diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html index 33c3503c..58dcd88d 100644 --- a/docs/404.html +++ b/docs/404.html @@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
-“We’re Building Something, Here, Detective, We’re Building It From Scratch. All The Pieces Matter.” (Lester, The Wire)
Which is all useful stuff. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. The pipeline that produced this data can be found here. It is run nightly on a machine at the MRC LMB.
+Which is all useful stuff. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. The pipeline that produced this data can be found here. It is run nightly on a machine at the MRC LMB.
With hemibrainr
you can easily get thousands of skeletons for flywire neurons. These skeletons have been built using skeletor, which is a python module. You can also use it directly in R with fafbseg::skeletor
. It has been run on thousands of neurons, which have then been stored on Google Drive, at: hemibrainr/flywire_neurons/
as nat::neuronlistfh
objects. This means that you can use either get flywire skeletons for neurons using the drive, or by making them from meshes yourself. Let’s demonstrate:
From the the hemibrainr Google drive we can see which flywire IDs have been read from FlyWire and skeletonised. We can also see some meta data about them, and get a data frame that tells us which users have built these neurons - useful for assigning credit!
# All flywire IDs for neurons that have a split precomputed
-fw.ids = flywire_ids()
+fw.ids = flywire_ids(sql=FALSE)
# For these flywire IDs, their meta data:
@@ -181,7 +181,12 @@
# For flywire IDs, which users contributed what:
fw.edits = flywire_contributions()
Now, excitingly we can read the neurons themselves! And not only that, we can read them mirrored (flipped to the other hemisphere of the brain) or in a different brainspace (from a small selection) if we wish. We read these neurons as nat::neuronlistfh
objects. This means that a data frame for the neurons and information specifying where to find each neuron’s data is read into R - but not the whole, huge nat::neuronlist
object. This saves on memory for your R session. When an operation that requires the actual neuron data is performed, neurons are read into R.
# Get all aflywire neurons
@@ -281,7 +286,7 @@
Match flywire neurons to each other and the hemibrain
-The neuron matching pipeline reads neuron skeletons from Google Drive and and displays them. FlyWire skeletons are shown in dark grey (their mirrored equivalents in light grey) and potential hemibrain matches in red. This depends also on the precomputed NBLASTs on the hemibrain team drive. For full details, see our match_making
+The neuron matching pipeline reads neuron skeletons from Google Drive and and displays them. FlyWire skeletons are shown in dark grey (their mirrored equivalents in light grey) and potential hemibrain matches in red. This depends also on the precomputed NBLASTs on the hemibrain team drive. For full details, see our match_making
Matching pipelines
@@ -309,6 +314,26 @@
flywire_matching_rewrite() # bring all the flywire information up to date
Let us get some neurons from the ‘flywire interest’ googlesheet:
+# Get all the flywire IDs (updated regularly based on position information) users have flagged
+gs = googlesheets4::read_sheet(ss = options()$flywire_flagged_gsheet, sheet = "flywire")
+# Get IDs for User 'Tots'
+gs.chosen = subset(gs, User == "Tots")
+# Load processed flywire neurons
+fw = flywire_neurons()
+# Get those for Tots
+fw.tots = fw[names(fw)%in%gs.chosen$flywire.id]
+# Examine their meta data
The best option is to use google filestream. By default, this is what hemibrainr
expects. However, you need a Google Workspace account (formerly G-Suite), which is a paid-for service. Without this, the best option is to use rclone. You can also download to an external hard drive and use that.
We have two Google team drives available for you to use, which contain similar data. One ("hemibrain"
) is for internal use by the Drosophila Connectomics Group. The other one ("hemibrainr"
) is shared with those who would like access. Contact us by email to request access.
If you have mounted your Google drives with Google file stream, you should be able to see something like this:
If you need to set hemibrainr
to look at a new drive, use:
@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@
Once you have installed and configured rclone, you can use it to mount the google team drive. To do this, you create an empty directory wherever you want, named whatever you like, and then rclone ‘turns’ this directory into your mounted Google drive.
