- Added cancel toggle function (PR 77):
- function:
- cancelToggle: (index) {} (return type - Future<bool>)
- function:
- Added these options PR 74):
- center text:
- centerText (optional, type bool - default false)
- multi-line text:
- multiLineText (optional, type bool - default false)
- inherit activeFgColor and inactiveFgColor in customTextStyles
- center text:
- Null safety improvements (PR 68)
- Added vertical toggle switch option (PR 51):
- parameter:
- isVertical (type bool - default false)
- parameter:
- Added active borders option (Partial implementation from PR 53):
- parameter:
- activeBorders (optional, type List<Border>)
- list with only one Border value will apply that Border to all the active switches
- different Border values can be provided for different switches
- parameter:
- Added divider margin option:
- parameter:
- dividerMargin (optional, type double - default 8.0)
- parameter:
- Made totalSwitches parameter optional.
- Added new changes to customTextStyles:
- list with only one TextStyle value will apply that TextStyle to all the active switches
- Added new changes to customWidths:
- customWidths can now reflect widths greater than device width
- must use horizontal scroll view to prevent overflow
- Minor bug fix (PR 44).
- return null when active switch is de-activated by re-tapping
- Added changes to fix radiusStyle bug when text direction is set to TextDirection.rtl
- parameter:
- textDirectionRTL (optional, type bool - default false)
- parameter:
- Added custom widths support
- parameter:
- customWidths (optional, type List<double>)
- parameter:
- Added null support for initialLabelIndex (PR 39).
- Added double tap support to de-select/de-activate active switch (PR 41):
- parameter:
- doubleTapDisable (optional, type bool - default false)
- parameter:
- Added animation duration support:
- parameter:
- animationDuration (optional, type int - default 800)
- parameter:
- Added package test
- Added custom icons support:
- parameter:
- customIcons (optional, type List<Icon>)
- customIcons will overwrite 'icons:'
- parameter:
- Added custom text styles support:
- parameter:
- customTextStyles (optional, type List<TextStyle>)
- text style can now be configured for individual switches
- parameter:
- Added text or icon support:
- icons parameter now accepts null value (check examples)
- Added total switches support:
- parameter:
- totalSwitches (required, type int)
- parameter:
- Labels parameter is now optional.
- Added border color and border width support:
- parameters:
- borderColor (optional, type List<Color> for gradient colors support)
- borderWidth (optional, type double)
- parameters:
- Added divider color support:
- dividerColor (optional, type Color)
- Added gradient colors support for active backgrounds:
- activeBgColor and activeBgColors now take an array of Color instead of just Color (check examples)
- parameters:
- activeBgColor (optional, type List<Color>)
- activeBgColors (optional, type List<List<Color>>)
- Added animation support:
- parameters:
- animate (optional, type bool):
- with just animate set to true, default curve = Curves.easeIn
- curve (optional, type Curve):
- animate must be set to true when using custom curve
- animate (optional, type bool):
- parameters:
- Added new active switch style based on corner radius:
- parameter:
- radiusStyle (optional, type bool)
- parameter:
- Upgraded pre 1.12 flutter embedding in Android for example project (22d04ea).
- Enabled AndroidX support for example project (3b62b21).
- Migrated to strict null safety (bb24959).
- Added left and right padding.
- Added fixes to prevent overflow:
- max widget width is calculated based on the number of labels/switches, minWidth and max screen width.
- resize widgets to fit if user-provided size params exceed available width.
- Added fix to programmatically change switch index (a04d62e).
- Added changeOnTap option to enable/disable switch (a04d62e).
- Made color parameters optional.
- Use default theme color if color parameter is null/not provided.
- Added additional gitignores for package.
- Added minHeight, fontSize, iconSize support.
- Added text overflow support.
- Renamed arguments to make them more specific.
- Added usage examples in Readme.
- Added icons support.
- Added different active background colors support.
- Readme updates.
- First version release.