diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fb9dfab..dae0ebe 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,40 +1,47 @@
# Paged Data Table
Completely customisable data table which supports cursor and offset pagination out-of-the-box. It's written from scratch, no dependency from Flutter's `DataTable` nor `Table`.
Designed to follow Google's Material You style.
## Online demo
Check it out here
## Features
-* **Page caching** allowing you to keep already fetched pages in memory for offline-use.
-* **Row updating on demand**, preventing you to create other views for updating fields of a class. Now you can update an object from the table directly.
-* **Cursor and offset pagination**, you decide how to paginate your data.
-* **Filtering** by date, text, number, whatever you want!
-* **Sorting** by predefined columns
+- **Page caching** allowing you to keep already fetched pages in memory for offline-use.
+- **Row updating on demand**, preventing you to create other views for updating fields of a class. Now you can update an object from the table directly.
+- **Cursor and offset pagination**, you decide how to paginate your data.
+- **Filtering** by date, text, number, whatever you want!
+- **Sorting** by predefined columns
## Getting started
- [Setup](#setup)
- - [Setup widget](#setup-widget)
- - [Configure columns](#configure-columns)
- - [Filters](#filters)
- - [Menu](#menu)
- - [Selecting rows](#selecting-rows)
- - [Other customizations](#other-customizations)
- - [Controller](#controller)
+ - [Setup widget](#setup-widget)
+ - [Configure columns](#configure-columns)
+ - [Filters](#filters)
+ - [Menu](#menu)
+ - [Selecting rows](#selecting-rows)
+ - [Other customizations](#other-customizations)
+ - [Controller](#controller)
- [Customization](#customization)
- - [Custom column](#custom-column)
- - [Custom filter](#custom-filter)
+ - [Custom column](#custom-column)
+ - [Custom filter](#custom-filter)
- [Internationalization](#internationalization)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
## Setup
Everything you need is a **PagedDataTable\** widget, which accepts two generic arguments, **TKey** and **TValue**, the type of object you will use as paging key and the type of object you will be showing in the table.
### Setup widget
Create a new `PagedDataTable` and fill the required parameters
fetchPage: (pageToken, pageSize, sortBy, filtering) async {
@@ -52,7 +59,9 @@ PagedDataTable(
### Configure columns
-Every column inherits the base class `BaseTableColumn`, being `T` the same as `TValue` when creating the widget. The most basic column you can create is `TableColumn`, suitable for most cases if you only want to display data.
+Every column inherits the base class `BaseTableColumn`, being `T` the same as `TValue` when creating the widget. The most basic column you can create is `TableColumn`, suitable for most cases if you only want to display data.
title: "User Name",
@@ -61,23 +70,30 @@ TableColumn(
##### Column size
What if you want to specify a different size for the column? No problem! Every `BaseTableColumn` comes with a double property called `sizeFactor`, which you can use to modify its width. It defaults to `.1`, so, if you dont configure any of them, all your columns will take 10% of the available width. If you explicitly set it to `null`, the table will distribute the left width between all columns with `sizeFactor: null`.
> NOTE: when specifying `sizeFactor`, keep in mind that the sum of all you column's `sizeFactor` cannot exceed 1, because it would take more space that its allowed to.
##### Numeric column
If you will display a number of a column, be sure to set `isNumberic` to `true`, so it will be displayed aligned to the right.
##### Sortable column
If you want your users to be able to sort the resultset based on a column, set `sortable` to `true` and specify an `id` for the table. That is the `id` you will be receiving in the `sortBy` argument in the `fetchPage` callback.
##### Other types of columns
-* `DropdownTableColumn` renders a dropdown in the cell, useful for updating enum fields. `TType` is the same as `TValue` when creating the `PagedDataTable` and `TValue` is the type of items the dropdown will be displaying.
-* `TextTableColumn` display text like `TableColumn`, but when you double-click it, a text field will be displayed, allowing you to edit its content and save on enter.
-* `LargeTextTableColumn` acts like `TextTableColumn`, but when you double-click it, an overlay is shown with a multiline text field.
-> If you need more, you always can [create your own column](#custom-column).
+- `DropdownTableColumn` renders a dropdown in the cell, useful for updating enum fields. `TType` is the same as `TValue` when creating the `PagedDataTable` and `TValue` is the type of items the dropdown will be displaying.
+- `TextTableColumn` display text like `TableColumn`, but when you double-click it, a text field will be displayed, allowing you to edit its content and save on enter.
+- `LargeTextTableColumn` acts like `TextTableColumn`, but when you double-click it, an overlay is shown with a multiline text field.
+ > If you need more, you always can [create your own column](#custom-column).
