- 🎵 Over 75 ambient sounds.
- 📝 Persistent sound selection.
✈️ Sharing sound selections with others.- 🧰 Custom sound presets.
- 🌙 Sleep timer for sounds.
- 📓 Notepad for quick notes.
- 🍅 Pomodoro timer.
- ✅ Simple to-do list (soon).
- ⏯️ Media controls.
- ⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts for everything.
- 🥷 Privacy focused: no data collection.
- 💰 Completely free, open-source, and self-hostable.
- ⚡ TypeScript: Programming Language
- 🔨 React: UI Library
- 🧑🚀 Astro: Meta Framework
- 🎨 CSS Modules: Styling
- 🐻 Zustand: State Management
- 🎭 Framer Motion: Animation Library
- ⚙️ Radix: Accessible Components
- 📕 Storybook: Component Documentation
- 🧪 Vitest: Unit Testing (soon)
- 🔭 Playwright: End-To-End Testing (soon)
- 🔍 ESLint: Code Linting
- 🧹 Prettier: Code Formatting
- 🧼 Stylelint: CSS Linting
- 🐶 Husky: Git Hooks
- 📝 Lint Staged: Running Linters on Staged Files
- 🧽 Commitlint: Git Commit Linting
- 🧭 Commitizen: Git Commit Message Helper
- 📓 Standard Version: Versioning and CHANGLOG Generation
- 🧰 PostCSS: CSS Transformations
npm run dev
: run development servernpm run build
: build for productionnpm run preview
: preview the built appnpm run lint
: lint files using ESLintnpm run lint:fix
: lint and fix using ESLintnpm run lint:style
: lint styles using Stylelintnpm run lint:style:fix
: lint and fix styles using Stylelintnpm run format
: format files using Prettiernpm run commit
: commit message using Commitizennpm run release:major
: release major versionnpm run release:minor
: release minor versionnpm run release:patch
: release patch versionnpm run storybook
: run Storybook
🚧 Please check CONTRIBUTING.md file.
⭐ Give a star if you liked this project.
☕ Buy Me a Coffee to help me maintain Moodist.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Some sounds used in this project are sourced from third-party providers and are subject to different licenses:
- Sounds licensed under the Pixabay Content License: Pixabay Content License
- Sounds licensed under CC0: Creative Commons Zero License