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Lab 6: Shift register and LFSR

Learning objectives

  • Understand shift registers
  • Understand the pseudo-random generator using LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register)
  • Use generate statements to replicate logic in VHDL or turning on/off blocks of logic

Pre-Lab preparation

  1. Calculate the maximum length and duration of one run (one complete sequence) of the LFSR counter on the Nexys board for various N_BITS values of 4, 8, 16, 32, 40, and 64. Given a clock frequency of 100 MHz, determine the time it takes for the counter to complete one full sequence.

    Note that, unlike a binary counter, the full sequence of an LFSR counter contains only 2^(N_BITS)-1 values.

    NBIT Max. length Duration
    4 15 150 ns

Part 1: VHDL code for shift register

A binary shift register is a digital circuit that sequentially shifts data bits, either left or right, through a series of flip-flops controlled by a clock signal. It operates in parallel-in, serial-out (PISO) or serial-in, parallel-out (SIPO) modes. Shift registers are commonly used for serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial data conversion, data storage, and data transmission.

FYI: The structures below decsribe a simple 4-bit shift register in RTL (higher) and gate (lower) levels.

RTL level:

shift rtl

Gate level:

shift gate

VHDL code:

process (clk)
    if rising_edge(clk) then
        -- The VHDL **concatenate operator** is ampersand (&). It
        -- can be used to combine two or more items together. Since
        -- VHDL is strongly typed, it requires that all inputs to the
        -- concatenation be of the same type. Additionally, the result
        -- of the concatenation needs to exactly fit the width of the
        -- concatenated input signals.

        -- "sig_reg(2)  sig_reg(1)  sig_reg(0)  data"
        sig_reg <= sig_reg(2 downto 0) & data;
    end if;
end process;

count <= sig_reg;
  1. Run Vivado, create a new project and implement a 4-bit shift register with clock enable and load signals:

    1. Project name: lfsr

    2. Project location: your working folder, such as Documents

    3. Project type: RTL Project

    4. Create a VHDL source file: lfsr

    5. Do not add any constraints now

    6. Choose a default board: Nexys A7-50T

    7. Click Finish to create the project

    8. Define I/O ports of new module:

      Port name Direction Type Description
      clk input std_logic Main clock
      en input std_logic Clock enable input
      load_enable input std_logic Enable signal to load default/seed data
      load_data input std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) Default/seed data
      count output std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) Register value
  2. Use VHDL templates in menu Tools > Language Templates, search for parallel load, copy/paste w/ CE template to the architecture and modify the code according to your I/O port names.

    Note: The shift register template is located in:

    Language Templates:
      Synthesis Constructs
        Coding Examples
          Shift Registers
            Parallel Load, Serial In, Serial Out
              w/ CE
    -- Define a temporary signal that is of type std_logic_vector(<width>-1 downto 0).
    -- Where width is the number of bits to shift
    process (<clock>)
        if <clock>'event and <clock>='1' then
            if <load_enable> = '1' then
                <tmp_sig> <= <load_data>;
            elsif <clock_enable> = '1' then
                <tmp_sig> <= <tmp_sig>(<width>-2 downto 0) & <input>;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    <output> <= <tmp_sig>(<width>-1);


    • Use rising_edge(clk) instead of clk='1' and clk'event to test clock edge
    • Define an internal signal sig_reg of data type std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) to implement the shift register
    • For now, use constant 1 instead of <input> signal
    • Notation & represents vector concatenation used to merge data. For example s <= s(2 downto 0) & '1'; creates "s2 s1 s0 1".
    • Assign the whole internal register to the output count <= sig_reg; (The template here implements Serial out and not Parallel output.)

Part 2: 4-bit LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register)

A Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is a linear function of its previous state using XOR or XNOR gates. The feedback taps determine the new bit entering the register. LFSRs are widely used for generating pseudo-random sequences in digital systems, cryptography, and communication protocols due to their simplicity, efficiency, and long periods before repeating sequences. They are also used for channel encoding and decoding, error detection, and testing digital systems.

  1. To implement a linear feedback for an LFSR counter in VHDL, integrate an XNOR gate with a 4-bit shift register. Create an internal signal sig_feedback of type std_logic, utilizing feedback taps sig_reg(3) and sig_reg(2), and connect it to the least significant bit (LSB) of the internal register.

    lfsr4 gate

  2. Add a done signal of type std_logic into the LFSR entity. Outside the LFSR process, produce a pulse when the internal register matches the initial seed value.

    entity lfsr is
        port (
            done      : out std_logic;
            count     : out std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0)
    end lfsr;
    architecture behavioral of lfsr is
        signal sig_feedback : std_logic;
        process (clk)
            sig_reg <= sig_reg(4-2 downto 0) & sig_feedback;
        end process;
        -- Create feedback for 4-bit LFSR counter
        sig_feedback <= sig_reg(3) xnor sig_reg(2);
        -- Assign internal register to output
        count <= sig_reg;
        -- Create a `done` output pulse
        done <= '1' when (sig_reg = load_data) else
    end behavioral;
  3. Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis.

