diff --git a/legacy/build-deploy-docker-compose.sh b/legacy/build-deploy-docker-compose.sh index b9ca3865..d1666185 100755 --- a/legacy/build-deploy-docker-compose.sh +++ b/legacy/build-deploy-docker-compose.sh @@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ fi # remove any certificates for tls-acme false ingress to prevent reissuing attempts TLS_FALSE_INGRESSES=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get ingress -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations["kubernetes.io/tls-acme"] == "false") | .metadata.name') for TLS_FALSE_INGRESS in $TLS_FALSE_INGRESSES; do - TLS_SECRETS=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get ingress ${TLS_FALSE_INGRESS} -o json | jq -r '.spec.tls[].secretName') + TLS_SECRETS=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get ingress ${TLS_FALSE_INGRESS} -o json | jq -r '.spec.tls[]?.secretName') for TLS_SECRET in $TLS_SECRETS; do if kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get certificates.cert-manager.io ${TLS_SECRET} &> /dev/null; then echo ">> Cleaning up certificate for ${TLS_SECRET} as tls-acme is set to false"