本次读书会所使用的主要文本是Alex Rosenberg 与 Lee McIntyre 的《科学哲学》一书。本书是科学哲学的高年级本科生学生及研究生的基本读物。Rosenberg为读者提供了一个全面的,详细的科技哲学领域的导引。它是科技哲学专业学生及想要系统了解科技哲学领域的读者的非常不错的入门文本。
Chapter 01:The Relationship between Philosophy and Science
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Chapter 02:Why Is Philosophy of Science Important?
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Chapter 03:Scientific Explanation
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Chapter 04:Why Do Laws Explain
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Chapter 05:Causation, Inexact Laws, and Statistical Probabilities
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Chapter 06:Laws and Explanations in Biology and the “Special Sciences”
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Chapter 07:The Structure of Scientific Theories
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Chapter 08:Epistemic and Metaphysical Issues about Scientific Theories
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Chapter 09:Theory Construction vs. Model Building
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Chapter 10:Induction and Probability
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Chapter 11:Confirmation, Falsification, Underdetermination
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Chapter12:Challenges from the History of Science
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Chapter 13:Naturalism in the Philosophy of Science
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Chapter 14:The Contested Character of Science
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Chapter 15:Science, Relativism, and Objectivity
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Alex Rosenberg 是杜克大学 Taylor Cole 教授和哲学系主任。他也是杜克大学生物学哲学中心的联合主任。罗森伯格曾获得National Science Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation。1993年,罗森伯格获得科学哲学领域的Lakatos Award。
Lee McIntyre 是波士顿大学科学哲学与历史中心的研究员。他是 Respecting Truth (2015); Post-Truth (2018); and The Scientific Attitude (2019) 的作者。
读书会由各个高校的哲学在读研究生共同组建(主要是分析哲学方向),最初由Hao ZHAN发起。
将基本情况(如学校、专业方向、年级)和加入读书会的理由(100字以内)发送到 [email protected] ,邮件题目为:姓名+《科学哲学》读书会
- 第一期
负责人 : 李铖、Hao ZHAN