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@@ -117,4 +117,12 @@ These tutorials are intended for developers who are familiar with Tezos and want
link="Start tutorial"
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+title: Implementing a file archive with the DAL and a Smart Rollup
+authors: 'Tezos Core Developers'
+ date: 17 January 2024
+import LucidDiagram from '@site/src/components/LucidDiagram';
+:::note Experimental
+The data availability layer is an experimental feature that is not yet available on Tezos Mainnet.
+The way the DAL works may change significantly before it is generally available.
+The data availability layer (DAL) is a companion peer-to-peer network for the Tezos blockchain, designed to provide additional data bandwidth to Smart Rollups.
+It allows users to share large amounts of data in a way that is decentralized and permissionless, because anyone can join the network and post and read data on it.
+In this tutorial, you will set up a file archive that stores and retrieves files with the DAL.
+You will learn:
+- How data is organized and shared with the DAL and the reveal data channel
+- How to read data from the DAL in a Smart Rollup
+- How to host a DAL node
+- How to publish data and files with the DAL
+Because the DAL is not yet available on Tezos Mainnet, this tutorial uses the [Weeklynet test network](https://teztnets.com/weeklynet-about), which runs on a newer version of the protocol that includes the DAL.
+See these links for more information about the DAL:
+- For technical information about how the DAL works, see [Data Availability Layer](https://tezos.gitlab.io/shell/dal.html) in the Octez documentation.
+- For more information about the approach for the DAL, see [The Rollup Booster: A Data-Availability Layer for Tezos](https://research-development.nomadic-labs.com/data-availability-layer-tezos.html).
+## Prerequisites
+This article assumes some familiarity with Smart Rollups.
+If you are new to Smart Rollups, see the tutorial [Deploy a Smart Rollup](./smart-rollup).
+### Set up a Weeklynet environment and account
+Because Weeklynet requires a specific version of the Octez suite, you can't use most wallet applications and installations of the Octez suite with it.
+Instead, you must set up an environment with a specific version of the Octez suite and use it to create and fund an account.
+Note that Weeklynet is reset every Wednesday, so you must recreate your environment and account after the network resets.
+The easiest way to do this is to use the Docker image that is generated each time Weeklynet is reset and recreated.
+As another option, you can build the specific version of the Octez suite locally.
+For instructions, see the Weeklynet page at https://teztnets.com/weeklynet-about.
+To set up an environment and account in a Docker container, follow these steps:
+1. From the [Weeklynet](https://teztnets.com/weeklynet-about) page, find the Docker command to create a container from the correct Docker image, as in this example:
+ ```bash
+ docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh tezos/tezos:master_7f3bfc90_20240116181914
+ ```
+ The image tag in this command changes each time the network is reset.
+1. Copy the URL of the public RPC endpoint for Weeklynet, such as `https://rpc.weeklynet-2024-01-17.teztnets.com`.
+This endpoint also changes each time the network is reset.
+1. For convenience, you may want to set this endpoint as the value of the `ENDPOINT` environment variable.
+1. In the container, initialize the Octez client with that endpoint, such as this example:
+ ```bash
+ octez-client -E https://rpc.weeklynet-2024-01-17.teztnets.com config init
+ ```
+1. Create an account with the command `octez-client gen keys $MY_ACCOUNT`, where `$MY_ACCOUNT` is an alias for your account.
+1. Get the public key hash of the new account by running the command `octez-client show address $MY_ACCOUNT`.
+1. From the [Weeklynet](https://teztnets.com/weeklynet-about) page, open the Weeklynet faucet and send some tez to the account.
+Now you can use this account to deploy Smart Rollups.
+### Install Rust
+To run this tutorial, install Rust by running the following command.
+The application in this tutorial uses Rust because of its support for WebAssembly (WASM), the language that Smart Rollups use to communicate.
+Rollups can use any language that has WASM compilation support.
+curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
+Then, add WASM as a compilation target for Rust by running this command:
+rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
+You can see other ways of installing Rust at https://www.rust-lang.org.
