From eea567ef5f9b3f3fdd70333992495554a241f442 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Derek Chen-Becker Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 17:36:34 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Updated elyxer to the most recent version Revised the code to use templates instead of the userheader/userfooter hack --- Makefile | 5 +- | 1070 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- templates/template.html | 26 + 3 files changed, 809 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-) create mode 100644 templates/template.html diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index d4cbf47..c948b5d 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ html : master.lyx # ./ rm -rf master/ mkdir master/ - cp -R templates/* master/ - python --splitpart 1 --css "css/lyx.css" --defaultbrush "scala" --userheader htmlheader.txt --userfooter htmlfooter.txt master.lyx master/index.html + cp -R templates/css master/ + cp -R templates/scripts master/ + python --splitpart 1 --defaultbrush "scala" --template templates/template.html master.lyx master/index.html tar cvzf master.html.tgz master/ pdf : master.pdf diff --git a/ b/ index 9b748e1..25a1c42 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -288,14 +288,14 @@ class ContainerConfig(object): u'EmphaticText':u'\\emph', u'Hfill':u'\\hfill', u'Inset':u'\\end_inset', u'Layout':u'\\end_layout', u'LyXFooter':u'\\end_document', u'LyXHeader':u'\\end_header', u'Row':u'', + u'\\middle':u'span class="symbol"', u'\\right':u'span class="symbol"', + u'\\right.':u'', + } + combiningfunctions = { u'\\"':u'̈', u'\\\'':u'́', u'\\^':u'̂', u'\\`':u'̀', u'\\acute':u'́', u'\\bar':u'̄', u'\\breve':u'̆', u'\\c':u'̧', u'\\check':u'̌', @@ -469,7 +489,7 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): commands = { u'\\ ':u' ', u'\\!':u'', u'\\#':u'#', u'\\$':u'$', u'\\%':u'%', - u'\\&38;':u'&', u'\\,':u' ', u'\\:':u' ', u'\\;':u' ', + u'\\&':u'&', u'\\,':u' ', u'\\:':u' ', u'\\;':u' ', u'\\APLdownarrowbox':u'⍗', u'\\APLleftarrowbox':u'⍇', u'\\APLrightarrowbox':u'⍈', u'\\APLuparrowbox':u'⍐', u'\\Box':u'□', u'\\Bumpeq':u'≎', u'\\CIRCLE':u'●', u'\\Cap':u'⋒', u'\\CheckedBox':u'☑', @@ -477,56 +497,54 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\Cup':u'⋓', u'\\Delta':u'Δ', u'\\Diamond':u'◇', u'\\Downarrow':u'⇓', u'\\EUR':u'€', u'\\Gamma':u'Γ', u'\\Im':u'ℑ', u'\\Join':u'⨝', u'\\LEFTCIRCLE':u'◖', u'\\LEFTcircle':u'◐', u'\\Lambda':u'Λ', - u'\\Leftarrow':u'⇐', u'\\Leftrightarrow':u' ⇔ ', u'\\Lleftarrow':u'⇚', - u'\\Longleftarrow':u'⟸', u'\\Longleftrightarrow':u'⟺', - u'\\Longrightarrow':u'⟹', u'\\Lsh':u'↰', u'\\Mapsfrom':u'⇐|', - u'\\Mapsto':u'|⇒', u'\\Omega':u'Ω', u'\\P':u'¶', u'\\Phi':u'Φ', - u'\\Pi':u'Π', u'\\Pr':u'Pr', u'\\Psi':u'Ψ', u'\\RIGHTCIRCLE':u'◗', - u'\\RIGHTcircle':u'◑', u'\\Re':u'ℜ', u'\\Rightarrow':u' ⇒ ', + u'\\Leftarrow':u'⇐', u'\\Lleftarrow':u'⇚', u'\\Longleftarrow':u'⟸', + u'\\Longleftrightarrow':u'⟺', u'\\Longrightarrow':u'⟹', u'\\Lsh':u'↰', + u'\\Mapsfrom':u'⇐|', u'\\Mapsto':u'|⇒', u'\\Omega':u'Ω', u'\\P':u'¶', + u'\\Phi':u'Φ', u'\\Pi':u'Π', u'\\Pr':u'Pr', u'\\Psi':u'Ψ', + u'\\RIGHTCIRCLE':u'◗', u'\\RIGHTcircle':u'◑', u'\\Re':u'ℜ', u'\\Rrightarrow':u'⇛', u'\\Rsh':u'↱', u'\\S':u'§', u'\\Sigma':u'Σ', u'\\Square':u'☐', u'\\Subset':u'⋐', u'\\Supset':u'⋑', u'\\Theta':u'Θ', u'\\Uparrow':u'⇑', u'\\Updownarrow':u'⇕', u'\\Upsilon':u'Υ', u'\\Vdash':u'⊩', u'\\Vert':u'∥', u'\\Vvdash':u'⊪', u'\\XBox':u'☒', u'\\Xi':u'Ξ', u'\\Yup':u'⅄', u'\\\\':u'
', u'\\_':u'_', - u'\\aleph':u'ℵ', u'\\amalg':u'∐', u'\\angle':u'∠', u'\\approx':u' ≈ ', - u'\\aquarius':u'♒', u'\\arccos':u'arccos', u'\\arcsin':u'arcsin', - u'\\arctan':u'arctan', u'\\arg':u'arg', u'\\aries':u'♈', u'\\ast':u'∗', - u'\\asymp':u'≍', u'\\backepsilon':u'∍', u'\\backprime':u'‵', - u'\\backsimeq':u'⋍', u'\\backslash':u'\\', u'\\barwedge':u'⊼', - u'\\because':u'∵', u'\\beth':u'ℶ', u'\\between':u'≬', u'\\bigcap':u'∩', - u'\\bigcirc':u'○', u'\\bigcup':u'∪', u'\\bigodot':u'⊙', - u'\\bigoplus':u'⊕', u'\\bigotimes':u'⊗', u'\\bigsqcup':u'⊔', - u'\\bigstar':u'★', u'\\bigtriangledown':u'▽', u'\\bigtriangleup':u'△', - u'\\biguplus':u'⊎', u'\\bigvee':u'∨', u'\\bigwedge':u'∧', - u'\\blacklozenge':u'⧫', u'\\blacksmiley':u'☻', u'\\blacksquare':u'■', - u'\\blacktriangle':u'▲', u'\\blacktriangledown':u'▼', - u'\\blacktriangleright':u'▶', u'\\bot':u'⊥', u'\\bowtie':u'⋈', - u'\\box':u'▫', u'\\boxdot':u'⊡', u'\\bullet':u'•', u'\\bumpeq':u'≏', - u'\\cancer':u'♋', u'\\cap':u'∩', u'\\capricornus':u'♑', u'\\cdot':u'⋅', - u'\\cdots':u'⋯', u'\\centerdot':u'∙', u'\\checkmark':u'✓', u'\\chi':u'χ', - u'\\circ':u'○', u'\\circeq':u'≗', u'\\circledR':u'®', - u'\\circledast':u'⊛', u'\\circledcirc':u'⊚', u'\\circleddash':u'⊝', - u'\\clubsuit':u'♣', u'\\coloneqq':u'≔', u'\\complement':u'∁', - u'\\cong':u'≅', u'\\coprod':u'∐', u'\\copyright':u'©', u'\\cos':u'cos', - u'\\cosh':u'cosh', u'\\cot':u'cot', u'\\coth':u'coth', u'\\csc':u'csc', - u'\\cup':u'∪', u'\\curvearrowleft':u'↶', u'\\curvearrowright':u'↷', - u'\\dag':u'†', u'\\dagger':u'†', u'\\daleth':u'ℸ', - u'\\dashleftarrow':u'⇠', u'\\dashrightarrow':u' ⇢ ', u'\\dashv':u'⊣', - u'\\ddag':u'‡', u'\\ddagger':u'‡', u'\\ddots':u'⋱', u'\\deg':u'deg', - u'\\det':u'det', u'\\diagdown':u'╲', u'\\diagup':u'╱', u'\\diamond':u'◇', - u'\\diamondsuit':u'♦', u'\\dim':u'dim', u'\\displaystyle':u'', - u'\\div':u'÷', u'\\divideontimes':u'⋇', u'\\dotdiv':u'∸', - u'\\doteq':u'≐', u'\\doteqdot':u'≑', u'\\dotplus':u'∔', u'\\dots':u'…', - u'\\doublebarwedge':u'⌆', u'\\downarrow':u'↓', u'\\downdownarrows':u'⇊', - u'\\downharpoonleft':u'⇃', u'\\downharpoonright':u'⇂', u'\\earth':u'♁', - u'\\ell':u'ℓ', u'\\emptyset':u'∅', u'\\eqcirc':u'≖', u'\\eqcolon':u'≕', - u'\\eqsim':u'≂', u'\\equiv':u' ≡ ', u'\\euro':u'€', u'\\exists':u'∃', - u'\\exp':u'exp', u'\\fallingdotseq':u'≒', u'\\female':u'♀', - u'\\flat':u'♭', u'\\forall':u'∀', u'\\frown':u'⌢', u'\\frownie':u'☹', - u'\\gcd':u'gcd', u'\\ge':u' ≥ ', u'\\gemini':u'♊', u'\\geq':u' ≥ ', - u'\\geq)':u'≥', u'\\geqq':u'≧', u'\\geqslant':u'≥', u'\\gets':u'←', - u'\\gg':u'≫', u'\\ggg':u'⋙', u'\\gimel':u'ℷ', u'\\gneqq':u'≩', - u'\\gnsim':u'⋧', u'\\gtrdot':u'⋗', u'\\gtreqless':u'⋚', + u'\\aleph':u'ℵ', u'\\amalg':u'∐', u'\\angle':u'∠', u'\\aquarius':u'♒', + u'\\arccos':u'arccos', u'\\arcsin':u'arcsin', u'\\arctan':u'arctan', + u'\\arg':u'arg', u'\\aries':u'♈', u'\\ast':u'∗', u'\\asymp':u'≍', + u'\\backepsilon':u'∍', u'\\backprime':u'‵', u'\\backsimeq':u'⋍', + u'\\backslash':u'\\', u'\\barwedge':u'⊼', u'\\because':u'∵', + u'\\beth':u'ℶ', u'\\between':u'≬', u'\\bigcap':u'∩', u'\\bigcirc':u'○', + u'\\bigcup':u'∪', u'\\bigodot':u'⊙', u'\\bigoplus':u'⊕', + u'\\bigotimes':u'⊗', u'\\bigsqcup':u'⊔', u'\\bigstar':u'★', + u'\\bigtriangledown':u'▽', u'\\bigtriangleup':u'△', u'\\biguplus':u'⊎', + u'\\bigvee':u'∨', u'\\bigwedge':u'∧', u'\\blacklozenge':u'⧫', + u'\\blacksmiley':u'☻', u'\\blacksquare':u'■', u'\\blacktriangle':u'▲', + u'\\blacktriangledown':u'▼', u'\\blacktriangleright':u'▶', u'\\bot':u'⊥', + u'\\bowtie':u'⋈', u'\\box':u'▫', u'\\boxdot':u'⊡', u'\\bullet':u'•', + u'\\bumpeq':u'≏', u'\\cancer':u'♋', u'\\cap':u'∩', u'\\capricornus':u'♑', + u'\\cdot':u'⋅', u'\\cdots':u'⋯', u'\\centerdot':u'∙', + u'\\checkmark':u'✓', u'\\chi':u'χ', u'\\circ':u'○', u'\\circeq':u'≗', + u'\\circledR':u'®', u'\\circledast':u'⊛', u'\\circledcirc':u'⊚', + u'\\circleddash':u'⊝', u'\\clubsuit':u'♣', u'\\coloneqq':u'≔', + u'\\complement':u'∁', u'\\cong':u'≅', u'\\coprod':u'∐', + u'\\copyright':u'©', u'\\cos':u'cos', u'\\cosh':u'cosh', u'\\cot':u'cot', + u'\\coth':u'coth', u'\\csc':u'csc', u'\\cup':u'∪', + u'\\curvearrowleft':u'↶', u'\\curvearrowright':u'↷', u'\\dag':u'†', + u'\\dagger':u'†', u'\\daleth':u'ℸ', u'\\dashleftarrow':u'⇠', + u'\\dashv':u'⊣', u'\\ddag':u'‡', u'\\ddagger':u'‡', u'\\ddots':u'⋱', + u'\\deg':u'deg', u'\\det':u'det', u'\\diagdown':u'╲', u'\\diagup':u'╱', + u'\\diamond':u'◇', u'\\diamondsuit':u'♦', u'\\dim':u'dim', + u'\\displaystyle':u'', u'\\div':u'÷', u'\\divideontimes':u'⋇', + u'\\dotdiv':u'∸', u'\\doteq':u'≐', u'\\doteqdot':u'≑', u'\\dotplus':u'∔', + u'\\dots':u'…', u'\\doublebarwedge':u'⌆', u'\\downarrow':u'↓', + u'\\downdownarrows':u'⇊', u'\\downharpoonleft':u'⇃', + u'\\downharpoonright':u'⇂', u'\\earth':u'♁', u'\\ell':u'ℓ', + u'\\emptyset':u'∅', u'\\eqcirc':u'≖', u'\\eqcolon':u'≕', u'\\eqsim':u'≂', + u'\\euro':u'€', u'\\exists':u'∃', u'\\exp':u'exp', + u'\\fallingdotseq':u'≒', u'\\female':u'♀', u'\\flat':u'♭', + u'\\forall':u'∀', u'\\frown':u'⌢', u'\\frownie':u'☹', u'\\gcd':u'gcd', + u'\\gemini':u'♊', u'\\geq)':u'≥', u'\\geqq':u'≧', u'\\geqslant':u'≥', + u'\\gets':u'←', u'\\gg':u'≫', u'\\ggg':u'⋙', u'\\gimel':u'ℷ', + u'\\gneqq':u'≩', u'\\gnsim':u'⋧', u'\\gtrdot':u'⋗', u'\\gtreqless':u'⋚', u'\\gtreqqless':u'⪌', u'\\gtrless':u'≷', u'\\gtrsim':u'≳', u'\\hbar':u'ℏ', u'\\heartsuit':u'♥', u'\\hfill':u' ', u'\\hom':u'hom', @@ -534,27 +552,24 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\idotsint':u'∫⋯∫', u'\\iiint':u'', u'\\iint':u'', u'\\imath':u'ı', - u'\\implies':u'  ⇒  ', u'\\in':u' ∈ ', u'\\inf':u'inf', u'\\infty':u'∞', - u'\\int':u'', - u'\\intop':u'', u'\\invneg':u'⌐', - u'\\jmath':u'ȷ', u'\\jupiter':u'♃', u'\\ker':u'ker', u'\\land':u'∧', + u'\\inf':u'inf', u'\\infty':u'∞', u'\\invneg':u'⌐', u'\\jmath':u'ȷ', + u'\\jupiter':u'♃', u'\\ker':u'ker', u'\\land':u'∧', u'\\landupint':u'', u'\\langle':u'⟨', u'\\lbrace':u'{', u'\\lbrace)':u'{', u'\\lbrack':u'[', u'\\lceil':u'⌈', - u'\\ldots':u'…', u'\\le':u'≤', u'\\leadsto':u'⇝', u'\\leftarrow':u' ← ', - u'\\leftarrow)':u'←', u'\\leftarrowtail':u'↢', u'\\leftarrowtobar':u'⇤', + u'\\ldots':u'…', u'\\leadsto':u'⇝', u'\\leftarrow)':u'←', + u'\\leftarrowtail':u'↢', u'\\leftarrowtobar':u'⇤', u'\\leftharpoondown':u'↽', u'\\leftharpoonup':u'↼', u'\\leftleftarrows':u'⇇', u'\\leftleftharpoons':u'⥢', u'\\leftmoon':u'☾', u'\\leftrightarrow':u'↔', u'\\leftrightarrows':u'⇆', u'\\leftrightharpoons':u'⇋', u'\\leftthreetimes':u'⋋', u'\\leo':u'♌', - u'\\leq':u' ≤ ', u'\\leq)':u'≤', u'\\leqq':u'≦', u'\\leqslant':u'≤', - u'\\lessdot':u'⋖', u'\\lesseqgtr':u'⋛', u'\\lesseqqgtr':u'⪋', - u'\\lessgtr':u'≶', u'\\lesssim':u'≲', u'\\lfloor':u'⌊', u'\\lg':u'lg', - u'\\lhd':u'⊲', u'\\libra':u'♎', u'\\lightning':u'↯', u'\\lim':u'lim', - u'\\liminf':u'liminf', u'\\limsup':u'limsup', u'\\ll':u'≪', - u'\\lll':u'⋘', u'\\ln':u'ln', u'\\lneqq':u'≨', u'\\lnot':u'¬', - u'\\lnsim':u'⋦', u'\\log':u'log', u'\\longleftarrow':u'⟵', - u'\\longleftrightarrow':u'⟷', u'\\longmapsto':u'⟼', - u'\\longrightarrow':u'⟶', u'\\looparrowleft':u'↫', + u'\\leq)':u'≤', u'\\leqq':u'≦', u'\\leqslant':u'≤', u'\\lessdot':u'⋖', + u'\\lesseqgtr':u'⋛', u'\\lesseqqgtr':u'⪋', u'\\lessgtr':u'≶', + u'\\lesssim':u'≲', u'\\lfloor':u'⌊', u'\\lg':u'lg', u'\\lhd':u'⊲', + u'\\libra':u'♎', u'\\lightning':u'↯', u'\\liminf':u'liminf', + u'\\limsup':u'limsup', u'\\ll':u'≪', u'\\lll':u'⋘', u'\\ln':u'ln', + u'\\lneqq':u'≨', u'\\lnot':u'¬', u'\\lnsim':u'⋦', u'\\log':u'log', + u'\\longleftarrow':u'⟵', u'\\longleftrightarrow':u'⟷', + u'\\longmapsto':u'⟼', u'\\longrightarrow':u'⟶', u'\\looparrowleft':u'↫', u'\\looparrowright':u'↬', u'\\lor':u'∨', u'\\lozenge':u'◊', u'\\ltimes':u'⋉', u'\\lyxlock':u'', u'\\male':u'♂', u'\\maltese':u'✠', u'\\mapsfrom':u'↤', u'\\mapsto':u'↦', u'\\mathcircumflex':u'^', @@ -563,22 +578,21 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\mp':u'∓', u'\\multimap':u'⊸', u'\\nLeftarrow':u'⇍', u'\\nLeftrightarrow':u'⇎', u'\\nRightarrow':u'⇏', u'\\nVDash':u'⊯', u'\\nabla':u'∇', u'\\napprox':u'≉', u'\\natural':u'♮', u'\\ncong':u'≇', - u'\\ne':u' ≠ ', u'\\nearrow':u'↗', u'\\neg':u'¬', u'\\neg)':u'¬', - u'\\neptune':u'♆', u'\\neq':u' ≠ ', u'\\nequiv':u'≢', u'\\nexists':u'∄', + u'\\nearrow':u'↗', u'\\neg':u'¬', u'\\neg)':u'¬', u'\\neptune':u'♆', + u'\\nequiv':u'≢', u'\\newline':u'
', u'\\nexists':u'∄', u'\\ngeqslant':u'≱', u'\\ngtr':u'≯', u'\\ngtrless':u'≹', u'\\ni':u'∋', u'\\ni)':u'∋', u'\\nleftarrow':u'↚', u'\\nleftrightarrow':u'↮', u'\\nleqslant':u'≰', u'\\nless':u'≮', u'\\nlessgtr':u'≸', u'\\nmid':u'∤', u'\\nonumber':u'', u'\\not':u'¬', u'\\not<':u'≮', u'\\not=':u'≠', - u'\\not>':u'≯', u'\\not\\in':u' ∉ ', u'\\notbackslash':u'⍀', - u'\\notin':u'∉', u'\\notni':u'∌', u'\\notslash':u'⌿', - u'\\nparallel':u'∦', u'\\nprec':u'⊀', u'\\nrightarrow':u'↛', - u'\\nsim':u'≁', u'\\nsimeq':u'≄', u'\\nsqsubset':u'⊏̸', - u'\\nsubseteq':u'⊈', u'\\nsucc':u'⊁', u'\\nsucccurlyeq':u'⋡', - u'\\nsupset':u'⊅', u'\\nsupseteq':u'⊉', u'\\ntriangleleft':u'⋪', - u'\\ntrianglelefteq':u'⋬', u'\\ntriangleright':u'⋫', - u'\\ntrianglerighteq':u'⋭', u'\\nvDash':u'⊭', u'\\nvdash':u'⊬', - u'\\nwarrow':u'↖', u'\\odot':u'⊙', u'\\officialeuro':u'€', - u'\\oiiint':u'', + u'\\not>':u'≯', u'\\notbackslash':u'⍀', u'\\notin':u'∉', u'\\notni':u'∌', + u'\\notslash':u'⌿', u'\\nparallel':u'∦', u'\\nprec':u'⊀', + u'\\nrightarrow':u'↛', u'\\nsim':u'≁', u'\\nsimeq':u'≄', + u'\\nsqsubset':u'⊏̸', u'\\nsubseteq':u'⊈', u'\\nsucc':u'⊁', + u'\\nsucccurlyeq':u'⋡', u'\\nsupset':u'⊅', u'\\nsupseteq':u'⊉', + u'\\ntriangleleft':u'⋪', u'\\ntrianglelefteq':u'⋬', + u'\\ntriangleright':u'⋫', u'\\ntrianglerighteq':u'⋭', u'\\nvDash':u'⊭', + u'\\nvdash':u'⊬', u'\\nwarrow':u'↖', u'\\odot':u'⊙', + u'\\officialeuro':u'€', u'\\oiiint':u'', u'\\oiint':u'', u'\\oint':u'', u'\\ointclockwise':u'', @@ -588,47 +602,41 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\pisces':u'♓', u'\\pitchfork':u'⋔', u'\\pluto':u'♇', u'\\pm':u'±', u'\\pointer':u'➪', u'\\pounds':u'£', u'\\prec':u'≺', u'\\preccurlyeq':u'≼', u'\\preceq':u'≼', u'\\precsim':u'≾', - u'\\prime':u'′', u'\\prod':u'', - u'\\prompto':u'∝', u'\\propto':u' ∝ ', u'\\qquad':u' ', u'\\quad':u' ', + u'\\prime':u'′', u'\\prompto':u'∝', u'\\qquad':u' ', u'\\quad':u' ', u'\\quarternote':u'♩', u'\\rangle':u'⟩', u'\\rbrace':u'}', u'\\rbrace)':u'}', u'\\rbrack':u']', u'\\rceil':u'⌉', u'\\rfloor':u'⌋', - u'\\rhd':u'⊳', u'\\rightarrow':u' → ', u'\\rightarrow)':u'→', - u'\\rightarrowtail':u'↣', u'\\rightarrowtobar':u'⇥', - u'\\rightharpoondown':u'⇁', u'\\rightharpoonup':u'⇀', - u'\\rightharpooondown':u'⇁', u'\\rightharpooonup':u'⇀', - u'\\rightleftarrows':u'⇄', u'\\rightleftharpoons':u'⇌', - u'\\rightmoon':u'☽', u'\\rightrightarrows':u'⇉', - u'\\rightrightharpoons':u'⥤', u'\\rightsquigarrow':u' ⇝ ', + u'\\rhd':u'⊳', u'\\rightarrow)':u'→', u'\\rightarrowtail':u'↣', + u'\\rightarrowtobar':u'⇥', u'\\rightharpoondown':u'⇁', + u'\\rightharpoonup':u'⇀', u'\\rightharpooondown':u'⇁', + u'\\rightharpooonup':u'⇀', u'\\rightleftarrows':u'⇄', + u'\\rightleftharpoons':u'⇌', u'\\rightmoon':u'☽', + u'\\rightrightarrows':u'⇉', u'\\rightrightharpoons':u'⥤', u'\\rightthreetimes':u'⋌', u'\\risingdotseq':u'≓', u'\\rtimes':u'⋊', u'\\sagittarius':u'♐', u'\\saturn':u'♄', u'\\scorpio':u'♏', u'\\scriptscriptstyle':u'', u'\\scriptstyle':u'', u'\\searrow':u'↘', - u'\\sec':u'sec', u'\\setminus':u'∖', u'\\sharp':u'♯', u'\\sim':u' ~ ', - u'\\simeq':u'≃', u'\\sin':u'sin', u'\\sinh':u'sinh', u'\\slash':u'∕', - u'\\smile':u'⌣', u'\\smiley':u'☺', u'\\spadesuit':u'♠', - u'\\sphericalangle':u'∢', u'\\sqcap':u'⊓', u'\\sqcup':u'⊔', - u'\\sqsubset':u'⊏', u'\\sqsubseteq':u'⊑', u'\\sqsupset':u'⊐', - u'\\sqsupseteq':u'⊒', u'\\square':u'□', u'\\star':u'⋆', - u'\\subset':u' ⊂ ', u'\\subseteq':u'⊆', u'\\subseteqq':u'⫅', + u'\\sec':u'sec', u'\\setminus':u'∖', u'\\sharp':u'♯', u'\\simeq':u'≃', + u'\\sin':u'sin', u'\\sinh':u'sinh', u'\\slash':u'∕', u'\\smile':u'⌣', + u'\\smiley':u'☺', u'\\spadesuit':u'♠', u'\\sphericalangle':u'∢', + u'\\sqcap':u'⊓', u'\\sqcup':u'⊔', u'\\sqsubset':u'⊏', + u'\\sqsubseteq':u'⊑', u'\\sqsupset':u'⊐', u'\\sqsupseteq':u'⊒', + u'\\square':u'□', u'\\star':u'⋆', u'\\subseteqq':u'⫅', u'\\subsetneqq':u'⫋', u'\\succ':u'≻', u'\\succcurlyeq':u'≽', - u'\\succeq':u'≽', u'\\succnsim':u'⋩', u'\\succsim':u'≿', - u'\\sum':u'', u'\\sun':u'☼', - u'\\sup':u'sup', u'\\supset':u' ⊃ ', u'\\supseteq':u'⊇', - u'\\supseteqq':u'⫆', u'\\supsetneqq':u'⫌', u'\\surd':u'√', - u'\\swarrow':u'↙', u'\\tan':u'tan', u'\\tanh':u'tanh', u'\\taurus':u'♉', - u'\\textasciicircum':u'^', u'\\textasciitilde':u'~', + u'\\succeq':u'≽', u'\\succnsim':u'⋩', u'\\succsim':u'≿', u'\\sun':u'☼', + u'\\sup':u'sup', u'\\supseteqq':u'⫆', u'\\supsetneqq':u'⫌', + u'\\surd':u'√', u'\\swarrow':u'↙', u'\\tan':u'tan', u'\\tanh':u'tanh', + u'\\taurus':u'♉', u'\\textasciicircum':u'^', u'\\textasciitilde':u'~', u'\\textbackslash':u'\\', u'\\textendash':u'—', u'\\textgreater':u'>', u'\\textless':u'<', u'\\textordfeminine':u'ª', u'\\textordmasculine':u'º', u'\\textquotedblleft':u'“', u'\\textquotedblright':u'”', u'\\textregistered':u'®', u'\\textstyle':u'', u'\\texttrademark':u'™', u'\\therefore':u'∴', - u'\\times':u' × ', u'\\to':u'→', u'\\top':u'⊤', u'\\triangle':u'△', - u'\\triangleleft':u'⊲', u'\\trianglelefteq':u'⊴', u'\\triangleq':u'≜', - u'\\triangleright':u'▷', u'\\trianglerighteq':u'⊵', - u'\\twoheadleftarrow':u'↞', u'\\twoheadrightarrow':u'↠', - u'\\twonotes':u'♫', u'\\udot':u'⊍', u'\\unlhd':u'⊴', u'\\unrhd':u'⊵', - u'\\unrhl':u'⊵', u'\\uparrow':u'↑', u'\\updownarrow':u'↕', - u'\\upharpoonleft':u'↿', u'\\upharpoonright':u'↾', u'\\uplus':u'⊎', - u'\\upuparrows':u'⇈', u'\\uranus':u'♅', u'\\vDash':u'⊨', + u'\\top':u'⊤', u'\\triangle':u'△', u'\\triangleleft':u'⊲', + u'\\trianglelefteq':u'⊴', u'\\triangleq':u'≜', u'\\triangleright':u'▷', + u'\\trianglerighteq':u'⊵', u'\\twoheadleftarrow':u'↞', + u'\\twoheadrightarrow':u'↠', u'\\twonotes':u'♫', u'\\udot':u'⊍', + u'\\unlhd':u'⊴', u'\\unrhd':u'⊵', u'\\unrhl':u'⊵', u'\\uparrow':u'↑', + u'\\updownarrow':u'↕', u'\\upharpoonleft':u'↿', u'\\upharpoonright':u'↾', + u'\\uplus':u'⊎', u'\\upuparrows':u'⇈', u'\\uranus':u'♅', u'\\vDash':u'⊨', u'\\varclubsuit':u'♧', u'\\vardiamondsuit':u'♦', u'\\varheartsuit':u'♥', u'\\varnothing':u'∅', u'\\varspadesuit':u'♤', u'\\vdash':u'⊢', u'\\vdots':u'⋮', u'\\vee':u'∨', u'\\vee)':u'∨', u'\\veebar':u'⊻', @@ -684,25 +692,24 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): hybridfunctions = { - u'\\binom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f3{(}f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}f3{)}',u'span class="binom"',u'span class="upbinom"',u'span class="downbinom"',u'span class="bigsymbol"',], + u'\\binom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f2{(}f0{f1{$1}f1{$2}}f2{)}',u'span class="binom"',u'span class="binomstack"',u'span class="bigsymbol"',], u'\\boxed':[u'{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="boxed"',], - u'\\cfrac':[u'[$p!]{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator$p"',u'span class="denominator"',], + u'\\cfrac':[u'[$p!]{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator align-$p"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',], u'\\color':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span style="color: $p;"',], u'\\colorbox':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="colorbox" style="background: $p;"',], - u'\\dbinom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f3{(}f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}f3{)}',u'span class="fullbinom"',u'span class="upbinom"',u'span class="downbinom"',u'span class="bigsymbol"',], - u'\\dfrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',], + u'\\dfrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fullfraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',], u'\\fbox':[u'{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="fbox"',], u'\\fcolorbox':[u'{$p!}{$q!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="boxed" style="border-color: $p; background: $q;"',], - u'\\frac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',], - u'\\framebox':[u'[$p!][$q!]{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="framebox-$q" style="width: $p;"',], + u'\\frac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f3{(}f1{$1}f3{)/(}f2{$2}f3{)}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'span class="numerator"',u'span class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',], + u'\\framebox':[u'[$p!][$q!]{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="framebox align-$q" style="width: $p;"',], + u'\\href':[u'[$o]{$u!}{$t!}',u'f0{$t}',u'a href="$u"',], u'\\hspace':[u'{$p!}',u'f0{ }',u'span class="hspace" style="width: $p;"',], u'\\leftroot':[u'{$p!}',u'f0{ }',u'span class="leftroot" style="width: $p;px"',], - u'\\nicefrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}⁄f2{$2}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'sup class="numerator"',u'sub class="denominator"',], + u'\\nicefrac':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}⁄f2{$2}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'sup class="numerator"',u'sub class="denominator"',u'span class="ignored"',], u'\\raisebox':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span class="raisebox" style="vertical-align: $p;"',], u'\\renewenvironment':[u'{$1!}{$2!}{$3!}',u'',], - u'\\sqrt':[u'[$0]{$1}',u'f1{$0}f0{f2{√}f3{$1}}',u'span class="sqrt"',u'sup',u'span class="radical"',u'span class="root"',], + u'\\sqrt':[u'[$0]{$1}',u'f0{f1{$0}f2{√}f4{(}f3{$1}f4{)}}',u'span class="sqrt"',u'sup class="root"',u'span class="radical"',u'span class="root"',u'span class="ignored"',], u'\\stackrel':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}',u'span class="stackrel"',u'span class="upstackrel"',u'span class="downstackrel"',], - u'\\tbinom':[u'{$1}{$2}',u'f3{(}f0{f1{$1}f2{$2}}f3{)}',u'span class="fullbinom"',u'span class="upbinom"',u'span class="downbinom"',u'span class="bigsymbol"',], u'\\textcolor':[u'{$p!}{$1}',u'f0{$1}',u'span style="color: $p;"',], u'\\unit':[u'[$0]{$1}',u'$0f0{$1.font}',u'span class="unit"',], u'\\unitfrac':[u'[$0]{$1}{$2}',u'$0f0{f1{$1.font}⁄f2{$2.font}}',u'span class="fraction"',u'sup class="unit"',u'sub class="unit"',], @@ -715,8 +722,11 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\label':u'a name="#"', } - limits = { - u'commands':[u'\\sum',u'\\int',u'\\intop',], u'operands':[u'^',u'_',], + limitcommands = { + u'\\int':[u'',u'⌠',u'⌡',], + u'\\intop':[u'',u'⌠',u'⌡',], + u'\\lim':[u'lim',], u'\\prod':[u'∏',], u'\\smallint':[u'∫',], + u'\\sum':[u'',u'⎲',u'⎳',], } modified = { @@ -731,13 +741,10 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\big':u'span class="symbol"', u'\\bigg':u'span class="largesymbol"', u'\\bigl':u'span class="bigsymbol"', u'\\bigr':u'span class="bigsymbol"', u'\\ensuremath':u'span class="ensuremath"', - u'\\hphantom':u'span class="phantom"', u'\\left':u'span class="symbol"', - u'\\left.':u'', - u'\\middle':u'span class="symbol"', + u'\\hphantom':u'span class="phantom"', u'\\overbrace':u'span class="overbrace"', u'\\overline':u'span class="overline"', - u'\\phantom':u'span class="phantom"', u'\\right':u'span class="symbol"', - u'\\right.':u'', + u'\\phantom':u'span class="phantom"', u'\\underbrace':u'span class="underbrace"', u'\\underline':u'u', u'\\vphantom':u'span class="phantom"', } @@ -746,6 +753,16 @@ class FormulaConfig(object): u'\\setcounter':[u'{$p!}{$n!}',u'setcounter',], } + spacedcommands = { + u'\\Leftrightarrow':u'⇔', u'\\Rightarrow':u'⇒', u'\\approx':u'≈', + u'\\dashrightarrow':u'⇢', u'\\equiv':u'≡', u'\\ge':u'≥', u'\\geq':u'≥', + u'\\implies':u' ⇒ ', u'\\in':u'∈', u'\\le':u'≤', u'\\leftarrow':u'←', + u'\\leq':u'≤', u'\\ne':u'≠', u'\\neq':u'≠', u'\\not\\in':u'∉', + u'\\propto':u'∝', u'\\rightarrow':u'→', u'\\rightsquigarrow':u'⇝', + u'\\sim':u'~', u'\\subset':u'⊂', u'\\subseteq':u'⊆', u'\\supset':u'⊃', + u'\\supseteq':u'⊇', u'\\times':u'×', u'\\to':u'→', + } + starts = { u'beginafter':u'}', u'beginbefore':u'\\begin{', u'bracket':u'{', u'command':u'\\', u'comment':u'%', u'complex':u'\\[', u'simple':u'$', @@ -775,7 +792,7 @@ class GeneralConfig(object): "Configuration class from config file" version = { - u'date':u'2010-12-08', u'lyxformat':u'398', u'number':u'1.1.1', + u'date':u'2010-12-23', u'lyxformat':u'398', u'number':u'1.1.2', } class HeaderConfig(object): @@ -861,6 +878,11 @@ class StyleConfig(object): u'sld':u'”', u'srd':u'”', } + referenceformats = { + u'eqref':u'(@↕)', u'pageref':u'#↕', u'ref':u'@↕', + u'vpageref':u'on-page#↕', u'vref':u'@on-page#↕', + } + size = { u'ignoredtexts':[u'col',u'text',u'line',u'page',u'theight',u'pheight',], } @@ -902,6 +924,8 @@ class TagConfig(object): flex = { u'CharStyle:Code':u'span class="code"', u'CharStyle:MenuItem':u'span class="menuitem"', + u'Code':u'span class="code"', u'MenuItem':u'span class="menuitem"', + u'Noun':u'span class="noun"', u'Strong':u'span class="strong"', } group = { @@ -989,7 +1013,7 @@ def readoption(self, args): if not hasattr(self.options, key): return None, key current = getattr(self.options, key) - if current.