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+# backups
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-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
-`Oscilloscope & Signal Generator `_
-`Spectrum Analyzer `_
-`Bode Analyzer `_
-`Logic Analyzer `_
-`LCR meter `_
-`Marketplace applications `_
-.. (slike, opis, primer uporabe)
-.. osciloscope in signal generator isti tekst
-.. TODO http://redpitaya.com/apps/oscilloscope/
- dodaj tabelo specsov
-.. logic analyzer
-.. itd.
-.. Bode analyzer
-.. *************
-.. Bode analyzer enables measurements of Amplitude and Phase response of the desired [tippy title=”DUT”]Device Under Test[/tippy].
-.. The measurements are not in real time.
-.. Frequency range and number of steps are adjustable.
-.. How to connect DUT to the Red Pitaya when using Bode analyser is shown in picture below.
-.. .. image:: Bode_analyzer_connections.png
-.. Frequency Response analyzer
-.. ***************************
-.. Frequency response analyzer enables measurements of frequency amplitude response of desired DUT (Device Under Test).
-.. The measurements of frequency response are in range from 0Hz to 60MHz.
-.. Measurements are in real time and the frequency range is NOT adjustable.
-.. Measurement can be done for each channel independently, i.e it enables simultaneously measurements of two DUTs.
-.. How to connect DUT to the Red Pitaya when using Frequency Response analyser is shown in picture below.
-.. .. image:: Frequency_response_analyzer_connections.png
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 6
+ :numbered:
+ ./oscSigGen/osc.rst
+ ./spectrum/spectrum.rst
+ ./bode/bode.rst
+ ./logic/logic.rst
+ ./lcr_meter/lcr_meter.rst
+ ../marketplace/marketplace.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/bode/bode.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Bode Analyzer
+.. image:: 01_iPad_Combo_Bode.jpg
+This application will turn your STEMLab into an affordable Bode analyzer. It is the perfect tool for educators,
+students, makers, hobbyists and professionals seeking affordable, highly functional test and measurement equipment.
+The Bode analyzer is an ideal application for measuring frequency responses of the passive/active filters, complex
+impedances and any other electronic circuit. The Gain/Phase frequency response can be used to characterize any device
+under test completely, you can perform linear and logarithmic sweeps. Gain and Phase can be measured from 1Hz to
+60MHz. The basic user interface enables quick interaction and parameter settings. The Bode analyzer can be used for
+the measurement of Stability of control circuits such as the DC/DC converters in power supplies, Influence of
+termination on amplifiers or filters, Ultrasonic and piezo electric systems and similar. All Red Pitaya applications
+are web-based and don’t require the installation of any native software. Users can access them via a browser using
+their smartphone, tablet or a PC running any popular operating system (MAC, Linux, Windows, Android and iOS).
+The graphical user interface of the Bode analyzer application is shown below.
+The graphical interface is divided into 5 areas:
+.. image:: BA_Slika_01.png
+1. **Stop/Run button:** It is used to start and stop measurement. **Calibrate button:** When the selected calibration
+ of the setup is started.
+2. **Measurement settings panel:** It is used for setting the measurement parameters such as the frequency range,
+ scale, number of steps, excitation signal amplitude, excitation signal DC bias and averaging number.
+.. image:: BA_Slika_02.png
+3. **Plot settings panel:** It is used to set the Gain and Phase graph ranges as also manual or auto scale mode.
+.. image:: BA_Slika_03.png
+4. **Gain graph:** The Gain frequency response of the DUT (device under test) is plotted for the selected frequency
+ range.
+#. **Phase graph:** The Phase frequency response of the DUT (device under test) is plotted for the selected frequency
+ range.
+Main feature of the Bode analyzer application are described below:
+ - Measured parameters: Gain, Phase
+ - The Bode analyzer application will enable you to measure the gain and phase frequency response for the desired
+ DUT (device under test)
+ - The frequency sweep range of the Bode analyzer application is from 1Hz to 60MHz with a 1Hz resolution
+ - Linear and Logarithmic Frequency sweep modes are available. The Logarithmic sweep mode (scale) enables
+ measurements in large frequencies range, while the linear sweep mode is used for measurement in the small
+ frequencies range.
+ - excitation signal parameters (amplitude and DC bias) can be adjusted to make measurements in different
+ sensitivities and conditions (amplifiers etc.).
+ - The calibration function enables calibrating long leads and to remove leads and cables effect on final
+ measurements. The calibration will also calibrate your STEMLab if any parasitics effects are present.
+.. image:: BA_Slika_05.png
+| | STEMlab 125 - 10 | STEMlab 125 - 14 |
+| Frequency span | 1Hz-50MHz | 1Hz-60MHz |
+| Frequency resolution | 1Hz | 1Hz |
+| Excitation signal amplitude | 0 - 1 V | 0 - 1 V |
+| Excitation signal DC bias | 0 - 0.5 V | 0 - 0.5 V |
+| Resolution | 10bit | 14bit |
+| Maximum number of steps per measurement | 1000 | 1000 |
+| Max input amplitude | | ± 1 V (LV jumper settings), | | ± 1 V (LV jumper settings), |
+| | | ± 20 V (HV jumper settings) | | ± 20 V (HV jumper settings) |
+| Measured parameters | Gain, Phase | Gain, Phase |
+| Frequency sweep modes | Linear/Logarithmic | Linear/Logarithmic |
+HW connections
+When using the Bode analyzer application, please follow the connection diagram described below. Also use the 50 Ohm
+termination on the OUT1.
+.. image:: BA_Slika_04.png
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/lcr_meter/01_iPad_Combo_LCR.jpg b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/lcr_meter/01_iPad_Combo_LCR.jpg
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LCR meter
+.. image:: 01_iPad_Combo_LCR.jpg
+This application will turn your STEMLab into an affordable LCR meter. It is the perfect tool for educators, students,
+makers, hobbyists and professionals seeking affordable, highly functional test and measurement equipment. The
+Resistor, Capacitors and Inductors are basic components of all electrical circuits and working on your projects you
+will definitely need to measure some components laying around on your working bench. The STEMLab LCR meter will enable
+you to do that quickly and accurately just by switching from one application to another.
+.. note::
+ To use the LCR meter application an additional extension module is needed. The LCR meter
+ `extension module `_ is available on our web store,
+ `http://store.redpitaya.com/ `.
+All Red Pitaya applications are web-based and don’t require the installation of any native software. Users can access
+them via a browser using their smartphone, tablet or a PC running any popular operating system (MAC, Linux, Windows,
+Android and iOS). The elements on the LCR meter application are arranged logically and offer a familiar user interface
+similar to bench LCR meters.
+.. image:: Slika_01_LCR_meter_WEB_page.png
+The graphical interface is divided into 6 main areas:
+ 1. **Hold/Run button:** It is used to start and stop measuring. Log data button: When selected, the measurements
+ of parameters selected in the “Data options” field are logged in the table shown in area 6.
+ 2. **Data options panel:** It is used for selecting the desired parameter for which the measurement will be
+ displayed on the Main window panel shown on area 4.
+ 3. **Measurement option panel:** It is used to select a measuring frequency, range mode and range value. The user
+ can select between the Parallel and Series measuring modes as well as between the Tolerance, Relative or Normal
+ modes (modes described in the features section)
+ 4. **Main display:** On this panel the measurements of parameter selected in “Data option” field are shown. Where
+ the Primary parameter is shown with a larger font and the secondary parameter with smaller one. This is a very
+ common practice since by reading values from the display the user can automatically see the most important
+ results.
+ 5. **Secondary display:** On the secondary display the main settings are shown: current selected parameters,
+ measuring frequency and range mode. Also the Min, Max and Average value or Primary parameters are shown.
+ 6. **Logging table:** Is used to log and export measured data. Logging is started by selecting the “Log data”
+ button.
+ 7. **Option buttons field:** I used to manipulate with the table. The “Clear Min/Max” button will reset the Min
+ and Max value on the Secondary display.
+The main features of the LCR meter applications are described below:
+LCR meter application will enable you to measure basic parameters of the passive electrical components:
+R – resistance, C – capacitance, L – inductance and Z – impedance.
+Alongside main parameters the secondary parameters are also measured and calculated. These parameters are common in
+describing the properties and the quality of the passive components. P – phase of the impedance (phase between current
+and voltage on measured component), D – dissipation factor (often used to quantify the quality of the capacitor),
+Q – quality factor (often used to quantify the quality of the inductor), ESR – equivalent series resistance
+LCR meter enables measurements at 4 different frequencies (100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz). The user can select desired
+frequency and the LCR application will use sine signals with the selected frequency to measure the impedance.
+Since the measured values are unknown, the LCR meter will adjust the measuring range providing the best accuracy. If
+the user expects some value in creating ranges, then the Manual mode can be used.
+ - Measurements modes: Tolerance, Relative, Normal The “Tolerance” and “Relative” buttons are used for measuring in
+ the Tolerance and Relative mode. When deselected, the LCR meter measures in the Normal mode.
+ - Tolerance mode: the last value measured before clicking the Tolerance button is saved and used to calculate the
+ percentage difference between the new value and the saved one.
+ - Relative mode: the last value measured before clicking the Relative button is saved and used to calculate
+ relative difference between the new value and the saved one. Equivalent Parameters calculation circuit:
+ Parallel, Series The Parallel and Series measuring modes refer to using the Series or Parallel equivalent
+ circuit for the parameters (R, C, L...) calculation from the measured Impedance Z \*. LCR meters will only
+ measure Z as the complex value Z=\|Z\|e^(jP) where P is the measured phase and \|Z\| is the impedance amplitude.
+ All other parameters are calculated from the Series or the Parallel equivalent circuit.
+ - Export of measured data in .csv format
+ - Min, Max, Average measurements
.. image:: LCR_range.png
Frequency response analyzer enables measurements of frequency amplitude response of desired DUT (Device Under Test).
@@ -24,4 +116,4 @@ Keysight precision LCR meter. From this plots you can extract basic Red Pitaya a
Impedance analyzer application can be used without LCR Extension module using manual setting of shunt resistor. This option is described below. Notice that you will need to change “C_cable” parameter in the code when using your setup.
-.. image:: Impedance_analyzer_manaul_R_Shunt.png
+.. image:: Impedance_analyzer_manaul_R_Shunt.png
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..7d70e8113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/logic/logic.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Logic Analyzer
+.. image:: Slika_01_LA.jpg
+The Logic Analyzer application enables the representation of the binary states of digital signals. The Logic Analyzer
+can both deal with purely binary signals, such as GPIO outputs of the Raspberry Pi or Arduino board, as well as
+analyze different bus (I2C, SPI, and UART) and decode the transmitted data. All Red Pitaya applications are web-based
+and do not require the installation of any native software. Users can access them via a web browser using their
+smartphone, tablet or a PC running any popular operating system (MAC, Linux, Windows, Android, and iOS).
+Logic Analyzer application possibilities:
+ 1. **Basic Logic Analyzer - Without the Logic Analyzer extension modul** – Using directly the GPIO expansion
+ connector of the STEMLab board. **Works only with STEMlab 125-10!**
+ 2. **Logic Analyzer PRO - With the Logic Analyzer extension module** – Enabling different logic levels, board
+ protection and higher performances. **Works with STEMlab 125-14 & STEMlab 125-10**
+The graphical user interface of the Logic Analyzer fits well into the overall design of the Red Pitaya applications
+providing the same operating concept. The Logic Analyzer user interface is shown below.
+.. image:: Slika_02_LA.png
+Apart from the actual graph, there are again 5 key areas/elements, in which the surface is divided:
+ 1. **Auto:** Resets the zoom and brings the trigger event in the middle of the graph.
+ #. **Run / Stop:** Starts recording the input signals, and interrupts it when the recording is active.
+ #. **Channels / trigger / Measuring Tools:** This menu provides controls for inputs, triggers, and guides.
