This contract provides multiple functionalities:
- Users can stake tokens for CPU and Network bandwidth, and then vote for producers or delegate their vote to a proxy.
- Producers register in order to be voted for, and can claim per-block and per-vote rewards.
- Users can buy and sell RAM at a market-determined price.
- Users can bid on premium names.
- The WAX Worker Proposal System to vote for and fund projects beneficial to the overall ecosystem
- A resource exchange system (REX) allows token holders to lend their tokens, and users to rent CPU and Network resources in return for a market-determined fee.
The naming convention is codeaccount::actionname followed by a list of paramters.
- Indicates that a particular account wishes to become a producer
- producer account registering to be a producer candidate
- producer_key producer account public key
- url producer URL
- location currently unused index
- voter the account doing the voting
- proxy proxy account to whom voter delegates vote
- producers list of producers voted for. A maximum of 30 producers is allowed
- Voter can vote for a proxy or a list of at most 30 producers. Storage change is billed to
- proxy the account registering as voter proxy (or unregistering)
- is_proxy if true, proxy is registered; if false, proxy is unregistered
- Storage change is billed to
- from account holding tokens to be staked
- receiver account to whose resources staked tokens are added
- stake_net_quantity tokens staked for NET bandwidth
- stake_cpu_quantity tokens staked for CPU bandwidth
- transfer if true, ownership of staked tokens is transfered to
- All producers
account has voted for will have their votes updated immediately.
- from account whose tokens will be unstaked
- receiver account to whose benefit tokens have been staked
- unstake_net_quantity tokens to be unstaked from NET bandwidth
- unstake_cpu_quantity tokens to be unstaked from CPU bandwidth
- Unstaked tokens are transferred to
liquid balance via a deferred transaction with a delay of 3 days. - If called during the delay period of a previous
action, pending action is canceled and timer is reset. - All producers
account has voted for will have their votes updated immediately. - Bandwidth and storage for the deferred transaction are billed to
- This special action is triggered when a block is applied by a given producer, and cannot be generated from any other source. It is used increment the number of unpaid blocks by a producer and update producer schedule.
- producer producer account claiming per-block and per-vote rewards
Required authority: _self
Description: Sets up the global WPS parameters, which includes vote participation required (in percentage of total_activated_stake
), expiry time for proposals on vote, and maximum duration of a project. The default values proposed when the WPS is ratified will be 5, 30, and 180, respectively.
Required authority: Account owner
Description: Register an account as a proposer. All fields required. RAM is billed to the registrant's account. Account is added to the proposers table.
Required authority: Account owner
Description: Edit proposer info. All fields required.
Required authority: Account owner
Description: Remove account from the proposers table.
Required authority: Proposer
Description: Register a proposal. Account must be on the proposers table. All fields required. RAM is billed to the proposer's account. Proposal is added to the proposals table. One proposer can register only one proposal at a time.
Required authority: Proposer
Description: Edit proposal info. All fields required.
Required authority: Proposer
Description: Delete proposal from the proposals table.
Required authority: _self
Description: Register a committee responsible for a certain category. The account is added to the committees table. RAM is billed to the contract's account. All fields are required. Oversight power is given to the oversight committee. Committees can only be registered using eosio
Required authority: _self
Description: Edit committee information. All fields required.
Required authority: _self
Description: Remove committee from the committees table.
Required authority: Committee
Description: Register account as a reviewer. All fields required. RAM billed to committee account. Reviewer is added to reviewers table, with the committee that the account is associated with.
Required authority: Committee
Description: Edit reviewer information. All fields required.
Required authority: Committee
Description: Remove reviewer from the reviewers table.
Required authority: Reviewer
Description: Accept a proposal with PENDING status. Change its status to ON VOTE. All fields required.
Required authority: Reviewer
Description: Reject a proposal with PENDING status. Change its status to REJECTED. Move proposal to the rejected proposals table. All fields required.
Required authority: Reviewer
Description: Approve funding for proposals with the CHECKED VOTES status. Proposal status changes to APPROVED. All fields required.
Required authority: Proposer
Description: Claim funding for a proposal with the APPROVED status. The proposer can claim a portion of the funds for each iteration of the project's duration. When all iterations have been completed, the proposal status changes to COMPLETED. It is then transferred to the completed proposals table. All fields required.
Required authority: Reviewer
Description: Clear a proposal on the rejected proposals table when it is no longer needed there.
Required authority: Reviewer
Description: Clear a proposal on the completed proposals table when it is no longer needed there.
Required authority: Account owner
Description: Vote for a proposal. Each account is limited to one vote. Vote weight is determined by the amount of WAX staked. Voting for another proposal will take away the votes of an earlier proposal. All fields required.
Required authority: Committee (oversight)
Description: Reject a proposal with APPROVED status being funded. The proposal is transferred to the rejected proposals table. All fiels required.
You can find information on the tables directly using cleos
cleos get table eosio eosio <table name>
Description: Table of ongoing proposals. Indexed by proposer account name and proposal id.
Code: _self
Scope: _self
Description: Table of proposers. Indexed by account name.
Code: _self
Scope: _self
Description: Table of reviewers. Indexed by account name.
Code: _self
Scope: _self
Description: Table of committees. Indexed by account name.
Code: _self
Scope: _self
Description: Table of WPS global environment variables.