_from)
+                .collect::<HashSet<_>>()
+        }),
+    };
+    if (!settings.newest
+        && !settings.oldest
+        && settings.runstates.is_none()
+        && settings.older.is_none()
+        && settings.parent.is_none()
+        && settings.terminal.is_none())
+        && pattern.is_empty()
+    {
+        return Err(USimpleError::new(
+            2,
+            "no matching criteria specified\nTry `pkill --help' for more information.",
+        ));
+    }
+    // Parse signal
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let sig_num = if let Some(signal) = obs_signal {
+        signal
+    } else if let Some(signal) = matches.get_one::<String>("signal") {
+        parse_signal_value(signal)?
+    } else {
+        15_usize //SIGTERM
+    };
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let sig_name = signal_name_by_value(sig_num);
+    // Signal does not support converting from EXIT
+    // Instead, nix::signal::kill expects Option::None to properly handle EXIT
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let sig: Option<Signal> = if sig_name.is_some_and(|name| name == "EXIT") {
+        None
+    } else {
+        let sig = (sig_num as i32)
+            .try_into()
+            .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(e as i32))?;
+        Some(sig)
+    };
+    // Collect pids
+    let pids = {
+        let mut pids = collect_matched_pids(&settings);
+        #[cfg(unix)]
+        if matches.get_flag("require-handler") {
+            pids.retain(|pid| {
+                let mask =
+                    u32::from_str_radix(pid.clone().status().get("SigCgt").unwrap(), 16).unwrap();
+                mask & (1 << sig_num) != 0
+            });
+        }
+        if pids.is_empty() {
+            uucore::error::set_exit_code(1);
+            pids
+        } else {
+            process_flag_o_n(&settings, &mut pids)
+        }
+    };
+    // Send signal
+    // TODO: Implement -q
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    let echo = matches.get_flag("echo");
+    #[cfg(unix)]
+    kill(&pids, sig, echo);
+    if matches.get_flag("count") {
+        println!("{}", pids.len());
+    }
+    Ok(())
+/// Try to get the pattern from the command line arguments. Returns an empty string if no pattern
+/// is specified.
+fn try_get_pattern_from(matches: &ArgMatches) -> UResult<String> {
+    let pattern = match matches.get_many::<String>("pattern") {
+        Some(patterns) if patterns.len() > 1 => {
+            return Err(USimpleError::new(
+                2,
+                "only one pattern can be provided\nTry `pgrep --help' for more information.",
+            ))
+        }
+        Some(mut patterns) =>,
+        None => return Ok(String::new()),
+    };
+    let pattern = if matches.get_flag("ignore-case") {
+        &pattern.to_lowercase()
+    } else {
+        pattern
+    };
+    let pattern = if matches.get_flag("exact") {
+        &format!("^{}$", pattern)
+    } else {
+        pattern
+    };
+    Ok(pattern.to_string())
+/// Collect pids with filter construct from command line arguments
+fn collect_matched_pids(settings: &Settings) -> Vec<ProcessInformation> {
+    // Filtration general parameters
+    let filtered: Vec<ProcessInformation> = {
+        let mut tmp_vec = Vec::new();
+        for mut pid in walk_process().collect::<Vec<_>>() {
+            let run_state_matched = match (&settings.runstates, pid.run_state()) {
+                (Some(arg_run_states), Ok(pid_state)) => {
+                    arg_run_states.contains(&pid_state.to_string())
+                }
+                (_, Err(_)) => false,
+                _ => true,
+            };
+            let binding = pid.status();
+            let name = binding.get("Name").unwrap();
+            let name = if settings.ignore_case {
+                name.to_lowercase()
+            } else {
+                name.into()
+            };
+            let pattern_matched = {
+                let want = if settings.exact {
+                    // Equals `Name` in /proc/<pid>/status
+                    // The `unwrap` operation must succeed
+                    // because the REGEX has been verified as correct in `uumain`.
+                    &name
+                } else if settings.full {
+                    // Equals `cmdline` in /proc/<pid>/cmdline
+                    &pid.cmdline
+                } else {
+                    // From manpage:
+                    // The process name used for matching is limited to the 15 characters present in the output of /proc/pid/stat.
+                    &pid.proc_stat()[..15]
+                };
+                REGEX.get().unwrap().is_match(want)
+            };
+            let tty_matched = match &settings.terminal {
+                Some(ttys) => ttys.contains(&pid.tty()),
+                None => true,
+            };
+            let arg_older = settings.older.unwrap_or(0);
+            let older_matched = pid.start_time().unwrap() >= arg_older;
+            // the PPID is the fourth field in /proc/<PID>/stat
+            // (
+            let stat = pid.stat();
+            let ppid = stat.get(3);
+            let parent_matched = match (&settings.parent, ppid) {
+                (Some(parents), Some(ppid)) => parents.contains(&ppid.parse::<u64>().unwrap()),
+                _ => true,
+            };
+            if run_state_matched
+                && pattern_matched
+                && tty_matched
+                && older_matched
+                && parent_matched
+            {
+                tmp_vec.push(pid);
+            }
+        }
+        tmp_vec
+    };
+    filtered
+/// Sorting pids for flag `-o` and `-n`.
+/// This function can also be used as a filter to filter out process information.
+fn process_flag_o_n(
+    settings: &Settings,
+    pids: &mut [ProcessInformation],
+) -> Vec<ProcessInformation> {
+    if settings.oldest || settings.newest {
+        pids.sort_by(|a, b| {
+            b.clone()
+                .start_time()
+                .unwrap()
+                .cmp(&a.clone().start_time().unwrap())
+        });
+        let start_time = if settings.newest {
+            pids.first().cloned().unwrap().start_time().unwrap()
+        } else {
+            pids.last().cloned().unwrap().start_time().unwrap()
+        };
+        // There might be some process start at same time, so need to be filtered.