+ #. **Axis control panel:** The horizontal +/- buttons enable you to select the scaling of the X axis and to change
+ it, and to select the time range displayed in the graph. The vertical +/- buttons change the Y axis, and thus
+ the height of the graph display. In addition, the setting for the time frame, trigger and sampling rate are
+ displayed.
+ #. **Status Display:** Displays information about the current state of the recording (stop, wait, ready).
+.. image:: Slika_03_LA.png
+By selecting the gear button behind the DIGITAL selection field you enter the menu for the channel configuration. In
+the LINES register, the channels can be activated or deactivated by simply clicking the check mark. As long as no bus
+systems have been configured, the channels operate as purely digital inputs and correspondingly show the progress. The
+tab ACQ opens the selection field for the Sample rate settings. When selecting the values there is one thing to note:
+the sample rate has a significant influence on the time section, which can be represented. The memory depth of the
+Logic Analyzer applications is 1 MS, so it can store and display 1,000,000 binary values. From this it is clear that
+the sampling rate determines how many values are recorded per second. If we choose the highest sampling rate
+(125MS/s), 125,000,000 values would be recorded per second. Since 1,000,000 values can be stored is the time memory,
+we get a 0.008 second time window. With a sampling rate of 1MS/s, the time window of the recorded signal will be one
+full second.
+.. image:: Slika_04_LA.png
+When the Pre-sample data buffer value is set, at which point of the recording the trigger event is located. This makes
+particular sense if you want to find out what happened before the defined trigger event. To illustrate with an
+example: the sample rate is set to 4MS / s, the stored time segment thus amounts to approximately 0.25s = 250ms. If
+the Pre-sample data buffer is set to 10ms, then the recorded signal shows what has happened 10ms before the event, and
+240ms after the event.
+.. image:: Slika_05_LA.png
+By clicking the gear behind TRIG settings, the trigger menu is opened. Each channel can be set as a trigger source
+with the desired condition. For acquisition to start, the Trigger source and Rising Edge needs to be defined.
+The possible criteria for Trigger event are next:
+**X - Ignore** no event
+**R - Rising** rising edge
+**F - Falling** Falling edge
+**E - Either** Edge change (rising or falling edge)
+By clicking the RUN button the recording is started. The status display informs you whether the process is still
+running (WAITING) or has already been completed (DONE). After finishing the acquisition, the results are displayed in
+a graph. Additional trigger options LOW and HIGH are used for the so called Patterned triggering. For example: If you
+set the trigger source to be DIN0 – Rising edge (to have one channel defined as a trigger source with a rising or
+falling edge is a mandatory condition for the acquisition to start), DIN1 to HIGH and DIN2 to LOW this will cause such
+a behavior that the application logic will wait for the state where DIN0 goes from 0 to 1, DIN1 is 1 and DIN2 is 0 to
+start the acquisition.
+In the DIGITAL → BUS menu the decoding of the desired lines can be selected. Up to 4 buses can be defined. The
+available decoding protocols are I2C, UART, and SPI. By selecting the desired protocol, the setting menu for the
+selected protocol is opened.
+.. image:: Slika_06_LA.png
+Two options are possible for the display of the decoded data: firstly, the data is placed as a separate layer in the
+graph directly on the signal. Secondly, using the DIGITAL → DATA menu where the decoded data are represented in a
+table format. You can select ASCII, DEC, BIN and HEX data formatting. With the EXPORT button the decoded data can be
+packed into a CSV file. This then ends up directly in the download folder and can be used for further analysis.
+.. image:: Slika_07_LA.png
+As with the Oscilloscope the Logic Analyze rApp also provides CURSORS for quick measurements. Because there are no
+variable amplitude readings but only discrete signal levels, the cursors are available exclusively for the X axis.
+When enabled, the cursors will show the relative time respectively to zero point (trigger event) and the difference
+between the two.
+.. image:: Slika_08_LA.png
+| | Basic Logic Analyzer | Logic Analyzer PRO |
+| Channels | 8th | 8th |
+| Sampling rate (max.) | 12MS/s | 125ms/s |
+| Maximum Input Frequency | 3MHz | 50MHz |
+| Supported bus protocols | I2C, SPI, UART | I2C, SPI, UART |
+| Input voltage | 3.3V | 2.5 ... 5.5V |
+| Overload protection | - | integrated |
+| Level thresholds | - | | 0.8V (low) |
+| | | | 2.0V (high) |
+| Input impedance | - | 100k, 3 pF |
+| Trigger types | Level, edge, pattern | Level, edge, pattern |
+| Memory depth | 1 MS (typical) | 1 MS (typical) |
+| Sampling interval | 84ns | 8ns |
+| Minimum pulse duration | 100ns | 10ns |
+Alongside the Logic analyzer application for maximal performance and protection of your STEMLab board the Logic
+analyzer extension module (Logic Analyzer PRO) is recommended. Using the LA extension module is straightforward, just
+plug it on your STEMLab and connect the leads to the desired measurement points.
+.. image:: Slika_09_LA.png
+To use the Logic analyzer without the extension module (Basic Logic Analyzer) you need to be more careful in
+connecting the Logic analyzer probes to the extension connector E1 on the STEMLab board. The pins used for Logic
+analyzer board are shown in picture below.
+.. note::
+ Using directly the GPIO expansion connector E1 pins of the STEMLab board w orks only with STEMlab 125-10! Picture
+ bellow(left) shows connection for the STEMlab 125 – 10 board.
+.. image:: Slika_10_LA.png
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/01_iPad_Combo_Oscilloscope.jpg b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/01_iPad_Combo_Oscilloscope.jpg
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/Slika_08_OSC.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/Slika_09_OSC.png differ
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diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/osc.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/osc.rst
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index 000000000..96f523629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/oscSigGen/osc.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+Oscilloscope & Signal Generator
+.. image:: 01_iPad_Combo_Oscilloscope.jpg
+This application will turn your STEMlab board into a 2-channel Oscilloscope and 2-channel Signal generator. It is the
+perfect tool for educators, students, makers, hobbyists and professionals seeking affordable, highly functional test
+and measurement equipment. It enables generating and measuring electrical signals up to 50MHz. The simple and
+intuitive user interface provides all the necessary tools for signal analysis and measurements. High end
+specifications will satisfy more demanding users looking for powerful tools for their working benches. The application
+is web-based and doesn’t require installation of any native software. Users can access them via any web browser
+(Google Chrome is recommended) using their smartphone, tablet or a PC running any popular operating system (MAC,
+Linux, Windows, Android and iOS). The elements on the Oscilloscope&Sig. Generator application are arranged logically
+and offer a familiar user interface.
+.. image:: Slika_02_OSC.png
+Apart from the graph there are five areas in which the surface is divided:
+ 1. Autoscale: Automatically sets up the Oscilloscope settings for the optimal display of the input signals. By
+ pressing the button the voltage axis and time axis are set so that at least one full period of the signal will
+ fill the screen.
+ #. Channels / Trigger / Measuring Tools: This menu provides controls for inputs / outputs, Trigger, guides, and
+ measurements.
+ #. Axis control panel: By pressing the horizontal ± buttons the scaling of the X axis is changed and thus the
+ selected time range which is displayed in the graph. The vertical ± buttons change the Y axis, and thus the
+ displayed voltage range of the signal. In addition, the setting for the time frame, trigger, zero point of the
+ X axis and the sampling rate are displayed.
+ #. Channel Setting display: Indicates the scale of the Y axis for all channels that are switched.
+Oscilloscope & signal generator main features are listed below:
+ - Run/stop and auto set functionality
+ - Signals position and scale controls
+ - Trigger controls (source, level, slope)
+ - Trigger modes: auto, normal and single triggering
+ - Input calibration wizard
+ - Cursors
+ - Measurements
+ - Math operations
+ - Signal generator controls (waveform, amplitude, frequency, phase)
+Automatically sets up the Oscilloscope to best display the input signal. By pressing this button, the voltage axis and
+the time axis are set so that at least one full period of the signal will fill the screen.
+.. image:: Slika_03_OSC_left.png
+ :width: 49%
+.. image:: Slika_03_OSC_right.png
+ :width: 49%
+.. image:: Slika_05_OSC.png
+ :width: 30%
+ :align: right
+On the right side of the Oscilloscope&Sig. Generator application interface the IN1 and IN2 channels are listed. By a
+simple click on the name of a channel (not the gear) the channel gets highlighted and you can simply control all the
+settings of the respective channel.
+The available settings are the following:
+ - **SHOW:** Shows or hides the curve associated with the channel.
+ - **INVERT:** Reflects the graph on the X axis.
+ - **Probe attenuation:** (must be selected manually) The division that was set on the probe.
+ - **Vertical offset:** Moves the curve up or down.
+ - **LV and HV:** Must be selected according to the jumper position on each channel.
+On the right side of the Oscilloscope&Sig. Generator application interface the OUT1 and OUT2 channels are listed. By a
+simple click on the name of a channel (not the gear) the channel gets highlighted and you can simply control all the
+settings of the respective channel. The available settings are the following: ON, SHOW, Type, Trigger, Frequency,
+Amplitude, Offset, Phase, and Duty cycle. Various waveforms are available for output: SINE (sinus), SQUARE (rectangle)
+TRIANGLE (triangle), SAWU (rising sawtooth), SAWD (falling sawtooth), DC and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).
+.. image:: Slika_06_OSC.png
+.. image:: Slika_07_OSC.png
+ :width: 30%
+ :align: right
+The Trigger is used to enable the scope to display changing waveforms to be displayed on the screen of the scope in a
+steady fashion. The parameter Source defines the trigger source used for this. The trigger source can be input channel
+1 (IN1) or input channel 2 (IN2) or an external source. The available settings are the following:
+ - **LEVEL** Trigger level value is used to determinate at which value of signal amplitude the trigger condition will be
+ satisfied(true). When signal amplitude achieves/cross this value the trigger state is set to “true”. Following “true”
+ trigger condition the acquisition and signal plotting will be executed.
+ - **EGDE** Since during the time sweep(acquisition) signal amplitude can cross trigger level from higher value to the
+ lowest one or vice versa. The edge setting will determinate at which case the trigger condition will be set to “true”.
+ - **NORMAL** The acquisition(trace (re)plotting) is executed only if the trigger state is “true”. In other words; signal
+ needs to satisfy trigger condition in order to be acquired and (re)plotted by the Oscilloscope.
+ - **SINGLE** After trigger conditions are satisfied by the observed signal the acquisition is executed only once and
+ trace re-plotting is stopped regardless of the repetitive “true” trigger states.
+ - **AUTO** Trigger state and conditions are disregarded. Signal acquisition and signal trace re-plotting are executed in
+ repetitive(continuous) manner. This setting is default one.
+ - **STOP** Pause triggers.
+ - **RUN** Starts/continues triggering.
+The Source parameter defines the source used for this purpose. With the IN1 or the IN2 the signal at the respective input is selected; with the EXT you can invoke the trigger from outside through Pin 3 on the header row E1.
+Among the more interesting features of a digital oscilloscope is the "math" channel. The available settings are the following:
+ - **\+** Adds the selected channels.
+ - **\-** Subtract the selected channels.
+ - **\*** Multiply selected channels.
+ - **ABS** Gives an absolute value of the selected signal.
+ - **dy/dt** Gives an time derivation of the selected signal.
+ - **ydt** Gives an time integration of the selected signal.
+ - **INVERT** Inverts the signal.
+.. image:: Slika_08_OSC.png
+This feature enables the user to easily get the data of relevant basic measurements such is: signal period, amplitude,
+time delay, amplitude difference between two points, time difference between two points and etc.
+.. image:: Slika_09_OSC.png
+When you have a lot of data to analyze, it is very important to get through them easily. Navigate left and right by
+dragging the data where you want and effortlessly zoom in and out by using your mouse scroll wheel.
