This guide can be used when melody automated release pipeline fails.
- Make sure you have updated the new release version in CHANGELOG.
- Commit your changes. There should be no uncommitted changes in the repository.
- Bump the current melody version. eg. You can use the following command to bump current melody version to 1.8.0
yarn lerna version 1.8.0 --no-push --yes --force-publish="*"
- Make sure you have publish rights to npm.
- Publish newly created version to npmjs
yarn lerna publish from-git --force-publish="*" --registry
- Pushing newly created git tag to github.
git push origin v1.8.0
- Create a new github release on github and update it from the changelog.
Previously, we were publishing melody canary versions on every commit. We had removed this in our migration to github actions. If you may want to publish a canary tag. You can use the following command.
yarn lerna publish --no-git-tag-version --no-push --no-git-reset --exact --force-publish="*" --canary --yes --dist-tag $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) --preid $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) --registry
The above command will publish a canary tag to npmjs as a canary release with current version and commit id. You can find your branch name as dist-tag on npmjs.