You can mount with rclone from your system’s command line:
+rclone mount hemibrainr: /path/to/local/mount
Try it somewhere like /Documents
to see how it works. For hemibrainr
there is an R function that will do the mounting for you in your working directory. So within R:
# mounts in working directory
diff --git a/docs/articles/hemibrain_alpns_toons.html b/docs/articles/hemibrain_alpns_toons.html
index ab067925..8b9a73c8 100644
--- a/docs/articles/hemibrain_alpns_toons.html
+++ b/docs/articles/hemibrain_alpns_toons.html
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
+ -
@@ -161,12 +164,12 @@
Get neuron connectivity data
-Now we can get a precomputed edgelist for the brain from the Google drive, which breaks down connections by axon and dendrite. By default this is read from an SQLlite database on the Google drive. This means we can access the data, without loading a multi Gb .csv into memory:
+Now we can get a precomputed edgelist for the brain from the Google drive, which breaks down connections by axon and dendrite. By default this is read from an SQLite database on the Google drive. This means we can access the data, without loading a multi Gb .csv into memory:
# Get the edgelist
elist = hemibrain_elist()
meta = rbind.fill(ton.info, pn.info)
-In our elist
, count is the number of synaptic connections between two arbours. The arbour types are given by Label
and partner.Label
. The neuron identities are given as pre
, the upstream (source) neuron and post
, the downstream (target) neuron. The value of norm
is generated by taking count
and dividing it by the total number of posynapses on the downstream target’s given arbour (note, not all connection in the neuron!). See your article on neuron splitting, for more information.
+In our elist
, count is the number of synaptic connections between two arbours. The arbour types are given by Label
and partner.Label
. The neuron identities are given as pre
, the upstream (source) neuron and post
, the downstream (target) neuron. The value of norm
is generated by taking count
and dividing it by the total number of postsynapses on the downstream target’s given arbour (note, not all connection in the neuron!). See your article on neuron splitting, for more information.
alpn.lhn.elist <- elist %>%
filter(pre %in% local(pn.info$bodyid)
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@
conn.mat.scaled = t(apply(conn.mat,1,normalise))
Now we can plot a heatmaps of the ALPN->TON weights, and correlation heatmaps.
-First let us get some clusterings for ALPNs and TONs based on ther cross-correlation.
+First let us get some clusterings for ALPNs and TONs based on their cross-correlation.
# TON correlation matrix
cor.mat = lsa::cosine(conn.mat.scaled)
@@ -340,7 +343,7 @@
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12, fontfamily ="Helvetica"))
We can also plot the correlation heatmaps.
@@ -379,10 +382,10 @@
Neurons can be split into a principle input zone, a dendrite, and a principle output zone, an axon. Dendrites tend to be more spindly and axons bulkier, with boutons packed with presynapses, ready to release neurotransmitter.
But axons and dendrites are not a totally clear division for most neurons. A neuron may have more than one of each. It may also be more ‘amacrine-like’ and lack this division, though this is less common. Dendrites can have outputs, and axons can have inputs. Axons may connect with axons, even dendrites may input and axon.
However, all fly neurons examined can be split into an axon-like and a dendrite-like compartment (Schneider-Mizell et al., 2016)). The density of outputs in the axon is higher than in the dendrite. The density of inputs to the dendrite, are higher than in the axon (Bates & Schlegel et al., 2020)). Interestingly, the ‘start’ of a dendrite is almost always closer to the neuron’s cell body than the start of its axon. See our recent data (Bates & Schlegel et al., 2020)) for three broad classes of olfactory neuron:
The biophysical impact of axo-axonic connections is unclear – they can have non-intuitive effects depending on the timing of action potentials in connected partners (Burrows and Laurent, 1993; Burrows and Matheson, 1994; Cuntz et al., 2007; Haag and Borst, 2004).
Splitting neurons can take a little time. We can also load thousands of pre-split neurons from the hemibrainr
Google team drive. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. Once you have access and have mounted the drive, you should be able to do:
Splitting neurons can take a little time. We can also load thousands of pre-split neurons from the hemibrainr
Google team drive. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. Once you have access and have mounted the drive, you should be able to do:
# All split hemibrain neurons
db = hemibrain_neurons()
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@
axon.synapses = hemibrain_extract_synapses(axons, prepost = "PRE")
Here, lines: blue = dendrite, orange = axon, green = linker, purple = cell body fibre.
Balls: red = presynapse (output), navy blue = postsynapse (input), purple = soma.
@@ -258,7 +261,7 @@So I think most of those splits are pretty convincing.
