All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Adding a division between physical and digital products.
- Credit card encryption function for non "woo-blocks" checkout
- Woocommerce subscriptions double charges fix
- Fix public card details being sent when RSA key not filled
- Order retrieval fallback
- Use absolute path to load autoloader
- Logger implementation
- Notification class
- Plugin activation checks
- Prefix vendor to avoid conflicts
- Performance fixes for Tpay API Auth calls
- Performance fixes for Tpay API calls - fixed abusive usage of Auth Endpoint
- Performance fixes
- Assets file path correction
- Read more button for payment method
- Excessive records in wp_options table
- API lang parameter handling
- Improve merchant ID logic for installments simulator
- Added generic payment
- Added installments simulator
- Subscriptions support for Woocommerce Blocks
- Blik0 mechanism correction
- Metadata set method update
- Calling Order ID directly
- Added tooltip to tpay global setting
- Fixed package version info
- Fix banks custom order function
- Fix virtual product payment method handling with customized shipping
- Changing order search for notifications
- Handling taxId field in API calls
- Github Actions new release workflow with checks
- WooCommerce Blocks support
- Fix options getting at plugin init
- Support for wc_get_orders metadata query
- Unnecessary scrollToTop when changing payment gateway
- Updated version and changelog
- Fix initiating class from classmap
- compatibility with HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage)
- Blik LVL 0 validation
- Fields in the order form
- Code refactoring
- Cache mechanism
- Payment method Pekao Raty
- Support for payment channels
- Redirection to the Tpay panel
- Status "Completed"
- Changelog to plugin
- Blik LVL 0 and list of payments validation
- Security code special character decode
- Information about the regulations
- Status "Waiting for payment"
- Option "Disable inactive payments"
- Initial release