title | date | image |
Welcome to My Data Science Projects! |
2020-07-05 |
- Dermatology Clustering (Jupyter Notebook📔{:target="_blank"})
- Dermatology Classificaton (Jupyter Notebook📔{:target="_blank"})
- Blight Ticket Compliance Prediction{:target="_blank"}
- Predict which violators would pay for the ticket ontime or not.
- Ann Arbor Weather Analysis{:target="_blank"}
- Tell a story about Ann Arbor's weather and make a recommendation of when to visit the city.
- Interactive Plot{:target="_blank"}
- The barplot colors change interactively with user's input as an effective visualization. When the user sets a cutoff value that is below the 95% CI, the bar will have a deep red color; if cutoff value is above the CI, the bar will have a deep blue color; if the cutoff value is within the CI, the bar will have an intermediate color depending on what percentage of the CI is above the cutoff value.
- Sampling Animation{:target="_blank"}
- Animate the sampling of a normal distribution. User can adjust the sample size, mean and standard divation of the distribution, and start, stop and reset the animation.