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Holz Logo

Holz, a fast, minimal TypeScript logger

Holz is a logging library if you want a fast, simple, JSON-to-stdout logger.

It's smaller and faster than pretty much anything out there. That's because it doesn't do much. There's no file rotation, there's no syslog, there's only stdout. It's assumed you have an external program handling all of the log file management, replication, etc.

That said, it's configurable and easy to use. Enjoy.


There's a lot of loggers out there. Bunyan, Winston, Pino, log4js, ye old console.log. None of them scratched my itch:

  • Fast
  • Small
  • Built for Node
  • Simple, readable code
  • Minimal dependencies (only one: safe-json-stringify)
  • TypeScript, and fully type-checked
  • Child loggers with fields
  • Splat parameters, etc
  • Custom and dynamic base objects
  • Custom log levels (w/ type checking)
  • Custom per-field formatters
  • Custom output functions
  • Custom level and message keys
  • No v (version), hostname, or pid fields by default; you can add them if you wish, but I don't need or want them. Create your own logger factory with fields set if you need 'em.
  • No extra cruft: No syslog, no file rotation, no stream management. Just stdout.


import { createLogger } from 'holz'

const logger = createLogger()

// Log a simple message:'boo!')
// stdout: {"level":"info","msg":"boo!"}

// Log a json object:{ msg: 'oh hi!', user: 'user1' })
// stdout: {"level":"info","msg":"oh hi!","user":"user1"}

// Log a json object with a message, and formatted splat{ user: 'user1' }, 'oh hi %s!', 'john')
// stdout: {"level":"info","msg":"oh hi john!","user":"user1"}

// Create a child logger
const childLogger = logger.child({ user: 'user1' })
childLogger.warn({ a: 1 }, 'oh hi %s!', 'john')
// stdout: {"level":"warn","a":1,"msg":"oh hi john!"}

const errorChildLogger = logger.child({}, { level: 'error' })"you won't see this message")
// not logged because 'info' level is lower than 'error'

// Log an error (automatically transformed):
logger.error(new Error('Oh no!'))
// stdout: {"level":"error","error":{"message":"Oh no!","stack":"...",...}}



Creates a logger object. Due to TypeScript constraints, you'll want to use this function to create a logger that has the appropriate types. The options struct looks like this, in kinda-typescript:

type CreateLoggerOpts = {
  // A structure of level name -> level number, like { info: 20, warn: 30 }
  // if this isn't provided, it defaults to bunyan/pino standard levels
  // of { trace: 10, debug: 20, info: 30, warn: 40, error: 50, fatal: 60 }
  levels: { [k: string]: number }

  // The current minimum log level
  // Optional if `levels` is not provided; defaults to 'info'
  // Required if `levels` is provided to set the default log level
  level: keyof levels | number

  // Optional: a function to generate the base payload object dynamically
  base: () => Fields

  // Optional: static base fields, will be applied on top of the dynamic object
  fields: Fields

  // Optional: Key in the payload that will receive the current log level,
  // defaults to 'level'
  levelKey: string

  // Whether the numeric or string level will be put in the key, defaults to 'string'
  levelOutput: 'string' | 'number'

  // Key in the payload that will receive the log message; defaults to 'msg'
  messageKey: string

  // Optional: A function that will be called to format the message if there are
  // any trailing parameters after the message; otherwise, this fn will not
  // be called.
  format: (msg: string, ...args: unknown[]) => string

  // Optional: A function that will be called if there is an object passed before
  // the message parameter when logging, to transform that object into something
  // a bit more useful (like enumerating the fields in an error).
  transform: (o: object) => object

  // Optional: Transformations to apply to individual fields in the payload,
  // replacing the value of given keys by the result of the supplied function
  fieldTransforms: { [k in string | number]: (value: unknown, key: string) => unknown }

  // Optional: Function that outputs a log line; defaults to writing JSON to stdout
  output: (s: Payload) => void

When you call createLogger, you definitely want to use a literal option struct so that you get TypeScript typechecking for the per-level methods attached to the resulting logger. For example, this works fine:

const logger = createLogger({
  levels: {
    info: 50,
    error: 100
  level: 'info',
// Works fine; key retrieved from `levels` def'n

But this does not:

const logOpts: any = {
  levels: {
    info: 50
  level: 'info'
// Probably a typescript error:
const logger = createLogger(logOpts)
// Definitely a TypeScript error: // `info` not defined

Also, don't use the keys child or setLevel or _log as log levels, because that will cause problems when the logging methods are assigned to the logger.

Methods on the logger

The logger has two public predefined methods on it: child and setLevel.


This is pretty simple, it has the signature:

Logger#child(fields, opts)

Where fields are fields that will be applied to all messages logged through the child. These are merged with the parent logger's fields. opts is basically the same as the logger options except:

  1. fields can't be set (because that's what fields argument is, silly)
  2. levels can't be set -- they're locked in place from the parent logger
  3. fieldTransforms are merged with the parent field transforms
  4. base overrides the parent's base (has no merging logic)

All other fields can be set and work as expected.


This method allows you to set the log level:

Logger#setLevel(level: string | number)

If you provide a string, it had better be one of the keys of the logger's configured levels, otherwise this function will go boom. If you provide a number, that will work directly as the minimum log level (all numeric values equal or higher will be printed, all lower will not be printed).

The dynamic log methods

The logger sets up some dynamic logging methods based upon the levels you provide. If you just want to use the default levels, the logger will have trace, debug, info, warn, error and fatal on it.

