From b5b4331977b5a47bb965cd2a454baca3b89053e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jordan <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:38:39 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] refactor structure

 cli/config.example.json                       |   5 -
 cli/                              | 909 ------------------
 contracts/src/UntronCoreProxy.sol             |  11 +
 .../external/IAggregationRouterV6.sol         |  21 -
 .../external/V3SpokePoolInterface.sol         | 228 -----
 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1163 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 cli/config.example.json
 delete mode 100644 cli/
 create mode 100644 contracts/src/UntronCoreProxy.sol
 delete mode 100644 contracts/src/interfaces/external/IAggregationRouterV6.sol
 delete mode 100644 contracts/src/interfaces/external/V3SpokePoolInterface.sol

diff --git a/cli/config.example.json b/cli/config.example.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d495140..0000000
--- a/cli/config.example.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-    "private_key": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-    "untron_core_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
-    "zksync_rpc": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 842eb2e..0000000
--- a/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,909 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import os
-import json
-import sys
-import argparse
-from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
-from zksync2.account.wallet import Wallet 
-from zksync2.manage_contracts.contract_encoder_base import (
-    ContractEncoder,
-    JsonConfiguration,
-from zksync2.core.types import (
-    Token,
-    ZkBlockParams,
-    EthBlockParams,
-    StorageProof,
-from zksync2.transaction.transaction_builders import (
-    TxFunctionCall,
-    TxCreateContract,
-    TxCreate2Contract,
-from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
-from web3 import Web3
-from eth_account import Account
-from pathlib import Path
-from eth_abi import encode
-# Load configuration
-with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
-    config = json.load(f)
-def initialize_rpc_variables():
-    global UNTRON_CORE_ADDRESS, ZKSYNC_URL, zk_web3
-    UNTRON_CORE_ADDRESS = config['untron_core_address']
-    ZKSYNC_URL = config['zksync_rpc']
-    # Initialize Web3s
-    zk_web3 =
-def load_contract_file():
-    # Load ABI
-    contract_abi_path = Path("../contracts/zkout/UntronCore.sol/UntronCore.json")
-    if not contract_abi_path.exists():
-        print("ABI file 'UntronCore.json' not found.")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    with open(contract_abi_path, 'r') as abi_file:
-        json_file = json.load(abi_file)
-        contract_abi = json_file['abi']
-        bytecode = bytes.fromhex(json_file['bytecode']["object"])
-    return contract_abi, bytecode
-def initialize_read_variables():
-    initialize_rpc_variables()
-    global untron_core_contract, untron_encoder
-    contract_abi, bytecode = load_contract_file()
-    untron_core_contract = zk_web3.eth.contract(UNTRON_CORE_ADDRESS, abi=contract_abi)
-    untron_encoder = ContractEncoder(
-        zk_web3, contract_abi, bytecode
-    )
-def initialize_write_variables():
-    global PRIVATE_KEY, account, signer
-    PRIVATE_KEY = config['private_key']
-    account = Account.from_key(PRIVATE_KEY)
-    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, zk_web3.eth.chain_id)
-def deploy_untron(args):
-    """
-    Function to deploy the Untron contract implementation and ERC1967 proxy.
-    """
-    initialize_rpc_variables()
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    _, bytecode = load_contract_file()
-    # Deploy implementation
-    implementation_address = deploy_implementation(bytecode)
-    print(f"UntronCore implementation deployed at {implementation_address}")
-    # Deploy proxy
-    proxy_address = deploy_proxy(implementation_address)
-    print(f"UntronCore proxy deployed at {proxy_address}")
-    config['untron_core_address'] = proxy_address
-    with open('config.json', 'w') as f:
-        json.dump(config, f, indent=4)
-    initialize_read_variables() # to allow calls to the contract
-    print("Deployment complete.")
