Note: this work is at its early stages
Download all archived report records, indivudual json files normally include 1200 reports
wget -nc
grep drug-event download.json | cut -c 20- >
# File names are not unique, some archive file names exist in multiple years
# For this reason we download with folder option '-x'
xargs wget -x -nc --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=0 <
Index all files in given folder
# Elasticsearch
./nosqlbiosets/fda/ --esindex faers --infile\
--dbtype Elasticsearch --recreateindex true\
--host localhost
# MongoDB
nosqlbiosets/fda/ --mdbcollection faers --infile ~/data/fda/\
--dbtype MongoDB --host localhost --mdbdb biosets
./nosqlbiosets/fda/ --mdbcollection faers\
--infile ~/data/fda/faers/drug/event/2019q1 --recreateindex true\
--dbtype MongoDB --host localhost --mdbdb biosets
Update database with new reports files
./nosqlbiosets/fda/ --dbtype Elasticsearch\
--infile ~/data/fda/drug-event-0001-of-0035.json --esindex faers
./nosqlbiosets/fda/ --dbtype MongoDB\
--infile ~/data/fda/drug-event-0001-of-0035.json\
--mdbdb biosets --mdbcollection faers
- A project similar to ClinVar Miner with FAERS database would be helpful for researchers and practioners as well as for the public?