+## Why the DAL?
+The DAL has earned the nickname "Rollup Booster" from its ability to address
+the last bottleneck Smart Rollups developers could not overcome without
+sacrificing decentralization: block space. Smart Rollups offload
+*computation* from layer 1, but the transactions that they process still need to
+originate from somewhere.
+By default, that "somewhere" is the layer 1 blocks, yet the size of a Tezos
+block is limited to around 500KBytes. In this model, while Smart Rollups do not
+compete for layer 1 gas anymore, they still compete for block space.
+{/* Is this info about the reveal data channel needed here? */}
+Additionally, a Smart Rollup can fetch data from an additional source called the
+reveal data channel, which allows them to retrieve arbitrary data.
+The reveal channel is a powerful way to share data, because it allows a Smart Rollup
+operator to post hashes instead of full data files on layer 1. But it is a
+double-edged sword, because nothing enforces the availability of the data in the
+first place. [Solutions exist to address this
+but they are purely off-chain ones, coming with no guarantee from layer 1.
+The DAL allows third parties to publish data and have bakers attest that the data is available.
+When enough bakers have attested that the data is available, Smart Rollups can retrieve the data without the need for additional trusted third-parties.
+## How the DAL works
+In this tutorial, you create a file archive application that allows clients to upload data to the DAL.
+You also create a Smart Rollup that listens to the DAL and responds to that data.
+The DAL works like this:
+1. Users post data to a DAL node.
+1. The DAL node returns a certificate.
+This certificate includes a commitment that the data is available and a proof of the data.
+1. Users post the certificate to layer 1 via the Octez client, which is much cheaper than posting the complete data.
+1. When the certificate is confirmed in a block, layer 1 splits the data into shards and assigns those shards to bakers, who verify that the data is available.
+1. Bakers verify that the data is available and attest that the data is available in their usual block attestations to layer 1.
+They have a certain number of blocks to do so, known as the _attestation lag_, and if they don't by the end of this period, the certificate is considered bogus and the related data is dropped.
+1. Other DAL nodes get the data from the initial DAL node through the peer-to-peer network.
+1. The Smart Rollup node monitors the blocks and when it sees attested DAL data, it connects to a DAL node to request the data.
+1. The Smart Rollup node stores the data in its durable storage, addressed by its hash.
+Smart Rollups must store the data because it is available on the DAL for only a short time.
+1. Users who know the hash of the data can download it from the Smart Rollup node.
+The overall workflow is summarized in the following figure:
+There are many steps in the DAL process, but the most complicated parts (storing and sharing data) are handled automatically by the various daemons in the Octez suite.
+:::note The Smart Rollup installer does not support the DAL
+As of today, the Smart Rollup installer does not support the DAL as a
+data availability solution. This means we will need to rely on the reveal
+channel to initialize our Smart Rollup correctly (which is not ideal for a
+decentralized file archive).
+When your environment is ready, get started by going to [Part 1: Getting the DAL parameters](./build-files-archive-with-dal/get-dal-params).
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+title: "Part 1: Getting the DAL parameters"
+authors: 'Tezos Core Developers'
+ date: 17 January 2024
+import LucidDiagram from '@site/src/components/LucidDiagram';
+The data availability layer stores information about the available data in layer 1 blocks.
+Each block has several byte-vectors called _slots_, each with a maximum size.
+DAL users can add information about the available data as _pages_ in these slots, as shown in this figure:
+The data in a slot is broken into pages to ensure that each piece of data can fit in a single Tezos operation.
+This data must fit in a single operation to allow the Smart Rollup refutation game to work, in which every execution step of the Smart Rollup must be provable to layer 1.
+{/* TODO link to Smart Rollup topic for more info on the refutation game */}
+When clients add data, they must specify which slot to add it to.
+Note that because the DAL is permissionless, clients may try to add data to the same slot in the same block.
+In this case, the first operation in the block takes precedence, which leaves the baker that creates the block in control of which data makes it into the block.
+Other operations that try to add data to the same slot fail.
