SpinW (spin-double-u) is a Matlab library that can optimize magnetic structures using mean field theory and calculate spin wave dispersion and spin-spin correlation function for complex crystal and magnetic structures. For details check http://www.spinw.org
Keep up to date on announcements and more by following @spinw4 on Twitter.
- experimental and under construction, the address can change in the future
- documentation of the master branch
- use
instead of the Matlab built-indoc
functions to get help on SpinW - can be also accessed from the browser: https://spinw.github.io/spinwdoc/
We are currently testing on Centos 7.3, macOS and Windows using MATLAB R2018b. It should be noted that MATLAB symbolic calculation changed post R2018a and as such symbolic results may be differ with a relative tolerance of < 0.03 %.
Testing can be pulled from the testing repository and run with the runspinwFunctionalityTests
command from the Testing