+.. image:: Slika_04_OSC.png
+The menu can be found under the MEAS button. Here you can select up to 4 measured values in total, then provide the
+corresponding values. In the Operator field select the desired measurement and then set the Signal from which channel
+the value should be taken. One click on DONE shows the value in the bottom of the channel settings. You may choose
+among the following:
+ - **P2P:** The difference between the lowest and the highest measured voltage value.
+ - **MEAN:** The calculated average of the signal.
+ - **MAX:** The highest measured voltage value.
+ - **MIN:** The lowest measured voltage value.
+ - **RMS:** The calculated RMS (root mean square) of the signal.
+ - **DUTY CYCLE:** The Signal’s duty cycle (ratio of the pulse duration and period length).
+ - **PERIOD:** Displays the period length, the time length of a vibration.
+ - **FREQ:** The frequency of the signal.
+.. image:: Slika_10_OSC.png
+| | STEMlab 125 - 10 | STEMlab 125 - 14 |
+| Input channels | 2 | 2 |
+| Bandwidth | 40MHz | 40MHz |
+| Resolution | 10bit | 14bit |
+| Memory depth | 16k samples | 16k samples |
+| Input range | ± 1V (LV) and ± 20V (HV) | ± 1V (LV) and ± 20V (HV) |
+| Input coupling | DC | DC |
+| Minimal Voltage Sensitivity | ± 0.244mV / ± 2.44mV | |
+| External Trigger | Yes | Yes |
+Signal generator
+| | STEMlab 125 - 10 | STEMlab 125 - 14 |
+| Output channels | 2 | 2 |
+| Frequency Range | 0-50MHz | 0-50MHz |
+| Resolution | 10bit | 14bit |
+| Signal buffer | 16k samples | 16k samples |
+| Output range | ± 1V | ± 1V |
+| Input coupling | DC | DC |
+| External Trigger | Yes | Yes |
+| Output load | 50Ω | 50 Ω |
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/spectrum/01_iPad_Combo_Spectrum.jpg b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/spectrum/01_iPad_Combo_Spectrum.jpg
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cfc5b7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/apps-featured/spectrum/spectrum.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Spectrum Analyzer
+.. image:: 01_iPad_Combo_Spectrum.jpg
+This application will turn your STEMLab board into a 2-channel DFT Spectrum Analyzer. It is the perfect tool for
+educators, students, makers, hobbyists and professionals seeking affordable, highly functional test and measurement
+equipment. The DFT Spectrum analyzer application enables a quick and powerful spectrum analysis using a DFT algorithm.
+Frequency span is form DC up to 62.5MHz where the frequency range can be arbitrarily selected. You can easily measure
+the quality of your signals, signal harmonics, spurious and power. All Red Pitaya applications are web-based and do
+not require the installation of any native software. Users can access them via a web browser using their smartphone,
+tablet or a PC running any popular operating system (MAC, Linux, Windows, Android, and iOS). The elements on the DFT
+Spectrum analyzer application are arranged logically and offer a familiar user interface.
+The graphical interface is divided into 4 main areas:
+ 1. **Run/Stop** and **Export button:** The “Run/Stop” button is used to start and stop measurements. With the
+ “Export” button you can select in which format you want to download the measured data (plotted spectrum). Two
+ formats are available: .png and .csv.
+ #. **Inputs / Cursors / Range / Axis control panel:** This menu provides controls for inputs, cursors, and
+ frequency range settings. Horizontal +/- buttons are used to select the span of the X (frequency) axis (zooming
+ in/out). The vertical +/- buttons change the Y (amplitude)-axis range.
+ #. **Graph area:** Here, the currently calculated signal spectrum is plotted in the selected frequency range.
+ #. **Waterfall plots:** Waterfall plots are a different way of the signal spectrum representation where the color
+ on the plot defines the signal amplitude for a certain frequency. The waterfall plot is also useful to enable
+ the representation of a signal spectrum in a time dependency.
+.. image:: Slika_02_SA.png
+The main features of the DFT Spectrum analyzer are described below:
+Inputs controls are shown in the picture below. With the “SHOW” select button displaying the spectrum of the selected
+input can be enabled or disabled. The “FREEZE” button is used for stopping the measurements of the selected input. The
+“MIN” and “MAX” select buttons are used to enable/disable the persist mode for the spectrum plot. The “MIN” signal
+spectrum plot will show the lowest values of the signal spectrum taken after enabling the “MIN” button. The same logic
+is used for the “MAX” signal where the MAX values of the signal spectrum are shown. This feature is mostly used for
+detecting signal glitches and the max/min spectrum amplitude values during the measurement.
+.. image:: Slika_03_SA.png
+The cursors are an additional vertical and horizontal pair of lines useful for extracting the values of the spectrum
+The cursors are interactive and they can be set on any part of the graph while the frequency value is shown
+corresponding to the place where the X cursors are set, and the amplitude value where the Y cursors are set. Cursor
+delta values are useful for measuring signal harmonics and relative ratios between amplitudes and frequencies.
+.. image:: Slika_04_SA.png
+The range settings are used to set a frequency span. This feature is useful when the frequency range of interest is
+smaller than the full frequency range of the Spectrum analyzer application.
+.. image:: Slika_05_SA.png
+During the measurement, peak values of the signal spectrum are measured and shown on the “Peak Values” field. Peak
+values are max values of the signals spectrum regardless of the selected frequency range. This peak finding prevents
+not seeing peak values which are outside the selected frequency span.
+.. image:: Slika_06_SA.png
+Waterfall plots are a different way of the signal spectrum representation where the color on the plot defines the
+signal amplitude for a certain frequency. The waterfall plot is also useful when enabling the representation of the
+signal spectrum in a time dependency.
+Horizontal +/- buttons are used to select the span of the X (frequency) axis (zooming in/out). The vertical +/-
+buttons change the Y (amplitude)-axis range. Reset button when selected reset frequency and amplitude span do default
+.. image:: Slika_07_SA.png
+| | STEMlab 125 - 10 | STEMlab 125 - 14 |
+| Input channels | 2 | 2 |
+| Bandwidth | 0 - 50MHz | 0 - 62MHz |
+| Resolution | 10 bit | 14 bit |
+| DFT buffer | 16384 | 16384 |
+| Dynamic Range | - 70 dBm | - 80 dBm |
+| Input noise level | < -100 dBm/Hz | < -119 dBm/Hz |
+| Input range | 10dBm | 10dBm |
+| Input impedance | 1 MΩ / 10 pF | 1 MΩ / 10 pF |
+| Input coupling | DC | DC |
+| Spurious frequency components | < -70 dBFS Typically | < -90 dBFS Typically |
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/appsFeatures.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/appsFeatures.rst
index c60a50bd4..b36df2626 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/appsFeatures.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/appsFeatures.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Applications and Features
slika glavne applikacije z razlagami ( desktop app )
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de8a3f08f
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diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/RP-circuit-e1421258707736-300x212.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/RP-circuit-e1421258707736-300x212.png
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new file mode 100644
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index 000000000..f72834881
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index 000000000..c8ad803da
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diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/Synchronised-one-pulse-signal-generation-and-acquisition_LV.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/Synchronised-one-pulse-signal-generation-and-acquisition_LV.png
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index fad12c75e..5e51cdb6b 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm1.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm1.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,298 @@
On trigger signal acquisition
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/single-buffer-acquire/
-`Signal Acquiring at 125 Msps > On given trigger acquire signal on fast analog input `_
+This example shows how to acquire 16k samples of signal on fast analog inputs. Signal will be acquired when the
+internal trigger condition is meet. Time length of the acquired signal depends on the time scale of a buffer that can
+be set with a decimation factor. Decimations and time scales of a buffer are given in the table below. Voltage range
+of fast analog inputs on the Red Pitaya depends on gain setting that can be set by jumpers. HV setting is for input
+range to ±20V, while LV sets input range to ±1V.
+| Decimation | Sampling Rate | Time scale/length of a buffer | Trigger delay in samples | Trigger delay in seconds |
+| 1 | 125 MS/s | 131.072 us | from - 8192 to x | -6.554E-5 to x |
+| 8 | 15.6 MS/s | 1.049 ms | from - 8192 to x | -5.243E-4 to x |
+| 64 | 1.9 MS/s | 8.389 ms | from - 8192 to x | -4.194E-3 to x |
+| 1024 | 122.0 MS/s | 134.218 ms | from - 8192 to x | -6.711E-2 to x |
+| 8192 | 15.2 kS/s | 1.074 s | from - 8192 to x | -5.369E-1 to x |
+| 65536 | 7.6 kS/s | 8.590 s | from - 8192 to x | -4.295E+0 to x |
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - Signal (function) generator
+.. image:: on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png
+.. image:: on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code to MATLAB editor
+and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ clear all
+ close all
+ clc
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj = tcpip(IP, port);
+ tcpipObj.InputBufferSize = 16384*32;
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ flushinput(tcpipObj);
+ flushoutput(tcpipObj);
+ % Set decimation vale (sampling rate) in respect to you
+ % acquired signal frequency
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:DEC 1');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:LEV 0');
+ % Set trigger delay to 0 samples
+ % 0 samples delay set trigger to center of the buffer
+ % Signal on your graph will have trigger in the center (symmetrical)
+ % Samples from left to the center are samples before trigger
+ % Samples from center to the right are samples after trigger
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:DLY 0');
+ %% Start & Trigg
+ % Trigger source setting must be after ACQ:START
+ % Set trigger to source 1 positive edge
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:START');
+ % After acquisition is started some time delay is needed in order to acquire fresh samples in to buffer
+ % Here we have used time delay of one second but you can calculate exact value taking in to account buffer
+ % length and smaling rate
+ pause(1)
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG CH1_PE');
+ % Wait for trigger
+ % Until trigger is true wait with acquiring
+ % Be aware of while loop if trigger is not achieved
+ % Ctrl+C will stop code executing in Matlab
+ while 1
+ trig_rsp=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:STAT?')
+ if strcmp('TD',trig_rsp(1:2)) % Read only TD
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ % Read data from buffer
+ signal_str=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?');
+ signal_str_2=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR2:DATA?');
+ % Convert values to numbers.% First character in string is “{“
+ % and 2 latest are empty spaces and last is “}”.
+ signal_num=str2num(signal_str(1,2:length(signal_str)-3));
+ signal_num_2=str2num(signal_str_2(1,2:length(signal_str_2)-3));
+ plot(signal_num)
+ hold on
+ plot(signal_num_2,'r')
+ grid on
+ ylabel('Voltage / V')
+ xlabel('samples')
+ fclose(tcpipObj)
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* Red Pitaya C API example Acquiring a signal from a buffer
+ * This application acquires a signal on a specific channel */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* Print error, if rp_Init() function failed */
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ rp_GenReset();
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_1, 20000.0);
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_1, 1.0);
+ rp_GenWaveform(RP_CH_1, RP_WAVEFORM_SINE);
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_1);
+ uint32_t buff_size = 16384;
+ float *buff = (float *)malloc(buff_size * sizeof(float));
+ rp_AcqReset();
+ rp_AcqSetDecimation(1);
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerLevel(0.1); //Trig level is set in Volts while in SCPI
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerDelay(0);
+ rp_AcqStart();
+ /* After acquisition is started some time delay is needed in order to acquire fresh samples in to buffer*/
+ /* Here we have used time delay of one second but you can calculate exact value taking in to account buffer*/
+ /*length and smaling rate*/
+ sleep(1);
+ rp_AcqSetTriggerSrc(RP_TRIG_SRC_CHA_PE);
+ rp_acq_trig_state_t state = RP_TRIG_STATE_TRIGGERED;
+ while(1){
+ rp_AcqGetTriggerState(&state);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ rp_AcqGetOldestDataV(RP_CH_1, &buff_size, buff);
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < buff_size; i++){
+ printf("%f\n", buff[i]);
+ }
+ /* Releasing resources */
+ free(buff);
+ rp_Release();
+ return 0;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:START')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG NOW')
+ while 1:
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG:STAT?')
