SubmitOpts are workflow submission options
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
dry_run | bool | DryRun validates the workflow on the client-side without creating it. This option is not supported in API | [optional] |
entry_point | str | Entrypoint overrides spec.entrypoint | [optional] |
generate_name | str | GenerateName overrides metadata.generateName | [optional] |
labels | str | Labels adds to metadata.labels | [optional] |
name | str | Name overrides | [optional] |
owner_reference | V1OwnerReference | [optional] | |
parameter_file | str | ParameterFile holds a reference to a parameter file. This option is not supported in API | [optional] |
parameters | list[str] | Parameters passes input parameters to workflow | [optional] |
server_dry_run | bool | ServerDryRun validates the workflow on the server-side without creating it | [optional] |
service_account | str | ServiceAccount runs all pods in the workflow using specified ServiceAccount. | [optional] |