+The number and size of these slots can change.
+Different networks can have different DAL parameters.
+Future changes to the protocol may allow the DAL to resize dynamically based on usage.
+Therefore, clients must get information about the DAL before sending data to it.
+In these steps, you set up a simple Smart Rollup to get the current DAL parameters and print them to the log.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin, make sure that you have installed the prerequisites and set up an environment and an account as described in [Implementing a File Archive with the DAL and a Smart Rollup](../build-files-archive-with-dal).
+## Fetching the DAL parameters in a kernel
+To get the DAL parameters, you can use built-in functions in the Tezos [Rust SDK](https://crates.io/crates/tezos-smart-rollup).
+1. In a folder for your project, create a file named `Cargo.toml` with this code:
+ ```toml
+ [package]
+ name = "files_archive"
+ version = "0.1.0"
+ edition = "2021"
+ [lib]
+ crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]
+ [dependencies]
+ tezos-smart-rollup = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }
+ ```
+ As a reminder, the kernel of a Smart Rollup is a WASM program.
+ The `proto-alpha` feature is necessary to get access to the functions specific to the DAL.
+1. Create a file named `src/lib.rs` to be the kernel.
+1. In the `src/lib.rs` file, add this code:
+ ```rust
+ use tezos_smart_rollup::{kernel_entry, prelude::*};
+ pub fn entry(host: &mut R) {
+ let param = host.reveal_dal_parameters();
+ debug_msg!(host, "{:?}\n", param);
+ }
+ kernel_entry!(entry);
+ ```
+ This function gets the DAL parameters of the currently connected network and prints them to the log.
+1. Build the kernel:
+ ```bash
+ cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
+ cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/files_archive.wasm .
+ ```
+1. Get the installer kernel:
+ ```bash
+ cargo install tezos-smart-rollup-installer
+ export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"
+ smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer \
+ -P _rollup_node/wasm_2_0_0 \
+ -u files_archive.wasm \
+ -o installer.hex
+ ```
+Now the Smart Rollup is ready to deploy.
+## Deploying the Smart Rollup and starting a node
+Follow these steps to deploy the Smart Rollup to Weeklynet and start a node:
+1. Run this command to deploy the Smart Rollup, replacing `$MY_ACCOUNT` with your account alias and `$ENDPOINT` with the RPC endpoint:
+ ```bash
+ octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ originate smart rollup files_archive from ${MY_ACCOUNT} \
+ of kind wasm_2_0_0 of type unit with kernel "$(cat installer.hex)" \
+ --burn-cap 2.0 --force
+ ```
+1. Start the node with this command:
+ ```bash
+ octez-smart-rollup-node --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ run observer for files_archive with operators \
+ --data-dir ./_rollup_node --log-kernel-debug
+ ```
+ For simplicity, this command runs the Smart Rollup in observer mode, which does not require a stake of 10,000 tez to publish commitments.
+1. Open a new terminal window and run this command to watch the node's log:
+ ```bash
+ tail -F _rollup_node/kernel.log
+ ```
+The log prints the current DAL parameters, as in this example:
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+These parameters are:
+- `number_of_slots`: The number of slots in each block
+- `slot_size`: The size of each slot in bytes
+- `page_size`: The size of each page in bytes
+- `attestation_lag`: The number of subsequent blocks in which bakers can attest that the data is available; if enough attestations are available by the time this number of blocks have been created, the data becomes available to Smart Rollups
+## Setting up a deployment script
+In later parts of this tutorial, you will update and redeploy the Smart Rollup multiple times.
+To simplify the process, you can use this script.
+To use it, pass the alias of your account in the Octez client:
+set -e
+cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
+rm -rf _rollup_node
+cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/files_archive.wasm .
+smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer -P _rollup_node/wasm_2_0_0 \
+ -u files_archive.wasm -o installer.hex
+octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ originate smart rollup files_archive from "${alias}" of kind wasm_2_0_0 \
+ of type unit with kernel "$(cat installer.hex)" --burn-cap 2.0 --force
+octez-smart-rollup-node --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ run observer for files_archive with operators --data-dir _rollup_node \
+ --dal-node http://localhost:10732 --log-kernel-debug
+In the next section, you will get information about the state of slots in the DAL.