-def deploy_implementation(bytecode):
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    create_contract = TxCreateContract(
-        web3=zk_web3,
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=account.address,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        bytecode=bytecode,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(create_contract.tx)
-    tx_712 = create_contract.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    return tx_receipt["contractAddress"]
-def deploy_proxy(implementation_address):
-    # Load ERC1967Proxy ABI and bytecode
-    proxy_abi_path = Path("../contracts/zkout/ERC1967Proxy.sol/ERC1967Proxy.json")
-    if not proxy_abi_path.exists():
-        print("ABI file 'ERC1967Proxy.json' not found.")
-        sys.exit(1)
-    with open(proxy_abi_path, 'r') as abi_file:
-        json_file = json.load(abi_file)
-        proxy_abi = json_file['abi']
-        proxy_bytecode = bytes.fromhex(json_file['bytecode']["object"])
-    # Encode the initialization data
-    init_data = encode(['address', 'bytes'], [implementation_address, b"\x81\x29\xfc\x1c"]) # initialize()
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    create_contract = TxCreate2Contract(
-        web3=zk_web3,
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=account.address,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        bytecode=proxy_bytecode,
-        salt=os.urandom(32),
-        call_data=init_data,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(create_contract.tx)
-    tx_712 = create_contract.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    return tx_receipt["contractAddress"]
-# I'm not yet sure if this is needed
-# def initialize_core():
-#     nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-#         account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-#     )
-#     gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-#     call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("initialize", [])
-#     func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-#         chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-#         nonce=nonce,
-#         from_=account.address,
-#         to=UNTRON_CORE_ADDRESS,
-#         data=call_data,
-#         gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE,
-#         gas_price=gas_price,
-#     )
-#     estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-#     tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-#     singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-#     msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
-#     tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-#     tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-#         tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-#     )
-#     print(f"Core initialized. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def deploy_mock_usdt(args):
-    initialize_rpc_variables()
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    contract_file = json.load(open(Path("../contracts/zkout/UntronCore.t.sol/MockUSDT.json")))
-    contract_bytecode = bytes.fromhex(contract_file["bytecode"]["object"])
-    create_contract = TxCreateContract(
-        web3=zk_web3,
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=account.address,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        bytecode=contract_bytecode,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(create_contract.tx)
-    tx_712 = create_contract.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    contract_address = tx_receipt["contractAddress"]
-    print("Deployed mock USDT at", contract_address)
-def mint_mock_usdt(args):
-    initialize_rpc_variables()
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    contract_file = json.load(open(Path("../contracts/zkout/UntronCore.t.sol/MockUSDT.json")))
-    contract_abi = contract_file["abi"]
-    contract_bytecode = bytes.fromhex(contract_file["bytecode"]["object"])
-    mock_usdt_encoder = ContractEncoder(
-        zk_web3, contract_abi, contract_bytecode
-    )
-    call_data = mock_usdt_encoder.encode_method("mint", [account.address, 1_000_000_000])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=account.address,
-        to=args.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Transaction sent. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-    print("Minted 1000 USDT to", account.address)
-def create_order(args):
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    provider_address = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.provider)
-    receiver_address = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.receiver)
-    size = int(args.size)
-    rate = int(args.rate)
-    transfer = {
-        'recipient': Web3.to_checksum_address(args.recipient),
-        'chainId': int(args.chainId),
-        'acrossFee': int(args.acrossFee),
-        'doSwap': args.doSwap,
-        'outToken': Web3.to_checksum_address(args.outToken) if args.outToken else '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
-        'minOutputPerUSDT': int(args.minOutputPerUSDT),
-        'fixedOutput': args.fixedOutput,
-        'swapData': bytes.fromhex(args.swapData[2:]) if args.swapData.startswith('0x') else bytes.fromhex(args.swapData)
-    }