__class__ == bool: + if isinstance(current, bool): return key, True # read value if len(args) == 0: @@ -1000,6 +1024,9 @@ def readoption(self, args): return key, self.readquoted(args, initial) value = args[0] del args[0] + if isinstance(current, list): + current.append(value) + return key, current return key, value def readquoted(self, args, initial): @@ -1044,7 +1071,7 @@ class Options(object): showlines = True unicode = False iso885915 = False - css = '' + css = [] title = None directory = None destdirectory = None @@ -1074,11 +1101,12 @@ class Options(object): supfoot = True alignfoot = False footnotes = None + imageformat = None + copyimages = False + embedcss = [] # DCB : Add some stuff for syntax highlighting defaultbrush = None - userheader = None - userfooter = None branches = dict() @@ -1112,16 +1140,13 @@ def parseoptions(self, args): self.usage() if Options.lowmem or Options.toc: Options.memory = False - # DCB : If the highlight header/footer options are set, suck the file contents in - if Options.userheader: - input = open(Options.userheader, 'r') - Options.userheader = - input.close() - if Options.userfooter: - input = open(Options.userfooter, 'r') - Options.userfooter = - input.close() self.parsefootnotes() + if Options.forceformat and not Options.imageformat: + Options.imageformat = Options.forceformat + if Options.imageformat == 'copy': + Options.copyimages = True + if Options.css == []: + Options.css = [''] # set in Trace if necessary for param in dir(Options): if hasattr(Trace, param + 'mode'): @@ -1166,19 +1191,18 @@ def showoptions(self): Trace.error(' Options for HTML output:') Trace.error(' --title "title": set the generated page title') Trace.error(' --css "file.css": use a custom CSS file') + Trace.error(' --embedcss "file.css": embed styles from a CSS file into the output') Trace.error(' --html: output HTML 4.0 instead of the default XHTML') Trace.error(' --unicode: full Unicode output') Trace.error(' --iso885915: output a document with ISO-8859-15 encoding') - Trace.error(' --nofooter: remove the footer "create by eLyXer"') + Trace.error(' --nofooter: remove the footer "generated by eLyXer"') Trace.error(' --defaultbrush: the default SyntaxHighlighter brush to use for listings') - Trace.error(' --userheader: use a custom header file inserted into the HTML output') - Trace.error(' --userfootter: use a custom footer file inserted into the HTML output') Trace.error(' Options for image output:') Trace.error(' --directory "img_dir": look for images in the specified directory') Trace.error(' --destdirectory "dest": put converted images into this directory') - Trace.error(' --forceformat ".ext": force image output format') + Trace.error(' --imageformat ".ext": image output format, or "copy" to copy images') + Trace.error(' --noconvert: do not convert images, use in original locations') Trace.error(' --converter "inkscape": use an alternative program to convert images') - Trace.error(' --noconvert: do not convert images, use in their original format') Trace.error(' Options for footnote display:') Trace.error(' --numberfoot: mark footnotes with numbers instead of letters') Trace.error(' --symbolfoot: mark footnotes with symbols (*, **...)') @@ -1281,6 +1305,7 @@ class DocumentParameters(object): language = None bibliography = None outputchanges = False + displaymode = False @@ -1873,6 +1898,33 @@ def checktag(self): return False return True +class FilteredOutput(ContentsOutput): + "Returns the output in the contents, but filtered:" + "some strings are replaced by others." + + def __init__(self): + "Initialize the filters." + self.filters = [] + + def addfilter(self, original, replacement): + "Add a new filter: replace the original by the replacement." + self.filters.append((original, replacement)) + + def gethtml(self, container): + "Return the HTML code" + result = [] + html = ContentsOutput.gethtml(self, container) + for line in html: + result.append(self.filter(line)) + return result + + def filter(self, line): + "Filter a single line with all available filters." + for original, replacement in self.filters: + if original in line: + line = line.replace(original, replacement) + return line + class StringOutput(ContainerOutput): "Returns a bare string as output" @@ -2836,6 +2888,13 @@ def __init__(self, constant): self.contents = [] self.html = [constant] +class StrikeOut(TaggedText): + "Striken out text." + + def process(self): + "Set the output tag to strike." + self.output.tag = 'strike' + class StartAppendix(BlackBox): "Mark to start an appendix here." "From this point on, all chapters become appendices." @@ -3087,10 +3146,6 @@ class Reference(Link): "A reference to a label." references = dict() - formats = { - 'ref':u'@↕', 'eqref':u'(@↕)', 'pageref':u'#↕', - 'vref':u'@on-page#↕' - } key = 'none' def process(self): @@ -3110,18 +3165,21 @@ def process(self): def format(self): "Format the reference contents." + formats = StyleConfig.referenceformats formatkey = self.getparameter('LatexCommand') if not formatkey: formatkey = 'ref' - if not formatkey in self.formats: + if not formatkey in formats: Trace.error('Unknown reference format ' + formatkey) formatstring = u'↕' else: - formatstring = self.formats[formatkey] + formatstring = formats[formatkey] formatstring = formatstring.replace(u'↕', self.direction) - formatstring = formatstring.replace('@', self.destination.labelnumber()) + if '@' in formatstring: + formatstring = formatstring.replace('@', self.destination.labelnumber()) formatstring = formatstring.replace('#', '1') - formatstring = formatstring.replace('on-page', Translator.translate('on-page')) + if 'on-page' in formatstring: + formatstring = formatstring.replace('on-page', Translator.translate('on-page')) self.contents = [Constant(formatstring)] def __unicode__(self): @@ -3414,7 +3472,7 @@ def getheader(self): html.append(u'\n') html.append(u'\n') html.append(u'\n') - html.append(u'\n') + html += self.getcss() html.append(u'<!--$title-->\n') if Options.jsmath: html.append(u'\n') @@ -3428,9 +3486,6 @@ def getheader(self): html.append(u' "HTML-CSS": { imageFont: null }\n') html.append(u' });\n') html.append(u'\n') - # DCB : Insert user header if defined - if Options.userheader: - html.append(Options.userheader) html.append('\n') html.append('\n') html.append('
\n') @@ -3452,6 +3507,18 @@ def getheader(self): html.append(u'\n') return html + def getcss(self): + "Get the CSS headers, both linked and embedded." + html = [] + for cssdoc in Options.css: + if cssdoc != '': + html.append(u'\n') + for cssfile in Options.embedcss: + html.append(u'\n') + return html + def getfooter(self): "Get the default footer (after content)." html = [] @@ -3461,9 +3528,6 @@ def getfooter(self): html.append('\n') html += footer html.append('
