- Saving referer for comment, so we can get back to he commented object from a comment list
- Admin view for managing comments
- filter_item method for filtering lists in admin views moved here from tog_users
- Updated template to install preferences plugins (support for users' preferences added to tog_social)
- Using i18n gem instead of old tog's i18n support
- Updated template to ask for jquery support (via jrails)
- Added acts_as_shareable to installation template, used by tog_social
- EDGE version installation installs EDGE versions of tog's core plugins
- Added config.reload_plugins entry to development environment
- acts_as_commentable is now installed as gem
- Flash setted after abuse report (kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- Caching Tog::Config values
- Installation template now asks about installing gems as sudo
- new generator for creating plugin's migrations, on installation and after updates
- using acts_as_rateable and acts_as_shareable as plugins, which fixes problem with timestamps while installing
- using acts_as_taggable_on instead of acts_as_taggable_on_steroids_
- comments can be posted to twitter (kudos to boonious)
- for comments notification, commentable must respond to user or owner (till now must respond to owner)
- New language selector using dropdown list
- Added translations for Brazilian Portuguese
- Fixed redirection after abuse confirmation (kudos to Arnau Sanchez)
- Fixed #4. Misspelled name for I18nHelper. Thanks to Richard Shank and Javier Lafora
- Added some missed keys in spanish locale
- Added a new installer (kudos to the passenger guys for remember us that the command line can be a better place)
- First language selector implementation (allow users to set the locale).
- Admin views updated, so all views have the same look and feel
- (almost) Full i18n (kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- Renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb (Rails 2.3 support)
- Small changes to code and test (Rails 2.3 support, kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- Removed tog-desert gem, now using pivotal labs' official desert gem (desert 0.5 support)
- Renamed routes.rb to desert_routes.rb (Rails 2.3 + desert 0.5 support)
- Removed support for observers in plugins, was supported by tog-desert (desert 0.5 support)
- Added port to mailer URL options (kudos to Balint Erdi)
- Better support for Amazon S3 (kudos to Gaizka)
- Support for jRails in order to use jQuery instead of Prototype (kudos to Richard Shank)
- Ticket #129. i18n patch for will_paginate helper. This enable translated pagination by default in every tog based app.
- New Tog::Deprecation module.
- Ticket #105. Comments approbe and delete should be in member/comments_controller
- Ticket #118. i18n in navigation tabs
- Ticket #112. Edit profile in a fresh installation
- Search controller and search helper improved.
- Sanitize tags change allowed
- Ticket #102. Consolidate comments listing and form
- Check spam in comments using Viking
- Tog::Search improved interface and docs
- Clean up
- Ticket #100. Menu problem in admin site
- Ticket #99. Link to commentable in comment notification mail
- Sync tog's i18n implementation with rails 2.2.2
- Since we've had problems with the proper moment to create the config table we've moved the process of manage the table existence to a internal method
- Implemented create_tog_config_table on Tog::Config as last resort. It should be really hard to get 'Config doesn't exists' messages now.
- Add user routes to tog_core
- Moved users_helper to tog_core
- Change admin's home url, from /admin to /admin/dashboard so tabs are highlighted properly
- Ticket #88. Problem with URLs in UserMailer