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Skill Trees ~ Summary of Skill Tree Integration 2022

Kabir Dubey edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

Current Integration


In general, it seems like the skill trees library is minimally integrated. The 2021 demo of the entire chiventure project relied on core aspects of the skill trees feature, such as the node struct and various attributes. The demo itself calls for improvement in line 99.

The player class module has a class_prefabs.c file that 'prefabricates' information about a character for the developer. The skill trees module is used to describe the nature of the player's skill.

The vision of the player class team is well documented starting around line 264. In general, it seems that further integration requires the skill trees module to be more flexible. The class.c file has related dependencies on skill trees.

Related Pages from the Past

Gameplay: WDL, etc.

Skill Leveling

Complex Skills,-random,-sequential,-etc.)-implementation

Integration Outside of Chiventure

Connecting Skill Trees to Other Features

Future Steps, Improvements

With respect to integration, the player class prefabrication file gives many areas of improvement. The comments suggest that we ought to correspond with not just the player class team, but also the CLI (line 272) and battles teams.

These efforts should result in a more flexible and accessible design of the skill trees module that should make it more integrable in general.

After we figure that out, we should look into limiting gameplay according to skills as described in the wiki pages regarding integration with WDL.

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