First, to install the package dependencies, execute the following in R terminal:
install.packages("devtools", dependencies=T)
Finally, to install (only for the first time) or update the package, use:
In some cases, you might need to restart the server to get rid of all errors and warnings before loading the library. After this, use command to load the BDEEPZillow library.
The current available data & functions are as followed. All of them have been tested on zillow_2017_nov database. Function get_from_db_usr
can also be used in other databases.
@description A lookup table for state-county and fips conversion.
@usage In function get_state_county.
@note To explicitly see the table, use data(county_state_fips).
@description An array that contains all column names in the hedonics.
@note To explicitly see the array, use data(field_name).
@description This function gets a data.frame including all data from the given fips. Use previous
@param fips A vector of fips
@param columns A vector of column names to export. Default to all columns (i.e. "*").
@param database_name A string indicating the database name
@param host_ip A string indicating the ip address of the database VM
@param append If append is true, return a single data.frame with rows appended, otherwise a
list of data.frames from each state.
@examples data <- get_from_db_fips("10001")
@examples data <- get_from_db_fips(c("01001","17019"))
@return A data.frame including all data from the given fips.
@description This function gets a list of data.frames from the database, according to the given
states (through abbreviation).
@param states_abbr A vector of states abbreviation
@param columns A vector of column names to export. Default to all columns (i.e. "*").
@param max_num_recs An integer indicating the maximum number of records to select,
-1 indicating all (by default)
@param database_name A string indicating the database name
@param host_ip A string indicating the ip address of the database VM
@param append If append is true, return a single data.frame with rows appended, otherwise a
list of data.frames from each state.
@examples data <- get_from_db_state("sd")
@examples data <- get_from_db_state(c("sD","Ne"), append=FALSE)
@examples data <- get_from_db_state("ca",columns=c("rowid","transid"))
@examples data <- get_from_db_state("sd",max_num_recs=100)
@return If input is a single state, return a single data.frame. If input is a vector and append = F,
return a list of data.frames, in the same order of that in states_abbr, otherwise the result
is appended into one whole data.frame.
@description This function gets a data.frame including all data from the given state abbr. and county.
@param state_county A data.frame with two columns representing state and county name
@param columns A vector of column names to export. Default to all columns (i.e. "*").
@param database_name A string indicating the database name
@param host_ip A string indicating the ip address of the database VM
@param append If append is true, return a single data.frame with rows appended, otherwise a
list of data.frames from each state.
@examples table <- get_state_county("01001")[, c("state","county")]
@examples data <- get_from_db_state_county(table)
@return A data.frame including all data from the given state and county
@description This function gets from database according to a user-specified query.
@param query A string specifying the query sent to database
@param database_name A string indicating the database name
@param host_ip A string indicating the ip address of the database VM
@examples data <- get_from_db_usr("SELECT loadid FROM hedonics_new.sd_hedonics_new")
@return A data.frame returned by the given query.
@description This function convert a vector of fips to corresponding state-county pairs
@param fips A vector of fips numbers stored as TEXT (characters)
@return A data.frame with first column as state abbreviation, second column as county name,
both in lower case, and third column fips.
@description This function converts the type to align with the requirement. See requirement online.
@param data The actual data.frame to convert.
@param dbname The name of the database. Used to distinguish data.
@return The modified data.frame
For the Zillow_Housing data, please refer to this table to check for type compatibility for each column.