+See [Part 2: Getting slot information](./get-slot-info).
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+title: "Part 2: Getting slot information"
+authors: 'Tezos Core Developers'
+ date: 17 January 2024
+When clients send data to the DAL, they must choose which slot to put it in.
+This can cause conflicts, because only one client can write data to a given slot in a single block.
+If more than one client tries to write to the same slot and a baker includes those operations in the same block, only the first operation in the block succeeds in writing data to the slot.
+The other operations fail and the clients must re-submit the data to be included in a future block.
+For this reason, clients should check the status of slots to avoid conflicts.
+For example, slots 0, 30, and 31 are often used for regression tests.
+To see which slots are in use, you can use the Explorus indexer at https://explorus.io/dal.
+For example, this screenshot shows that slots 10 and 25 are in use:
+![The Explorus indexer, showing the slots that are in use in each block](/img/tutorials/dal-explorus-slots.png)
+You can also see the state of the DAL slots by running a DAL node.
+To reduce the amount of data that they have to manage, DAL nodes can subscribe to certain slots and ignore the data in others.
+Similarly, the protocol assigns bakers to monitor certain slots.
+## Starting a DAL node
+To run a DAL node, use the Octez `octez-dal-node` command and pass the slots to monitor in the `--producer-profiles` argument.
+Run this command to start a DAL node and monitor slot 0:
+octez-dal-node run --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ --producer-profiles=0 --data-dir _dal_node
+## Accessing the slot data from a Smart Rollup
+Follow these steps to update the Smart Rollup to access information about slot 0:
+1. Update the `src/lib.rs` file to have this code:
+ ```rust
+ use tezos_smart_rollup::{host::RuntimeError, kernel_entry, prelude::*};
+ use tezos_smart_rollup_host::dal_parameters::RollupDalParameters;
+ pub fn run(
+ host: &mut R,
+ param: &RollupDalParameters,
+ slot_index: u8,
+ ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
+ let sol = host.read_input()?.unwrap();
+ let target_level = sol.level as usize - param.attestation_lag as usize;
+ let mut buffer = vec![0u8; param.page_size as usize];
+ let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, slot_index, 0, &mut buffer)?;
+ if 0 < bytes_read {
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "Attested slot at index {} for level {}: {:?}\n",
+ slot_index,
+ target_level,
+ &buffer.as_slice()[0..10]
+ );
+ } else {
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "No attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",
+ slot_index,
+ target_level
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn entry(host: &mut R) {
+ let param = host.reveal_dal_parameters();
+ debug_msg!(host, "{:?}\n", param);
+ match run(host, ¶m, 0) {
+ Ok(()) => debug_msg!(host, "See you in the next level\n"),
+ Err(_) => debug_msg!(host, "Something went wrong for some reasons"),
+ }
+ }
+ kernel_entry!(entry);
+ ```
+ The key change is the addition of the function `run`.
+ Using this function allows the code to use the `?` operator of Rust by using a function that returns a `Result` type.
+ The `run` function proceeds as follows:
+ 1. First, it uses the DAL parameters to know the first level where a slot might be used.
+ It subtracts the attestation lag from the current level, which it gets from the Smart Rollup inbox; the result is the most recent block that may have attested data in it.
+ 1. It allocates `Vec` buffer of the current page size.
+ 1. It attempts to fill the buffer with the `read_dal_page` function provided
+ by the SDK.
+ 1. It checks the value returned by the function, which is the number of bytes
+ read.
+ Zero bytes mean that the slot has no attested data in it.
+ Otherwise, it is necessarily the size of the page, because that's the size of the buffer.
+1. Update the `Cargo.toml` file to add this dependency at the end:
+ ```toml
+ tezos-smart-rollup-host = { version = "0.2.2", features = [ "proto-alpha" ] }
+ ```
+1. Run the commands to build and deploy the Smart Rollup and start the node.
