disp3D is a library for 3D application without call opengl function. Writing OpenGL function is time-cosuming and boring. You can display 3D objects very easily as you want with this library.
This library depends on these Gems.
- gmath3D
- ruby-opengl
- rmagick
- qtbindings(optional)
To install it, just type...
$ gem install disp3D
Require 'disp3d', then you can use most of the classes in the lib (except for qt-components).
This is the first code you type.
require 'disp3D'
# create view with GLUTWindow, then set width, height and window title
main_view = Disp3D::GLUTWindow.new(400,400, "01_HelloWorld")
# open world scene graph view has
main_view.world_scene_graph.open do
# put TeaPod which color is Red and size is 10
add_new :type => :TeaPod,
:material_color => [1,0,0,1],
:size => 10.0
# set parameter for camera
main_view.camera.projection = Disp3D::Camera::ORTHOGONAL
# finally show window!
You can see a teapod is shown in the window. you can rotate it with mouse L button and drag.
see example/tutorial/*.rb for more details.
Copyright (c) 2011 Toshiyasu Shimizu. See LICENSE.txt for further details.