  4. Generate a simulation source named tb_lfsr, execute the simulation, and validate the functionality of enable and seed values. Experiment with various tap configurations for XNOR gates and analyze the length of the generated pseudo-random sequence.

    Taps Length Values
    3, 2 15 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 13, 11, 6, 12, 9, 2, 5, 10, 4, 8
    3, 1
    3, 0
    2, 1
    2, 0
    1, 0

Part 3: n-bit LFSR counter

  1. Extend the code from the previous part and use generics in both, design and testbench sources.

    In design source, use generic N_BITS to define number of bits for the counter. In testbench, define a constant C_NBITS, prior to declaring the component and use it to declare your internal counter signal:

    -- Design source file
    entity lfsr is
        generic (
            N_BITS : integer := 4 --! Default number of bits
        port (
            count : out std_logic_vector(N_BITS-1 downto 0)
    end entity lfsr;
    -- Testbench file
    constant C_NBITS : integer := 4; --! Simulating number of bits
    signal count : std_logic_vector(C_NBITS-1 downto 0);

    When you instantiate your counter, you then also bind the N_BITS generic to this constant:

    dut : component lfsr
        generic map (
            N_BITS => C_NBITS
  2. In VHDL, there is a way for iteratively or conditionally elaborating a part of a description. Typically, it is used to define a group of identical components using a single component specification and then repeating it using the generate mechanism.

    -- Conditional
    label : if condition generate
        { concurrent_statements }
    end generate label;
    -- Iterative
    label : for parameter in range generate
        { concurrent_statements }
    end generate label;

    Use conditional generate statements and define sig_feedback for several N_BITS values. See AMD LFSR Counters to get the taps for maximum-length LFSR counters. Note that, the taps here are indexed from 1 and not from 0, ie. 4-bit counter use taps 4 and 3.

    g_4bit : if N_BITS = 4 generate
        -- Create feedback for 4-bit LFSR counter
        sig_feedback <= sig_reg(3) xnor sig_reg(2);
    end generate g_4bit;
  3. Simulate your design and try several C_NBITS values.

  4. Create a VHDL design source named top_level and implement a 4-bit LFSR counter on the Nexys A7 board. Configure the counter to increment every 500 ms, displaying the count on the 7-segment display and LEDs. Set the initial seed value using four switches SW(3:0) and enable loading by pressing BTND.

    Use component declaration and instantiation of lfsr, clock_enable, and bin2seg, and define the top-level architecture as follows.

    top level

    Note: The enable_clock and bin2seg components from the previous lab are required. Do not forget to copy both files to YOUR-PROJECT-FOLDER/lfsr.srcs/sources_1/new/ folder and add them to the project.

    architecture behavioral of top_level is
        -- Component declaration for clock enable
        -- Component declaration for LFSR counter
        -- Component declaration for bin2seg
        -- Local signals for a counter: 4-bit @ 500 ms
        -- Component instantiation of clock enable for 500 ms
        -- Component instantiation of 4-bit LFSR counter
        -- Component instantiation of bin2seg
        -- Turn off decimal point
        -- Set display position
        -- Set output LEDs (green)
    end architecture behavioral;
  5. Create a new constraints XDC file nexys-a7-50t, uncomment the used pins according to the top_level entity.

  6. Compile the project (ie. transform the high-level VHDL code into a binary configuration file) and download the generated bitstream YOUR-PROJECT-FOLDER/lfsr.runs/impl_1/top_level.bit into the FPGA chip.


  1. Implement two n-bit LFSR counters on the Nexys A7 board. Configure the first, a 4-bit counter, to increment every 500 ms (requires the enable_clock component from the previous lab), displaying the count on the 7-segment display (also requires bin2seg). Set the initial seed value using four switches and enable loading by BTND.

    For the second counter, an 8-bit counter, configure it to increment every 100 ms, display its value using LEDs, and disable the initial settings.

    top level

  2. Use for-generate statement and define an N-bit adder according to previous lab.


  1. NandLand. Concatenation Operator – VHDL Example

  2. NandLand. LFSR in an FPGA – VHDL & Verilog Code

  3. AMD. Efficient Shift Registers, LFSR Counters, and Long Pseudo-Random Sequence Generators (XAPP052)

  4. Digilent. General .xdc file for the Nexys A7-50T