All links are POST requests. All post requests are validated using a header called apikey. The postman collection has already added them. *Open the link in POSTMAN and then set the request to POST *
- Get data by request type
- start_date (required when end_date is set). It filters using the date collected.
- end_date (greater than or equal to start_date)
- date_dispatched_start (required when date_dispatched_end is set)
- date_dispatched_end (greater than or equal to date_dispatched_start)
- patient_id Either a single patient_id or a comma separated list of patient ids with no spaces. Patient id is hei number for eid and ccc number for vl
- facility_code The five digit MFL code Also comma separated.
This link is paginated i.e. only 50 results at a time will be returned. The return data has a field called next_page_url and other links to help you get all the results. There is also other useful data such as the total results found.