### Filters
Filters allows your users to, well, filter your dataset. It's rendered like a dialog. To get started, define them in the `PagedDataTable` widget:
@@ -90,17 +106,21 @@ PagedDataTable(
Every filter type requires an `id`, a `title` and a `chipFormatter`. You will use the `id` in the `fetchPage` callback, from the `filtering` parameter. `title` is the label of the field when displaying the filter popup, and `chipFormatter` is how it will be shown in the filter bar after applying it.
##### Built-in filters
-* `TextTableFilter` allows to filter by raw text, it renders a TextField.
-* `DropdownTableFilter` allows selecting the filter value in a Dropdown, being `TValue` the type of items the Dropdown will be holding.
-* `DatePickerTableFilter` renders a TextField that opens a `DateTimePicker` when clicked.
-* `DateRangePickerTableFilter` works the same as `DatePickerTableFilter` but for `DateTimeRange`.
-> If you need more, you always can [create your own filter](#custom-filter)
+- `TextTableFilter` allows to filter by raw text, it renders a TextField.
+- `DropdownTableFilter` allows selecting the filter value in a Dropdown, being `TValue` the type of items the Dropdown will be holding.
+- `DatePickerTableFilter` renders a TextField that opens a `DateTimePicker` when clicked.
+- `DateRangePickerTableFilter` works the same as `DatePickerTableFilter` but for `DateTimeRange`.
+ > If you need more, you always can [create your own filter](#custom-filter)
### Menu
You can display a popup menu at the top right corner:
@@ -120,7 +140,9 @@ PagedDataTable(
### Selecting rows
If you want your users to be able to select rows by double-clicking them:
@@ -129,7 +151,9 @@ PagedDataTable(
### Other customizations
You can render custom widgets in the space left in the table's header and footer. Also, you can configure aspects of the table with the `configuration` field.
@@ -138,29 +162,34 @@ PagedDataTable(
configuration: PagedDataTableConfigurationData()
> The `PagedDataTableConfigurationData` is well documented, so you can check it out while working.
### Controller
By using a `PagedDataTableController` (being `TKey` and `TValue` the same as the `PagedDataTable` widget) you can control the data table programatically. It allows you to:
-* `refresh()` the entire table, clearing the cache and fetching from source.
-* `setFilter(String id, dynamic value)` apply a filter
-* `removeFilter(String id)` remove a filter
-* `removeFilters()` remove all filters
-* `getSelectedRows()` returns a `List` with the selected rows.
-* `unselectAllRows()` unselects all selected rows.
-* `selectRow(int index)` marks the row at `index` as selected.
-* `modifyRowValue(int rowIndex, void Function(TResult item) update)` allows to modify a row's value by applying `update` to the cached value.
-* `refreshRow(int rowIndex)` refresh a row to reflect the changes made to the object its displaying (if it's not a deep copy.)
+- `refresh()` the entire table, clearing the cache and fetching from source.
+- `setFilter(String id, dynamic value)` apply a filter
+- `removeFilter(String id)` remove a filter
+- `removeFilters()` remove all filters
+- `getSelectedRows()` returns a `List` with the selected rows.
+- `unselectAllRows()` unselects all selected rows.
+- `selectRow(int index)` marks the row at `index` as selected.
+- `modifyRowValue(int rowIndex, void Function(TResult item) update)` allows to modify a row's value by applying `update` to the cached value.
+- `refreshRow(int rowIndex)` refresh a row to reflect the changes made to the object its displaying (if it's not a deep copy.)
## Customization
### Custom column
If you want to make a custom column, that is not editable, extend the `BaseTableColumn` class and render you widget in the `buildCell` method. It gives you the `item` that is going to be displayed and the `index` of the row.
In the other hand, if you want your new column to be editable, extend the `EditableTableColumn` class. `TType` is the type of item you are displaying, and `TValue` the value type that is going to be modified. It gives you the same `buildCell` method but when creating editable columns, a `setter` and a `getter` methods are needed. The `getter` only retrieves the value to edit, and `setter` is responsible of updating that value. It can be a `Future` if you need to perform any network operation, and **must** return a boolean indicating the status of the operation. Returning `true` will update the cell's value, otherwise, it will remain the same, as it's interpreted that the operation failed.
### Custom filter
To create your own filter, extend the `TableFilter` class, with `TValue` being the type the filter will handle. Again, it gives you a method called `buildPicker(BuildContext, TableFilterState>`, used to build the picker field in the popup dialog. `TableFilterState` is used to report changes in the field, for example, take a look at the `TextTableFilter`'s source:
Widget buildPicker(BuildContext context, TableFilterState state) {
@@ -179,20 +208,25 @@ Widget buildPicker(BuildContext context, TableFilterState state) {
## Internationalization
At the moment of writing this, two locales are supported, `en` for english, and `es` for spanish. To localize the table, make sure to add the following to your `localizationsDelegates` list:
localizationsDelegates: const [
And you're done.
## Screenshots
## Contribute
Any suggestion to improve/add is welcome, if you want to make a PR, you are welcome :)