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@Here, pre is the bodyid
of the presynaptic (upstream source) neuron and post is the bodyid
of the postsynaptic (downstream target) neuron. The norm
column gives a synaptic weight normalised by the total inputs of the downstream neuron (post), i.e. count/total postsynapses on ‘post’.
Please see this article to see a more in-depth example of how to efficiently work neuron connectivity data from hemibrainr
Please see this article to see a more in-depth example of how to efficiently work neuron connectivity data from hemibrainr
In this guide, we will use hemibrainr
look at connectivity data for a starting neuron of interest. They neuron will be LHMB1 (Bates & Schlegel et al., 2020)), the only neuron from the ‘innate olfactory’ brain center of the fly (lateral horn), to innervate the ‘associative memroy centre’ directly (mushroom body lobes). You can try re-running this analysis for any neuron of your interest.
We will use precomputed data from the hemibrainr
Google team drive. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. To see how to split neurons into axon and dendrite, without acces to this drive, please see this article.
In this guide, we will use hemibrainr
look at connectivity data for a starting neuron of interest. They neuron will be LHMB1 (Bates & Schlegel et al., 2020)), the only neuron from the ‘innate olfactory’ brain center of the fly (lateral horn), to innervate the ‘associative memory centre’ directly (mushroom body lobes). You can try re-running this analysis for any neuron of your interest.
We will use precomputed data from the hemibrainr
Google team drive. In order to connect R to this Google drive, you have a few options. Please see this article. To see how to split neurons into axon and dendrite, without access to this drive, please see this article.
So here you can see dendrite (blue) in the lateral horn (green volume) and calyx, and axon (orange) in the lobes of the msuhroom body (pink volume).
+So here you can see dendrite (blue) in the lateral horn (green volume) and calyx, and axon (orange) in the lobes of the mushroom body (pink volume).
Now we can get a precomputed edgelist for the brain from the Google drive, which breaks down connections by axon and dendrite. By default this is read from an SQLlite database on the Google drive. This means we can access the data, without loading a multi Gb .csv into memory:
+Now we can get a precomputed edgelist for the brain from the Google drive, which breaks down connections by axon and dendrite. By default this is read from an SQLite database on the Google drive. This means we can access the data, without loading a multi Gb .csv into memory:
# Get the edgelist
elist = hemibrain_elist()
@@ -178,8 +181,8 @@
# Get a lot of meyta data for each hemibrain neuron
hemi.meta = hemibrain_meta()
In our elist
, count is the number of synaptic connections between two arbours. The arbour types are given by Label
and partner.Label
. The neuron identities are given as pre
, the upstream (source) neuron and post
, the downstream (target) neuron. The value of norm
is generated by taking count
and dividing it by the total number of posynapses on the downstream target’s given arbour (note, not all connection in the neuron!). See your article on neuron splitting, for more information.
We have the connectivity of whe whole dataset at our fingertips. Or at least, all the large fragments that could be considered neurons (see ?hemibrain_bodyids
). Let us have a quick look at what rthe distribution of different connection types is:
In our elist
, count is the number of synaptic connections between two arbours. The arbour types are given by Label
and partner.Label
. The neuron identities are given as pre
, the upstream (source) neuron and post
, the downstream (target) neuron. The value of norm
is generated by taking count
and dividing it by the total number of postsynapses on the downstream target’s given arbour (note, not all connection in the neuron!). See your article on neuron splitting, for more information.
We have the connectivity of the whole dataset at our fingertips. Or at least, all the large fragments that could be considered neurons (see ?hemibrain_bodyids
). Let us have a quick look at what the distribution of different connection types is:
lhmb1.elist <- elist %>%
dplyr::filter(pre == lhmb1.bodyid | post == lhmb1.bodyid, count > 10 | norm > 0.01) %>%
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+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
@@ -147,6 +150,8 @@ All vignettes
+ - hemibrain and flywire meta data
+ -
- flywire
- read data from Google drive
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+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
+ -
@@ -116,42 +119,42 @@
Neuron Matching Making
Insect brains seem pretty stereotyped. But just how stereotyped are they? It comes as a surprise to many neuroscientists who work only on vertebrates, to learn that in insects, individual neurons can readily and reliably be re-found and identified across different members of the species. Perhaps even across species.