\n') - # DCB : Insert user footer if defined - if Options.userfooter: - html.append(Options.userfooter) html.append('\n') html.append('\n') return html @@ -3495,7 +3559,7 @@ def __init__(self): self.variables['year'] = unicode( self.variables['date'] = self.variables['datetime'] = - self.variables['css'] = Options.css + self.variables['css'] = Options.css[0] if Options.iso885915: self.variables['encoding'] = 'ISO-8859-1' else: @@ -3865,10 +3929,11 @@ def parse(self, reader): class FormulaBit(Container): "A bit of a formula" + type = None + original = '' + def __init__(self): - # type can be 'alpha', 'number', 'font' - self.type = None - self.original = '' + "The formula bit type can be 'alpha', 'number', 'font'." self.contents = [] self.output = ContentsOutput() @@ -4008,6 +4073,10 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse all whitespace." self.original += pos.skipspace() + def __unicode__(self): + "Return a printable representation." + return 'Whitespace: *' + self.original + '*' + class Bracket(FormulaBit): "A {} bracket inside a formula" @@ -4052,6 +4121,8 @@ def innerformula(self, pos): "Parse a whole formula inside the bracket" while self.factory.detectany(pos): self.add(self.factory.parseany(pos)) + for ignored in self.factory.clearignored(pos): + self.add(ignored) if pos.finished(): return if pos.current() != self.ending: @@ -4068,12 +4139,13 @@ def innertext(self, pos): if pos.current() in specialchars: if self.factory.detectany(pos): self.add(self.factory.parseany(pos)) - pos.checkskip(' ') + if pos.checkskip(' '): + self.original += ' ' else: self.add(FormulaConstant(pos.skipcurrent())) def innerliteral(self, pos): - "Parse a literal inside the bracket, which cannot generate html" + "Parse a literal inside the bracket, which does not generate HTML." self.literal = '' while not pos.current() == self.ending: if pos.current() == self.start: @@ -4088,16 +4160,34 @@ class SquareBracket(Bracket): start = FormulaConfig.starts['squarebracket'] ending = FormulaConfig.endings['squarebracket'] + def clone(self): + "Return a new square bracket with the same contents." + bracket = SquareBracket() + bracket.contents = self.contents + return bracket + + + +class MathsProcessor(object): + "A processor for a maths construction inside the FormulaProcessor." + def process(self, contents, index): + "Process an element inside a formula." + Trace.error('Unimplemented process() in ' + unicode(self)) + def __unicode__(self): + "Return a printable description." + return 'Maths processor ' + self.__class__.__name__ class FormulaProcessor(object): "A processor specifically for formulas." + processors = [] + def process(self, bit): "Process the contents of every formula bit, recursively." self.processcontents(bit) - self.processlimits(bit) + self.processinsides(bit) self.traversewhole(bit) def processcontents(self, bit): @@ -4108,47 +4198,15 @@ def processcontents(self, bit): for element in bit.contents: self.processcontents(element) - def processlimits(self, bit): - "Process any limits in a formula bit." + def processinsides(self, bit): + "Process the insides (limits, brackets) in a formula bit." if not isinstance(bit, FormulaBit): return for index, element in enumerate(bit.contents): - self.checklimited(bit.contents, index) - self.processlimits(element) - - def checklimited(self, contents, index): - "Check for a command with limits" - bit = contents[index] - if not hasattr(bit, 'command'): - return - if not bit.command in FormulaConfig.limits['commands']: - return - limits = self.findlimits(contents, index + 1) - limits.reverse() - if len(limits) == 0: - return - tagged = TaggedBit().complete(limits, 'span class="limits"') - contents.insert(index + 1, tagged) - - def findlimits(self, contents, index): - "Find the limits for the command" - limits = [] - while index < len(contents): - if not self.checklimits(contents, index): - return limits - limits.append(contents[index]) - del contents[index] - return limits - - def checklimits(self, contents, index): - "Check for a command making the limits" - bit = contents[index] - if not hasattr(bit, 'command'): - return - if not bit.command in FormulaConfig.limits['operands']: - return False - bit.output.tag += ' class="bigsymbol"' - return True + for processor in self.processors: + processor.process(bit.contents, index) + # continue with recursive processing + self.processinsides(element) def traversewhole(self, formula): "Traverse over the contents to alter variables and space units." @@ -4186,7 +4244,10 @@ def __init__(self): def process(self): "Convert the formula to tags" - if self.header[0] != 'inline': + if self.header[0] == 'inline': + DocumentParameters.displaymode = False + else: + DocumentParameters.displaymode = True self.output.settag('div class="formula"', True) if Options.jsmath: if self.header[0] != 'inline': @@ -4207,6 +4268,55 @@ def process(self): whole.parent = self self.contents = [whole] + def parse(self, pos): + "Parse using a parse position instead of self.parser." + if pos.checkskip('$$'): + self.parsedollarblock(pos) + elif pos.checkskip('$'): + self.parsedollarinline(pos) + elif pos.checkskip('\\('): + self.parseinlineto(pos, '\\)') + elif pos.checkskip('\\['): + self.parseblockto(pos, '\\]') + else: + pos.error('Unparseable formula') + self.process() + return self + + def parsedollarinline(self, pos): + "Parse a $...$ formula." + self.header = ['inline'] + self.parsedollar(pos) + + def parsedollarblock(self, pos): + "Parse a $$...$$ formula." + self.header = ['block'] + self.parsedollar(pos) + if not pos.checkskip('$'): + pos.error('Formula should be $$...$$, but last $ is missing.') + + def parsedollar(self, pos): + "Parse to the next $." + pos.pushending('$') + self.parsed = pos.globexcluding('$') + pos.popending('$') + + def parseinlineto(self, pos, limit): + "Parse a \\(...\\) formula." + self.header = ['inline'] + self.parseupto(pos, limit) + + def parseblockto(self, pos, limit): + "Parse a \\[...\\] formula." + self.header = ['block'] + self.parseupto(pos, limit) + + def parseupto(self, pos, limit): + "Parse a formula that ends with the given command." + pos.pushending(limit) + self.parsed = pos.glob(lambda current: True) + pos.popending(limit) + def __unicode__(self): "Return a printable representation." if self.partkey and self.partkey.number: @@ -4224,8 +4334,9 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse with any formula bit" while self.factory.detectany(pos): bit = self.factory.parseany(pos) - #Trace.debug(bit.original + ' -> ' + unicode(bit.gethtml())) self.add(bit) + for ignored in self.factory.clearignored(pos): + self.add(ignored) class FormulaFactory(object): "Construct bits of formula" @@ -4267,17 +4378,20 @@ def create(self, type): def clearignored(self, pos): "Clear all ignored types." + ignored = [] while not pos.finished(): - if not self.clearany(pos): - return + cleared = self.clearany(pos) + if not cleared: + return ignored + ignored.append(cleared) + return ignored def clearany(self, pos): "Cleary any ignored type." for type in self.ignoredtypes: if self.instance(type).detect(pos): - self.parsetype(type, pos) - return True - return False + return self.parsetype(type, pos) + return None def parseany(self, pos): "Parse any formula bit at the current location." @@ -4318,27 +4432,41 @@ class FormulaCommand(FormulaBit): start = FormulaConfig.starts['command'] def detect(self, pos): - "Find the current command" + "Find the current command." return pos.checkfor(FormulaCommand.start) def parsebit(self, pos): - "Parse the command" + "Parse the command." command = self.extractcommand(pos) - for type in FormulaCommand.types: - if command in type.commandmap: - newbit = self.factory.create(type) - newbit.setcommand(command) - newbit.parsebit(pos) - self.add(newbit) - return newbit + bit = self.parsewithcommand(command, pos) + if bit: + return bit + if command.startswith('\\up') or command.startswith('\\Up'): + upgreek = self.parseupgreek(command, pos) + if upgreek: + return upgreek if not self.factory.defining: Trace.error('Unknown command ' + command) self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="unknown"') self.add(FormulaConstant(command)) return None + def parsewithcommand(self, command, pos): + "Parse the command type once we have the command." + for type in FormulaCommand.types: + if command in type.commandmap: + return self.parsecommandtype(command, type, pos) + return None + + def parsecommandtype(self, command, type, pos): + "Parse a given command type." + bit = self.factory.create(type) + bit.setcommand(command) + bit.parsebit(pos) + return bit + def extractcommand(self, pos): - "Extract the command from the current position" + "Extract the command from the current position." if not pos.checkskip(FormulaCommand.start): Trace.error('Missing command start ' + start) return @@ -4351,6 +4479,22 @@ def extractcommand(self, pos): # symbol command return FormulaCommand.start + pos.skipcurrent() + def parseupgreek(self, command, pos): + "Parse the Greek \\up command.." + if len(command) < 4: + return None + if command.startswith('\\up'): + upcommand = '\\' + command[3:] + elif pos.checkskip('\\Up'): + upcommand = '\\' + command[3:4].upper() + command[4:] + else: + Trace.error('Impossible upgreek command: ' + command) + return + upgreek = self.parsewithcommand(upcommand, pos) + if upgreek: + upgreek.type = 'font' + return upgreek + class CommandBit(FormulaCommand): "A formula bit that includes a command" @@ -4403,6 +4547,15 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse a command without parameters" self.contents = [FormulaConstant(self.translated)] +class SpacedCommand(CommandBit): + "An empty command which should have math spacing in formulas." + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.spacedcommands + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Place as contents the command translated and spaced." + self.contents = [FormulaConstant(u' ' + self.translated + u' ')] + class AlphaCommand(EmptyCommand): "A command without paramters whose result is alphabetical" @@ -4417,6 +4570,7 @@ class OneParamFunction(CommandBit): "A function of one parameter" commandmap = FormulaConfig.onefunctions + simplified = False def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse a function with one parameter" @@ -4429,6 +4583,7 @@ def simplifyifpossible(self): if self.original in self.commandmap: self.output = FixedOutput() self.html = [self.commandmap[self.original]] + self.simplified = True class SymbolFunction(CommandBit): "Find a function which is represented by a symbol (like _ or ^)" @@ -4490,39 +4645,10 @@ def process(self): self.type = 'font' self.simplifyifpossible() -class CombiningFunction(OneParamFunction): - - commandmap = FormulaConfig.combiningfunctions - - def parsebit(self, pos): - "Parse a combining function." - self.type = 'alpha' - combining = self.translated - parameter = self.parseparameter(pos) - if len(parameter.extracttext()) != 1: - Trace.error('Applying combining function ' + self.command + ' to invalid string "' + parameter.extracttext() + '"') - self.contents.append(Constant(combining)) - -class DecoratingFunction(OneParamFunction): - "A function that decorates some bit of text" - - commandmap = FormulaConfig.decoratingfunctions - - def parsebit(self, pos): - "Parse a decorating function" - self.type = 'alpha' - symbol = self.translated - self.symbol = TaggedBit().constant(symbol, 'span class="symbolover"') - self.parameter = self.parseparameter(pos) - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="withsymbol"') - self.contents.insert(0, self.symbol) - self.parameter.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="undersymbol"') - self.simplifyifpossible() - FormulaFactory.types += [FormulaCommand, SymbolFunction] FormulaCommand.types = [ - AlphaCommand, EmptyCommand, OneParamFunction, DecoratingFunction, - FontFunction, LabelFunction, TextFunction, CombiningFunction, + AlphaCommand, EmptyCommand, OneParamFunction, FontFunction, LabelFunction, + TextFunction, SpacedCommand, ] @@ -4776,7 +4902,6 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): else: Trace.error('Unknown formula bit in defining function at ' + pos.identifier()) return - Trace.debug('New command: ' + newcommand) template = self.translated self.factory.defining = True self.readparams(template, pos) @@ -4785,6 +4910,8 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): macro = MathMacro() macro.newcommand = newcommand macro.parameternumber = self.getintvalue('$n') + Trace.debug('New command ' + newcommand + ' (' + \ + unicode(macro.parameternumber) + ' parameters)') macro.definition = self.getvalue('$d') self.extractdefaults(macro) MathMacro.macros[newcommand] = macro @@ -4793,10 +4920,9 @@ def extractdefaults(self, macro): "Extract the default values for existing parameters." for index in range(9): value = self.extractdefault(index + 1) - if value: - macro.defaults.append(value) - else: + if not value: return + macro.defaults.append(value) def extractdefault(self, index): "Extract the default value for parameter index." @@ -4805,7 +4931,7 @@ def extractdefault(self, index): return None if len(value.contents) == 0: return FormulaConstant('') - return value.contents[0] + return value class MacroFunction(CommandBit): "A function that was defined using a macro." @@ -4814,45 +4940,90 @@ class MacroFunction(CommandBit): def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse a number of input parameters." + self.output = FilteredOutput() self.values = [] macro = self.translated + self.parseparameters(pos, macro) + self.completemacro(macro) + + def parseparameters(self, pos, macro): + "Parse as many parameters as are needed." + self.parseoptional(pos, list(macro.defaults)) + self.parsemandatory(pos, macro.parameternumber - len(macro.defaults)) while self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos): self.values.append(self.parseparameter(pos)) - defaults = list(macro.defaults) - remaining = macro.parameternumber - len(self.values) - len(defaults) + remaining = macro.parameternumber - len(self.values) if remaining > 0: self.parsenumbers(remaining, pos) - while len(self.values) < macro.parameternumber and len(defaults) > 0: - self.values.insert(0, defaults.pop()) if len(self.values) < macro.parameternumber: Trace.error('Missing parameters in macro ' + unicode(self)) - self.completemacro(macro) - def parsenumbers(self, remaining, pos): + def parseoptional(self, pos, defaults): + "Parse optional parameters." + optional = [] + while self.factory.detecttype(SquareBracket, pos): + optional.append(self.parsesquare(pos)) + if len(optional) > len(defaults): + break + for value in optional: + default = defaults.pop() + if len(value.contents) > 0: + self.values.append(value) + else: + self.values.append(default) + self.values += defaults + + def parsemandatory(self, pos, number): + "Parse a number of mandatory parameters." + for index in range(number): + parameter = self.parsemacroparameter(pos, number - index) + if not parameter: + return + self.values.append(parameter) + + def parsemacroparameter(self, pos, remaining): + "Parse a macro parameter. Could be a bracket or a single letter." + "If there are just two values remaining and there is a running number," + "parse as two separater numbers." + if pos.finished(): + return None + if self.factory.detecttype(FormulaNumber, pos): + return self.parsenumbers(pos, remaining) + return self.parseparameter(pos) + + def parsenumbers(self, pos, remaining): "Parse the remaining parameters as a running number." "For example, 12 would be {1}{2}." - if pos.finished(): - return - if not self.factory.detecttype(FormulaNumber, pos): - return number = self.factory.parsetype(FormulaNumber, pos) if not len(number.original) == remaining: - self.values.append(number) - return + return number for digit in number.original: value = self.factory.create(FormulaNumber) value.add(FormulaConstant(digit)) value.type = number self.values.append(value) + return None def completemacro(self, macro): "Complete the macro with the parameters read." self.contents = [macro.instantiate()] + replaced = [False] * len(self.values) for parameter in self.searchall(MacroParameter): index = parameter.number - 1 if index >= len(self.values): + Trace.error('Macro parameter index out of bounds: ' + unicode(index)) return + replaced[index] = True parameter.contents = [self.values[index].clone()] + for index in range(len(self.values)): + if not replaced[index]: + self.addfilter(index, self.values[index]) + + def addfilter(self, index, value): + "Add a filter for the given parameter number and parameter value." + original = '#' + unicode(index + 1) + value = ''.join(self.values[0].gethtml()) + self.output.addfilter(original, value) class FormulaMacro(Formula): "A math macro defined in an inset." @@ -6021,6 +6192,7 @@ def checkbounds(self, row, index): import struct import sys import os +import shutil @@ -6125,6 +6297,7 @@ class Image(Container): defaultformat = ImageConfig.formats['default'] size = None + copy = None def __init__(self): self.parser = InsetParser() @@ -6149,16 +6322,22 @@ def getdestination(self, origin): destination = OutputPath(origin) if Options.noconvert: return destination - forceformat = '.jpg' - forcedest = Image.defaultformat - if Options.forceformat: - forceformat = Options.forceformat - forcedest = Options.forceformat - if not destination.hasext(forceformat): - destination.changeext(forcedest) + self.convertformat(destination) destination.removebackdirs() return destination + def convertformat(self, destination): + "Convert the format of the destination image." + if Options.copyimages: + return + imageformat = '.jpg' + forcedest = Image.defaultformat + if Options.imageformat: + imageformat = Options.imageformat + forcedest = Options.imageformat + if not destination.hasext(imageformat): + destination.changeext(forcedest) + def setsize(self): "Set the size attributes width and height." width, height = ImageFile(self.destination).getdimensions() @@ -6206,6 +6385,10 @@ def convert(self, image): # file has not changed; do not convert return image.destination.createdirs() + if Options.copyimages: + Trace.debug('Copying ' + image.origin.path + ' to ' + image.destination.path) + shutil.copy2(image.origin.path, image.destination.path) + return converter, command = self.buildcommand(image) try: Trace.debug(converter + ' command: "' + command + '"') @@ -6863,6 +7046,20 @@ def process(self): self.output.settag('div class="' + self.type + '"', True) ContainerSize().readparameters(self).addstyle(self) +class PhantomText(Container): + "A line of invisible text (white over white)." + + def __init__(self): + self.parser = InsetParser() + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="phantom"', False) + +class LineInset(LyXLine): + "A LaTeX ruler, but parsed as an inset." + + def __init__(self): + self.parser = InsetParser() + self.output = FixedOutput() + class IncludeInset(Container): "A child document included within another." @@ -6969,6 +7166,57 @@ def __init__(self): + + + +class BigSymbol(object): + "A big symbol generator." + +class BigBracket(BigSymbol): + "A big bracket generator." + + def __init__(self, size, bracket): + "Set the size and symbol for the bracket." + self.size = size + if bracket in FormulaConfig.bigbrackets: + self.pieces = FormulaConfig.bigbrackets[bracket] + else: + self.pieces = [bracket, bracket] + + def getpiece(self, index): + "Return the nth piece for the bracket." + if len(self.pieces) == 1: + return self.pieces[0] + if index == 0: + return self.pieces[0] + if index == self.size - 1: + return self.pieces[-1] + return self.pieces[1] + + def getcell(self, index, align): + "Get the bracket piece as an array cell." + piece = self.getpiece(index) + return TaggedBit().constant(piece, 'span class="bracket align-' + align + '"') + +class CasesBrace(BigBracket): + "A big brace used for a case statement." + + def __init__(self, size): + "Set the size for the brace." + self.size = size + + def getpiece(self, index): + "Get the nth piece for the brace." + if index == 0: + return u'⎧' + if index == self.size - 1: + return u'⎩' + if index == (self.size - 1)/2: + return u'⎨' + return u'⎪' + + + class FormulaEquation(CommandBit): "A simple numbered equation." @@ -6984,7 +7232,7 @@ class FormulaCell(FormulaCommand): def setalignment(self, alignment): self.alignment = alignment - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('td class="formula-' + alignment +'"', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="arraycell align-' + alignment +'"', True) return self def parsebit(self, pos): @@ -7004,7 +7252,7 @@ class FormulaRow(FormulaCommand): def setalignments(self, alignments): self.alignments = alignments - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('tr', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="arrayrow"', True) return self def parsebit(self, pos): @@ -7026,9 +7274,16 @@ class MultiRowFormula(CommandBit): def parserows(self, pos): "Parse all rows, finish when no more row ends" + self.rows = [] + first = True for row in self.iteraterows(pos): + if first: + first = False + else: + # intersparse empty rows + self.addempty() row.parsebit(pos) - self.add(row) + self.addrow(row) def iteraterows(self, pos): "Iterate over all rows, end when no more row ends" @@ -7042,6 +7297,20 @@ def iteraterows(self, pos): else: return + def addempty(self): + "Add an empty row." + row = FormulaRow().setalignments(self.alignments) + for alignment in self.alignments: + cell = self.factory.create(FormulaCell).setalignment(alignment) + cell.add(FormulaConstant(u' ')) + row.add(cell) + self.addrow(row) + + def addrow(self, row): + "Add a row to the contents and to the list of rows." + self.rows.append(row) + self.add(row) + class FormulaArray(MultiRowFormula): "An array within a formula" @@ -7049,7 +7318,7 @@ class FormulaArray(MultiRowFormula): def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse the array" - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('table class="formula"', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="array"', True) self.parsealignments(pos) self.parserows(pos) @@ -7073,7 +7342,7 @@ class FormulaMatrix(MultiRowFormula): def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse the matrix, set alignments to 'c'." - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('table class="formula"', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="array"', True) self.valign = 'c' self.alignments = ['c'] self.parserows(pos) @@ -7085,16 +7354,23 @@ class FormulaCases(MultiRowFormula): def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse the cases" - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('table class="cases"', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="bracketcases"', True) self.alignments = ['l', 'l'] self.parserows(pos) + for row in self.contents: + for cell in row.contents: + cell.output.settag('span class="case align-l"', True) + cell.contents.append(FormulaConstant(u' ')) + brace = CasesBrace(len(self.contents)) + for index, row in enumerate(self.rows): + row.contents.insert(0, brace.getcell(index, 'l')) class EquationEnvironment(MultiRowFormula): "A \\begin{}...\\end equation environment with rows and cells." def parsebit(self, pos): "Parse the whole environment." - self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('table class="environment"', True) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="environment"', True) environment = self.piece.replace('*', '') if environment in FormulaConfig.environments: self.alignments = FormulaConfig.environments[environment] @@ -7118,6 +7394,7 @@ def parsebit(self, pos): pos.pushending(ending) bit.parsebit(pos) self.add(bit) + self.array = bit self.original += pos.popending(ending) def findbit(self, piece): @@ -7359,6 +7636,10 @@ def parsetext(self, pos, initial): def parseescaped(self, pos): "Parse an escaped string \\*." + if pos.checkfor('\\(') or pos.checkfor('\\['): + # start of formula commands + self.parseformula(pos) + return if not self.factory.detecttype(FormulaCommand, pos): pos.error('Not an escape sequence') return @@ -7396,16 +7677,7 @@ def parsehash(self, pos, initial): def parseformula(self, pos): "Parse a whole formula." - if not pos.checkskip('$'): - pos.error('Missing $ in formula') - return - formula = Formula() - formula.header = ['inline'] - formula.parsed = pos.globexcluding('$') - if not