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("createOrder", [provider_address, receiver_address, size, rate, transfer])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=account.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Transaction sent. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def set_provider(args):
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    liquidity = int(args.liquidity)
-    rate = int(args.rate)
-    minOrderSize = int(args.minOrderSize)
-    minDeposit = int(args.minDeposit)
-    receivers = [Web3.to_checksum_address(receiver) for receiver in args.receivers]
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("setProvider", [liquidity, rate, minOrderSize, minDeposit, receivers])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,  # UNKNOWN AT THIS STATE,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Transaction sent. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def change_order(args):
-    """
-    Function to change the transfer details of an existing order.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    order_id = args.orderId if args.orderId.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.orderId
-    transfer = {
-        'recipient': Web3.to_checksum_address(args.recipient),
-        'chainId': int(args.chainId),
-        'acrossFee': int(args.acrossFee),
-        'doSwap': args.doSwap,
-        'outToken': Web3.to_checksum_address(args.outToken) if args.outToken else '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
-        'minOutputPerUSDT': int(args.minOutputPerUSDT),
-        'fixedOutput': args.fixedOutput,
-        'swapData': bytes.fromhex(args.swapData[2:]) if args.swapData.startswith('0x') else bytes.fromhex(args.swapData)
-    }
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("changeOrder", [order_id, transfer])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Transaction sent. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def stop_order(args):
-    """
-    Function to stop an existing order.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    order_id = args.orderId if args.orderId.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.orderId
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("stopOrder", [order_id])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Order stopped. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def fulfill(args):
-    """
-    Function to fulfill orders by sending their ask in advance.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    order_ids = [order_id if order_id.startswith('0x') else '0x' + order_id for order_id in args.orderIds]
-    total = int(
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("fulfill", [order_ids, total])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Orders fulfilled. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def close_orders(args):
-    """
-    Function to close orders and send funds to providers or order creators.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    # Assuming proof and publicValues are hex strings starting with '0x'
-    proof = bytes.fromhex(args.proof[2:] if args.proof.startswith('0x') else args.proof)
-    public_values = bytes.fromhex(args.publicValues[2:] if args.publicValues.startswith('0x') else args.publicValues)
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("closeOrders", [proof, public_values])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Orders closed. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def set_zk_variables(args):
-    """
-    Function to update the UntronZK-related variables.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    trusted_relayer = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.trustedRelayer)
-    verifier = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.verifier)
-    vkey = args.vkey if args.vkey.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.vkey
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("setZKVariables", [trusted_relayer, verifier, vkey])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"ZK variables set. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def set_transfers_variables(args):
-    """
-    Function to update the UntronTransfers-related variables.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    usdt = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.usdt)
-    spoke_pool = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.spokePool)
-    swapper = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.swapper)
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("setTransfersVariables", [usdt, spoke_pool, swapper])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Transfers variables set. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def set_fees_variables(args):
-    """
-    Function to update the UntronFees-related variables.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    relayer_fee = int(args.relayerFee)
-    fee_point = int(args.feePoint)
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("setFeesVariables", [relayer_fee, fee_point])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Fees variables set. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def set_core_variables(args):
-    """
-    Function to update the UntronCore-related variables.