As of 2020, two large data sets for the vinegar fly, D. melanogaster, are available making it possible to look at the full morphology of ~25,000 neurons in two data sets. These data sets are the hemibrain and FAFB. However, neurons in FAFB have been semi-manually or manually reconstructed, making the automatic assignment of FAFB-hemibrain neuron matches non-trivial. In this R package we have built tools to enable users to record and deploy inter-dataset matches.
What use is this information? Matches could be used to look at morphological stereotypy, help find genetic lines that label neurons, help transfer information associated with on reconstructed to the same cell in a different brain, compare neuron connectivity between two brains, etc.
For example, by matching neurons up between the hemibrain and FAFB, we see that the numbers of cell types within one ‘hemilineage’ (a set of neurons that are born and develop together) are comparable between these two different flies:
In order to match neurons, we make use of other natverse tools to ‘bridge’ data between two different brainspace, so they can be co-visualised (enabled by template brain and bridging registrations by Bogovic et al. 2019):
-In general, our interactive matching pipelines follow this workslow (this exmple is for fafb_matching
+In general, our interactive matching pipelines follow this workflow (this example is for fafb_matching
@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@
The Google Sheet
We in the Drosophila Connectomics Group have been recording our match making in a Google sheet named em_matching. This sheet has two tabs of concern here, hemibrain
for hemibrain neuron -> FAFB neuron matches and fafb
for FAFB neuron to hemibrain neuron matches.
If you have authorisation, you can see the most up-to-date matches as so:
@@ -190,48 +193,48 @@
It is very important to note that a match cannot be a match if neurons do not seem to share the same cell body fiber tract. Being in a different tract is a deal breaker.
Some good matches are striking. For example:
In the above case, the FAFB neuron has been quite extensively manually traced, meaning that these cells look very similar to one another.
Be aware that while neurons must share the same cell body fiber tract, these tracts can be a little off set. For example, this is also a good match:
If the soma is missing, it might be safer to note a match as ‘medium’.
You might also use medium if you have a nice looking match and suspect that there is a medium/large discrepancy because the FAFB neuron (here shown in red) is under-traced, such as:
Bear in mind that the hemibrain volume only covers ~1/4 of the fly mid-brain, so neurons are truncated (here hemibrain neuron in black) but we can still make matches for many of them:
A larger degree of under-tracing may lead you to assign a match as poor. In this case, you think the two neurons may be ‘the same isomorphic cell type’ but you could be wrong. For example:
A poor match may also be made if you think there is a slight offset, possibly due to a registration issue:
Though in this case, choosing an even lesser-traced FAFB neuron may be better:
A poor match can be given even to very under-traced FAFB neurons:
And even fragments if you are convinced the morphology is unique enough (but be careful!):
@@ -278,7 +281,7 @@
fafb_matching(ids = "16", overwrite = "none") # Re-look only if no proper match, or just a tract-only match, was found before.
When you run these functions you will enter an interactive pipeline in an rgl
window. Prompts will be given to you in your R console and you can rotate and pan in the window to see neurons. The neuron selected for-matching is shown in blue (i.e. if using hemibrain_matching
this will be a hemibrain neuron), and potential matches in red (i.e. if using hemibrain_matching
these will be FAFB neurons). Potential matches are shown by NBLAST score (a measure of morphological similarity). Usually, for reasonably traced FAFB neurons, a good match appears in the top 10 hits.
@@ -306,7 +309,7 @@
One use we have already found for all of this match making, is to cross-identify neuron cell body fiber tracts and (hemi)lineages. This means that we now have the locations in FAFB for different known sets of cells. You can see seed planes for them here.
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@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
+ -
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
-The goal of hemibrainr is to provide useful code for preprocessing and analysing data from the Janelia FlyEM hemibrain project. It contains specific functionality for splitting neurons into axons and dendrites, including split edgelists for connectivity. It also has the capability to load large amount of precomputed data on flywire, FAFB and hemibrain neurons from a linked Google drive. Please see this article.
+The goal of hemibrainr is to provide useful code for preprocessing and analysing data from the Janelia FlyEM hemibrain project. It contains specific functionality for splitting neurons into axons and dendrites, including split edgelists for connectivity. It also has the capability to load large amount of precomputed data on flywire, FAFB and hemibrain neurons from a linked Google drive. Please see this article.
