The official contributors guidelines for the TypeDB OSI will be hosted here. This is still a work in progress and will be updated in the coming weeks.
- Developer Resources
- Making Your First Commit
- Best Practices
- Licensing Recommendations
- Content Creators Guide
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
With more and more community members joining each day, the desire for TypeDB and TypeQL-related content is growing stronger. After listening to the community, we have found that some of the most helpful content is that which is written by you all - developing with TypeDB everyday.
If you are an engineers, data scientist, or simply interested to share your knowledge and experience with others, we would love to support you. By sharing your work and experience, you'll be acitvely helping to build on the strong community foundations we have here. Also, there's always some swag packs coming your way.
Anyone with a strong interest in building the next generation of intelligent software, databases, solving complex problems, or simply wanting to share their experience with a wider audience.
We encourage all TypeDB community members no matter what level of experience you have, if you want to write about it, we want to help get you there.
Generally, the most common format is a blog post, but it could also be a technical white paper, acedemic paper, etc. Obviously, the subject should be related to TypeDB or TypeQL in some way. Here are some topics that we know our community would love to read.
If you are at the stage of selecting a database, or are testing and evaluating TypeDB, then you might consider writing on the following topics:
- My experience getting started with TypeDB
- Comparison with other databases
- Your own database evaluation or selection process
If you have already started using TypeDB, got yourself out of jams along the way, and accumulated some best practices, these might be some topics for you:
- TypeDB deployment, data import and other best practices
- Using TypeDB for a specific business scenario
- Guide to working with TypeDB and various tools (PyTorch, Stanford NLP, SpaCy, etc.)
The TypeDB OSI encourages creators to publish the content produced on their own channels, and then share them with the community on discord where we will all repost and share out across our collective networks.
Not only that, but because of our community's relationship with global tech publications DZone, Hackernoon, and Towards Data Science, it is likely that they will pick up your post and publish on their site as well.
Those interested can reach out to [email protected] or message our community manager Daniel on discord ( @daniel ).