+You can use the script in [Part 1: Getting the DAL parameters](./get-dal-params) to simplify the process.
+1. In another terminal window, view the log with the command `tail -F _rollup_node/kernel.log`.
+The log shows information about slot 0, as in this example:
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+No attested slot at index 0 for level 56875
+See you in the next level
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+Attested slot at index 0 for level 56876: [16, 0, 0, 2, 89, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+See you in the next level
+RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+No attested slot at index 0 for level 56877
+See you in the next level
+For the first 4 Tezos blocks produced after the origination of the Smart Rollup, the kernel will report that no slot has been attested for the targeted level, _even if Explorus states the opposite_.
+This is because, as of January, 2024, a Smart Rollup cannot fetch the content of a slot published before it is originated.
+This is why you must wait for 4 blocks before seeing slot page contents being
+Now that you can see the state of the slots, you can find an unused slot and publish data to it.
+When you are ready, continue to [Part 3: Publishing on the DAL](./publishing-on-the-dal).
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+title: "Part 3: Publishing on the DAL"
+authors: 'Tezos Core Developers'
+ date: 17 January 2024
+Now that you can get information about the DAL, the next step is to publish data to it and verify that the kernel can access it.
+:::note Planning ahead
+Before trying to run the code yourself, look at [Explorus](https://explorus.io/dal) and choose a slot that is not currently being used.
+The examples in this tutorial use slot 10.
+## Switching slots
+When you have selected a slot that does not appear to be in use, follow these steps to restart the Smart Rollup and DAL node:
+1. Stop the DAL node and restart it with a new `--producer-profiles` argument.
+For example, this command uses slot 10:
+ ```bash
+ octez-dal-node run --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ --producer-profiles=10 --data-dir _dal_node
+ ```
+1. Update the kernel to monitor that slot by updating this line:
+ ```rust
+ match run(host, ¶m, 0) {
+ ```
+ For example, to monitor slot 10, change the 0 to a 10, as in this code:
+ ```rust
+ match run(host, ¶m, 10) {
+ ```
+1. Run the commands to build and deploy the Smart Rollup and start the node.
+You can use the script in [Part 1: Getting the DAL parameters](./get-dal-params) to simplify the process.
+## Publishing messages
+The DAL node provides an RPC endpoint for clients to send data to be added to a slot: `POST /slot`, whose body is the contents of the slot.
+1. Run this command to publish a message to the DAL:
+ ```bash
+ curl localhost:10732/slot --data '"Hello, world!"' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
+ ```
+ This command assumes that you have not changed the default RPC server address.
+ The command returns the certificate from the DAL node, which looks like this example:
+ ```json
+ {
+ "commitment": "sh1u3tr3YKPDYUp2wWKCfmV5KZb82FREhv8GtDeR3EJccsBerWGwJYKufsDNH8rk4XqGrXdooZ",
+ "commitment_proof":"8229c63b8e858d9a96321c80a204756020dd13243621c11bec61f182a23714cf6e0985675fff45f1164657ad0c7b9418"
+ }
+ ```
+ Note that the value of the message is in double quotes because it must be a valid JSON string, as hinted by the `Content-Type` header.
+1. Using the values of the commitment and proof from the previous command, post the certificate to layer 1 with this command:
+ ```bash
+ commitment="sh1u3tr3YKPDYUp2wWKCfmV5KZb82FREhv8GtDeR3EJccsBerWGwJYKufsDNH8rk4XqGrXdooZ"
+ proof="8229c63b8e858d9a96321c80a204756020dd13243621c11bec61f182a23714cf6e0985675fff45f1164657ad0c7b9418"
+ octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ publish dal commitment "${commitment}" from ${MY_ACCOUNT} for slot 10 \
+ with proof "${proof}"
+ ```
+ After 4 blocks, you should see a message in the kernel log that looks like this:
+ ```
+ RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+ Attested slot at index 10 for level 57293: [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114]
+ See you in the next level
+ ```
+ You can verify your message by converting the bytes in the message back to the first 10 characters of the string "Hello, World!"