+ if rp_s.rx_txt() == 'TD':
+ break
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?')
+ buff_string = rp_s.rx_txt()
+ buff_string = buff_string.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',')
+ buff = list(map(float, buff_string))
+ plot.plot(buff)
+ plot.ylabel('Voltage')
+ plot.show()
+ view rawacquire_trigger_posedge.py
+Code - Scilab
+Scilab socket input buffer can read approximately 800 samples from Red Pitaya. This is the problem in contributed code
+for Scilab sockets. How to set socket is described on Blink example.
+.. code-block:: scilab
+ clear all
+ clc
+ // Load SOCKET Toolbox.
+ exec(SCI+'contribsocket_toolbox_2.0.1loader.sce');
+ SOCKET_init();
+ // Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; // Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000; // If you are using WiFi then IP is:
+ tcpipObj='RedPitaya'; //
+ // Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ SOCKET_open(tcpipObj,IP,port);
+ // Set decimation value (sampling rate) in respect to you
+ // acquired signal frequency
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'ACQ:DEC 8');
+ // Set trigger level to 100 mV
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:LEV 0');
+ // Set trigger delay to 0 samples
+ // 0 samples delay set trigger to center of the buffer
+ // Signal on your graph will have trigger in the center (symmetrical)
+ // Samples from left to the center are samples before trigger
+ // Samples from center to the right are samples after trigger
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:DLY 0');
+ //// Start & Trigg
+ // Trigger source setting must be after ACQ:START
+ // Set trigger to source 1 positive edge
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'ACQ:START');
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG NOW');
+ // Wait for trigger
+ // Until trigger is true wait with acquiring
+ // Be aware of while loop if trigger is not achieved
+ // Ctrl+C will stop code executing
+ xpause(1E+6)
+ // Read data from buffer
+ signal_str=SOCKET_query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR1:DATA:OLD:N? 800');
+ // Convert values to numbers.// First character in string is “{“
+ // and 2 latest are empty spaces and last is “}”.
+ signal_str=part(signal_str, 2:length(signal_str)-3)
+ signal_num=strtod(strsplit(signal_str,",",length(signal_str)))';
+ plot(signal_num)
+ SOCKET_close(tcpipObj);
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: On-trigger-signal-acquisition_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm2.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm2.rst
index a00dd2ef4..44291e972 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm2.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm2.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,169 @@
Signal acquisition on external trigger
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/on-given-external-trigger-acquire-signal-on-fast-analog-input/
-`Signal Acquiring at 125 Msps > On given external trigger acquire signal on fast analog input `_
+This example shows how to acquire 16k samples of signal on fast analog inputs. Signal will be acquired when the
+external trigger condition is meet. Time length of the acquired signal depends on the time scale of a buffer that can
+be set with a decimation factor. Decimations and time scales of a buffer are given in the table below. Voltage range
+of fast analog inputs on the Red Pitaya depends on gain setting that can be set by jumpers. HV setting is for input
+range to ±20V, while LV sets input range to ±1V.
+| Decimation | Sampling Rate | Time scale/length of a buffer | Trigger delay in samples | Trigger delay in seconds |
+| 1 | 125 MS/s | 131.072 us | from - 8192 to x | -6.554E-5 to x |
+| 8 | 15.6 MS/s | 1.049 ms | from - 8192 to x | -5.243E-4 to x |
+| 64 | 1.9 MS/s | 8.389 ms | from - 8192 to x | -4.194E-3 to x |
+| 1024 | 122.0 MS/s | 134.218 ms | from - 8192 to x | -6.711E-2 to x |
+| 8192 | 15.2 kS/s | 1.074 s | from - 8192 to x | -5.369E-1 to x |
+| 65536 | 7.6 kS/s | 8.590 s | from - 8192 to x | -4.295E+0 to x |
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - Signal (function) generator
+.. image:: on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png
+.. image:: on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code to MATLAB editor
+ and press run.
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ clear all
+ close all
+ clc
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj = tcpip(IP, port);
+ tcpipObj.InputBufferSize = 16384*32;
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ flushinput(tcpipObj);
+ flushoutput(tcpipObj);
+ % Set decimation vale (sampling rate) in respect to you
+ % acquired signal frequency
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:DEC 1');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:LEV 0');
+ % Set trigger delay to 0 samples
+ % 0 samples delay set trigger to center of the buffer
+ % Signal on your graph will have trigger in the center (symmetrical)
+ % Samples from left to the center are samples before trigger
+ % Samples from center to the right are samples after trigger
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:DLY 0');
+ %% Start & Trigg
+ % Trigger source setting must be after ACQ:START
+ % Set trigger to source 1 positive edge
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:START');
+ % After acquisition is started some time delay is needed in order to acquire fresh samples in to buffer
+ % Here we have used time delay of one second but you can calculate exact value taking in to account buffer
+ % length and smaling rate
+ pause(1)
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG EXT_PE');
+ % Wait for trigger
+ % Until trigger is true wait with acquiring
+ % Be aware of while loop if trigger is not achieved
+ % Ctrl+C will stop code executing in Matlab
+ while 1
+ trig_rsp=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:STAT?')
+ if strcmp('TD',trig_rsp(1:2)) % Read only TD
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ % Read data from buffer
+ signal_str=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?');
+ signal_str_2=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR2:DATA?');
+ % Convert values to numbers.% First character in string is “{“
+ % and 2 latest are empty spaces and last is “}”.
+ signal_num=str2num(signal_str(1,2:length(signal_str)-3));
+ signal_num_2=str2num(signal_str_2(1,2:length(signal_str_2)-3));
+ plot(signal_num)
+ hold on
+ plot(signal_num_2,'r')
+ grid on
+ ylabel('Voltage / V')
+ xlabel('samples')
+ fclose(tcpipObj)
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:DEC 8')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG:LEVEL 100')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:START')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG EXT_PE')
+ while 1:
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG:STAT?')
+ if rp_s.rx_txt() == 'TD':
+ break
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?')
+ buff_string = rp_s.rx_txt()
+ buff_string = buff_string.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',')
+ buff = list(map(float, buff_string))
+ plot.plot(buff)
+ plot.ylabel('Voltage')
+ plot.show()
+ view rawacquire_trigger_external.py
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Signal-acquisition-on-external-trigger_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm3.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm3.rst
index 13f16285f..d03865b52 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm3.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF-exm3.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,112 @@
Synchronised one pulse signal generation and acquisition
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
-`Signal Acquiring at 125 Msps > Synchronized one pulse generating and acquiring `_
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/synchronized-one-pulse-generating-and-acquiring/
+This example shows how to acquire 16k samples of signal on fast analog inputs. Signal will be acquired simultaneously
+with generated signal. Time length of the acquired signal depends on the time scale of a buffer that can be set with a
+decimation factor. Decimations and time scales of a buffer are given in the table below. Voltage range of fast analog
+inputs on the Red Pitaya depends on gain setting that can be set by jumpers. HV setting is for input range to ±20V,
+while LV sets input range to ±1V.
+Decimation Sampling Rate Time scale/length of a buffer Trigger delay in samples Trigger delay in seconds
+1 125 MS/s 131.072 us from - 8192 to x -6.554E-5 to x
+8 15.6 MS/s 1.049 ms from - 8192 to x -5.243E-4 to x
+64 1.9 MS/s 8.389 ms from - 8192 to x -4.194E-3 to x
+1024 122.0 MS/s 134.218 ms from - 8192 to x -6.711E-2 to x
+8192 15.2 MS/s 1.074 s from - 8192 to x -5.369E-1 to x
+65536 7.6 MS/s 8.590 s from - 8192 to x -4.295E+0 to x
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png
+.. image:: generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output_circuit1.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code to MATLAB editor
+ and press run.
+ clc
+ clear all
+ close all
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ tcpipObj.InputBufferSize = 16384*32;
+ tcpipObj.OutputBufferSize = 16384*32;
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ flushinput(tcpipObj)
+ flushoutput(tcpipObj)
+ %% Loop back for testing Generate
+ %% The example generate sine bursts every 0.5 seconds indefinety
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'GEN:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC SINE');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 1000'); % Set frequency of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 1'); % Set amplitude of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON'); % Set burst mode to ON
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 1'); % Set 1 pulses of sine wave
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON'); % Set output to ON
+ %% Set Acquire
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:DEC 64');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:LEV 0');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:DLY 0');
+ %% Start gen % acq
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:START');
+ pause(1);
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG AWG_PE');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:TRIG:IMM'); % Set generator trigger to immediately
+ %% Wait for trigger
+ while 1
+ trig_rsp=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:STAT?')
+ if strcmp('TD',trig_rsp(1:2))
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ %% Read & plot
+ signal_str=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?');
+ signal_num=str2num(signal_str(1,2:length(signal_str)-3));
+ plot(signal_num)
+ hold on
+ grid on
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ view rawacquire_trigger_from_generator.m
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Synchronised-one-pulse-signal-generation-and-acquisition_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF.rst
index d0b2f8b0d..dbf97cd41 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/acqRF.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Acquiring signals at RF inputs (125 MS/s)
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm1.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm1.rst
index 5cd60a4b0..c8f51bd7d 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm1.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm1.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,187 @@
Read analog voltage on slow analog input
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/read-analog-voltage-on-slow-analog-input/
-`Read analog voltage at slow analog inputs `_
+This example shows how to measure analog voltage of slow analog inputs on Red Pitaya extension connector. Analog
+inputs on Red Pitaya are rated from 0-3.3 Volts.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - R1 10K potentiometer
+.. image:: Read_analog_voltage_on_Red_Pitaya_analog_input.png
+.. image:: Read_analog_voltage_on_Red_Pitaya_analog_input_circuit.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ volts0=str2num(query(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN? AIN0'))
+ volts1=str2num(query(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN? AIN1'))
+ volts2=str2num(query(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN? AIN2'))
+ volts3=str2num(query(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN? AIN3'))
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* Read analog voltage on slow analog input */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
+ float value [4];
+ // Initialization of API
+ if (rp_Init() != RP_OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Red Pitaya API init failed!\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // Measure each XADC input voltage
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ rp_AIpinGetValue(i, &value[i]);
+ printf("Measured voltage on AI[%i] = %1.2fV\n", i, value[i]);
+ }
+ // Releasing resources
+ rp_Release();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ for i in range(4):
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ANALOG:PIN? AIN' + str(i))
+ value = float(rp_s.rx_txt())
+ print ("Measured voltage on AI["+str(i)+"] = "+str(value)+"V")
+Code - Scilab
+How to set sockets is described on Blink example
+.. code-block:: scilab
+ clc
+ // Load SOCKET Toolbox
+ exec(SCI+'contribsocket_toolbox_2.0.1loader.sce');
+ SOCKET_init();
+ // Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; // Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000; // If you are using WiFi then IP is:
+ tcpipObj='RedPitaya'; //
+ // Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ SOCKET_open(tcpipObj,IP,port);
+ // Red value on analog input 3
+ volts=strtod(SOCKET_query(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN? AIN3'));
+ disp(volts)
+ // Define value p from 0 - 100 //
+ p = volts *(100/3.3) ; // Set value of p in respect to readed voltage
+ if p >=(100/7)
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*2
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*3
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*4
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*5
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*6
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*7
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,1')
+ else
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,0')
+ end
+ // Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ SOCKET_close(tcpipObj);
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Read-analog-voltage-on-slow-analog-input_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm2.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm2.rst
index e70d41928..45ee2a44c 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm2.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm2.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,122 @@
Set analog voltage on slow analog output
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/set-analog-voltage-on-slow-analog-output-4/
-`Set analog voltage on slow analog outputs `_
+This example shows how to set analog voltage of slow analog outputs on Red Pitaya extension connector. Slow analog
+outputs on Red Pitaya are in range from 0 to 1.8 Volts.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - Voltmeter
+.. image:: Set_analog_voltage_on_slow_analog_input1.png
+.. image:: Set_analog_voltage_on_slow_analog_input_circuit1.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN AOUT0,0.3'); % 0.3 Volts is set on output 0
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN AOUT1,0.9');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN AOUT2,1');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'ANALOG:PIN AOUT3,1.5');
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ view rawanalog_outputs.m
+ Code - C
+ /* Set analog voltage on slow analog output */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
+ float value [4];
+ // Voltages can be provided as an argument (default is 1V)
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (argc > (1+i)) {
+ value [i] = atof(argv[1+i]);
+ } else {
+ value [i] = 1.0;
+ }
+ printf("Voltage setting for AO[%i] = %1.1fV\n", i, value [i]);
+ }
+ // Initialization of API
+ if (rp_Init() != RP_OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Red Pitaya API init failed!\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // Setting a voltage for each ananlog output
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ int status = rp_AOpinSetValue(i, value[i]);
+ if (status != RP_OK) {
+ printf("Could not set AO[%i] voltage.\n", i);
+ }
+ }
+ // wait for user input
+ getchar();
+ // Releasing resources
+ rp_Release();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ value = [1,1,1,1]
+ for i in range(4):
+ if len(sys.argv) > (i+2):
+ value[i] = sys.argv[i+2]
+ print ("Voltage setting for AO["+str(i)+"] = "+str(value[i])+"V")
+ for i in range(4):
+ rp_s.tx_txt('ANALOG:PIN AOUT' + str(i) + ',' + str(value[i]))
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Set-analog-voltage-on-slow-analog-output_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm3.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm3.rst
index 0078e216f..7e38c9096 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm3.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/ana-exm3.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,98 @@
Interactive voltage setting on slow analog output
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/interactive-voltage-setting-on-slow-analog-output-2/
+This example shows how to set analog voltage on slow analog Red Pitaya outputs using MATLAB slider. Slow analog
+outputs on Red Pitaya are in range from 0 to 1.8 Volts.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - Voltmeter
+.. image:: Set_analog_voltage_on_slow_analog_input1.png
+.. image:: Set_analog_voltage_on_slow_analog_input_circuit1.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ function sliderDemo
+ f = figure(1);
+ global p
+ %// initialize the slider
+ h = uicontrol(...
