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TD output plugin for Embulk

Treasure Data Service output plugin for Embulk


  • embulk-output-td v0.8.0+ only supports Embulk v0.9.24. Embulk v0.9.23 does not work.
  • embulk-output-td v0.5.0+ requires Java 1.8 or higher.
  • embulk-output-td v0.4.0+ only supports Embulk v0.8.22+.


  • Plugin type: output
  • Load all or nothing: yes
  • Resume supported: no


  • apikey: apikey (string, required)
  • endpoint: hostname (string, default='')
  • http_proxy: http proxy configuration (tuple of host, port, useSsl, user, and password. default is null)
  • use_ssl: the flag (boolean, default=true)
  • auto_create_table: the flag for creating the database and/or the table if they don't exist (boolean, default=true)
  • mode: 'append', 'replace' and 'truncate' (string, default='append')
  • database: database name (string, required)
  • table: table name (string, required)
  • session: bulk_import session name (string, optional)
  • pool_name: bulk_import session pool name (string, optional)
  • time_column: user-defined time column (string, optional)
  • unix_timestamp_unit: if type of "time" or time_column is long, it's considered unix timestamp. This option specify its unit in sec, milli, micro or nano (enum, default: sec)
  • tmpdir: temporal directory (string, optional) if set to null, plugin will use directory that could get from
  • upload_concurrency: upload concurrency (int, default=2). max concurrency is 8.
  • file_split_size: split size (long, default=16384 (16MB)).
  • stop_on_invalid_record: stop bulk load transaction if a file includes invalid record (such as invalid timestamp) (boolean, default=false).
  • displayed_error_records_count_limit: limit the count of the shown error records skipped by the perform job (int, default=10).
  • default_timestamp_type_convert_to: configure output type of timestamp columns. Available options are "sec" (convert timestamp to UNIX timestamp in seconds) and "string" (convert timestamp to string). (string, default: "string")
  • default_timezone: default timezone (string, default='UTC')
  • default_timestamp_format: default timestamp format (string, default=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N)
  • column_options: advanced: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column.
    • type: The type of column when this plugin adds a new column to a TD's table (e.g. array<string>). Available options are: int, long, float, double, string, array<int>, array<long>, array<double>, array<string>, array<array<int>>. More information can be found: (string, optional)
    • value_type: This plugin converts Embulk input data type to msgpack data type that is uploaded to TD. This option controls the msgpack data type which Embulk data in the column is converted to. Available options are: boolean, long, double, string, timestamp, array, map. (string, optional)
    • timezone: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a SQL string. In this cases, this timezone option is used to control the timezone. (string, value of default_timezone option is used by default)
    • format: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a string. This timestamp_format option is used to control the format of the timestamp. (string, value of default_timestamp_format option is used by default)
  • retry_limit: indicates how many retries are allowed (int, default: 20)
  • retry_initial_interval_millis: the initial intervals (int, default: 1000)
  • retry_max_interval_millis: the maximum intervals. The interval doubles every retry until retry_max_interval_millis is reached. (int, default: 90000)
  • additional_http_headers: add additional headers to the requests (a key & value map, default: null)
  • port: set port for Http requests. By default will connect to port 443 or 80 if use_ssl: false (int, optional)
  • ignore_alternative_time_if_time_exists: ignore time_column and time_value in the configuration if a time column exists in the input schema. (boolean, default: false)
  • default_boolean_type_convert_to: configure output TD's type from Embulk's BOOLEAN columns. Available options are "long" (convert Embulk's BOOLEAN to TD's long) and "string" (convert Embulk's BOOLEAN to TD's string). (string, default: "long")


  • append:
    • Uploads data to existing table directly.
  • replace:
    • Creates new temp table and uploads data to the temp table first.
    • After uploading finished, the table specified as 'table' option is replaced with the temp table.
    • Schema in existing table is not migrated to the replaced table.
  • truncate:
    • Creates new temp table and uploads data to the temp table first.
    • After uploading finished, the table specified as 'table' option is replaced with the temp table.
    • Schema in existing table is added to the replaced table.


Here is sample configuration for TD output plugin.

  type: td
  apikey: <your apikey>
  database: my_db
  table: my_table
  time_column: created_at
  auto_create_table: true
  mode: append

Http Proxy Configuration

If you want to add your Http Proxy configuration, you can use http_proxy parameter:

  type: td
  apikey: <your apikey>
  http_proxy: {host: localhost, port: 8080, use_ssl: false, user: "proxyuser", password: "PASSWORD"}
  database: my_db
  table: my_table
  time_column: created_at
  auto_create_table: true
  mode: append

Additional Http headers

  type: td
  apikey: <your apikey>
  database: my_db
  table: my_table
  time_column: created_at
  auto_create_table: true
  mode: append
    Content_Type: 'application/json'
    foo: bar

Column options

  type: td
  apikey: <your apikey>
  database: my_db
  table: my_table
  time_column: created_at
  auto_create_table: true
  mode: append
      type: array<string>
      value_type: array
      type: string
      value_type: long
      type: string
      value_type: timestamp
      timestamp_format: `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z`
      timezone: '-0700'


$ embulk gem install embulk-output-td


Build by Gradle

$ git clone
$ cd embulk-output-td
$ ./gradlew gem classpath

Run on Embulk

$ bin/embulk run -I embulk-output-td/lib/ config.yml


Upload gem to

$ ./gradlew gem     # create .gem file under pkg/ directory
$ ./gradlew gemPush # create and publish .gem file

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Upload jars to

$ ./gradlew bintrayUpload

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