+ If you see a message that says "A slot header for this slot was already proposed," another transaction tried to write to that slot in the same block, so you must try again.
+ If you don't see information about the attested slot, check the page at https://explorus.io/dal.
+ If that page shows red (unattested) slots, it's possible that the attesters for the network are offline.
+## Publishing files
+You can also send raw bytes to the DAL node with the header `Content-Type: application/octet-stream`.
+In this case, you must prefix the data with its size due to limitations of the DAL.
+1. Install the `jq` and `xxd` programs.
+1. Create a file named `upload_file.sh` and add this code:
+ ```bash
+ #!/usr/bin/bash
+ path="${1}"
+ alias="${2}"
+ index="${3}"
+ target="$(mktemp)"
+ echo "storing temporary file at ${target}"
+ file_size="$(cat "${path}" | wc -c)"
+ slot_size_bin="$(printf "%08x" "${file_size}")"
+ slot_contents="$(cat ${path} | xxd -p)"
+ echo -n "${slot_size_bin}${slot_contents}" | xxd -p -r > "${target}"
+ certificate="$(curl localhost:10732/slot --data-binary "@${target}" -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream')"
+ echo "${certificate}"
+ commitment="$(echo -n ${certificate} | jq '.commitment' -r)"
+ proof="$(echo -n ${certificate} | jq '.commitment_proof' -r)"
+ octez-client --endpoint ${ENDPOINT} \
+ publish dal commitment "${commitment}" from "${alias}" \
+ for slot "${index}" with proof "${proof}"
+ rm "${target}"
+ ```
+ The script accepts three arguments: the file to send, the account alias to use and the slot index to use.
+ This script also assumes that the `PATH` and `ENDPOINT` environment variables are correctly set.
+ For example:
+ ```bash
+ ./upload_file.sh myFile.txt $MY_ACCOUNT 10
+ ```
+ Again, by inspecting the kernel logs, you should be able to see that the file that you wanted to publish is indeed the one fetched by the Smart Rollup.
+Now you can publish data to the DAL and use it in a Smart Rollup.
+In the next section, you write to and retrieve the entire slot.
+When you are ready, go to [Part 4: Using the entire slot](./using-full-slot).
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/using-full-slot.mdx b/docs/tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/using-full-slot.mdx
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+title: "Part 4: Using the entire slot"
+authors: 'Tezos Core Developers'
+ date: 18 January 2024
+In some cases, you may want to retrieve the entire contents of a slot.
+For example, it can be convenient to get the entire slot because it has a fixed size, while the data in the slot may be smaller and padded to fit the slot.
+## Fetching and storing the full slot
+Retrieving the full slot is similar to retrieving any data from the slot.
+In this case, you change the kernel to retrieve data of the exact size of the slot.
+1. Update the `run` function in the `lib/rs` file to this code:
+ ```rust
+ pub fn run(
+ host: &mut R,
+ param: &RollupDalParameters,
+ slot_index: u8,
+ ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
+ // Reading one message from the shared inbox is always safe,
+ // because the shared inbox contains at least 3 messages per
+ // Tezos block.
+ let sol = host.read_input()?.unwrap();
+ let target_level = sol.level as usize - param.attestation_lag as usize;
+ let mut buffer = vec![0u8; param.slot_size as usize];
+ let bytes_read = host.reveal_dal_page(target_level as i32, slot_index, 0, &mut buffer)?;
+ if bytes_read == 0 {
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "No attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",
+ slot_index,
+ target_level
+ );
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ debug_msg!(
+ host,
+ "Attested slot at index {} for level {}\n",
+ slot_index,
+ target_level
+ );
+ let num_pages = param.slot_size / param.page_size;
+ for page_index in 1..num_pages {
+ let _result = host.reveal_dal_page(
+ target_level as i32,
+ slot_index,
+ page_index.try_into().unwrap(),
+ &mut buffer[page_index as usize * (param.page_size as usize)
+ ..(page_index as usize + 1) * (param.page_size as usize)],
+ );
+ }
+ let hash = blake2b::digest(&buffer, 32).unwrap();
+ let key = hex::encode(hash);
+ let path = OwnedPath::try_from(format!("/{}", key)).unwrap();
+ debug_msg!(host, "Saving slot under `{}'\n", path);
+ let () = host.store_write_all(&path, &buffer)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ ```
+ Now the `run` function works like this:
+ 1. It allocates a buffer of the size of a slot, not a size of a page.