+ 'parent' , f,...
+ 'units' , 'normalized',... %// pixels settings
+ 'style' , 'slider',...
+ 'position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.05],...
+ 'min' , 1,... %// Make the "value" between min ...
+ 'max' , 100,... %// max 10, with initial value
+ 'value' , 10,... %// as set.
+ 'callback', @sliderCallback); %// This is called when using the
+ %// arrows
+ %// and/or when clicking the slider bar
+ hLstn = handle.listener(h,'ActionEvent',@sliderCallback);
+ %// (variable appears unused, but not assigning it to anything means that
+ %// the listener is stored in the 'ans' variable. If "ans" is overwritten,
+ %// the listener goes out of scope and is thus destroyed, and thus, it no
+ %// longer works.
+ function sliderCallback(~,~)
+ p =(get(h,'value'))
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ %% Set your output voltage value and pin
+ out_voltage = num2str((1.8/100)*p) % From 0 - 1.8 volts
+ out_num = '2'; % Analog outputs 0,1,2,3
+ %% Set your SCPI command with strcat function
+ scpi_command = strcat('ANALOG:PIN AOUT',out_num,',',out_voltage);
+ %% Send SCPI command to Red Pitaya
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,scpi_command);
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ end
+ end
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Interactive-voltage-setting-on-slow-analog-output_LV.png
+`Download `_
-`Interactive voltage setting on slow analog output `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/analog.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/analog.rst
index 2eb7b19b6..ceb2c1363 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/analog.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/analog.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Analog
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm1.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm1.rst
index 675ec214a..21e196ba8 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm1.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm1.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,152 @@
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/blink/
+This example shows how to control one of the Red Pitaya on board LEDs and make it blink.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - MATLAB ®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ %% Send SCPI command to Red Pitaya to turn ON LED1
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,1');
+ pause(5) % Set time of LED ON
+ %% Send SCPI command to Red Pitaya to turn OFF LED1
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,0');
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ view rawdigital_led_blink.m
+ Code - C
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
+ int unsigned period = 1000000; // uS
+ int unsigned led;
+ // index of blinking LED can be provided as an argument
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ led = atoi(argv[1]);
+ // otherwise LED 0 will blink
+ } else {
+ led = 0;
+ }
+ printf("Blinking LED[%u]\n", led);
+ led += RP_LED0;
+ // Initialization of API
+ if (rp_Init() != RP_OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Red Pitaya API init failed!\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ int unsigned retries = 1000;
+ while (retries--){
+ rp_DpinSetState(led, RP_HIGH);
+ usleep(period/2);
+ rp_DpinSetState(led, RP_LOW);
+ usleep(period/2);
+ }
+ // Releasing resources
+ rp_Release();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import time
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
+ led = int(sys.argv[2])
+ else:
+ led = 0
+ print ("Blinking LED["+str(led)+"]")
+ period = 1 # seconds
+ while 1:
+ time.sleep(period/2.0)
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN LED' + str(led) + ',' + str(1))
+ time.sleep(period/2.0)
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN LED' + str(led) + ',' + str(0))
+Code - Scilab
+.. code-block:: scilab
+ clc
+ // Load SOCKET Toolbox. Steps 7&8
+ exec(SCI+'contribsocket_toolbox_2.0.1loader.sce');
+ SOCKET_init();
+ IP= '';
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj='RedPitaya';
+ SOCKET_open(tcpipObj,IP,port);
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,1');
+ xpause(5*1E+6)
+ SOCKET_write(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,0');
+ SOCKET_close(tcpipObj);
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Blink_LV.png
+`Download `_
-`Blink `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm2.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm2.rst
index 613e9576b..02c40f052 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm2.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm2.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,115 @@
Bar graph with LEDs
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. `Bar graph with LEDs `_
-`Bar graph with LEDs `_
+This example shows how to make a bar graph by controlling Red Pitaya on board LEDs.
+The number of LEDs that will be turned ON, corresponds to the value of variable p.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: RP-circuit-e1421258707736-300x212.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, input value p save project and press run. Change p from 0-100 and press run.
+ .. code-block:: matlab
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ %% Define value p from 0 - 100 %
+ p = 67; % Set value of p
+ if p >=(100/7)
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*2
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*3
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*4
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*5
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*6
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*7
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,0')
+ end
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
+ percent = int(sys.argv[2])
+ else:
+ percent = 50
+ print ("Bar showing "+str(percent)+"%")
+ for i in range(8):
+ if (percent > (i * (100.0/8))):
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN LED' + str(i) + ',' + str(1))
+ else:
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN LED' + str(i) + ',' + str(0))
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Bar-graph-with-LEDs_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm3.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm3.rst
index 47c0bc842..61b985a27 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm3.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm3.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,143 @@
Push button and turn on LED diode
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. `Push button and turn on LED diode `_
-`Push button and turn on LED diode `_
+This example shows how to control Red Pitaya on board LEDs and read states of extension connector GPIOs.
+LED will turn ON, when button is pressed.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+ - Push button
+ - Resistor 1K
+ - RedPitaya_Push_button
+.. image:: RedPitaya_Push_button.png
+.. image:: RedPitaya_Push_button_circuit.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN:DIR IN,DIO5_N'); % Set DIO5_N to be input
+ i=1;
+ while i<1000 % You can set while 1 for continuous loop
+ state=str2num(query(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN? DIO5_N'));
+ if state==1
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,0');
+ end
+ if state==0
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,1');
+ end
+ pause(0.1) % Set time delay for Red Pitaya response
+ i=i+1
+ end
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main (int argc, char **argv) {
+ rp_pinState_t state;
+ // Initialization of API
+ if (rp_Init() != RP_OK) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Red Pitaya API init failed!\n");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // configure DIO[0:7]_N to inputs
+ for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ rp_DpinSetDirection (i+RP_DIO0_N, RP_IN);
+ }
+ // transfer each input state to the corresponding LED state
+ while (1) {
+ for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ rp_DpinGetState (i+RP_DIO0_N, &state);
+ rp_DpinSetState (i+RP_LED0, state);
+ }
+ }
+ // Releasing resources
+ rp_Release();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ # set all DIO*_N pins to inputs
+ for i in range(8):
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN:DIR IN,DIO'+str(i)+'_N')
+ # copy DIOi_N pin state to LEDi state fir each i [0:7]
+ while 1:
+ for i in range(8):
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN? DIO'+str(i)+'_N')
+ state = rp_s.rx_txt()
+ rp_s.tx_txt('DIG:PIN LED'+str(i)+','+str(state))
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Push-button-and-turn-on-LED_LV.png
+`Dowload file 1 `_
+`Dowload file 2 `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm4.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm4.rst
index 30f151160..501c459e5 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm4.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/dig-exm4.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,128 @@
Interactive LED bar graph
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/interactive-led-bar-graph/
-`Interactive LED bar graph `_
+This example shows how to make a bar graph by controlling Red Pitaya on board LEDs.
+The number of LEDs that will be turned ON, corresponds to the value of variable p
+that can be set by MATLAB® slider bar.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: RP-circuit-e1421258707736-300x212.png
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, input value p save project and press run. Change p with slider bar from 0-100.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ function sliderDemo
+ f = figure(1);
+ global p
+ %// initialize the slider
+ h = uicontrol(...
+ 'parent' , f,...
+ 'units' , 'normalized',... %// pixels settings
+ 'style' , 'slider',...
+ 'position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.05],...
+ 'min' , 1,... %// Make the "value" between min ...
+ 'max' , 100,... %// max 10, with initial value
+ 'value' , 10,... %// as set.
+ 'callback', @sliderCallback); %// This is called when using the
+ %// arrows
+ %// and/or when clicking the slider bar
+ hLstn = handle.listener(h,'ActionEvent',@sliderCallback);
+ %// (variable appears unused, but not assigning it to anything means that
+ %// the listener is stored in the 'ans' variable. If "ans" is overwritten,
+ %// the listener goes out of scope and is thus destroyed, and thus, it no
+ %// longer works.
+ function sliderCallback(~,~)
+ p =(get(h,'value'))
+ % Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ if p >=(100/7)
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED1,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*2
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED2,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*3
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED3,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*4
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED4,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*5
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED5,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*6
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED6,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/7)*7
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED7,0')
+ end
+ if p >=(100/8)*7
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED8,1')
+ else
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'DIG:PIN LED8,0')
+ end
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ end
+ end
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Interactive-LED-bar-graph_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digcomIF.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digcomIF.rst
index 2d29c4810..31f532ff7 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digcomIF.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digcomIF.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Digital communication interfaces
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digital.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digital.rst
index 71076090d..833e84371 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digital.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/digital.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Digital
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/examples.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/examples.rst
index 525e3dd67..07af5d184 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/examples.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/examples.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ We believe in enpowering individuals to conduct their own education, discover th
ideas with other passionate people.
