k has atom, list (2;`c), dict `a`b!(2;`c) and func {[x;y]x+y}.
20 primitives/verbs, 6 operators/adverbs and 3 system functions.
Verb (unary) Adverb Noun (null)
: gets ' each name `a`b `
+ plus flip / over|join char "ab" " "
- minus negate \ scan|split int 2 34 0N(nan)
* times first ': eachprior float 2 .3 0n(nan) 0w(inf)
% divide sqrt /: eachright date 2016.06.28 (.z.d)
! mod|map enum|key \: eachleft time 12:34:56.789 (.z.t)
& min|and where
| max|or reverse System list (2;3.4;`ab)
< less asc 0: file r/w(line) dict `a`b!(2;`c)
> more desc 1: file r/w(byte) view f::32+1.8*c TODO
= equal group 2: open/msg/close func {[c]32+1.8*c}
~ match not
, concat enlist
^ except null \t:n x time
# take|rsh count #[t;c;b[;a]] select \l a.k load
_ drop|cut floor \w workspace
$ cast|sum string $[c;t;f] COND \v variables
? find|rnd distinct ?[x;I;[f;]y] insert \f functions
@ at type @[x;i;[f;]y] amend \a ancestors
. dot eval|val .[x;i;[f;]y] dmend \d directory
atoms are ncif(name char int float) and mdhrst(month day hour min sec milli)
vector is unitype list of atoms, e.g. (2;3) is 2 3 and ("a";"b") is "ab"
matrix is uniform list of vectors, e.g. m:(0 1 2;1 2 3)
atomic functions (+-*%!&|<>=$;-%~_^$) penetrate, e.g. 2 3+m is (2 3 4;4 5 6)
default function parameters are x y z, e.g. {z+x*y}[3;2;1] is 7
indexing and function call use []'s, e.g. m[1;2] is {x+y}[1;2] is 3
no precedence among verbs: 2*4-3 is 2* 4- 3 is 2
grammar: E:E;e|e e:nve|te| t:n|v v:tA|V n:t[E]|(E)|{E}|N
unary list needs ",", e.g. 2(atom) ,2(list)
unary verb arg needs ":", e.g. #'(take each) #:'(count each)
unary call doesn't need []'s, e.g. f x is f[x]
datetime: 2016.06.28+3 week:7*-7!d bar5:5*-5!r etc.
generate: !n(enum) !N(odometer) ?n(uniform) ?-n(normal) n?(draw) -n?(deal) =n(identity matrix)
0:""0:"prompt" /readline writeline
/ comment
\ exit
on error(inspect locals etc.)
> ' up
> \ out
2+ \3 trace
exp log sin cos [x]cmb;in within
count first last sum min max;[x]avg [x]var [x]dev
TODO: parallel/mapreduce
f':jobs / across machine
handles 2:jobs / across cluster
LIMITS: names8 params8 locals8 globals16 constants128 jump256 v[i]:m[i;j] {z}'/\
grammar: E:E;e|e e:nve|te| t:n|v v:tA|V n:t[E]|(E)|{E}|N
<Exprs> ::= <Exprs> ";" <expr> | <expr>
<expr> ::= <noun> <verb> <expr> | <term> <expr> | empty
<term> ::= <noun> | <verb>
<verb> ::= <term> <Adverb> | <Verb>
<noun> ::= <term> "[" <Exprs> "]" | "(" <Exprs> ")" | "{" <Exprs> "}" | <Noun>
Further, <Adverb> <Verb> <Noun> can be defined,
with minor variations between dialects, as:
<Adverb> ::= "'" | "/" | "\" | "':" | "/:" | "\:"
<Verb> ::= <Verb1> | <Verb1> ":"
<Verb1> ::= ":" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "%" | "!" | "&" | "|" | "<" | ">" | "=" | "~" | "," |
"^" | "#" | "_" | "$" | "?" | "@" | "." | <Digit> ":"
<Noun> ::= <Names> | <Ints> | <Floats> | <String> | <Symbols>
<Names> ::= <Names> "." <Name> | <Name>
<Name> ::= <Letter> | <Name> <Letter> | <Name> <Digit>
<Ints> ::= <Int> | <Ints> " " <Int>
<Int> ::= "-" <Digits> | <Digits>
<Floats> ::= <Float> | <Floats> " " <Float>
<Float> ::= <Int> | <Int> "." <Digits> | <Int> "." <Digits> "e" <Int>
<String> ::= '"' <Chars> '"' | "0x" <Bytes>
<Chars> ::= <Chars> <Char> | empty
<Char> ::= "\0" | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | '\"' | "\\" | any
<Bytes> ::= <Bytes> <Hex> <Hex> | empty
<Symbols>::= <Symbols> <Symbol> | <Symbol>
<Symbol> ::= "`" | "`" <Name> | "`" <String>
<Digits> ::= <Digit> | <Digits> <Digit>
<Digit> ::= "0" | .. | "9"
<Hex> ::= <Digit> | "a" | .. | "f"
<Letter> ::= "A" | .. | "Z" | "a" | .. | "z"
root ::= top* separator_or_eof
top ::= namespace_declaration | command_statement | mode_directive | expression_list
expression_list ::= separator | expression (separator+ expression)*
expression ::= q_sql | noun_or_verb noun_or_verb? adverb? expression?
q_sql ::= q_sql_template [expression] q_sql_from [expression]
noun_or_verb ::= noun | primitive_verb [colon] | system_function
noun ::= control_flow | args | group_or_list | primitive_noun | assignment | user_id
control_flow ::= control_statement | conditional_evaluation
control_statement ::= control args
conditional_evaluation ::= conditional args
args ::= open_bracket expression_list* close_bracket
system_function ::= q_system_function | signal | trace | colon
group_or_list ::= open_paren expression_list* close_paren
lambda ::= open_brace [lambda_params] adverb? expression_list* close_brace
lambda_params ::= open_bracket [user_id (separator user_id)*] close_bracket
separator ::= semicolon | newline
separator_or_eof ::= separator | eof
command_statement ::= command [expression]
namespace_declaration ::= current_namespace user_id
mode_directive ::= mode expression
assignment ::= user_id [args] (colon [colon] | verb colon | colon verb colon)
primitive_noun ::= vector | atom | lambda
vector ::= symbol_vector | number_vector | string
atom ::= symbol | number | char
symbol_vector ::= symbol symbol+
symbol ::= symbol_token
user_id ::= user_identifier | q_system_function
symbol_token ::= 'symbol_token'
newline ::= '\n'
semicolon ::= ';'
eof ::= 'eof'
conditional ::= 'conditional'
control ::= 'control'
colon ::= ':'
open_paren ::= '('
close_paren ::= ')'
open_bracket ::= '['
close_bracket ::= ']'
adverb ::= '/'
close_brace ::= '{'
open_brace ::= '}'
mode ::= 'q' | 'k'
current_namespace ::= 'namespace'
command ::= 'command'
char ::= 'a' | 'z'
number ::= '0'|'9'
string ::= [char]
number_vector ::= [number]