-    """
-    initialize_write_variables()
-    block_id = args.blockId if args.blockId.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.blockId
-    action_chain_tip = args.actionChainTip if args.actionChainTip.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.actionChainTip
-    latest_executed_action = args.latestExecutedAction if args.latestExecutedAction.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.latestExecutedAction
-    state_hash = args.stateHash if args.stateHash.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.stateHash
-    max_order_size = int(args.maxOrderSize)
-    required_collateral = int(args.requiredCollateral)
-    nonce = zk_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(
-        account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value
-    )
-    gas_price = zk_web3.zksync.gas_price
-    call_data = untron_encoder.encode_method("setCoreVariables", [
-        block_id,
-        action_chain_tip,
-        latest_executed_action,
-        state_hash,
-        max_order_size,
-        required_collateral
-    ])
-    func_call = TxFunctionCall(
-        chain_id=zk_web3.eth.chain_id,
-        nonce=nonce,
-        from_=signer.address,
-        data=call_data,
-        gas_limit=0,
-        gas_price=gas_price,
-        max_priority_fee_per_gas=0,
-    )
-    estimate_gas = zk_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
-    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
-    signed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
-    msg = tx_712.encode(signed_message)
-    tx_hash = zk_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(msg)
-    tx_receipt = zk_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(
-        tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5
-    )
-    print(f"Core variables set. Receipt: {tx_receipt}")
-def providers(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the provider details.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    provider = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.provider)
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.providers(provider).call()
-    print(f"Provider details: {result}")
-def is_receiver_busy(args):
-    """
-    Function to check if a receiver is busy.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    receiver = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.receiver)
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.isReceiverBusy(receiver).call()
-    print(f"Is receiver busy: {result}")
-def receiver_owners(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the owner of a receiver.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    receiver = Web3.to_checksum_address(args.receiver)
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.receiverOwners(receiver).call()
-    print(f"Receiver owner: {result}")
-def orders(args):
-    """
-    Function to get order details.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    order_id = args.orderId if args.orderId.startswith('0x') else '0x' + args.orderId
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.orders(order_id).call()
-    print(f"Order details: {result}")
-def block_id(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the current block ID.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.blockId().call()
-    print(f"Current block ID: {result}")
-def action_chain_tip(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the current action chain tip.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.actionChainTip().call()
-    print(f"Current action chain tip: {result}")
-def latest_executed_action(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the latest executed action.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.latestExecutedAction().call()
-    print(f"Latest executed action: {result}")
-def state_hash(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the current state hash.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.stateHash().call()
-    print(f"Current state hash: {result}")
-def max_order_size(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the maximum order size.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.maxOrderSize().call()
-    print(f"Maximum order size: {result}")
-def required_collateral(args):
-    """
-    Function to get the required collateral.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.requiredCollateral().call()
-    print(f"Required collateral: {result}")
-def calculate_fulfiller_total(args):
-    """
-    Function to calculate the fulfiller's total expense and income.
-    """
-    initialize_read_variables()
-    order_ids = [order_id if order_id.startswith('0x') else '0x' + order_id for order_id in args.orderIds]
-    result = untron_core_contract.functions.calculateFulfillerTotal(order_ids).call()
-    print(f"Fulfiller total - Expense: {result[0]}, Profit: {result[1]}")
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='UntronCore CLI')
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands')
-    parser_deploy_untron = subparsers.add_parser('deploy', help='Deploy UntronCore contract into a proxy')
-    parser_deploy_untron.set_defaults(func=deploy_untron)
-    parser_deploy_mock_usdt = subparsers.add_parser('deployMockUSDT', help='Deploy MockUSDT contract and mint 1000 USDT to the account')
-    parser_deploy_mock_usdt.set_defaults(func=deploy_mock_usdt)
-    parser_mint_mock_usdt = subparsers.add_parser('mintMockUSDT', help='Mint 1000 MockUSDT to the account')
-    parser_mint_mock_usdt.add_argument('--address', required=True, help='MockUSDT contract address')
-    parser_mint_mock_usdt.set_defaults(func=mint_mock_usdt)
