1.0.7 (2020-08-23)
1.0.6 (2020-08-23)
- package: update package json (b3645c5)
1.0.5 (2020-08-23)
- config: Update config and README (f29f817)
- chrome: notifications (340481c)
- config: Update configuration (f517e0c)
- listeners: Add analytics and install listeners + event-api (b4661c6)
- react: add react (144474a)
- services: Added analytics and storage apis (92bada2)
- husky: Fix issue with lint (d0f0abe)
- infra: Test and fix init issues (634843b)
- screenshot: add first screensht (69710ee)
- screenshot: add first screensht (59090e9)
- screenshot: change quality (7b57146)
- changelog: add changelog (5585f4e)
- comm: add precommit (95b992a)
- commands: Added init,start and build commands remove dead code (50fad73)
- configs: add more confings (6c006a0)
- package: Update deps (3d58edd)
- template: add code examples (047d0b7)
- template: Create template and script (3374973)
- template: update chrome api + add screenshot (6a88899)
- template: Update template and setup webpack (2038ad6)