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm1.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm1.rst
index 0f6eb5579..dc70561c6 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm1.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm1.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,113 @@
Generate continuous signal
-`Generate continuous signal `_
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/generate-continuous-signal-on-fast-analog-outputs/
+This example shows how to program Red Pitaya to generate analog 2kHz sine wave signal with 1V amplitude. Red Pitaya is
+able to generate signals in range from DC to 50 MHz with output voltage range from -1 to 1 Volt. Generated signal can
+be observed by an Oscilloscope.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'GEN:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC SINE'); % Set function of output signal
+ % {sine, square, triangle, sawu,sawd, pwm}
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 2000'); % Set frequency of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 1'); % Set amplitude of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON'); % Set output to ON
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ view rawgenerate_continuous.m
+ Code - C
+ /* Red Pitaya C API example Generating continuous signal
+ * This application generates a specific signal */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* Print error, if rp_Init() function failed */
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ /* Generating frequency */
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_1, 10000.0);
+ /* Generating amplitude */
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_1, 1.0);
+ /* Generating wave form */
+ rp_GenWaveform(RP_CH_1, RP_WAVEFORM_SINE);
+ /* Enable channel */
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_1);
+ /* Releasing resources */
+ rp_Release();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ view rawgenerate_continuous.c
+ Code - Python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ wave_form = 'sine'
+ freq = 10000
+ ampl = 1
+ rp_s.tx_txt('GEN:RST')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FUNC ' + str(wave_form).upper())
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FREQ:FIX ' + str(freq))
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:VOLT ' + str(ampl))
+ #Enable output
+ rp_s.tx_txt('OUTPUT1:STATE ON')
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Generate-continuous-signal_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm2.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm2.rst
index d7b24d03f..3ecac8664 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm2.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm2.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,129 @@
Generate signal pulses
-`Generate signal pulses `_
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/generate-signal-pulses/
+This example shows how to generate signal pulses of predefined signal waveforms like sine, triangle, square, ramp up,
+ramp down or pwm). Generated signal can be observed by an Oscilloscope.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code from below to
+MATLAB editor, save project and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ clc
+ clear all
+ close all
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000; % If you are using WiFi then IP is:
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port); %
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ %% The example generate sine bursts every 0.5 seconds indefinety
+ %fprintf(tcpipObj,'GEN:RST');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC SINE');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 1000'); % Set frequency of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 1'); % Set amplitude of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON'); % Set burst mode to ON
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 1'); % Set 1 pulses of sine wave
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:NOR 1000'); % Infinity number of sine wave pulses
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:INT:PER 5000'); % Set time of burst period in microseconds = 5 * 1/Frequency * 1000000
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:TRIG:IMM'); % Set generator trigger to immediately
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON'); % Set output to ON
+ %% Close connection with Red Pitaya
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* Red Pitaya C API example Generating signal pulse on an external trigger
+ * This application generates a specific signal */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* Burst count */
+ /* Print error, if rp_Init() function failed */
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ rp_GenWaveform(RP_CH_1, RP_WAVEFORM_SINE);
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_1, 1000);
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_1, 1.0);
+ rp_GenMode(RP_CH_1, RP_GEN_MODE_BURST);
+ rp_GenBurstCount(RP_CH_1, 1);
+ rp_GenBurstRepetitions(RP_CH_1, 10000);
+ rp_GenBurstPeriod(RP_CH_1, 5000);
+ rp_GenTrigger(1);
+ sleep(1);
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_1);
+ rp_Release();
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ wave_form = 'sine'
+ freq = 10000
+ ampl = 1
+ rp_s.tx_txt('GEN:RST')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FUNC ' + str(wave_form).upper())
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FREQ:FIX ' + str(freq))
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:VOLT ' + str(ampl))
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 2')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('OUTPUT1:STATE ON')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:TRIG:SOUR INT')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:TRIG:IMM')
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Generate-signal-pulses_LV.png
+`Downloads `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm3.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm3.rst
index a71542081..dffcfba87 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm3.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm3.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,129 @@
Generate signal on external trigger
-`Generate signal on external trigger `_
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/generate-signal-on-fast-analog-outputs-with-external-triggering/
+This example shows how to program Red Pitaya to generate analog signal on external trigger. Red Pitaya will first wait
+for trigger from external source and start generating desired signal right after trigger condition is met. Red Pitaya
+is able to generate signals in range from DC to 50 MHz with output voltage range from -1 to 1 Volt. Generated signal
+can be observed by an Oscilloscope.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code to MATLAB editor
+and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ clc
+ clear all
+ close all
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ flushinput(tcpipObj)
+ flushoutput(tcpipObj)
+ %% Generate
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC SINE'); % Set function of output signal {sine, square, triangle,sawu,sawd, pwm}
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 200'); % Set frequency of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 1'); % Set amplitude of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 1'); % Set 1 pulses of sine wave
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON'); % Set output to ON
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON'); % Set burst mode to ON
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:TRIG:SOUR EXT_PE'); % Set generator trigger to external
+ % For generating signal pulses you trigger signal frequency must be less than
+ % frequency of generating signal pulses. If you have trigger signal frequency
+ % higher than frequency of generating signal pulses
+ % on output you will get continuous signal instead of pulses
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+ view rawgenerate_burst_trigger_external.m
+ Code - C
+ /* Red Pitaya external trigger pulse generation Example */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ /* Print error, if rp_Init() function failed */
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ rp_GenWaveform(RP_CH_1, RP_WAVEFORM_SINE);
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_1, 200);
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_1, 1);
+ rp_GenBurstCount(RP_CH_1, 1);
+ /* Enable output channel */
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_1);
+ rp_GenMode(RP_CH_1, RP_GEN_MODE_BURST);
+ rp_GenTriggerSource(RP_CH_1, RP_GEN_TRIG_SRC_EXT_PE);
+ /* Release rp resources */
+ rp_Release();
+ return 0;
+ }
+Code - Python
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ import sys
+ import redpitaya_scpi as scpi
+ rp_s = scpi.scpi(sys.argv[1])
+ wave_form = 'sine'
+ freq = 10000
+ ampl = 1
+ rp_s.tx_txt('GEN:RST')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FUNC ' + str(wave_form).upper())
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:FREQ:FIX ' + str(freq))
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:VOLT ' + str(ampl))
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 2')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('OUTPUT1:STATE ON')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON')
+ rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:TRIG:SOUR EXT_PE')
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Generate-signal-on-external-trigger_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm4.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm4.rst
index 34cdfc571..36d591a2d 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm4.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF-exm4.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,150 @@
Custom waveform signal generation
-`Custom waveform signal generation `_
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/custom-signal-generating
+This example shows how to program Red Pitaya to generate custom waveform signal. Red Pitaya is able to generate
+signals in range from DC to 50 MHz with output voltage range from -1 to 1 Volt. Generated signal can be observed by an
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - MATLAB®
+The code is written in MATLAB. In the code we use SCPI commands and TCP/IP communication. Copy code to MATLAB editor
+and press run.
+.. code-block:: matlab
+ %% Define Red Pitaya as TCP/IP object
+ clc
+ clear all
+ close all
+ IP= ''; % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
+ port = 5000;
+ tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
+ tcpipObj.InputBufferSize = 16384*64;
+ tcpipObj.OutputBufferSize = 16384*64;
+ flushinput(tcpipObj)
+ flushoutput(tcpipObj)
+ %% Open connection with your Red Pitaya and close previous
+ x=instrfind;
+ fclose(x);
+ fopen(tcpipObj);
+ tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';
+ %% Calcualte arbitrary waveform with 16384 samples
+ % Values of arbitrary waveform must be in range from -1 to 1.
+ N=16383;
+ t=0:(2*pi)/N:2*pi;
+ x=sin(t)+1/3*sin(3*t);
+ y=1/2*sin(t)+1/4*sin(4*t);
+ plot(t,x,t,y)
+ grid on
+ %% Convert waveforms to string with 5 decimal places accuracy
+ waveform_ch_1_0 =num2str(x,'%1.5f,');
+ waveform_ch_2_0 =num2str(y,'%1.5f,');
+ % latest are empty spaces “,”.
+ waveform_ch_1 =waveform_ch_1_0(1,1:length(waveform_ch_1_0)-3);
+ waveform_ch_2 =waveform_ch_2_0(1,1:length(waveform_ch_2_0)-3);
+ %%
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'GEN:RST') % Reset to default settings
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC ARBITRARY'); % Set function of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR2:FUNC ARBITRARY'); % {sine, square, triangle, sawu, sawd}
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,['SOUR1:TRAC:DATA:DATA ' waveform_ch_1]) % Send waveforms to Red Pitya
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,['SOUR2:TRAC:DATA:DATA ' waveform_ch_2])
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 0.7'); % Set amplitude of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR2:VOLT 1');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 4000'); % Set frequency of output signal
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR2:FREQ:FIX 4000');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON');
+ fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT2:STATE ON');
+ fclose(tcpipObj);
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include "redpitaya/rp.h"
+ #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+ int main(int argc, char **argv){
+ int i;
+ int buff_size = 16384;
+ /* Print error, if rp_Init() function failed */
+ if(rp_Init() != RP_OK){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Rp api init failed!\n");
+ }
+ float *t = (float *)malloc(buff_size * sizeof(float));
+ float *x = (float *)malloc(buff_size * sizeof(float));
+ float *y = (float *)malloc(buff_size * sizeof(float));
+ for(i = 1; i < buff_size; i++){
+ t[i] = (2 * M_PI) / buff_size * i;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < buff_size; ++i){
+ x[i] = sin(t[i]) + ((1.0/3.0) * sin(t[i] * 3));
+ y[i] = (1.0/2.0) * sin(t[i]) + (1.0/4.0) * sin(t[i] * 4);
+ }
+ rp_GenArbWaveform(RP_CH_1, x, buff_size);
+ rp_GenArbWaveform(RP_CH_2, y, buff_size);
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_1, 0.7);
+ rp_GenAmp(RP_CH_2, 1.0);
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_1, 4000.0);
+ rp_GenFreq(RP_CH_2, 4000.0);
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_1);
+ rp_GenOutEnable(RP_CH_2);
+ /* Releasing resources */
+ free(y);
+ free(x);
+ free(t);
+ rp_Release();
+ }
+Code - LabVIEW
+.. image:: Custom-wavefrom-signal-generator_LV.png
+`Download `_
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF.rst
index 1ecf8a808..7b777fe3c 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/genRF.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Generating signals at RF outputs (125 MS/s)
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db42f44c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output_circuit1.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output_circuit1.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b267287fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/generate_continous_signal_on_fast_analog_output_circuit1.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/i2c.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/i2c.rst
index 1cac60c63..d0d0cb352 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/i2c.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/i2c.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,240 @@
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/i2c/
-`I2C `_
+This example demonstrates communication with the EEPROM memory on red pitaya using the I2C protocol. The code below
+writes a message to a given address inside the EEPROM and then prints the entire EEPROM contents.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* @brief This is a simple application for testing IIC communication on a RedPitaya
+ * @Author Luka Golinar
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya http://www.redpitaya.com
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #define I2C_SLAVE_FORCE 0x0706
+ #define I2C_SLAVE 0x0703 /* Change slave address */
+ #define I2C_FUNCS 0x0705 /* Get the adapter functionality */
+ #define I2C_RDWR 0x0707 /* Combined R/W transfer (one stop only)*/
+ #define EEPROM_ADDR 0x50
+ /*
+ * Page size of the EEPROM. This depends on the type of the EEPROM available
+ * on board.
+ */
+ #define PAGESIZE 32
+ /* eeprom size on a redpitaya */
+ #define EEPROMSIZE 64*1024/8
+ /* Inline functions definition */
+ static int iic_read(char *buffer, int offset, int size);
+ static int iic_write(char *data, int offset, int size);
+ /*
+ * File descriptors
+ */
+ int fd;
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ int status;
+ /* Read buffer to hold the data */
+ char *buffer = (char *)malloc(EEPROMSIZE * sizeof(char));
+ size_t size = strlen(data);
+ /* Sample offset inside an eeprom */
+ int offset = 0x100;
+ /*
+ * Open the device.
