Provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud
Virtual machine in the cloud, boot up and down in seconds. → Quickly scale up and down
Different with traditional hardware device, pay up front
Pay as you use, pay for what you use, pay less as you use more
Pricing models
- On demand: fixed rate by the hours, seconds
- For: short term use, unpredictable workloads cannot be interrupted
- User for the first time
- Reserved: capacity reservation, contract terms are 1-3 year
- For: steady use, predictable usage
- require reserved capacity
- Standard Reserved Instance
- Convertible Reserved Instance
- Scheduled Reserved Instance
- Spot: when AWS has an ecceed resource, they drop the price. You can bid price you want to use, great saving if application have flexible start and end time
- If terminated by EC2, you will not be charged for a partial hour of usage
- If terminated by yourself, charged for any hour which instance ran
- Dedicated Hosts: physical EC2 server, can help reduce cost by allowing to use your existing server-bound software license
- For: goverment, regulatory requirement
- Termination Protection is turned off by default, you must turn it on
- On an EBS-backed instance, the default action is for the root EBS volume to be deleted when the instance is terminated
- EBS Root volumes of default AMI's CAN be encrypted
Change rules in security groups, it take effect immediately (eg: remote http port)
Delete all rules in Outbound, → still works, why?
- Security Groups is stateful, whenever create rule in Inbound, Outbound is create automatically
- In the setting, can't block port, IP address → use Network Access Control Lists
- All inbound traffic is blocked by default
- All outbound traffic is allowed
- EC2 instance - security group: N vs M
Elastic Block Store, virtual disk in the cloud
Each EBS is automatically replicated within its AZ
- General Purpose (SSD)
- Provisioned IOPS (SSD)
- Throughput Optimised Hard Disk Drive
- Cold HDD
- Magnetic
EC2 instance is the same AZ with EBS volume
To move EC2 volume from one AZ to another AZ?
- Create snapshot: like a copy of a volume
- Use that snapshot to create an AMI
- Use that Image (in AMI) to provision EC2 Instance in another AZ
To move EC2 volume from one region to another
- Copy AMI to new region
Terminate EC2 instance
- By default root volume will be deleted
- Additional volume that are attached to that instance will not be deleted, continue to persisted
Volumes exist on EBS
Snapshots exist on S3
Can create, changing size, performace EBS volume on the fly
First time create will be a bit long
- When save a second snapshot on the first one, it only add, update the changed block
- Snapshots are incremental
Can create AMI's from both volumes and snapshots
EBS Volumes
- The root device is an Amazon EBS volume created from Amazon EBS snapshot
Instance Store Volumes:
- Ephemeral Storage
- Cannot be stopped, terminate only. Can lose data
- The root device is an instance store volume create from a template stored in Amz S3
- Both can reboot, not lose data
- Be default, both ROOT will be delete when termination. However with EBS volumes, can tell AWS to keep the root volume
- Elastic Network Interface - virtual network card
- Allow primary private address, mac address...
- For basic networking
Enhanced Networking: use single root I/O virtualization provide high-perf networking capabilities
Just a way of speeding your network essentially
No additional charge for using but ec2 instance have to support
Can be enabled using
- ENA (Elastic Network Adapter): up to 100 Gbps
- Intel 82599 Virtual Function (VF): up to 10 Gbps
Elastic Fabric Adapter
- Network device can attach to ec2 instance to accelerate High Performance Computing (HPC) and ML application
- low latency, OS-bypass, allow HPC and ML application to bypass the OS kernel and communicate directly with EFA device
Can encrypt when adding a storage
To encrypting a root volume when create an instance without encryption
- Create snapshot of unencrypted volume
- Copy snapshot
- "Encrypt this snapshot"
- Create image
- Launch EC2 instance as encrypted root device
Snapshots of encrypted volumes are encrypted automatically
Volumes restored from encrypted snapshots are encrypted automatically
Can share snapshots, to other AWS accounts or made public, but only if they are unencrypted
Monitoring services to monitor AWS resources, as well as the applications that you run on AWS
- Compute
- EC2 instance
- Autoscalling Groups
- Elastic LB
- Route53 health check
- Storeage & content delivery
- EBS volumes
- Storate Gateways
- CloudFront
CloudWatch & EC2
Host level metrics consist of
- entowrk
- disk
- status check
Monitor events every 5 mins by default
- Can have 1 mins intervals by turn on detailed monitoring
Can create alarms which trigger notification (billing alert..)
Can create dashboards, dashboards can be global or regionouse
Can configure event, help you respond to state changes in ur AWS resources
Logs - aggregate, monitor and store logs
A CCTV for ur AWS environment
Increase visibility into your user and resources activity by recording AWS Console actions and API calls
Can identify which users and accounts called AWS, source IP address, when the calls were made
Roles are more secure than storing your access key and secret access key on individual EC2 instances
Roles are easier to manage
Roles can be assigned to an ec2 instance after it is create using both console & cmd line
Roles are universal - user in any region
curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip/latest/user-data
The above bootstrap script
curl http://ip.ip.ip.ip/latest/meta-data/local-ipv4
- used to get information about instance
- curl metadata
- cur user-data
EFS file storage service for ec2 instance.
Similar to EBS, except EBS only mount to 1 ec2 instance
EFS can be shared between ec2 instances
On security group need to add NFS protocol to allow webserver to interact with file system
Support NFSv4 protocol
Mount EFS into EC2 instance:
Only pay for the storage you use (no pre-provisioning required)
Can support thousands of concurrent NFS connections
Data is stored across multiple AZ
Read after Write Consistency
Amazon FSx for Windows:
- a windows file server that run Windows Server Message Block (SMB) based file services
- Designed for WIndows and Windows application
- Support AD users, ACL, groups, policies, DFS
- Managed NAS filer for EC2 instanced based on NFSv4
- file sharing protocols native to Unix and Linux
Amazon FSx for Lustre
- optimized for coputer-intensive workload, HPC, ML, electronic design automation (EDA)
- massive data sets at 100 Gb/s, millions of IOPS, sub millisecond latencies
A way of placing ec2 placement
3 types
Clustered Placement Group
- Grouping of instance within a single AZ
- Just placing Ec2 instances close to each other so low latency, high network throughput
- Can't span multiple AZ
- Group of instances that are each placed on distinct underlying hardware
- Separate rack, power supply
- Recommend for small number of individual critical instances that should be kept separate from each other
- Can span multiple AZ but same region
- can only have 7 running instances per AZ
- divides each group into logical segment called partitions
- each partition has its own set of racks
- each rack has its own network and power source
- isolate impact of hardware failure
- multiple ec2 instances HDFS, HBase, Cassandra
name of placement group must be unique within aws account
only certain type of instances can be launched in a placement group (compute optimized, GPU, memory optimize, storage optimized)
AWS recommend the same instance type within clustered placement group
can't merge placement groups
can move an existing instance into placement group, before move, instance must be in stopped state, using AWS CLI or AWS SDK, can do by console yet
Cannot delete a snapshot of root EBS volume
Can attach an EBS volume to more than one EC2 instance at the same time
A specific type of EC2 can
Web application firewall, monitor HTTP and HTTPS request that are forwarded to CloudFront, LB or API Gateway
Application level firewall, sit in layer 7 in OSI model
Configure conditions such as what IP addresses, country, values in request headers, string from regex, length request, SQL injection, XSS
- allow all requests except the ones you specify
- block all requests except the ones you specify
- count the requests that match the properties you specify