pos.checkskip('$'): - pos.error('Missing $ in formula') - return - formula.process() + formula = Formula().parse(pos) self.add(formula) def readexcluding(cls, pos, undesired): @@ -8106,6 +8378,224 @@ def __unicode__(self): + + + +class CombiningFunction(OneParamFunction): + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.combiningfunctions + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse a combining function." + self.type = 'alpha' + combining = self.translated + parameter = self.parsesingleparameter(pos) + if len(parameter.extracttext()) != 1: + Trace.error('Applying combining function ' + self.command + ' to invalid string "' + parameter.extracttext() + '"') + self.contents.append(Constant(combining)) + + def parsesingleparameter(self, pos): + "Parse a parameter, or a single letter." + if self.factory.detecttype(Bracket, pos) \ + or self.factory.detecttype(FormulaCommand, pos): + return self.parseparameter(pos) + letter = FormulaConstant(pos.skipcurrent()) + self.add(letter) + return letter + +class DecoratingFunction(OneParamFunction): + "A function that decorates some bit of text" + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.decoratingfunctions + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse a decorating function" + self.type = 'alpha' + symbol = self.translated + self.symbol = TaggedBit().constant(symbol, 'span class="symbolover"') + self.parameter = self.parseparameter(pos) + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="withsymbol"') + self.contents.insert(0, self.symbol) + self.parameter.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="undersymbol"') + self.simplifyifpossible() + +class LimitCommand(EmptyCommand): + "A command which accepts limits above and below, in display mode." + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.limitcommands + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse a limit command." + pieces = self.translated[1:] + if not DocumentParameters.displaymode or len(self.translated) == 1: + pieces = self.translated[0:1] + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="limits"') + for piece in pieces: + self.contents.append(TaggedBit().constant(piece, 'span class="limit"')) + +class LimitsProcessor(MathsProcessor): + "A processor for limits inside an element." + + def process(self, contents, index): + "Process the limits for an element." + if self.checklimits(contents, index): + self.modifylimits(contents, index) + if self.checkscript(contents, index) and self.checkscript(contents, index + 1): + self.modifyscripts(contents, index) + + def checklimits(self, contents, index): + "Check if the current position has a limits command." + if not DocumentParameters.displaymode: + return False + if not isinstance(contents[index], LimitCommand): + return False + return self.checkscript(contents, index + 1) + + def modifylimits(self, contents, index): + "Modify a limits commands so that the limits appear above and below." + limited = contents[index] + subscript = self.getlimit(contents, index + 1) + limited.contents.append(subscript) + if self.checkscript(contents, index + 1): + superscript = self.getlimit(contents, index + 1) + else: + superscript = TaggedBit().constant(u' ', 'sup class="limit"') + limited.contents.insert(0, superscript) + + def getlimit(self, contents, index): + "Get the limit for a limits command." + limit = self.getscript(contents, index) + limit.output.tag = limit.output.tag.replace('script', 'limit') + return limit + + def modifyscripts(self, contents, index): + "Modify the super- and subscript to appear vertically aligned." + subscript = self.getscript(contents, index) + # subscript removed so instead of index + 1 we get index again + superscript = self.getscript(contents, index) + scripts = TaggedBit().complete([superscript, subscript], 'span class="scripts"') + contents.insert(index, scripts) + + def checkscript(self, contents, index): + "Check if the current element is a sub- or superscript." + if len(contents) <= index: + return False + return isinstance(contents[index], SymbolFunction) + + def getscript(self, contents, index): + "Get the sub- or superscript." + bit = contents[index] + bit.output.tag += ' class="script"' + del contents[index] + return bit + +class BracketCommand(OneParamFunction): + "A command which defines a bracket." + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.bracketcommands + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse the bracket." + OneParamFunction.parsebit(self, pos) + +class BracketProcessor(MathsProcessor): + "A processor for bracket commands." + + directions = {'left': 1, 'right': -1} + + def process(self, contents, index): + "Convert the bracket using Unicode pieces, if possible." + if not isinstance(contents[index], BracketCommand): + return + self.checkarray(contents, index, 'left') + self.checkarray(contents, index, 'right') + + def checkarray(self, contents, index, direction): + "Check for the right command, and an array in the given direction." + command = contents[index] + if command.command != '\\' + direction: + return + newindex = index + self.directions[direction] + if newindex < 0 or newindex >= len(contents): + return + begin = contents[newindex] + if not isinstance(begin, BeginCommand): + return + array = begin.array + if not isinstance(array, MultiRowFormula): + Trace.error('BeginCommand does not contain a MultiRowFormula') + return False + self.processarray(command, array, direction) + + def processarray(self, command, array, direction): + "Process a bracket command with an array next to it." + character = command.extracttext() + command.output = EmptyOutput() + bracket = BigBracket(len(array.rows), character) + for index, row in enumerate(array.rows): + cell = bracket.getcell(index, direction) + if self.directions[direction] == 1: + row.contents.insert(0, cell) + else: + row.contents.append(cell) + +class BinomialCell(CommandBit): + "A cell in a binomial function." + + def setfactory(self, factory): + "Set the factory." + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="binomcell"', True) + return CommandBit.setfactory(self, factory) + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse a parameter and make it into a binomial cell." + self.parseparameter(pos) + + def constant(self, constant): + "Set a constant as only contents." + self.contents = [FormulaConstant(constant)] + +class BinomialRow(CommandBit): + "A row for a binomial function." + + def create(self, left, middle, right): + "Set the row contents." + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="binomrow"', True) + self.contents = [left, middle, right] + return self + +class BinomialFunction(CommandBit): + "A binomial function which needs pretty decorating." + + commandmap = FormulaConfig.binomialfunctions + + def parsebit(self, pos): + "Parse two parameters and decorate them." + self.output = TaggedOutput().settag('span class="binomial"', True) + leftbracket = BigBracket(3, self.translated[0]) + rightbracket = BigBracket(3, self.translated[1]) + for index in range(3): + left = leftbracket.getcell(index, 'l') + right = rightbracket.getcell(index, 'r') + cell = BinomialCell().setfactory(self.factory) + if index == 1: + cell.constant(u' ') + else: + cell.parsebit(pos) + self.add(BinomialRow().create(left, cell, right)) + + +FormulaCommand.types += [ + DecoratingFunction, CombiningFunction, LimitCommand, BracketCommand, + BinomialFunction, + ] + +FormulaProcessor.processors += [ + LimitsProcessor(), BracketProcessor(), + ] + + + class ContainerFactory(object): "Creates containers depending on the first line" diff --git a/templates/template.html b/templates/template.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ea767a --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/template.html @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + + <!--$title--> + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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