+        let mut filtered = pids
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|it| (*it).clone().start_time().unwrap() == start_time)
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+        if settings.newest {
+            filtered.sort_by(|a, b|;
+        } else {
+            filtered.sort_by(|a, b|;
+        }
+        vec![filtered.first().cloned().unwrap().clone()]
+    } else {
+        pids.to_vec()
+    }
+fn handle_obsolete(args: &mut Vec<String>) -> Option<usize> {
+    // Sanity check
+    if args.len() > 2 {
+        // Old signal can only be in the first argument position
+        let slice = args[1].as_str();
+        if let Some(signal) = slice.strip_prefix('-') {
+            // Check if it is a valid signal
+            let opt_signal = signal_by_name_or_value(signal);
+            if opt_signal.is_some() {
+                // remove the signal before return
+                args.remove(1);
+                return opt_signal;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    None
+fn parse_signal_value(signal_name: &str) -> UResult<usize> {
+    let optional_signal_value = signal_by_name_or_value(signal_name);
+    match optional_signal_value {
+        Some(x) => Ok(x),
+        None => Err(USimpleError::new(
+            1,
+            format!("Unknown signal {}", signal_name.quote()),
+        )),
+    }
+fn kill(pids: &Vec<ProcessInformation>, sig: Option<Signal>, echo: bool) {
+    for pid in pids {
+        if let Err(e) = signal::kill(Pid::from_raw( as i32), sig) {
+            show!(Error::from_raw_os_error(e as i32)
+                .map_err_context(|| format!("killing pid {} failed",;
+        } else if echo {
+            println!(
+                "{} killed (pid {})",
+                pid.cmdline.split(" ").next().unwrap_or(""),
+            );
+        }
+    }
+pub fn uu_app() -> Command {
+    Command::new(uucore::util_name())
+        .version(crate_version!())
+        .about(ABOUT)
+        .override_usage(format_usage(USAGE))
+        .args_override_self(true)
+        .group(ArgGroup::new("oldest_newest").args(["oldest", "newest"]))
+        .args([
+            // arg!(-<sig>                    "signal to send (either number or name)"),
+            arg!(-H --"require-handler"    "match only if signal handler is present"),
+            arg!(-q --queue <value>        "integer value to be sent with the signal"),
+            arg!(-e --echo                 "display what is killed"),
+            arg!(-c --count                "count of matching processes"),
+            arg!(-f --full                 "use full process name to match"),
+            arg!(-g --pgroup <PGID>        "match listed process group IDs")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-G --group <GID>          "match real group IDs")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-i --"ignore-case"        "match case insensitively"),
+            arg!(-n --newest               "select most recently started"),
+            arg!(-o --oldest               "select least recently started"),
+            arg!(-O --older <seconds>      "select where older than seconds")
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-P --parent <PPID>        "match only child processes of the given parent")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-s --session <SID>        "match session IDs")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(--signal <sig>            "signal to send (either number or name)"),
+            arg!(-t --terminal <tty>       "match by controlling terminal")
+                .value_delimiter(','),
+            arg!(-u --euid <ID>            "match by effective IDs")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-U --uid <ID>             "match by real IDs")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u64)),
+            arg!(-x --exact                "match exactly with the command name"),
+            arg!(-F --pidfile <file>       "read PIDs from file"),
+            arg!(-L --logpidfile           "fail if PID file is not locked"),
+            arg!(-r --runstates <state>    "match runstates [D,S,Z,...]"),
+            arg!(-A --"ignore-ancestors"   "exclude our ancestors from results"),
+            arg!(--cgroup <grp>            "match by cgroup v2 names")
+                .value_delimiter(','),
+            arg!(--ns <PID>                "match the processes that belong to the same namespace as <pid>"),
+            arg!(--nslist <ns>             "list which namespaces will be considered for the --ns option.")
+                .value_delimiter(',')
+                .value_parser(["ipc", "mnt", "net", "pid", "user", "uts"]),
+        ])
+        .arg(
+            Arg::new("pattern")
+                .help("Name of the program to find the PID of")
+                .action(ArgAction::Append)
+                .index(1),
+        )
diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84935028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/by-util/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// This file is part of the uutils procps package.
+// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+// file that was distributed with this source code.
+use crate::common::util::TestScenario;
+fn test_no_args() {
+    new_ucmd!()
+        .fails()
+        .code_is(2)
+        .no_stdout()
+        .stderr_contains("no matching criteria specified");
+fn test_non_matching_pattern() {
+    new_ucmd!()
+        .fails()
+        .code_is(1)
+        .no_output();
+fn test_too_many_patterns() {
+    new_ucmd!()
+        .arg("sh")
+        .arg("sh")
+        .fails()
+        .code_is(2)
+        .no_stdout()
+        .stderr_contains("only one pattern can be provided");
+fn test_invalid_arg() {
+    new_ucmd!().arg("--definitely-invalid").fails().code_is(1);
+fn test_help() {
+    new_ucmd!().arg("--help").succeeds();
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 17b20762..77ce68f1 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -52,3 +52,7 @@ mod test_top;
 #[cfg(feature = "snice")]
 #[path = "by-util/"]
 mod test_snice;
+#[cfg(feature = "pkill")]
+#[path = "by-util/"]
+mod test_pkill;