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@
-navis (neuron analysis and visualization) is the Python equivalent of R’s nat and a lot of the other packages are built on top of it. It handles data representing neurons, such as skeletons or meshes, and lets you analyze and manipulate it. navis
has a quickstart guide, an extensive API documentation and several [tutorials(https://navis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/gallery.html) including one to fetch hemibrain data via neuprint. navis
also provides an interfaces with R natverse functions for example nat.nblast
or xform_brain
(see tutorials)
+navis (neuron analysis and visualization) is the Python equivalent of R’s nat and a lot of the other packages are built on top of it. It handles data representing neurons, such as skeletons or meshes, and lets you analyse and manipulate it. navis
has a quickstart guide, an extensive API documentation and several [tutorials(https://navis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/gallery.html) including one to fetch hemibrain data via neuprint. navis
also provides an interfaces with R natverse functions for example nat.nblast
or xform_brain
(see tutorials)
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+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
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+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
+ -
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@
The goal of hemibrainr is to provide useful code for preprocessing and analysing data from the Janelia FlyEM hemibrain project. It makes use of the natverse R package, neuprintr to get hemibrain data from their connectome analysis and data hosting service neuprint. The dataset has been described here. Using this R package in concert with the natverse ecosystem is highly recommended.
The hemibrain connectome comprises the region of the fly brain depicted below. It is ~21,662 ~full neurons, 9.5 million synapses and is about ~35% complete in this region:
-
+
@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@
# install
if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")
# use
@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@
For this, you need access to th hemibrainr google team drive. Authentication is through an email account. Once you have access, there are two basic ways to mount the data for use:
Option 1, mount your Google drives using Google filestream. However, for this to work you will need Google Workspace, Google’s monthly subscription offering for businesses and organizations. One the Google filestream application is run, you should be able to see your drives mounted like external hard drive, as so:
Then, this should work:
@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@
# Now just get the name of your default team drive.
## This will be used to locate your team drive using the R package googledrive
-Option 2, this is free. You still need authenticated access to the hemibrainr Gogle team drive. It cna then be moutned using rclone. First, download rclone for your operating system. You can also download from your system’s command line (e.g. from terminal) and then configure it for the drive:
+Option 2, this is free. You still need authenticated access to the hemibrainr Gogle team drive. It can then be mounted using rclone. First, download rclone for your operating system. You can also download from your system’s command line (e.g. from terminal) and then configure it for the drive:
@@ -216,7 +219,7 @@
# And now we are back to:
-For more detailed instructions, see this article.
+For more detailed instructions, see this article.
@@ -270,7 +273,7 @@
This package was created by Alexander Shakeel Bates and Gregory Jefferis. You can cite this package as:
citation(package = "hemibrainr")
-Bates AS, Jefferis GSXE (2020). hemibrainr: Code for working with data from Janelia FlyEM’s hemibrain project. R package version 0.1.0. https://github.com/flyconnectome/hemibrainr
+Bates AS, Jefferis GSXE (2020). hemibrainr: Code for working with data from Janelia FlyEM’s hemibrain project. R package version 0.1.0. https://github.com/natverse/hemibrainr
@@ -303,8 +306,8 @@ Developers
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pkgdown_sha: 6094ac3dd80a1f3f1d4e2f47d0ed4716d51362b0
+ data: data.html
flywire: flywire.html
google_filestream: google_filestream.html
hemibrain_alpns_toons: hemibrain_alpns_toons.html
@@ -9,5 +10,5 @@ articles:
hemibrain_connectivity: hemibrain_connectivity.html
match_making: match_making.html
packages_guide: packages_guide.html
-last_built: 2020-12-04T19:45Z
+last_built: 2021-01-06T17:54Z
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+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
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+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
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+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
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--- a/docs/reference/classed.ids.html
+++ b/docs/reference/classed.ids.html
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
+ -
+ hemibrain and flywire meta data
@@ -185,8 +188,6 @@ Bodyids for neuron classes
@@ -204,12 +205,11 @@ character
of length 307.
An object of class character
of length 2383.
An object of class character
of length 1428.
An object of class character
of length 431.
An object of class character
of length 345.
An object of class character
of length 1927.
An object of class character
of length 5.
An object of class character
of length 24.
An object of class character
of length 2129.
An object of class character
of length 1927.
An object of class data.frame
with 2651 rows and 44 columns.
Set annotations for FAFB neurons in CATMAID based on matches made to hemibrain neurons.
E.g. transfer information on matches and cell body fibers, and also update lineage related information.