-    # createOrder command
-    parser_create_order = subparsers.add_parser('createOrder', help='Create a new order (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--provider', required=True, help='Provider address')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--receiver', required=True, help='Receiver address')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--size', required=True, help='Order size')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--rate', required=True, help='Order rate')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--recipient', required=True, help='Transfer recipient')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--chainId', required=True, help='Transfer chain ID')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--acrossFee', default='0', help='Across bridge fee')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--doSwap', action='store_true', help='Perform swap')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--outToken', help='Output token address')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--minOutputPerUSDT', default='0', help='Min output per USDT')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--fixedOutput', action='store_true', help='Fixed output amount')
-    parser_create_order.add_argument('--swapData', default='', help='Swap data in hex')
-    parser_create_order.set_defaults(func=create_order)
-    # setProvider command
-    parser_set_provider = subparsers.add_parser('setProvider', help='Set provider details (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_set_provider.add_argument('--liquidity', required=True, help='Liquidity amount')
-    parser_set_provider.add_argument('--rate', required=True, help='Rate')
-    parser_set_provider.add_argument('--minOrderSize', required=True, help='Minimum order size')
-    parser_set_provider.add_argument('--minDeposit', required=True, help='Minimum deposit')
-    parser_set_provider.add_argument('--receivers', nargs='+', required=True, help='Receiver addresses')
-    parser_set_provider.set_defaults(func=set_provider)
-    # changeOrder command
-    parser_change_order = subparsers.add_parser('changeOrder', help='Change transfer details of an order (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--orderId', required=True, help='Order ID')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--recipient', required=True, help='Transfer recipient')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--chainId', required=True, help='Transfer chain ID')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--acrossFee', default='0', help='Across bridge fee')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--doSwap', action='store_true', help='Perform swap')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--outToken', help='Output token address')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--minOutputPerUSDT', default='0', help='Min output per USDT')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--fixedOutput', action='store_true', help='Fixed output amount')
-    parser_change_order.add_argument('--swapData', default='', help='Swap data in hex')
-    parser_change_order.set_defaults(func=change_order)
-    # stopOrder command
-    parser_stop_order = subparsers.add_parser('stopOrder', help='Stop an existing order (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_stop_order.add_argument('--orderId', required=True, help='Order ID')
-    parser_stop_order.set_defaults(func=stop_order)
-    # fulfill command
-    parser_fulfill = subparsers.add_parser('fulfill', help='Fulfill orders by sending their ask in advance (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_fulfill.add_argument('--orderIds', nargs='+', required=True, help='List of order IDs')
-    parser_fulfill.add_argument('--total', required=True, help='Total amount of USDT L2 to transfer')
-    parser_fulfill.set_defaults(func=fulfill)
-    # closeOrders command
-    parser_close_orders = subparsers.add_parser('closeOrders', help='Close orders and send funds (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_close_orders.add_argument('--proof', required=True, help='ZK proof in hex')
-    parser_close_orders.add_argument('--publicValues', required=True, help='Public values in hex')
-    parser_close_orders.set_defaults(func=close_orders)
-    # setZKVariables command
-    parser_set_zk_variables = subparsers.add_parser('setZKVariables', help='Set ZK variables (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_set_zk_variables.add_argument('--trustedRelayer', required=True, help='Trusted relayer address')
-    parser_set_zk_variables.add_argument('--verifier', required=True, help='Verifier contract address')
-    parser_set_zk_variables.add_argument('--vkey', required=True, help='Verification key (bytes32)')
-    parser_set_zk_variables.set_defaults(func=set_zk_variables)
-    # setTransfersVariables command
-    parser_set_transfers_variables = subparsers.add_parser('setTransfersVariables', help='Set transfers variables (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_set_transfers_variables.add_argument('--usdt', required=True, help='USDT token address')
-    parser_set_transfers_variables.add_argument('--spokePool', required=True, help='SpokePool contract address')
-    parser_set_transfers_variables.add_argument('--swapper', required=True, help='Swapper contract address')
-    parser_set_transfers_variables.set_defaults(func=set_transfers_variables)
-    # setFeesVariables command
-    parser_set_fees_variables = subparsers.add_parser('setFeesVariables', help='Set fees variables (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_set_fees_variables.add_argument('--relayerFee', required=True, help='Relayer fee (in percents)')