These functions will all have the same signature:

(msg: string, ...fmtArgs: unknown[]) => void
(obj: object, msg?: string, ...fmtArgs: unknown[]) => void

Building up the logging payload looks like this:

  1. First, the property determined by the levelKey setting is set on the payload, with either the string or numeric level, depending on the levelOutput setting
  2. Then the result of base() (if set) is merged in
  3. Then the logger's fields are merged in
  4. Then, if the first parameter to the log message is an object, that object is passed through transform; the result is merged into the payload
  5. Then the messageKey property is set on the payload; if no fmtArgs are provided, then simply the msg is used, otherwise the message key is set to the results of format(msg, ...fmtArgs). The default format function is util.format, which allows for printf-style printing.
  6. Then, if there are any field transforms, these are applied to each matching named field
  7. Then two non-enumerable symbol fields are set containing the original numeric and string levels (see levelStringSym and levelNumberSym exports) for processing of downstream output, if you need.

Finally, after all of that, the message payload is passed to the output function.

This whole process has a whole lot of try/catch around everything, so it should never blow up. Since the primary purpose of logging is to get information out of a system, the log method tries to do its best to output the data you've provided, through all the transforms you've provided, and will generally fall back to sane defaults (e.g., untransformed fields) if it encounters errors.

The defaults

A few defaults are provided out of the box. These are:

Default format function

printf-style msg formatting is provided by Node's util.format.

Default output function

That looks like this:

import safeStringify = require('safe-json-stringify')

export const defaultOutput =
  (p: Payload) => process.stdout.write(safeStringify(p) + "\n")

If you want to use your own, you can re-import safeStringify from this lib to access that dependency.

Default transform function

That looks like this:

export function defaultTransform(o: object) {
  return o instanceof Error ? { error: transformError(o) } : o

transformError basically takes any Error-alike object (has a .stack property), and makes it into something a bit more palatable to JSON.stringify. (It also unwinds the error cause if you're using verrors.)

You can import transformError if you like and build your own transform function -- like maybe detecting and formatting HTTP Request/Response objects. Since Error logging is the only thing that is a greatest-common-denominator across all use-cases, it's the only thing intended to be supported here.

Default levels

These follow the Bunyan/Pino defaults:

export const defaultLevels = {
  trace: 10,
  debug: 20,
  info:  30,
  warn:  40,
  error: 50,
  fatal: 60,
} as const
Default levelOutput

Again, this setting determines whether numeric or string levels are output in the field determined by the levelKey setting. It defaults to:

export const defaultLevelOutput = 'string' as const

This means that the level information is outputted as a string, e.g., 'info' or 'error'.

Default levelKey

As you might expect, the default key used on the payload output to contain log-level information is:

export const defaultLevelKey = 'level'

Another good option might be 'severity', but 'level' is the default setting.

Default messageKey

What field on the payload object receives the provided message (if any):

export const defaultMessageKey = 'msg'
Default level
export const defaultLevel = defaultLevels['info']

The default log level is 'info'.

Default fieldTransforms
export const defaultFieldTransforms = {
  err: transformError,
  error: transformError,

Again, as a greatest-common-denominator, we provide some field transforms on err and error to help capture stack traces, etc.

Creating your own logger factory

The easiest thing to do is to simply provide some defaults to createLogger. Otherwise, to get the correct type-checking, you'll need to mix together the BaseLogger class with the LogMethods type to get your proper type checking. Check out how createLogger works to see that in action.

I want microbenchmarks:

Updated 2021-07-27:

Sure ok, synchronous streaming to /dev/null, if you care about that sort of thing:

          1,010,000 ops/sec > basic#holz (4.49x)
            713,000 ops/sec > basic#pino (3.16x)
            872,000 ops/sec > basic#bole (3.87x)
            282,000 ops/sec > basic#bunyan (1.25x)
            226,000 ops/sec > basic#winston (1x)

  Benches: 5
  Fastest: basic#holz
  Elapsed: 27.1s

            713,000 ops/sec > child#holz (3.76x)
            888,000 ops/sec > child#pino (4.69x)
            262,000 ops/sec > child#bunyan (1.38x)
            189,000 ops/sec > child#winston (1x)

  Benches: 4
  Fastest: child#pino
  Elapsed: 21.9s

            557,000 ops/sec > child child#holz (3.56x)
            893,000 ops/sec > child child#pino (5.71x)
            232,000 ops/sec > child child#bunyan (1.48x)
            156,000 ops/sec > child child#winston (1x)

  Benches: 4
  Fastest: child child#pino
  Elapsed: 21.9s

            516,000 ops/sec > dynamic child#holz (2.66x)
            461,000 ops/sec > dynamic child#pino (2.37x)
            194,000 ops/sec > dynamic child#bunyan (1x)
            195,000 ops/sec > dynamic child#winston (1.01x)

  Benches: 4
  Fastest: dynamic child#holz
  Elapsed: 22s

            368,000 ops/sec > dynamic child child#holz (8.74x)
             42,000 ops/sec > dynamic child child#pino (1x)
            143,000 ops/sec > dynamic child child#bunyan (3.41x)
             96,300 ops/sec > dynamic child child#winston (2.29x)

  Benches: 4
  Fastest: dynamic child child#holz
  Elapsed: 22s

What does it mean? What's the difference between child and dynamic child?

child: creates a child logger once, before the benchmark, and then logs to it for each execution.

dynamic-child: for each execution, creates a child logger and then logs to it.

I prefer to optimize for the latter case, since it represents how I suspect most people use child-loggers: attach a bit of context (e.g., for a web request), do a bit of logging, and then throw it away. Pino is particularly slow for this type of logging, especially nested more than once: you pay a large cost for instantiating a child logger, and a lower cost for each logging call.

Note that Winston has a terrible memory leak and will crash the benchmark suites if run all together. Sadface.