-Not that catmaid::flywire_matching_rewrite()
will writ annotations related to flywire.
will write annotations related to flywire.
fafb_hemibrain_annotate(x, flywire = TRUE, ...) diff --git a/docs/reference/flow_centrality.html b/docs/reference/flow_centrality.html index d31da248..b0cfd07d 100644 --- a/docs/reference/flow_centrality.html +++ b/docs/reference/flow_centrality.html @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@
flywire_meta(local = FALSE, folder = "flywire_neurons/", sql = TRUE, ...) +flywire_meta(local = FALSE, folder = "flywire_neurons/", sql = FALSE, ...) + +flywire_failed(local = FALSE, folder = "flywire_neurons/", sql = FALSE, ...) flywire_contributions( local = FALSE, @@ -168,7 +173,7 @@+flywire_ids(local = FALSE, folder = "flywire_neurons/", sql = FALSE, ...)Read precomputed flywire data from the hemibrainr Google Drive
... ) -flywire_ids(local = FALSE, folder = "flywire_neurons/", sql = TRUE, ...)
chosen.columns | -as well as writing column updates to the specified google sheets, this function returns a | as well as writing column updates to the specified google sheets, this function returns a |
+ ||||||||
work_sheets | +a character vector of work sheet, i.e. tab, names for the googlesheet. If given, this function will only update those tabs. |
+ |||||||||
meta | +meta data for flywire neurons, e.g. as retreived using |
numCores | diff --git a/docs/reference/flywire_neurons.html b/docs/reference/flywire_neurons.html index 2ac758fe..f7492f7f 100644 --- a/docs/reference/flywire_neurons.html +++ b/docs/reference/flywire_neurons.html @@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ without loading the entire, large neuronlist into memory. You will need access to the hemibrain Google Team Drive and have it mounted with Google filestream.The function flywire_neurons_update can be used to update the available data. If you want to flag flywire neurons that should be added to the Google drive, without doing this yourself, you can use - flywire_request." /> + flywire_request. The flywire_basics function will calculate some useful meta-data, namely +a point in the primary neurite tract that can be used as a stable reference for this neuron." /> @@ -101,6 +102,9 @@nblast | which flywire NBLAST to update on Google drive. |
flywire.neurons | +a |
+ |||||||||
request | a neuronlist, matrix of x,y,z position or flywire ID to add to a @@ -255,7 +267,31 @@ See a
# \donttest{
if (FALSE) {
+# Loads all processed flywire neurons as a neuronlistfh object
fw.neurons = flywire_neurons()
+# Get them already bridged to the JRC2018F brainsapce
+## (Bogovic et al. 2018, high performance brain space)
+fw.neurons.jrc2018f = flywire_neurons(brain = "JRC2018F")
+# Get them already mirrored to the other hemispehre, i.e. flipped
+fw.neurons.jrc2018f.m = flywire_neurons(brain = "JRC2018F", mirror = TRUE)
+# Now say you have some flywire ID~s you wants to add
+## to the nightly processing so they are available from Google drive.
+## And they are stored in a .csv:
+csv = read_csv("/Users/abates/Downloads/FlyWire_list.txt",
+col_type = cols(.default = "c"))
+ids = csv[,1][[1]]
+neurons = skeletor(ids)
+neurons.with.info = hemibrainr:::flywire_basics(neurons)
+new.points = nat::xyzmatrix(neurons.with.info[,"flywire.xyz"])
+## Now they are added to a google sheet, and will be read and
+## processed as part of this nightly pipeline:
+### https://github.com/flyconnectome/fafbpipeline
}# }
Manage hemibrain-FAFB neuron matchesManage hemibrain-FAFB neuron matchesfafb_matching_rewrite( selected_file = options()$hemibrainr_matching_gsheet, top.nblast = FALSE, + reorder = FALSE, + nblast = NULL, ... ) @@ -201,6 +210,9 @@Manage hemibrain-FAFB neuron matchesids = NULL, selected_file = options()$hemibrainr_matching_gsheet, top.nblast = FALSE, + meta = NULL, + nblast.hemibrain.catmaid = NULL, + nblast.hemibrain.flywire = NULL, ... ) @@ -221,10 +233,26 @@Arg
| |||||||||
catmaid.update | +logical. Whether or not to update |
+ |||||||||
selected_file | Specifies which Google Sheet to use. Unless you are using a personal Google Sheet, this should be |
reorder | +logical. Whether or not to re-write the sheet so that it is ordered by hemilineage. |
+ |||||||||
top.nblast | +logical. Whether or not to also give the top NBLAST match for each entry. |