+ */
+ fd = open("/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR);
+ if(fd < 0)
+ {
+ printf("Cannot open the IIC device\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ status = ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE_FORCE, EEPROM_ADDR);
+ if(status < 0)
+ {
+ printf("Unable to set the EEPROM address\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Write to redpitaya eeprom */
+ status = iic_write((char *)data, offset, size);
+ if(status){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot Write to EEPROM\n");
+ close(fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Read from redpitaya eeprom */
+ status = iic_read(buffer, EEPROM_ADDR, EEPROMSIZE);
+ if (status)
+ {
+ printf("Cannot Read from EEPROM \n");
+ close(fd);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("eerprom test successfull.\n");
+ /* Release allocations */
+ close(fd);
+ free(buffer);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Read the data from the EEPROM.
+ *
+ * @param read buffer -- input buffer for data storage
+ * @param off set -- eeprom memory space offset
+ * @param size -- size of read data
+ * @return iicRead status
+ *
+ * @note None. */
+ static int iic_read(char *buffer, int offset, int size)
+ {
+ ssize_t bytes_written;
+ ssize_t bytes_read;
+ uint8_t write_buffer[2];
+ /*
+ * Load the offset address inside EEPROM where data need to be written.
+ * Supported for BigEndian and LittleEndian CPU's
+ */
+ write_buffer[0] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 8);
+ write_buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(offset);
+ /* Write the bytes onto the bus */
+ bytes_written = write(fd, write_buffer, 2);
+ if(bytes_written < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "EEPROM write address error.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read the bytes.
+ */
+ printf ("Performing Read operation.\n");
+ /* Read bytes from the bus */
+ bytes_read = read(fd, buffer, size);
+ if(bytes_read < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "EEPROM read error.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printf("Read EEPROM Succesful\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int iic_write(char *data, int offset, int size){
+ /* variable declaration */
+ int bytes_written;
+ int write_bytes;
+ int index;
+ /* Check for limits */
+ if(size > PAGESIZE){
+ write_bytes = PAGESIZE;
+ }else{
+ write_bytes = size;
+ }
+ /* Number of needed loops to send all the data.
+ * Limit data size per transmission is PAGESIZE */
+ int loop = 0;
+ while(size > 0){
+ /* buffer size is PAGESIZE per transmission */
+ uint8_t write_buffer[32 + 2];
+ /*
+ * Load the offset address inside EEPROM where data need to be written.
+ * Supported for BigEndian and LittleEndian CPU's
+ */
+ write_buffer[0] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 8);
+ write_buffer[1] = (uint8_t)(offset);
+ for(index = 0; index < PAGESIZE; index++){
+ write_buffer[index + 2] = data[index + (PAGESIZE * loop)];
+ }
+ /* Write the bytes onto the bus */
+ bytes_written = write(fd, write_buffer, write_bytes + 2);
+ /* Wait till the EEPROM internally completes the write cycle */
+ sleep(2);
+ if(bytes_written != write_bytes+2){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write to EEPROM\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* written bytes minus the offset addres of two */
+ size -= bytes_written - 2;
+ /* Increment offset */
+ offset += PAGESIZE;
+ /* Check for limits for the new message */
+ if(size > PAGESIZE){
+ write_bytes = PAGESIZE;
+ }else{
+ write_bytes = size;
+ }
+ loop++;
+ }
+ printf("\nWrite EEPROM Succesful\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55e9be730
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45cc214ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_external_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec5e07e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf96ce24d
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/on_given_trigger_acquire_signal_on_fast_analog_input_circuit.png differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/output_y49qDi.gif b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/output_y49qDi.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46371566e
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/output_y49qDi.gif differ
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/spi.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/spi.rst
index 788afe81a..4bbcd9f36 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/spi.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/spi.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,212 @@
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
-`SPI `_
+This example shows communication with the red pitaya SPI Micron flash chip. The code below simulates a simple loop
+back writing and then getting the flash ID of red pitaya SPI flash chip operation.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* @brief This is a simple application for testing SPI communication on a RedPitaya
+ * @Author Luka Golinar
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya http://www.redpitaya.com
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ /* Inline functions definition */
+ static int init_spi();
+ static int release_spi();
+ static int read_flash_id(int fd);
+ static int write_spi(char *write_data, int size);
+ /* Constants definition */
+ int spi_fd = -1;
+ int main(void){
+ /* Sample data */
+ char *data = "REDPITAYA SPI TEST";
+ /* Init the spi resources */
+ if(init_spi() < 0){
+ printf("Initialization of SPI failed. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Write some sample data */
+ if(write_spi(data, strlen(data)) < 0){
+ printf("Write to SPI failed. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Read flash ID and some sample loopback data */
+ if(read_flash_id(spi_fd) < 0){
+ printf("Error reading from SPI bus : %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Release resources */
+ if(release_spi() < 0){
+ printf("Relase of SPI resources failed, Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int init_spi(){
+ /* MODES: mode |= SPI_LOOP;
+ * mode |= SPI_CPHA;
+ * mode |= SPI_CPOL;
+ * mode |= SPI_LSB_FIRST;
+ * mode |= SPI_CS_HIGH;
+ * mode |= SPI_3WIRE;
+ * mode |= SPI_NO_CS;
+ * mode |= SPI_READY;
+ *
+ * multiple possibilities possible using | */
+ int mode = 0;
+ /* Opening file stream */
+ spi_fd = open("/dev/spidev1.0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+ if(spi_fd < 0){
+ printf("Error opening spidev0.1. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Setting mode (CPHA, CPOL) */
+ if(ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MODE, &mode) < 0){
+ printf("Error setting SPI_IOC_RD_MODE. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Setting SPI bus speed */
+ int spi_speed = 1000000;
+ if(ioctl(spi_fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &spi_speed) < 0){
+ printf("Error setting SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int release_spi(){
+ /* Release the spi resources */
+ close(spi_fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Read data from the SPI bus */
+ static int read_flash_id(int fd){
+ int size = 2;
+ /*struct spi_ioc_transfer {
+ __u64 tx_buf;
+ __u64 rx_buf;
+ __u32 len;
+ __u32 speed_hz;
+ __u16 delay_usecs;
+ __u8 bits_per_word;
+ __u8 cs_change;
+ __u32 pad;
+ }*/
+ /* If the contents of 'struct spi_ioc_transfer' ever change
+ * incompatibly, then the ioctl number (currently 0) must change;
+ * ioctls with constant size fields get a bit more in the way of
+ * error checking than ones (like this) where that field varies.
+ *
+ * NOTE: struct layout is the same in 64bit and 32bit userspace.*/
+ struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer[size];
+ unsigned char buf0[1];
+ unsigned char buf1[3];
+ int status;
+ memset(xfer, 0, sizeof xfer);
+ /* RDID command */
+ buf0[0] = 0x9f;
+ /* Some sample data */
+ buf1[0] = 0x01;
+ buf1[1] = 0x23;
+ buf1[2] = 0x45;
+ /* RDID buffer */
+ xfer[0].tx_buf = (__u64)((__u32)buf0);
+ xfer[0].rx_buf = (__u64)((__u32)buf0);
+ xfer[0].len = 1;
+ /* Sample loopback buffer */
+ xfer[1].tx_buf = (__u64)((__u32)buf1);
+ xfer[1].rx_buf = (__u64)((__u32)buf1);
+ xfer[1].len = 3;
+ /* ioctl function arguments
+ * arg[0] - file descriptor
+ * arg[1] - message number
+ * arg[2] - spi_ioc_transfer structure
+ */
+ status = ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(2), xfer);
+ if (status < 0) {
+ perror("SPI_IOC_MESSAGE");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Print read buffer */
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ printf("Buffer: %d\n", buf1[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Write data to the SPI bus */
+ static int write_spi(char *write_buffer, int size){
+ int write_spi = write(spi_fd, write_buffer, strlen(write_buffer));
+ if(write_spi < 0){
+ printf("Failed to write to SPI. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/uart.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/uart.rst
index 580278854..6c55cc354 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/examples/uart.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/examples/uart.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,201 @@
-.. TODO zamenjaj linke z vsebino
+.. http://blog.redpitaya.com/examples-new/uart/
-`UART `_
+This example demonstrates communication using the red pitaya uart protocol. The code below simulates a loop back
+sending a message from the uart TX connector to the uart RX connector on red pitaya.
+Required hardware
+ - Red Pitaya
+.. image:: output_y49qDi.gif
+Code - C
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* @brief This is a simple application for testing UART communication on a RedPitaya
+ * @Author Luka Golinar
+ *
+ * (c) Red Pitaya http://www.redpitaya.com
+ *
+ * This part of code is written in C programming language.
+ * Please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)
+ * for more details on the language used herein.
+ */
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include
+ #include //Used for UART
+ #include //Used for UART
+ #include //Used for UART
+ #include
+ /* Inline function definition */
+ static int uart_init();
+ static int release();
+ static int uart_read(int size);
+ static int uart_write();
+ /* File descriptor definition */
+ int uart_fd = -1;
+ static int uart_init(){
+ uart_fd = open("/dev/ttyPS1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
+ if(uart_fd == -1){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open uart.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ struct termios settings;
+ tcgetattr(uart_fd, &settings);
+ * The flags (defined in /usr/include/termios.h - see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/termios.h.html):
+ * Baud rate:- B1200, B2400, B4800, B9600, B19200, B38400, B57600, B115200, B230400, B460800, B500000, B576000, B921600, B1000000, B1152000, B1500000, B2000000, B2500000, B3000000, B3500000, B4000000
+ * CSIZE:- CS5, CS6, CS7, CS8
+ * CLOCAL - Ignore modem status lines
+ * CREAD - Enable receiver
+ * IGNPAR = Ignore characters with parity errors
+ * ICRNL - Map CR to NL on input (Use for ASCII comms where you want to auto correct end of line characters - don't use for bianry comms!)
+ * PARENB - Parity enable
+ * PARODD - Odd parity (else even) */
+ /* Set baud rate - default set to 9600Hz */
+ speed_t baud_rate = B9600;
+ /* Baud rate fuctions
+ * cfsetospeed - Set output speed
+ * cfsetispeed - Set input speed
+ * cfsetspeed - Set both output and input speed */
+ cfsetspeed(&settings, baud_rate);
+ settings.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; /* no parity */
+ settings.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; /* 1 stop bit */
+ settings.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
+ settings.c_cflag |= CS8 | CLOCAL; /* 8 bits */
+ settings.c_lflag = ICANON; /* canonical mode */
+ settings.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; /* raw output */
+ /* Setting attributes */
+ tcflush(uart_fd, TCIFLUSH);
+ tcsetattr(uart_fd, TCSANOW, &settings);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int uart_read(int size){
+ /* Read some sample data from RX UART */
+ /* Don't block serial read */
+ fcntl(uart_fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
+ while(1){
+ if(uart_fd == -1){
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read from UART.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unsigned char rx_buffer[size];
+ int rx_length = read(uart_fd, (void*)rx_buffer, size);
+ if (rx_length < 0){
+ /* No data yet avaliable, check again */
+ if(errno == EAGAIN){
+ fprintf(stderr, "AGAIN!\n");
+ continue;
+ /* Error differs */
+ }else{
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }else if (rx_length == 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "No data waiting\n");
+ /* Print data and exit while loop */
+ }else{
+ rx_buffer[rx_length] = '\0';
+ printf("%i bytes read : %s\n", rx_length, rx_buffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int uart_write(char *data){
+ /* Write some sample data into UART */
+ /* ----- TX BYTES ----- */
+ int msg_len = strlen(data);
+ int count = 0;
+ char tx_buffer[msg_len+1];
+ strncpy(tx_buffer, data, msg_len);
+ tx_buffer[msg_len++] = 0x0a; //New line numerical value
+ if(uart_fd != -1){
+ count = write(uart_fd, &tx_buffer, (msg_len));
+ }
+ if(count < 0){
+ fprintf(stderr, "UART TX error.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static int release(){
+ tcflush(uart_fd, TCIFLUSH);
+ close(uart_fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
+ char *data = "HELLO WOLRD!";
+ /* uart init */
+ if(uart_init() < 0){
+ printf("Uart init error.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Sample write */
+ if(uart_write(data) < 0){
+ printf("Uart write error\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Sample read */
+ if(uart_read(strlen(data)) < 0){
+ printf("Uart read error\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ release();
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/marketplace/marketplace.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/marketplace/marketplace.rst
index 993c29c01..a6c1925ea 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/marketplace/marketplace.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/marketplace/marketplace.rst
@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ Manually downloading and installing free applications
If you have problems with installing free applications via
-Bazaar web page or your Red Pitaya doesn’t have an internet access,
+`Bazaar web page `_
+or your Red Pitaya doesn’t have an internet access,
here are the instructions on how to install free applications manually.