-    parser_set_fees_variables.add_argument('--feePoint', required=True, help='Fee point')
-    parser_set_fees_variables.set_defaults(func=set_fees_variables)
-    # setCoreVariables command
-    parser_set_core_variables = subparsers.add_parser('setCoreVariables', help='Set core variables (WRITE FUNCTION)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--blockId', required=True, help='Block ID (bytes32)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--actionChainTip', required=True, help='Action chain tip (bytes32)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--latestExecutedAction', required=True, help='Latest executed action (bytes32)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--stateHash', required=True, help='State hash (bytes32)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--maxOrderSize', required=True, help='Max order size (uint256)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.add_argument('--requiredCollateral', required=True, help='Required collateral (uint256)')
-    parser_set_core_variables.set_defaults(func=set_core_variables)
-    parser_providers = subparsers.add_parser('providers', help='Get provider details')
-    parser_providers.add_argument('--provider', required=True, help='Provider address')
-    parser_providers.set_defaults(func=providers)
-    parser_is_receiver_busy = subparsers.add_parser('isReceiverBusy', help='Check if a receiver is busy')
-    parser_is_receiver_busy.add_argument('--receiver', required=True, help='Receiver address')
-    parser_is_receiver_busy.set_defaults(func=is_receiver_busy)
-    parser_receiver_owners = subparsers.add_parser('receiverOwners', help='Get the owner of a receiver')
-    parser_receiver_owners.add_argument('--receiver', required=True, help='Receiver address')
-    parser_receiver_owners.set_defaults(func=receiver_owners)
-    parser_orders = subparsers.add_parser('orders', help='Get order details')
-    parser_orders.add_argument('--orderId', required=True, help='Order ID')
-    parser_orders.set_defaults(func=orders)
-    parser_block_id = subparsers.add_parser('blockId', help='Get the current block ID')
-    parser_block_id.set_defaults(func=block_id)
-    parser_action_chain_tip = subparsers.add_parser('actionChainTip', help='Get the current action chain tip')
-    parser_action_chain_tip.set_defaults(func=action_chain_tip)
-    parser_latest_executed_action = subparsers.add_parser('latestExecutedAction', help='Get the latest executed action')
-    parser_latest_executed_action.set_defaults(func=latest_executed_action)
-    parser_state_hash = subparsers.add_parser('stateHash', help='Get the current state hash')
-    parser_state_hash.set_defaults(func=state_hash)
-    parser_max_order_size = subparsers.add_parser('maxOrderSize', help='Get the maximum order size')
-    parser_max_order_size.set_defaults(func=max_order_size)
-    parser_required_collateral = subparsers.add_parser('requiredCollateral', help='Get the required collateral')
-    parser_required_collateral.set_defaults(func=required_collateral)
-    parser_calculate_fulfiller_total = subparsers.add_parser('calculateFulfillerTotal', help='Calculate the fulfiller\'s total expense and income')
-    parser_calculate_fulfiller_total.add_argument('--orderIds', nargs='+', required=True, help='List of order IDs')
-    parser_calculate_fulfiller_total.set_defaults(func=calculate_fulfiller_total)
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if hasattr(args, 'func'):
-        args.func(args)
-    else:
-        parser.print_help()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/src/UntronCoreProxy.sol b/contracts/src/UntronCoreProxy.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d011bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/src/UntronCoreProxy.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
+pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
+import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/transparent/TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol";
+contract UntronCoreProxy is TransparentUpgradeableProxy {
+    constructor(address _logic, address initialOwner, bytes memory _data)
+        payable
+        TransparentUpgradeableProxy(_logic, initialOwner, _data)
+    {}
diff --git a/contracts/src/interfaces/external/IAggregationRouterV6.sol b/contracts/src/interfaces/external/IAggregationRouterV6.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index ba60630..0000000
--- a/contracts/src/interfaces/external/IAggregationRouterV6.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
-import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
-interface IAggregationRouterV6 {
-    struct SwapDescription {
-        IERC20 srcToken;
-        IERC20 dstToken;
-        address payable srcReceiver;
-        address payable dstReceiver;
-        uint256 amount;
-        uint256 minReturnAmount;
-        uint256 flags;
-    }
-    function swap(address executor, SwapDescription calldata desc, bytes calldata permit, bytes calldata data)
-        external
-        payable
-        returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256 spentAmount);
diff --git a/contracts/src/interfaces/external/V3SpokePoolInterface.sol b/contracts/src/interfaces/external/V3SpokePoolInterface.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index b66e84a..0000000
--- a/contracts/src/interfaces/external/V3SpokePoolInterface.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
-pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
-// Contains structs and functions used by SpokePool contracts to facilitate universal settlement.
