Thank you for taking the time to contribute!
Please use the pyPRISM tutorial before asking any questions. We have put a lot of effort into those notebooks and many questions and techniques are answered there.
Please see the faq and convergence tips pages of the documention documentation. Many questions are answered there.
If the above doesn't help, use the
issues interface to ask
questions! Please tag your question using the question
We can't think of everything. If you've got a good idea for a feature, then please let us know. If you require a feature urgently it's best to write it yourself and share it with the community!
Use the issues interface to
suggest features! Please tag your suggestion with the enhancement
When suggesting a feature, make sure to:
- Check the code on GitHub to make sure it's not already hiding in an unreleased version ;)
- Check existing issues, open and closed, to make sure it hasn't already been suggested
If you run into a problem with one of our libraries or examples then please let us know. Be as detailed as possible, and be ready to answer questions when we get back to you.
Use the issues interface to
file bug reports! Please tag your suggestion with the bug
Please include details such as:
- OS (Windows 8, Windows 10, OSX Sierra, Ubuntu 16.04)
- A minimal example that repoduces the behavior.
- Any solutions you've tried
- pyPRISM version
>>> from pyPRISM import Version >>> print Version.version
- conda version
$ conda --version
If you've decided to fix a bug or work on a feature it's best to let us know what you're working on first. This can be done by filing an appropriate issue as discussed above or commenting on an already assigned issue.
- Do use PEP8 style guidelines
- Do use spaces not tabs in files
- Do comment your code where necessary
- Do write basic unit-tests for all new classes/methods
- Do run the full test suite before submission
- Do follow the patterns set forth in other classes/methods
- Do write code for general use, not your specific use-case
- Don't make large changes to the core classes
- Don't add non-universal or trivial feature to the code
- Don't try to do too much at once
When you submit code to our libraries, you implicitly and irrevocably agree to
adopt the associated licenses. You should be able to find this in the file
named LICENSE.
Once you're ready to share your contribution with us you should submit it as a Pull Request. Fork pyPRISM onto your own GitHub, push your changes up to this repo, and then file a Pull Request using the online interface. See here for more details.
- Be ready to receive and embrace constructive feedback.
- Be prepared for rejection; we can't always accept contributions.