#. Download ``appname.zip`` file of the desired application from
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/newtworkManager.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/newtworkManager.rst
index 54984c189..b4ada6e31 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/newtworkManager.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/newtworkManager.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Network Manager - how to connect
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/SCPI_commands.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/SCPI_commands.rst
index 520ed2a26..3e7bc91ea 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/SCPI_commands.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/SCPI_commands.rst
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ Parameter options:
| | ``SOUR2:FUNC TRIANGLE`` | | |
| | ``SOUR:VOLT `` | ``rp_GenAmp`` | | Set amplitude voltage of fast analog outputs. |
-| | Examples: | | | Amplitude + offset value must be less than maximum output range +/- 1V |
+| | Examples: | | | Amplitude + offset value must be less than maximum output range ± 1V |
| | ``SOUR2:VOLT 0.5`` | | |
| | ``SOUR:VOLT:OFFS `` | ``rp_GenOffset`` | | Set offset voltage of fast analog outputs. |
-| | Examples: | | | Amplitude + offset value must be less than maximum output range +/- 1V |
+| | Examples: | | | Amplitude + offset value must be less than maximum output range ± 1V |
| | ``SOUR1:VOLT:OFFS 0.2`` | | |
| | ``SOUR:PHAS `` | ``rp_GenPhase`` | Set phase of fast analog outputs. |
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/remoteControl.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/remoteControl.rst
index 4a86849e4..13c2734cb 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/remoteControl.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/remoteControl/remoteControl.rst
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ Features
- Incorporate your STEMLab and Labview into testing and production lines
- Take quick measurements directly with your PC
+How to
In order to execute your Matlab, Labview, Scilab or Python
scripts on the STEMLab board first you need to start SCPI server.
diff --git a/doc/appsFeatures/visualProgramming/visualProgramming.rst b/doc/appsFeatures/visualProgramming/visualProgramming.rst
index 826385897..4e20d6f05 100644
--- a/doc/appsFeatures/visualProgramming/visualProgramming.rst
+++ b/doc/appsFeatures/visualProgramming/visualProgramming.rst
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ This set of connectors is partially compatible with the Arduino shield connector
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
Sensor information Connector
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
`Temperature sensor `_ AI
`Motion sensor `_ DIO
`Touch sensor `_ DIO
@@ -204,31 +204,31 @@ Barometer ``not supported at the moment``
`Sound sensor `_ AI
`UV sensor `_ AI
Accelerometer ``not supported at the moment`` I2C
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
Actuators Connector
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
`Relay `_ DIO
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
Indicators Connector
-======================================================================================== ==========
+======================================================================================== ============
`Buzzer `_ DIO
7 segment display Digital pins
LED bar Digital pins
Groove LCD Digital pins
LCD Digital pins
-======================================================================================== ==================
+======================================================================================== ============
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/125-14/fastIO.rst b/doc/developerGuide/125-14/fastIO.rst
index 349031f55..b0efffd09 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/125-14/fastIO.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/125-14/fastIO.rst
@@ -63,6 +63,49 @@ Start your Red Pitaya and connect to it via Terminal.
redpitaya> calib
+ Usage: calib [OPTION]...
+ -r Read calibration values from eeprom (to stdout).
+ -w Write calibration values to eeprom (from stdin).
+ -f Use factory address space.
+ -d Reset calibration values in eeprom with factory defaults.
+ -v Produce verbose output.
+ -h Print this info.
+The EEPROM is a non-volatile memory, therefore the calibration coefficients
+will not change during Red Pitaya power cycles,
+nor will they change with software upgrades via Bazaar
+or with manual modifications of the SD card content.
+Example of calibration parameters readout from EEPROM with verbose output:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ redpitaya> calib -r -v
+ FE_CH1_FS_G_HI = 45870551 # IN1 gain coefficient for LV (± 1V range) jumper configuration.
+ FE_CH2_FS_G_HI = 45870551 # IN2 gain coefficient for LV (± 1V range) jumper configuration.
+ FE_CH1_FS_G_LO = 1016267064 # IN1 gain coefficient for HV (± 20V range) jumper configuration.
+ FE_CH2_FS_G_LO = 1016267064 # IN2 gain coefficient for HV (± 20V range) jumper configuration.
+ FE_CH1_DC_offs = 78 # IN1 DC offset in ADC samples.
+ FE_CH2_DC_offs = 25 # IN2 DC offset in ADC samples.
+ BE_CH1_FS = 42755331 # OUT1 gain coefficient.
+ BE_CH2_FS = 42755331 # OUT2 gain coefficient.
+ BE_CH1_DC_offs = -150 # OUT1 DC offset in DAC samples.
+ BE_CH2_DC_offs = -150 # OUT2 DC offset in DAC samples.
+Example of the same calibration parameters readout from EEPROM with non-verbose output, suitable for editing within
+ redpitaya> calib -r
+ 45870551 45870551 1016267064 1016267064
+You can write changed calibration parameters using **calib -w** command:
+1. Type calib -w in to command line (terminal)
+2. Press enter
+3. Paste or write new calibration parameters
+4. Press enter
Usage: calib [OPTION]...
@@ -140,9 +183,9 @@ INPUTS
Parameter Jumper settings Value
=========================== =============== ===========
DC GAIN ACCURACY @ 122 kS/s LV 0.2%
-DC OFFSET @ 122 kS/s LV +/- 0.5 mV
+DC OFFSET @ 122 kS/s LV ± 0.5 mV
DC GAIN ACCURACY @ 122 kS/s HV 0.5%
-DC OFFSET @ 122 kS/s HV +/- 5 mV
+DC OFFSET @ 122 kS/s HV ± 5 mV
=========================== =============== ===========
AC gain accuracy can be extracted form Frequency response - Bandwidth.
@@ -163,7 +206,7 @@ classical Oscilloscopes. To achieve calibration results given below, Red Pitaya
Parameter Value
================= ==========
-DC OFFSET +/- 4 mV
RIPPLE(@ 0.5V DC) 0.4 mVpp
================= ==========
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/125-14/top.rst b/doc/developerGuide/125-14/top.rst
index 9a5f2115d..bea448394 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/125-14/top.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/125-14/top.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ STEM 125-14
.. TODO overview
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/console/console.rst b/doc/developerGuide/console/console.rst
index 974892558..e6bb7ad82 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/console/console.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/console/console.rst
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ Connect your Red Pitaya and PC with micro USB B to USB A cable and follow the in
-Download and install the `FTD driver `_ to your PC. After installation, a new
-COM port will appear in the Device Manager you can use in Hyperterminal or another terminal utility to connect to Red
+Download and install the `FTD driver `_ to your PC. After installation, a
+new COM port will appear in the Device Manager you can use in Hyperterminal or another terminal utility to connect to
+Red Pitaya.
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/devGuideTop.rst b/doc/developerGuide/devGuideTop.rst
index efaefd714..3fcd77bb6 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/devGuideTop.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/devGuideTop.rst
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Developers guide
.. webApp
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/hardware.rst b/doc/developerGuide/hardware.rst
index 1ef7bb14c..ab293b5d7 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/hardware.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/hardware.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Hardware
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/software.rst b/doc/developerGuide/software.rst
index fa0668df1..3fb4b9a7d 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/software.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/software.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Software
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 6
diff --git a/doc/developerGuide/ssh/ssh.rst b/doc/developerGuide/ssh/ssh.rst
index bac4630db..03ae07036 100644
--- a/doc/developerGuide/ssh/ssh.rst
+++ b/doc/developerGuide/ssh/ssh.rst
@@ -11,13 +11,11 @@ Access information for SSH connection:
Connection instructions are available for:
-* :ref:`Windows `,
-* :ref:`Linux `,
-* :ref:`macOS `.
-.. _windows:
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 1
@@ -40,9 +38,6 @@ Command prompt pops-up after login is successful.
Figure: SSH connection via PuTTy
-.. _linux:
@@ -56,9 +51,6 @@ Start Terminal and type (replace IP address with the right one):
Red Pitaya GNU/Linux/Ecosystem version 0.90-299
-.. _macos:
diff --git a/doc/quickStart/SDcard/SDcard.rst b/doc/quickStart/SDcard/SDcard.rst
index ecd1587e0..418e8173e 100644
--- a/doc/quickStart/SDcard/SDcard.rst
+++ b/doc/quickStart/SDcard/SDcard.rst
@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ The next procedure will create a clean SD card.
#. Write the image onto a SD card. Instructions are available for various operating systems:
- * :ref:`Windows ` (GUI),
- * :ref:`Linux ` (:ref:`GUI `/:ref:`CLI `),
- * :ref:`macOS ` (:ref:`GUI `/:ref:`CLI `).
+.. contents::
+ :local:
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 1
This instructions are based on similar instructions for
`Raspberry Pi `_.
@@ -70,8 +71,6 @@ The next procedure will create a clean SD card.
.. image:: pitaya-quick-start-insert-sd-card.png
-.. _windows:
@@ -114,9 +113,6 @@ Windows
.. image:: SDcard_Win_Exit.png
-.. _linux:
@@ -184,8 +180,6 @@ Command line
#. Wait until the process has finished.
-.. _macos:
diff --git a/doc/quickStart/alucase/alucase.rst b/doc/quickStart/alucase/alucase.rst
index 702e6763d..b261213b7 100644
--- a/doc/quickStart/alucase/alucase.rst
+++ b/doc/quickStart/alucase/alucase.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ In the aluminum case, we want to take a look here.
-.. image:: rp_alucase_02.jpg
+.. figure:: rp_alucase_02.jpg
Red Pitaya Aluminum Case: delivery
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ A property that was, today, hardly anywhere is mentioned
and given the heat that the Red Pitaya generates, seems extremely useful,
I was a bit surprised: The entire case acts as a heat sink.
-.. image:: rp_alucase_03.jpg
+.. figure:: rp_alucase_03.jpg
Red Pitaya Aluminum Case: Interior
diff --git a/doc/quickStart/quickStart.rst b/doc/quickStart/quickStart.rst
index b46ba5cbc..b0e87dcfc 100644
--- a/doc/quickStart/quickStart.rst
+++ b/doc/quickStart/quickStart.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Quick start
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 5
+ :maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/blinking-all-led-on.png b/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/blinking-all-led-on.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8a125887
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/blinking-all-led-on.png differ
diff --git a/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst b/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
index 6c0f5606d..c52d4174b 100644
--- a/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
+++ b/doc/quickStart/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.rst
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ What if this doesn't help?
Connecting to Red Pitaya
-#. First check the LEDs:
+.. image:: blinking-all-led-on.png
-.. image::
+#. First check the LEDs:
If Green LED is not ON or it is blinking.
Seems like something is wrong with the power supply or maybe it’s USB cable.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Connecting to Red Pitaya
#. Make sure your Red Pitaya and computer are connected to same local network
-#. If you are Windows users make sure you have installed bonjur.
+#. If you are a Windows users make sure you have installed bonjur.
Slow WIFI connection
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ please check the following:
* check the wifi signal strength on your PC/tablet/smartphone
* check the wifi signal strength of your Red Pitaya.
+ .. TODO dodaj link do direktorija
#. Connect to your Red Pitaya via SSH connection. `How? <>`_
#. Enter ``cat /proc/net/wireless`` command in order to get