-interface V3SpokePoolInterface {
-    /**
-     *
-     *              ENUMS                 *
-     *
-     */
-    // Fill status tracks on-chain state of deposit, uniquely identified by relayHash.
-    enum FillStatus {
-        Unfilled,
-        RequestedSlowFill,
-        Filled
-    }
-    // Fill type is emitted in the FilledRelay event to assist Dataworker with determining which types of
-    // fills to refund (e.g. only fast fills) and whether a fast fill created a sow fill excess.
-    enum FillType {
-        FastFill,
-        // Fast fills are normal fills that do not replace a slow fill request.
-        ReplacedSlowFill,
-        // Replaced slow fills are fast fills that replace a slow fill request. This type is used by the Dataworker
-        // to know when to send excess funds from the SpokePool to the HubPool because they can no longer be used
-        // for a slow fill execution.
-        SlowFill
-    }
-    // Slow fills are requested via requestSlowFill and executed by executeSlowRelayLeaf after a bundle containing
-    // the slow fill is validated.
-    /**
-     *
-     *              STRUCTS               *
-     *
-     */
-    // This struct represents the data to fully specify a **unique** relay submitted on this chain.
-    // This data is hashed with the chainId() and saved by the SpokePool to prevent collisions and protect against
-    // replay attacks on other chains. If any portion of this data differs, the relay is considered to be
-    // completely distinct.
-    struct V3RelayData {
-        // The address that made the deposit on the origin chain.
-        address depositor;
-        // The recipient address on the destination chain.
-        address recipient;
-        // This is the exclusive relayer who can fill the deposit before the exclusivity deadline.
-        address exclusiveRelayer;
-        // Token that is deposited on origin chain by depositor.
-        address inputToken;
-        // Token that is received on destination chain by recipient.
-        address outputToken;
-        // The amount of input token deposited by depositor.
-        uint256 inputAmount;
-        // The amount of output token to be received by recipient.
-        uint256 outputAmount;
-        // Origin chain id.
-        uint256 originChainId;
-        // The id uniquely identifying this deposit on the origin chain.
-        uint32 depositId;
-        // The timestamp on the destination chain after which this deposit can no longer be filled.
-        uint32 fillDeadline;
-        // The timestamp on the destination chain after which any relayer can fill the deposit.
-        uint32 exclusivityDeadline;
-        // Data that is forwarded to the recipient.
-        bytes message;
-    }
-    // Contains parameters passed in by someone who wants to execute a slow relay leaf.
-    struct V3SlowFill {
-        V3RelayData relayData;
-        uint256 chainId;
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount;
-    }
-    // Contains information about a relay to be sent along with additional information that is not unique to the
-    // relay itself but is required to know how to process the relay. For example, "updatedX" fields can be used
-    // by the relayer to modify fields of the relay with the depositor's permission, and "repaymentChainId" is specified
-    // by the relayer to determine where to take a relayer refund, but doesn't affect the uniqueness of the relay.
-    struct V3RelayExecutionParams {
-        V3RelayData relay;
-        bytes32 relayHash;
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount;
-        address updatedRecipient;
-        bytes updatedMessage;
-        uint256 repaymentChainId;
-    }
-    // Packs together parameters emitted in FilledV3Relay because there are too many emitted otherwise.
-    // Similar to V3RelayExecutionParams, these parameters are not used to uniquely identify the deposit being
-    // filled so they don't have to be unpacked by all clients.