+ 1. It tries to fetch the contents of the first page.
+ If 0 bytes are written by `reveal_dal_page`, the targeted slot has not been
+ attested for this block.
+ 1. If the targeted slot has been attested, the function reads as many pages as necessary to get the full slot data.
+ 1. It stores the data in the durable storage, using the Blake2B hash (encoded in hexadecimal) as its key.
+1. Add these `use` statements to the beginning of the file:
+ ```rust
+ use tezos_crypto_rs::blake2b;
+ use tezos_smart_rollup::storage::path::OwnedPath;
+ ```
+ These dependencies use `tezos_crypto_rs` for hashing, and `hex` for encoding.
+1. Add the matching dependencies to the `Cargo.toml` file:
+ ```toml
+ tezos_crypto_rs = { version = "0.5.2", default-features = false }
+ hex = "0.4.3"
+ ```
+ Adding `default-features = false` for `tezos_crypto_rs` is necessary for the crate to be compatible with Smart Rollups.
+1. Deploy the Smart Rollup again, publish a file as you did in the previous section, and wait for enough levels to pass.
+The Smart Rollup log shows the hash of the data, as in this example:
+ ```
+ RollupDalParameters { number_of_slots: 32, attestation_lag: 4, slot_size: 65536, page_size: 4096 }
+ Attested slot at index 10 for level 15482
+ Saving slot under `/6a578d1e6746d29243ff81923bcea6375e9344d719ca118e14cd9f3d3b00cd96'
+ See you in the next level
+ ```
+1. Get the data from the slot by passing the hash, as in this example:
+ ```bash
+ hash=6a578d1e6746d29243ff81923bcea6375e9344d719ca118e14cd9f3d3b00cd96
+ curl "http://localhost:8932/global/block/head/durable/wasm_2_0_0/value?key=/${hash}" \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
+ -o slot.bin
+ ```
+1. Convert the contents of the slot to text by running this command:
+ ```bash
+ xxd -r -p slot.bin
+ ```
+ The console shows your message in text, such as "Hi! This is a message to go on the DAL."
+:::note Why `diff` won't work
+You cannot use `diff` to ensure that the file you originally published and the one that you downloaded from the rollup node are equal.
+Indeed, they are not: because the size of a slot is fixed, the DAL node pads the value it receives from `POST /slot` in order to ensure that it has the correct slot size.
+## Next steps
+Now you know how to send files to the DAL and use a Smart Rollup to store the data.
+From there, the sky's the limit.
+You can implement many other features, such as:
+- Handling more than one file per level
+- Having file publishers pay for the storage that they are using in layer 2 by allowing them to deposit tez to the Smart Rollup and sign the files they publish
+- Building a frontend to visualize the files in the archive
+- Providing the original size of the file by modifying the script to prefix the file with its size
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@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const config = {
prism: {
theme: require('prism-react-renderer/themes/github'),
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+ additionalLanguages: ['csharp', 'toml'],
// https://github.com/flexanalytics/plugin-image-zoom
// Enable click to zoom in to large images
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+ {
+ type: 'category',
+ label: 'Implement a file archive with the DAL',
+ link: {
+ type: 'doc',
+ id: 'tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal',
+ },
+ items: [
+ 'tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/get-dal-params',
+ 'tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/get-slot-info',
+ 'tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/publishing-on-the-dal',
+ 'tutorials/build-files-archive-with-dal/using-full-slot',
+ ],
+ },
type: 'category',
label: 'Build an NFT marketplace',
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