+ |||||||||
nblast | +if |
+ |||||||||
... | arguments passed to methods for, for example, |
@@ -255,8 +283,12 @@ the tab to which to add your new information. You are either adding to information related to hemibrain neurons, or FAFB neurons. |
top.nblast | -logical. Whether or not to also give the top NBLAST match for each entry. |
+ nblast.hemibrain.catmaid | +if |
+ |||||||
nblast.hemibrain.flywire | +if |
flycircuit.ids | diff --git a/docs/reference/hemibrain_adjust_saved_somas.html b/docs/reference/hemibrain_adjust_saved_somas.html index fd63a07a..4fb133fb 100644 --- a/docs/reference/hemibrain_adjust_saved_somas.html +++ b/docs/reference/hemibrain_adjust_saved_somas.html @@ -105,6 +105,9 @@||||||||||
Bodyids for neuron classes |
Use standard names and spellings |
Download a large set of well-traced skeletonised neurons from FlyWire |
Read precomputed flywire data from the hemibrainr Google Drive |
chosen.columns | -as well as writing column updates to the specified google sheets, this function returns a | as well as writing column updates to the specified google sheets, this function returns a |
meta data for the given flycircuit IDs.
#> Error in neuprintr::neuprint_read_neurons("451987038"): Error reading bodyids# Extract primary neurite pnt = primary_neurite(neuron) - +#> Error in UseMethod("primary_neurite"): no applicable method for 'primary_neurite' applied to an object of class "function"if (FALSE) { # Plot the primary neurite nat::nopen3d() diff --git a/docs/reference/prune_vertices.neuprintneuron.html b/docs/reference/prune_vertices.neuprintneuron.html index 41ed419b..989840f1 100644 --- a/docs/reference/prune_vertices.neuprintneuron.html +++ b/docs/reference/prune_vertices.neuprintneuron.html @@ -96,6 +96,9 @@+
- + hemibrain and flywire meta data +
- flywire
diff --git a/docs/reference/reexports.html b/docs/reference/reexports.html index e6188db5..8bedca62 100644 --- a/docs/reference/reexports.html +++ b/docs/reference/reexports.html @@ -105,6 +105,9 @@+
- + hemibrain and flywire meta data +
- flywire
diff --git a/docs/reference/standardise.html b/docs/reference/standardise.html index 21bf0886..9c3f90f0 100644 --- a/docs/reference/standardise.html +++ b/docs/reference/standardise.html @@ -96,6 +96,9 @@+
- + hemibrain and flywire meta data +
- flywire
@@ -151,6 +154,8 @@Use standard names and spellings
standard_transmitters(x) +standard_statuses(x, invert = FALSE) + standard_lineages(x) standard_compartments(x, invert = FALSE) diff --git a/inst/images/hemibrainr_googledrive.png b/inst/images/hemibrainr_googledrive.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..129152bb Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/images/hemibrainr_googledrive.png differ diff --git a/vignettes/google_filestream.Rmd b/vignettes/google_filestream.Rmd index 082b246c..0b1c118e 100644 --- a/vignettes/google_filestream.Rmd +++ b/vignettes/google_filestream.Rmd @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ The best option is to use google filestream. By default, this is what `hemibrain We have two [Google team drives](https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9310156?hl=en) available for you to use, which contain similar data. One (`"hemibrain"`) is for internal use by the [Drosophila Connectomics Group](https://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/research/groups/connectomics). The other one (`"hemibrainr"`) is shared with those who would like access. Contact us by email to request access. ++ + + ## Option 1: Google workspace, hemibrainr and R [Google drive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Drive) is a data storage and synchronisation system. A Google team drive (shared drive) is a Google drive that is shared by a team of people, you can find them on your 'shared drives' in your Google authenticated account. Sharing and file ownership are managed for the entire team rather than one individual. Google Drive is a key component of [Google Workspace](https://workspace.google.com/pricing.html), Google's monthly subscription offering for businesses and organizations. As part of select Google Workspace plans, Drive offers unlimited storage, advanced file audit reporting, enhanced administration controls, and greater collaboration tools for teams.