-    struct V3RelayExecutionEventInfo {
-        address updatedRecipient;
-        bytes updatedMessage;
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount;
-        FillType fillType;
-    }
-    /**
-     *
-     *              EVENTS                *
-     *
-     */
-    event V3FundsDeposited(
-        address inputToken,
-        address outputToken,
-        uint256 inputAmount,
-        uint256 outputAmount,
-        uint256 indexed destinationChainId,
-        uint32 indexed depositId,
-        uint32 quoteTimestamp,
-        uint32 fillDeadline,
-        uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
-        address indexed depositor,
-        address recipient,
-        address exclusiveRelayer,
-        bytes message
-    );
-    event RequestedSpeedUpV3Deposit(
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount,
-        uint32 indexed depositId,
-        address indexed depositor,
-        address updatedRecipient,
-        bytes updatedMessage,
-        bytes depositorSignature
-    );
-    event FilledV3Relay(
-        address inputToken,
-        address outputToken,
-        uint256 inputAmount,
-        uint256 outputAmount,
-        uint256 repaymentChainId,
-        uint256 indexed originChainId,
-        uint32 indexed depositId,
-        uint32 fillDeadline,
-        uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
-        address exclusiveRelayer,
-        address indexed relayer,
-        address depositor,
-        address recipient,
-        bytes message,
-        V3RelayExecutionEventInfo relayExecutionInfo
-    );
-    event RequestedV3SlowFill(
-        address inputToken,
-        address outputToken,
-        uint256 inputAmount,
-        uint256 outputAmount,
-        uint256 indexed originChainId,
-        uint32 indexed depositId,
-        uint32 fillDeadline,
-        uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
-        address exclusiveRelayer,
-        address depositor,
-        address recipient,
-        bytes message
-    );
-    /**
-     *
-     *              FUNCTIONS             *
-     *
-     */
-    function depositV3(
-        address depositor,
-        address recipient,
-        address inputToken,
-        address outputToken,
-        uint256 inputAmount,
-        uint256 outputAmount,
-        uint256 destinationChainId,
-        address exclusiveRelayer,
-        uint32 quoteTimestamp,
-        uint32 fillDeadline,
-        uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
-        bytes calldata message
-    ) external payable;
-    function speedUpV3Deposit(
-        address depositor,
-        uint32 depositId,
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount,
-        address updatedRecipient,
-        bytes calldata updatedMessage,
-        bytes calldata depositorSignature
-    ) external;
-    function fillV3Relay(V3RelayData calldata relayData, uint256 repaymentChainId) external;
-    function fillV3RelayWithUpdatedDeposit(
-        V3RelayData calldata relayData,
-        uint256 repaymentChainId,
-        uint256 updatedOutputAmount,
-        address updatedRecipient,
-        bytes calldata updatedMessage,
-        bytes calldata depositorSignature
-    ) external;
-    function requestV3SlowFill(V3RelayData calldata relayData) external;
-    function executeV3SlowRelayLeaf(V3SlowFill calldata slowFillLeaf, uint32 rootBundleId, bytes32[] calldata proof)
-        external;
-    /**
-     *
-     *              ERRORS                *
-     *
-     */
-    error DisabledRoute();
-    error InvalidQuoteTimestamp();
-    error InvalidFillDeadline();
-    error InvalidExclusiveRelayer();
-    error InvalidExclusivityDeadline();
-    error MsgValueDoesNotMatchInputAmount();
-    error NotExclusiveRelayer();
-    error NoSlowFillsInExclusivityWindow();
-    error RelayFilled();
-    error InvalidSlowFillRequest();
-    error ExpiredFillDeadline();
-    error InvalidMerkleProof();
-    error InvalidChainId();
-    error InvalidMerkleLeaf();
-    error ClaimedMerkleLeaf();
-    error InvalidPayoutAdjustmentPct();