25.2.11 (2021-02-15)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (08e7fa8)
25.2.10 (2021-02-01)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (6678fd1)
25.2.9 (2021-01-18)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (caa9f06)
25.2.8 (2021-01-06)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (12a5e1d)
25.2.7 (2020-12-24)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (3cc7e91)
25.2.6 (2020-12-12)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (d792267)
25.2.5 (2020-12-10)
- fields: add spacing to sidebar fields (591f2fa)
25.2.4 (2020-12-04)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (21a5d8e)
25.2.3 (2020-12-03)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (34e46bb)
25.2.2 (2020-12-01)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (a82c52c)
25.2.1 (2020-11-27)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (c2a009e)
25.2.0 (2020-11-26)
- app: remove duplicate cssreset (6042c87)
- app: remove unnecessary styles (b462278)
- chart: remove responsive width hack (827ad4a)
- chart: set options globally per line chart (87996a7)
- error-handling: show noticebox with error instead of throwing (bf62069)
- prop-types: update all prop-types (f35f909)
- selectors: use consistent naming for all selectors (98e442c)
- styles: use ui theme values where possible (976de59)
- translations: remove underscore from interpolation (b710b87)
- translations: update translations (b69c80e)
- chart: add initial data values chart (47a1d40)
- datavalueschart: finalize extracting data values chart logic (af721b7)
- daterange: validate date range input (0524e13)
- favoritessaved: add favorites saved visualization (cbdb44e)
- favoriteviews: add favorite views charts (a5417cc)
- favoriteviews: add favorite views tables (f728957)
- filterfields: add prop-types (7edbdb6)
- layout: add margin (957d854)
- queries: center loading spinners (25bab62)
- table: add card wrapper around table (8d430c5)
- topfavorites: add top favorites visualization (4e4b071)
- users: add users visualization (6badb43)
25.1.12 (2020-11-17)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (1028f33)
25.1.11 (2020-11-15)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (42361d3)
25.1.10 (2020-11-11)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ee22b59)
25.1.9 (2020-11-10)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (68c3776)
25.1.8 (2020-11-08)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (f7382ae)
25.1.7 (2020-11-07)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (97480b1)
25.1.6 (2020-11-03)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (6d1b857)
25.1.5 (2020-11-02)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (3f2742a)
25.1.4 (2020-11-01)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (2d5c978)
25.1.3 (2020-10-31)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (b63608b)
25.1.2 (2020-10-30)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (4298649)
25.1.1 (2020-10-29)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (06fb655)
25.1.0 (2020-10-28)
- browser-support: fix IE11 (087f288)
- chart resize: added on-resize callback to shrink chart quickly (2a65699)
- filter reducer: repaired broken test (303b467)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (e65a48a)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (59122fb)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (286c78d)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ff72a56)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (77ff6d9)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (0fbc28e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ea11eb0)
- body style (0bee44c)
- ensure update-filter gets called with the proper arguments (#180) (712efe7)
- upgrade @dhis2/cli-app-scripts and switch to @dhis2/ui v5 API (#371) (63acde2)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (defefba)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (eeb6c91)
- ensure we use .. for BASE_URL (f5be57c)
- update d2.config to fix build and stop using env variables (#350) (21f55a9)
- date-range: update filter immediately but debounce get usage data (eb26764)
- end-date: use correct component (28a7973)
- select: adjust from string based props to boolean props (7941d3e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (dee5f14)
- allow hosting app on nested url (#45) (5a90cb9)
- manifest credentials bug in chrome (#25) (d1ebdd4)
- prevent double scrollbars on linux (#298) (5c10f6e)
- render error message on missing date (#181) (0926dcc)
- package: update @dhis2/ui-core to version 3.4.0 (#52) (cde5eff)
- chart: dynamic min-value on yAxis (d1c4a5d)
- chart size: tweaked chart config and css to set a max height (d7b0390)
- default filter: using all instead of total (0e75b3a)
- data-fetching with filter-bar (03c1f9e)
- date validation (7be3c9f)
- config: add config variables for dropdowns and tables (7e68f95)
- error-handling: throw errors from failed get (8867a94)
- it works: fully functional now (a51ff88)
- state: introducing redux wip (7aa310f)
25.1.0-alpha.1 (2020-10-19)
- browser-support: fix IE11 (087f288)
- chart resize: added on-resize callback to shrink chart quickly (2a65699)
- filter reducer: repaired broken test (303b467)
- package: update @dhis2/ui-core to version 3.4.0 (#52) (cde5eff)
- select: adjust from string based props to boolean props (7941d3e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (286c78d)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ff72a56)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (77ff6d9)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (0fbc28e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ea11eb0)
- body style (0bee44c)
- upgrade @dhis2/cli-app-scripts and switch to @dhis2/ui v5 API (#371) (63acde2)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (defefba)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (eeb6c91)
- allow hosting app on nested url (#45) (5a90cb9)
- update d2.config to fix build and stop using env variables (#350) (21f55a9)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (dee5f14)
- ensure update-filter gets called with the proper arguments (#180) (712efe7)
- ensure we use .. for BASE_URL (f5be57c)
- manifest credentials bug in chrome (#25) (d1ebdd4)
- prevent double scrollbars on linux (#298) (5c10f6e)
- render error message on missing date (#181) (0926dcc)
- date-range: update filter immediately but debounce get usage data (eb26764)
- end-date: use correct component (28a7973)
- chart: dynamic min-value on yAxis (d1c4a5d)
- chart size: tweaked chart config and css to set a max height (d7b0390)
- default filter: using all instead of total (0e75b3a)
- data-fetching with filter-bar (03c1f9e)
- date validation (7be3c9f)
- config: add config variables for dropdowns and tables (7e68f95)
- error-handling: throw errors from failed get (8867a94)
- it works: fully functional now (a51ff88)
- state: introducing redux wip (7aa310f)