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Releases: tterrag1098/BON2

BON 2.0.1 - Small things

10 Sep 21:09
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I'm more awake. Time for an update.

  • Implemented progress bar for reading in mappings
  • Added idiot-proof checks

BON 2.0.0 - Initial Release

10 Sep 03:31
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It's way to late at night for me to be doing this, but here you go. I have some more things I would like to do, but they don't affect the core part of this. Just some visual things and some stupid-proof checks, etc. It currently only deobfuscates from srg names. 2.1 will have obfuscating to srg names. I will not be adding obfuscating to notch names, as there is never a place where you really need to do that anymore. I'm considering deobfuscating from notch names for the mods that (for some dumb reason) do that to their code, but it's not a high priority. Anyways, to use it, you need to have setup a FG workspace of some kind (CI, Dev, Deobf). Then just download anywhere and open anywhere. The Forge versions it lists are the ones you have in your gradle cache. If you want more options, setup more versions. Then just choose the input jar, set a name for the output jar, and go. Everything should work. I've tested with some pretty big mods (as in file size), and everything deobfuscated correctly. It does appear to be faster than the original BON, so that's a plus.

Anyways, here you go. Have fun.