- Most business details have been verified by trusted - third-parties to keep them updated automatically. Business - description, region and sector are not updated by third parties. -
-- Think some details are wrong? ‘Edit’ and - ‘Submit’ new details for review. -
-- This is an account managed company (One List{' '} - {company.oneListGroupTier.name}) -
-- {isItaTierDAccount(company.oneListGroupTier) - ? 'Lead ITA' - : 'Global Account Manager'} - : {company.oneListGroupGlobalAccountManager.name}{' '} - - {isItaTierDAccount(company.oneListGroupTier) - ? 'View Lead adviser' - : 'View core team'} - -
- > - )} -+ Most business details have been verified by trusted + third-parties to keep them updated automatically. Business + description, region and sector are not updated by third + parties. +
++ Think some details are wrong? ‘Edit’ and + ‘Submit’ new details for review. +