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tom3q edited this page Jun 25, 2012 · 7 revisions



Getting CM7 for Spica source tree

mkdir cm7_spica
cd cm7_spica
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
repo sync

Preparing source tree

Copy zImage as kernel.bin to device/samsung/spica.

cp ../kernel-dir/zImage device/samsung/spica/kernel.bin

Download ROM manager files (currently unused, but needed for compilation).

cd vendor/cyanogen
cd ../..

(Optional) Download and extract core Google Apps

cd vendor/cyanogen
wget -O /tmp/
./extract-gapps-files /tmp/
rm /tmp/
cd ../..

Preparing build environment

(Optional) Enable compilation with core Google Apps.


Prepare the shell for Android compilation and choose the target.

. build/
lunch cyanogen_spica-eng

Compilation of CM7 for Spica

make -j5

Creating update package for recovery

make -j5 otapackage

The resulting zip package will be placed in out/target/product/spica.


  • The "Preparing build environment" section must be executed every time a new shell session is started.
  • You can use repo sync -jN instead of repo sync, where N is a number of threads to use to sync the tree in parallel.
  • Replace 5 in make -j5 (and make -j5 otapackage) with the number of threads for parallel compilation suitable for your machine. Usually the number of logical CPUs (cores) + 1 is fine, but it also depends on available RAM (-j5 is fine for 4 GB).
  • Kernel, ROM manager and Google Apps don't have to be copied/downloaded every time a ROM is being compiled. Just only whenever one of them changes (i.e. new GApps version is released).
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